• Why Europeans are worried about African babies

    From David P@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 15 23:31:50 2021
    Why Europeans are worried about African babies
    by Gaia Baracetti, 12/14/21, Overpopulation Project

    Let’s not start with Prince William for once. Let’s begin
    with the great Italian poet Giovanni Pascoli. He was one
    of those rare rural poets who actually knew rural life,
    with intimacy and familiarity, who didn’t just use it as
    a romantic backdrop or an excuse for metaphors. He knew its
    animals and flowers, its cycles and rhythms; sometimes,
    reading his poems aloud, one finds oneself singing with
    the birds. Or thundering in the night.

    Pascoli was a man of his time, the late 19th & early 20th
    centuries: a time of large families, widespread poverty &
    high child mortality – all recurring themes in his poems.
    He was also a socialist.

    In 1911, Pascoli gave a speech in support of Italian
    soldiers in the war with the Ottoman Empire in Libya,
    titled La grande proletaria si e mossa – The Great
    Proletarian has aroused. The “Great Proletarian” is, of
    course, Italy. A proletarian is someone so poor they can
    only claim ownership of their prole, their children. That
    was his point: Italian workers, so numerous, so exploited,
    are finally rising up to the challenge of expanding,
    conquering and civilising. That is, of colonialism.

    That expansion was aimed across the sea towards Northern
    Africa. Many times in history the people of the Mediterr-
    anean have taken turns in fighting, conquering, enslaving
    & invading each other, often with claims of superiority to
    justify the bloodshed. In 1911, smelling what was coming,
    would the Northern Africans have been justified in worrying
    about Italy’s demographic trends? I think so.

    The conquest of Libya celebrated in such exalted terms by
    Giovanni Pascoli, & then the further expansion into Abyssinia
    at the initiative of another socialist (later fascist) from
    Romagna hoping to revive the long-gone Roman Empire, Benito
    Mussolini, brought to Africa yet more violence & misery. For
    the aggression Italy was put under sanctions by the League
    of Nations – somewhat hypocritically, as Italy was just the
    latest participant in an enterprise the other Euro nations
    had been busy with for centuries.

    It was now “our” turn to relieve internal pressure thru
    external expansion. To Pascoli, the conquering soldiers & the
    hard-working migrants were one & the same. “Why am I calling
    them heroes? Proletarians, workers, farmers,” reads his speech.

    Many people will be offended at the suggested association
    between migration & colonisation. But some of the greatest
    mass aggressions of human history – such as the Barbarian
    Invasions of the late Roman Empire, or the European conquest
    of the Americas – began as regular, even humble, migrations.

    Colonisations & invasions are certainly not the prerogative of

    Europeans – pretty much any people has been guilty of them at
    some point – & they always stem from overshoot of some kind.
    For all the elites making grand speeches offering reasons to
    invade, it takes masses hungry enough to go thru the trouble
    of leaving home & fighting in order to carry out the plan.

    We can now move on to Prince William. Recently, he once again
    attracted controversy by saying: “The increasing pressure on
    Africa’s wildlife & spaces as a result of human population
    presents a huge challenge for conservationists, as it does
    the world over.”

    For such a carefully worded statement of the obvious, the
    backlash sure was fierce. Racist! Sexist! Eco-fascist! Rich
    white people (with 3 kids!) can't tell poor black people how
    many babies to have! And not just Prince William – David
    Attenborough (2 kids), Jane Goodall (one), even Emmanuel
    Macron (none)… they are all white elitists.

    This is where the topic broadens too much for a single essay.
    I’ll let these famous individuals defend themselves. I’d
    just like to say that I believe they aren't the only ones
    who worry about what rampant population growth will do to
    Africa’s great wild habitats & to the last megafauna on the
    planet left relatively untouched by human expansion. I've
    gathered the impression that many Africans themselves are
    proud of their beautiful nature, of their varied wildernesses,
    of sharing their land with such magnificent animals. If these
    animals were hunted or starved to extinction, Africans, of
    any colour, would lose out – not just in terms of tourism
    revenues, but also in identity, culture, company... & the
    world as a whole would be poorer. We all have the right
    to be worried.

    Also, what are we supposed to do? Give up on the giraffes
    because we blew our chance with the mammoths?

    As much as racism is real & a force in history, this new
    fashion of making everything be about race has the effect of
    dividing us more than uniting us as humans, & of obfuscating
    true responsibilities & very complex challenges. It's also
    created a worldview that sometimes appears to be dominant
    everywhere, that paradoxically affirms rather than renounces
    racism – the idea that whatever happens anywhere in the world,
    no matter the complicities, choices or interests of the people

    involved, is always & solely white people’s fault. Everyone
    just has no say in how their country is run or their nature
    treated, not even in Africa or Asia, except white capitalists,
    white governments, & their apologists.

    The argument dismissing concern about developing countries’
    birth rates also revolves around the idea that Western over-
    consumption, & not population growth per se, should be blamed
    for environmental destruction. This in turn rests on 3 very
    odd assumptions: 1, that any one phenomenon can only have one
    cause; 2, that poor people have no impact on the environment,
    even when they number in the billions, &, 3, that the exploding

    populations of Africa are all poor & will stay poor forever.
    And, unlike Pascoli’s great proletarians, never go anywhere
    else. But Gallup polls now suggest that 1 in 3 African adults
    wants to emigrate.

    Yes, it’s true: Europeans are worried about African babies.
    That isn't because they don't value African lives. On the
    contrary: I don't think it’s “white saviourism” to point out
    how many efforts are made by Westerners, among others, for
    the sake of African children: in terms of aid, medical or
    development assistance, & adoptions.

    Let’s go back to Libya. The Mediterranean pendulum has swung
    once again. Italians left long ago; Libya's now the stepping
    stone for migration in the opposite direction: from Sub-
    Saharan Africa, after a perilous journey across the desert,
    in the hands of smugglers, rapists, kidnappers & torturers.
    In the final stage of this long-distance migration many drown
    in the sea. Many others make it to Italy. Besides the constant
    worry about the loss of human lives, the consequences are growing

    profits for local & transnational criminal networks, polarisation
    in the receiving societies, & the resurgence of the far right.

    And it’s not just Italy & Libya. Morocco & Spain, Turkey & Greece,

    Belarus & Poland, even France & Great Britain...it’s
    gotten to the point that migrants from the South & East of
    Europe are cynically being used as pawns in geopolitical
    conflicts that much predate their arrival. Authoritarian
    regimes exploit them as bargaining chips for money & political

    influence from the EU. And it keeps getting worse.

    No country can take in this many people, with so many more on
    the way, without losing social cohesion & economic stability.
    Yet they can't be sent back to Libya, where they face horren-
    dous abuses, nor to their home countries, which don't have
    enough jobs for all their young people, constantly growing in
    number, constantly fighting over dwindling resources. Just as
    the Europeans themselves have been doing until not so long
    ago. And if it was bad when the Europeans did it, & there was
    fewer of us, imagine what it’s going to be like in the near
    future with the population of Nigeria alone projected to reach,
    even with declining birth rates, 400 million people in a
    couple decades. That's close to the population of the entire
    European Union today—which already includes millions of
    African-born migrants from both sides of the Sahara.

    One thing about Europeans, perhaps more so than some other
    cultures, is that we're acutely aware of history. We see the
    marks it left in the landscape, we learn about it in schools,
    in our 1000s of years of literature, it’s in our conversations
    & in the very air we breathe. We're obsessed with warning signs.

    Pascoli’s birth place, San Mauro, in Romagna in Central Italy,
    was renamed San Mauro Pascoli in his honour. It's the village
    where my maternal grandmother was born.

    I know that part of Italy fairly well. It is almost unrecog-
    nisable from the countryside idyll Pascoli celebrated in his
    poems, & others after him. Gone are the malnourished children
    – & the singing birds, too. Romagna is now a prosperous,
    cheerful wasteland. The internal uplands have been somewhat
    spared, but the coast – hyperdeveloped, incessantly built –
    is one of the most popular tourist destinations of Italy, in
    spite of not being the most beautiful. In the fertile plains,

    agriculture & animal husbandry have gone industrial.
    Warehouses, malls, big houses, roads & parking lots have
    taken over the landscape in a disorderly fashion. Trucks,
    buses & cars are constantly speeding along the roads on
    which Roman legionaries used to march.

    Romagna is the land thru which one of history’s famous rivers,
    the Rubicon, flows. In my grandfather’s village there’s a
    monument where Caesar is believed to have carried out his
    fateful decision to move his army past the river. But the
    Rubicon is now mostly reduced to a dirty puddle, leaving one
    to wonder why crossing it had been such a big deal.

    All of this was our own doing, not any immigrant’s. But
    such a prosperous place, offering abundant jobs, has
    attracted many workers from all over.

    One of the things that the champions of the worry-about-
    your-own-consumption camp seem to reliably forget is that
    Europe would be on track to slowly reduce its population, &
    therefore both its overall consumption & its exploitation
    of other continents’ resources, if it wasn’t for immigration.
    Prominent among the arguments against Prince William’s claim
    is that Europe is way more densely populated than Africa.
    It’s true, & it might remain true for a long time, as Africans
    keep risking their lives to leave their home countries &come here.

    Many of us do want some of our wild nature back – but where?
    There are too many people, everywhere. We are also uncomfor-
    table with other people being so much worse off than us. We
    feel guilty because in part we are contributing, but that’s
    not the whole story. And no reparation we can offer will
    ever suffice if the population never stops growing.

    And that’s why we worry about birth rates in Africa.


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