• a) AP's 231st book of Science//All Things are made up of Atoms. The Uni

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to Archimedes Plutonium on Sun Mar 12 10:26:04 2023
    Archimedes Plutonium<plutonium.archimedes@gmail.com>
    Mar 11, 2023, 8:10:10 PM (15 hours ago)

    to Plutonium Atom Universe
    Alright I need to include Feynman's modern statement of the Ancient Greek Atomic theory. I am quoting from my historic 8th edition of Atom Totality.

    So the Atomic Theory is special in the history of science.

    So what is the Atomic Theory of Democritus and what is it today?

    Democritus said words to the effect: "The only things that exist are
    atoms and the void".

    Now I ask you. None of us dispute that whenever we point to a material
    object we know it is composed of atoms. When we point to mass and
    matter we know it is composed of atoms. Even the gases and air we
    breathe on Earth are made of atoms.

    And what is the modern day Atomic Theory, and here I point to the statement of Feynman:

    --- quoting ---
    The Feynman Lectures on Physics, 1963
    page 1-2
    If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generations of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? I believe it is the Atomic hypothesis (
    or the atomic fact, or whatever you wish to call it) that All things are made up of atoms-- little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one
    --- end quote ---

    So we have no trouble with either Democritus or Feynman in understanding the Atomic theory. But there is trouble, and the trouble comes when we ask what about the Universe itself as a entity, a structure. Is it a non-entity and structureless. Or, is it a
    atom, a single atom which would complete the Logic. Which would push the Atomic theory of Democritus and as the Feynman statement, push the Atomic Theory to
  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 12 23:57:48 2023
    I probably do not have the time at the moment. And I can always later add on more new chapters of transforming the Syllogism to that of pure Symbolic Logic.

    1) All Existence is one of 1 of 118 Atomic Elements.
    2) Atoms are the last and final cut of existence which is a definition of an atom as being the last and final cut.
    3) Atoms have parts and pieces that can extend far beyond the atom it came from. Such parts and pieces are subatomic particles, photons, neutrinos and other parts and pieces.
    4) The Universe as a whole exists, hence and therefore, it is one of 1 of 118 Atomic Elements.
    5) Atoms have void of empty space inside them and the Space of astronomy and the Universe exist because these exist as parts inside of Atoms. The Voids of astronomy and cosmic gamma ray bursts are parts and pieces of the Cosmic Atom, not the microscopic
    atoms inside the Cosmic Atom.
    6) The special numbers of Physics and of mathematics such as Fine Structure Constant, Pi and 2.71828... point to element 94, specifically 231Pu as the Cosmic Atom.

    And that syllogism is a unique one of a kind in all of Logic science. Because it has that unique beginning of (1) Every Existence.... a back to back quantifiers of Universal with Existence. Impossible for any other items except for the Atomic Theory of

    A question immediately pops to mind? Is Existence of Every, different from Every Existence??? See if I can come up with some answer or clue now? In Atomic Theory only atoms exist and hence Every Existence is every atom, calling into question what does
    existence mean. Whereas Existence of Every seems to ask for something else-- like a roll call of sorts. Have to think some more on that.

    And I regrettably have to say, that the symbols of Symbolic Logic sadly do not comply to modern day computers such as the upside down A for Every or the backward E for existence.

    So let me just write it in plain english.

    1) Every Existence..

    And my contention or speculation is that only in Atomic theory can one use Every Existence back to back. Only Atomic theory. And the idea that seems to be seeping through in that expression is that Atoms create Existence of each and everything we see, do
    or think. Why, that Every Existence.. even creates the subject of Logic, creates logic that then can form syllogisms and symbolic logic.

    So powerful is the Syllogism that it hints of the mechanism that is the cause of existence-- a muon going around inside a proton torus in perpetual motion creating new electricity via the Faraday law.

    To biology, it would be like saying a animal is created and is alive only when a heart pumps blood throughout the body.

    And up to recently, I was never fully happy with All things are made up of atoms, the Universe is a thing, hence the Universe is a single atom of 231Pu.

    But now I am fully happy, because observations of vast Voids in astronomy where no atoms exist. Or observations of Cosmic Gamma Ray bursts more energy than all the energy in the Sun or even the Milky Way Galaxy. And obviously neither can exist in any
    microscopic atom-- but both can exist if the Universe itself were a single big 231Pu Atom. This instantly tosses out and debunks the childish and foolish Big Bang theory.

    So as the months and perhaps years roll by, I will again become enthused to write out the Syllogism in pure Symbolic Logic, for it may have further insights.

    AP, King of Science, especially Physics & Logic

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