• Re: Democrat sex offender Diego Hernandez.

    From Democrats Deny Biological Genders@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 23 11:54:49 2022
    XPost: alt.politics.marijuana, you.can.thank.the.democrats, soc.support.transgendered
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.journalism.newspapers, va.politics

    An Oregon lawmaker considered a "rising star" in Democratic circles
    announced Sunday that he will resign from the legislature following
    accusations from multiple women that he created a hostile workplace.

    State representative Diego Hernandez, a Portland Democrat, made the announcement days before a vote that would have made him the first
    Oregon legislator expelled by his colleagues. A bipartisan 4-0
    committee voted to recommend his expulsion from the legislature
    earlier this month over accusations that he sexually harassed three
    women who work in the Capitol.

    The Oregon legislature has never expelled a member before, but the
    18 allegations against Hernandez, including that he threatened to
    undermine the careers of two women if they did not enter into
    relationships with him, were likely viewed as sufficient to remove
    the recently reelected Democrat.

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