• 1964 Ad Flashback

    From JAB@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 30 10:57:11 2023
    1964 Ad Flashback: When Analog Computers Walked the Earth To solve
    engineering problems, the go-to machine used to be analog, not digital

    Many of the first practical nonhuman computers were analog machines,
    most famously the mechanical Differential Analyzer built by Vannevar
    Bush in 1931. Even after digital computers arrived, analog computers
    remained popular into the 1970s, especially for simulations (they were
    used to drive flight simulators for the X-15 [pdf] rocket plane and
    early spacecraft). And innovation continued well beyond the
    Differential Analyzer's wheels and cogs. As advertised in March 1964,
    this PACE TR-48 analog computer was not only "fully transistorized"
    but also mobile--once you put it on its stand and pushed it to another electrical outlet.


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