• To be masters, all; not slaves to a few, must be the goal for humanity.

    From Arindam Banerjee@21:1/5 to Timothy Golden on Thu Aug 31 13:59:33 2023
    n Friday, 1 September 2023 at 03:04:12 UTC+10, Timothy Golden wrote:
    On Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 5:08:32 AM UTC-4, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
    On Thursday, 31 August 2023 at 13:32:17 UTC+10, Sylvia Else wrote:
    On 03-Aug-23 10:48 pm, Alan Folmsbee wrote:
    On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 12:09:14 AM UTC-4, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
    A photon is a brief pulse of electromagnetic radiation, of high
    frequency, seen as an electromagnetic phenomenon and NOT a burst of >> strange energy with peculiar schizophrenic properties - particle
    now, wave when required.
    So how does an stellar interferometer work with photons?


    Could not find the word photon in your link, nor a sight of it in the links on stellar interferometry.
    No interferometry is possible without the wave nature of light.
    It's a very good problem to study the wavelength and propose a geometry.
    The accounting of photons is not necessarily well understood.
    There are no such things as photons as apart from being a brief pulse of electromagnetic radiation.
    Photons come from e=mcc which is rubbish as light speed is variant, and inertia is overcome with certain electrodynamics as my rail gun experiements prove.
    So there are no photons as particles.
    Only waves.
    And don't I know it, I created microwave antenna radiators, used them as phased arrays, for 12 years as an antenna development engineer.
    THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS PHOTONS involving e=mcc=hv.
    Which means, that so-called modern physics based upon e=mcc=hv is a cruel, disastrous, rotten, evil joke.
    True the whole world of institutions uphold that, and that is why this world sucks.

    For instance no claim of conservation of photons exists
    Wave motion gets arrested or gets merged with other waves in far outer space to form the background noise.
    As well, if we take the particle view of the photon then it suffers some peculiar properties when we take its reference frame seriously.
    Because the particle theory is totally wrong, so, naturally.
    A photon will age exactly 0 seconds from its emission at A to its absorption at B; no matter how far apart A and B are.
    Meanwhile the distance that it traveled is likewise short-circuited. This zero dimensional nature of the photon goes undiscussed. That it has ray properties is a geometrical concept. There is a confluence with polysign numbers here that I'd get into
    elsewhere hopefully soon.

    It has ray with wavelength properties since it behaves as a wave.
    And so, useful for engineering and science.
    Read the aphorisms of Arindam. https://groups.google.com/g/sci.physics/c/8HgH3sbRe94/m/gYzu9OAkAgAJ
    They will take us to the stars, and solve many problems on Earth relating to motion and energy.

    To ask whether this experiment is actually possible seems to be already swept under the rug, so to speak. In some regards we can place doubt on the possibility of even providing the experimental control of an atom of hydrogen, say, at position A, being
    energized and yielding a photon of a particular wavelength which then travels to another atom B some distance from A in some sort of apparatus. I would think that the probability of this experiment succeeding is too slight.

    Don't know what you are talking about.

    It's a neat place to keep an open mind.

    One must not say that right is wrong and wrong is right.
    That does not show an open mind.
    It shows a weak, corrupt mind.

    As the electron became recognized as having an inherent magnetic moment, Maxwell's equations suffered a blow, though nobody seems to care.

    Of course the electron has an inherent magnetic moment as it circles the atom, for then it forms a circular current which must have a magnetic moment with it.
    That is a phenomenon well understood in classical physics. Take any coil.
    It follows from the laws of Maxwell.
    Every circulating current creates a magnetic field perpendicular to its plane.

    Thus there are circulating currents in the iron core of the Earth that creates the Earth's magnetic field. Ditto for the sun and other planets.
    The magnetic moment only confirmed Maxwell's laws.
    I have modified Newton's laws.
    It is from Newton-Arindam-Maxwell that fuiture engineering will take off - the rubbish or scifi stuff from Eisntein must be binned asap.
    The world must throw out e=mcc=hv for peace and prosperity, joy and splendour, and expansion to the stars.
    With the Internal Force Engines and the Hydrogen Transmission Network.

    And using Natural Intelligence with my mathematics for simulation of complex situations, as opposed ot being robotically inclined towards AI.

    To be masters, all; not slaves to a few, must be the goal for humanity.

    Decency matters, for harmony, to control egos and interests; so my works are not confined to the sciences.

    Raw charge is a misnomer. In some ways this is the ultimate Maxwellian realization.

    Don't know what you are talking about.

    Arindam Banerjee

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