• 15m views: AP's 259th unpublished book of science for no publisher want

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 4 15:39:05 2023
    Secretary Blinken:: I was wrong, illegal settlement building is helpful, for we now will have King David's 1/2 of Gaza strip. Cheers King David Netanyahu, skoal, as the two sip champagne.

    King David Netanyahu:: Now we use the same game plan on West Bank, we build illegal settlements right up to Jenin, Nablus, Hebron and the moment any violence breaks out, we bomb them to pieces and bulldoze the city and with your American aid of 14
    billion dollars, build new Israeli cities. Come over when we do that Anthony.

    Secretary Blinken:: Love to come over although where do the Palestinians go?

    King David Netanyahu:: We push them into Jordan, laughing laughing and laughing.

    Little Angel in the Room:: America will be sorry for being the world's hypocrite and sucker, for the Arab world will not tolerate a genocide of Palestinians and their land all because of Warrior King David Netanyahu aided by a suckered America. The Arab
    world, even Europe can see a retaliation the likes America never saw. America should be aiding the suffering Palestinians from the bully Israel who never wants a Two State Solution, and only wants to steal all the land of Palestinians. Land stealing

    Secretary Blinken and President Biden:: You have a right to defend yourself Israel and steal all the land that was King David of Israel in Ancient times. King David Netanyahu, how will you steal Jerusalem from the Arabs???

    King David Netanyahu:: We save that last, for we encircle Jerusalem and then fence it off and have the army surrounding it. Letting no food water and fuel in until they all flee to Egypt or Jordan. Laughing, laughing and more laughing...

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