• 38-TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS-- only math textbooks with a valid proof o

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 28 19:16:39 2023
    Now if Dr.Panchanathan can call off his silly barking fuckdogs with all of them including Panchanathan with their Dunning Kruger insanity. AP can continue to develop the geometry proof-- for my diagrams have never explored the function with a downward
    slope, only an upward slope, and I need to elaborate on that.

    So, NSF Dr. Panchanathan pull your head out of your arsehole and call off your barking fuckdogs that you must pay so handsomely, for they are shitheads in their stalking fervor.

    And 1/2 of the reason Usenet is mostly dead, with little to no true names of posters or dot edu addresses, half the reason for the deadness is police and FBI and CIA spam, but the other half is idiots in the NSF (not certain of this) idiots in the NSF
    paying minor idiots to stalk.

    Still, I request Dr. Panchanathan step down, because NSF minimum requirement is someone who knows the Maxwell Equations, and I bet the only thing Panch knows is how to play 1980s computer games-- chutes and ladders, Pacman. Am I correct on that Panch?????


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