• Re: Maximum socializing on the golf course

    From Stephan O. Merckens@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 13 05:43:46 2023
    Hello Mr. Harvey,

    for our golf travelling group I used Warwick Harveys modesl to „solve“ the problem he described in "The Fully Social Golfer Problem" to staff the flights.

    Now we have additional 4 golfers who want to join us so there is the need to expand the models on page no.79 ("Table 1. All unique solutions to the 3-4-5 instance of the Fully Social Golfer Problem“) by a forth flight. As I am very unexperienced in
    statistics I would like to ask if it would be possible for someone here to provide an updated table as mentioned above for 4 flights?

    Thanks a lot in advance for your support!

    Best regards/ Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Stephan O. Merckens

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