• Kibo on voting their way to peace in the Middle East Israeli-Palestinia

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to Volney on Mon Oct 23 15:19:45 2023
    Kibo Parry Volney CIA Burns,NSA Nakasone Israel-Palestine updates

    Kibo is Israeli illegal settlements now reached the size of state of Rhode Island 4,000km^2 or 12% short of Israel size 20,770km^2 from Kibo's math sheet. Kibo Parry, at this rate there is nothing left of the West Bank.
    Kibo so dumb and pathetic failure of math and science-- he thinks 938 is 12% short of 945.

    Bill Burns & General Paul Nakasone math training needs some -- back to basics.
    On Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 12:30:22 AM UTC-6, Michael Moroney wrote:
    Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
    Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
    Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 9:52:21 AM UTC-6, Michael Moroney wrote:
    Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572. A proton is about the mass
    of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.

    On Monday, October 23, 2023 at 2:23:33 PM UTC-5, Volney wrote:
    "imp of physics"
    "howling crazy fuckdog"

    Kibo Parry Moron-Volney blowing his cover with the CIA in 1997
    Re: Archimedes Vanadium, America's most beloved poster
    On Sunday, June 8, 1997 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, Scott Dorsey wrote:
    In article <5nefan$i06$9...@news.thecia.net> kibo greps <ki...@shell.thecia.net> writes:

    Solving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the easiest way possible-- voting// political science
    by Archimedes Plutonium

    Preface: In 2019, there was word filtering down in the news that President Trump had a plan for Israel and Palestinians that would in my opinion make the Palestinians suffer even more of their 56 year occupation by Israel, their squalid living conditions
    and little hope of a free future. So I set myself to the task of figuring out the very finest and easiest solution to this nightmare of a problem for 4.8 million Palestinians opposed by 9.7 million Israelis that were occupying and oppressing them. The
    solution I came up with had to be such that it mobilized the Israelis along with the Palestinians in a tandem tied together solution. The solution I came up with was the simple act of Voting, especially voting for a prime minister in Israel. A solution
    that would end the bloodshed and ongoing violence. Sadly no-one took my recommendations in 2019, but now in October of 2023 with a huge attack upon Israelis by Hamas in Gaza strip, with hostages, and the threat of massive killing of Palestinians, here I
    am again proposing my solution.

    Israelis are used to voting, not so the Arabs or Palestinians are __not used to voting__. But voting is what lifted Black Americans and lifted Native American Indians. And I am sure that voting will lift the Palestinians. For nothing is much worse than
    the present state of Palestinian peoples, living in poverty, squalor, little hope of a future.

    Cover Picture: Is my photograph of a Google search on flags of Palestinians and Israel.

    Table of Contents

    1) My history on this idea of voting to solve Israel-Palestine Conflict.

    2) Modern Israel seeks all the lands of Ancient Israel, an Anachronism of modern political-life.

    3) Countries seeking their Ancient borderlines turns Earth into a hell-hole.

    4) The March 2020 election between Gantz and Netanyahu.

    5) Voting mechanism will drive Israel to seek a Two State Solution.

    6) Israel has subjugated, oppressed and occupied Palestinians.

    7) There are 4.8 million Palestinians and 9.7 Israelis.

    8) Hamas, release the hostages safely, for violence does not work; Voting works.

    9) Palestinians in their 56 year occupation, the longest occupation in history.

    10) Russia is fast steal of land of Ukraine and genocide; Israel is slow steal of land Palestine and genocide.

    11) Imagine a peaceful and happy Israel-Palestine, all because of Voting.


    1) My history on this idea of voting to solve Israel-Palestine Conflict.

    My plan started in 2019 after hearing of more of the then President Trump enslavement plan of the Palestinians.

    My plan picks up momentum by January of 2020.

    AP's Peace Plan for Palestine-Israeli Peace Plan (far better than the Trump enslavement plan) // Science Council Ruling Earth rather than frail weak minds of dictators or democracies.

    Newsgroups: sci.physics
    Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 22:53:54 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: AP's Peace Plan for Palestine-Israel Peace Plan (far better than the Trump enslavement plan) // Science Council Ruling Earth rather than frail weak minds of dictators or democracies
    From: Archimedes Plutonium

    Alright, I was watching DW news tonight with talk about the Trump-Netanyahu Plan. And that plan is really a confiscation of all the most desirable land, leaving the Palestinians with deserts, no water, and underground tunnels to get around. DW is an
    excellent news agency, and describing this Trump plan is something you might see in a "science fiction", and I would say, a "science fiction horror movie" not a government plan for a race of people of the Palestinians. I mean, well, Trump treats the
    Palestinians as if they were what? For I see no glimmer of dignity for the Palestinians.

    Trump's plan in summary still leaves a Israeli occupation over Palestinians for they have no Airspace and their borders sealed. So, what is in it for the Palestinians-- nothing, but enslavement. And underground tunnels to get around in? And the stealing
    of all the land that is worthy.

    So, I like to offer AP's Peace Plan. A plan that gives "Dignity to a race of people, whose dignity has been denied and stripped of them, with decades of occupation and settlement incursions on their land".

    I propose that in the upcoming election between Benny Gantz and BB Netanyahu, coming up I believe in March, very soon indeed.

    That the entire Palestinian Peoples all rise up and vote on that very same day. Vote for either Gantz or Netanyahu. Vote on papers, so the Palestinian government or Authorities can collect all the ballots and if need be, deposit them in the International

    So, if all the Palestinians vote for Gantz, and he would win with that vote. But the Israeli Netanyahu government not recognize the Palestinian vote and run off and say that BB won, for he only won by suppression of the Occupied Palestinians.

    And here is where Abbas and the Palestinian Authority take all those paper votes and introduce them to the International Courts as evidence. Evidence of a occupied people, stripped of rights and dignity, with no land to call home.

    Perhaps there is a law in International Laws that would dictate the Israeli's acknowledge the Palestinian votes of March 2020, and that Israel must accept those votes along with Israel's own votes. For there probably is something in International Laws,
    some precedent that forces Israel to accept the Palestinian votes on March 2020.

    Saying that because the Palestinians are an Occupied and put in slavery by Israel, that the Palestinians have no land for which the Occupiers of Israel deny them of human dignity and rights of votes.

    As long as Palestine is Occupied with no land, their rights of governance is denied them by Israel.

    So, on the very same day that Israel votes for either Gantz or Netanyahu, have elections in Palestine on paper ballots voting for either Gantz or Netanyahu.

    End this mockery of occupation, land stealing, and enslavement of a peoples.

    The USA seems to have not wanted to be a "fair broker" especially since Trump gained office.

    End the mockery, and let the International Courts settle this Palestine-Israel Conflict. USA seems unable to ever be a "fair broker", so let the International Court be the broker. And start that brokerage with the Israel March election.

    Have the Palestinians all vote in that same election in their occupied territories, vote either for Gantz or Netanyahu. And if Israel does not count your votes, then haul all the paper ballots to the International Court, and let them decide, who the next
    Prime Minister of Israel is on March 2020.

    The alternative then, is, Israel gives Palestinians all the West Bank and Gaza and removes the settlements, or, Palestine peoples will vote in every Israel election hence, forward.

    2) Modern Israel seeks all the lands of Ancient Israel, an Anachronism of modern political-life.

    It has been baffling for leaders of the USA and other western nations and allies, why Israel does not seem or want to conform to a two state solution. And where violence and war is ever brewing and simmering, a perpetual warring and bombing and missiling
    of Israel and Palestinians.

    Baffling because, most western countries do not understand, almost every Israeli is feeling and passionately feeling the desire of Modern Israel be the same land that was Ancient Israel, with all of Jerusalem, not a portion of Jerusalem but all of

    Why, even the UK, United Kingdom, England has a national song with the word "Jerusalem" in the national song.

    How many times, yes, how many times has the United States, the closest ally of Israel, asked Israel to stop settlement building on West Bank Palestinian land? Is it 100,000 times they asked Israel to stop building settlements on Palestinian land, saying "
    it is not helpful" in achieving a two state solution.

    3) Countries seeking their Ancient borderlines turns Earth into a hell-hole.

    And this is a modern anachronism of political science. Modern day people who look back in time of their country and seek that larger country it was in past times.

    What if Mexico decided to regain its Ancient Mexico borders and started settlement building in USA state of Texas?

    What if Russia decided it wants Ukraine land because in the past, it had Ukraine land, and so invades Ukraine.

    What if China wants its old past border of what is now Vladivostok-- called Haishenwai under the great Qing dynasty. What if China wanted that back, now, do we go into World War 3 or 4?

    What I am saying is that people, politicians looking to regain lands of Ancient times, only create havoc and panic and death to thousands of people over their misguided dreams and desires.

    Humanity must go forward with hopes of a better world, better society, not backwards to regain what was lost in the past.

    4) The March 2020 election between Gantz and Netanyahu.

    Archimedes Plutonium
    Jan 29, 2020, 1:34:02 PM
    to sci.physics, plutonium-atom-universe
    Please, Palestine, have one of your best allies draw up ballots, paper ballots, so that every Palestinian in the 2 March Israeli election can vote for either Gantz or for Netanyahu. Have a place for the Palestinian voter to sign the ballot in case Israel
    does not want to recognize the vote. And if need be, to cart all the voted ballots to the International Court, in case Netanyahu tries to suppress and reject the votes.

    Sample Ballot (paper ballots)

    Vote for by circling your choice or by a checkmark by his name, or both circle and checkmark

    Benny Gantz

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    signature of voter in case he/she needs to be contacted by International Court of Justice

    Newsgroups: sci.physics
    Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 11:33:59 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: Please, Palestine, have one of your best allies draw up ballots, paper ballots, so that every Palestinian in the 2 March Israeli election can vote for either Gantz or Netanyahu // Science Council Ruling Earth
    From: Archimedes Plutonium

    Please, Palestine, have one of your best allies draw up ballots, paper ballots, so that every Palestinian in the 2 March Israeli election can vote for either Gantz or Netanyahu // Science Council Ruling Earth

    Please, Palestine, have one of your best allies draw up ballots, paper ballots, so that every Palestinian in the 2 March Israeli election can vote for either Gantz or for Netanyahu. Have a place for the Palestinian voter to sign the ballot in case Israel
    does not want to recognize the vote. And if need be, to cart all the voted ballots to the International Court, in case Netanyahu tries to suppress and reject the votes.

    Sample Ballot (paper ballots)

    Vote for by circling your choice or by a checkmark by his name, or both circle and checkmark

    Benny Gantz

    Benjamin Netanyahu

    signature of voter in case he/she needs to be contacted by International Court of Justice

    On Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 2:08:54 PM UTC-6, Archimedes Plutonium wrote in sci.physics:

    Quoting Wikipedia—-

    In 1965 the Voting Rights Act (VRA) put an end to individual states' claims on whether or not Natives were allowed to vote through a federal law. Section 2 of the VRA states that, "No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice,
    or procedure, shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision to deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color". Further sections describe the measures taken if violations to this act
    are discovered.

    However, efforts by states and municipalities to disenfranchise Native Americans are ongoing, such that there have been about 74 cases brought by or on behalf of Natives under the VRA or the Fourteenth or Fifteenth Amendment since 1965. These in the most
    part have proved to be successful to upholding the rights of Native Americans as citizens of the United States. Most of these cases are centered on states that have large reservations, or Native populations, such as New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma.
    --- end quoting Wikipedia ---

    5) Voting mechanism will drive Israel to seek a Two State Solution.

    Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:43:37 -0800 (PST)
    From: Archimedes Plutonium
    To: Plutonium Atom Universe <plutonium-a...@googlegroups.com>
    Subject: The moment Israel has to allow the Palestinian votes into their general election, is the moment that Israel will look for peace in a two-state solution, otherwise...

    The moment Israel has to allow the Palestinian votes into their general election, is the moment that Israel will look for peace in a two-state solution, otherwise...

    Otherwise, Israel will just claw away, nibble and naw away every strip of land of the Palestinians until there is no more West Bank or Gaza. As long as Israel can elect people like Netanyahu, there never will be a two state solution.

    If Trump and Netanyahu had their wish, they would wish that cargo ships would dock at Israel ports and all Palestinians-- cattle prodded into boarding the ships and sent off to some remot