• About my previous post about mixed workload and eCommerce websites

    From Ramine@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 15:47:34 2016

    About my previous post about mixed workload and eCommerce websites..

    You have seen my previous general solution about this case..

    I will make it more precise: if you want to apply the
    USL methodology with my USL programs to mixed workload
    of eCommerce websites, i think here is necessary

    1- the mean of the inter-arrivals of the internet users is
    assumed to be a good approximation.

    2- the webserver database systems must be set with the
    right number of cores and the right number of threads
    that ensure a more linear scalability.

    3- the internet network is assumed to have a more linear
    scalability even if its derivate of itslinear scalability is negative.

    So those necessary conditions permit the nonlinear regression
    of my USL programs to predict scalability of eCommerce websites.

    So that makes my USL programs an amazing great tools to foerecast
    scalability, and it makes the USL methodology an amazing great tool.

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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