• UK "Free" ??? No ! Free Speech, Unsanctioned Ideas, Are JAILABLE Offens

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 14 01:00:07 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.uk, alt.politics.usa


    A football fan who sent England manager Gareth Southgate a
    'disgraceful, unacceptable, racist rant' has narrowly avoided
    being sent to prison.

    Brian Martin, 56, fired off an abusive email to Southgate at
    the end of England's Nations League defeat to Hungary in June,
    criticising him for selecting black players to take penalties
    in last year's Euros final and also the team for taking the
    knee, York Magistrates' Court heard on Tuesday.

    . . .

    Jail ???

    Anyone who thinks the UK is a "free country"
    is FULL OF IT ! There is NO "free speech",
    NO "freedom of conscience", NO freedom to
    think. You do/think/say what The State dictates,
    repeat The Daily Truth - OR ELSE.

    THE TEST of a Free State is that you DO hear
    ideas/speech/perspectives that The State, even
    Most People, don't LIKE to hear.

    The UK FAILS The Test. It's become pretty much
    China, Iran, NK, with a posh accent. The UK govt
    LIVES IN FEAR of what The People ACTUALLY think.
    Seems the Witch Hunters of olde are alive and well ...
    just different witches these days.

    How did this happen ? First they FOUGHT the NAZIs,
    only to .............

    Orwell was not intended to be a operators manual.

    And how can the USA call such people friends/allies ???

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