• Re: Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting suspect was 'basically missing h

    From Screw Your Reparations@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 17 09:21:07 2024
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    On 14 Mar 2022, Rudy Canoza <notgenx33@gmail.com> posted some news:jbNXJ.191365$oF2.33874@fx10.iad:

    Too bad they didn't blow the nigger's head off. Barack Obama caused
    all this lawless nigger behavior shit.

    A heroic Navy veteran credits his military training for helping him
    tackle suspects at the Kansas City Chiefs parade mass shooting — one of
    whom was “basically missing his jaw” after being shot.

    Lifelong Chiefs fan Tony Janssens told Fox News Digital that some people thought the startling sound of gunfire was fireworks during the
    celebratory event.

    “It didn’t sound like fireworks to me,” the Navy veteran recalled. “And
    then I heard another couple of rounds go off, and then that’s when I
    dropped to the ground again.

    “I looked over to my right where the shots were coming from, and I see a
    guy lying on the ground with a couple of bullet holes at his side, and
    he’s already kind of lying down — I kind of understand the severity of
    the situation,” Janssens continued.

    He was horrified to see many in the crowd trying to record the drama
    with their phones.

    “Like, this is real life. You need to get out of here. Like, don’t just
    sit here and try to record or anything. So I’m telling people to,
    ‘Leave! Leave! Leave!,’” he said.

    As he took off running, Janssens accidentally bumped into the three
    suspects — one of whom had a gruesome facial injury.

    “He’s basically missing his jaw, and he’s freaking out,” he said of the suspect, who was wearing a backpack.

    “He doesn’t know what to do. And then his buddies are kind of
    scrambling. They’re all like, don’t know if they should keep running or
    help his buddy, since he’s bleeding now,” Janssens said.

    “I ran into him, so I kind of backed away for a second. I’m, like, backpedaling. I’m looking at him, trying to understand what’s going on,”
    he said.

    “I didn’t know if he was a victim, or I didn’t know if he was part of
    the shooting.”

    The vet said his military training kicked in and he kept his eye on the
    wounded suspect.

    “I saw him hand over a bag to the other two individuals that he was
    with. And I see them kind of run — trying to take off and try to escape.
    And they’re running towards these two semi-trucks, and they get in
    between these two semi-trucks,” he told the outlet.

    Janssens said one of them was wearing a Carhart jacket — which seemed suspicious because it was a comfortable 65 degrees.

    He then alerted a state trooper, one of a throng of law enforcement
    officers at the ill-fated event, about the group.

    “‘I think these guys might be part of it. They just kind of look
    fishy,’” Janssens said he told the cop.

    “So as we’re walking up to him, I’m leading. I’m leading him to the
    guys. They notice that we’re walking up to him, and they start
    backpedaling a little bit. He looks like he’s kind of concealing
    something in his jacket,” he said.

    When the men began running, Janssens and the officer chased after them.

    “I’m jumping barricades, we’re running down the street, and I’m trying
    to clear people out the way. I’m yelling as I’m chasing after him, ‘Get
    this guy! Get this guy!’” he said.

    The vet said he shouted for several other people to help him tackle a

    “Luckily, these four other guys heard me. And they turn around and said
    they could hear me yelling to tackle this guy. And I saw him, and
    luckily they just stepped up and helped tackle him,” he told Fox News

    “As they were tackling him, I think I saw another guy was running away
    as well. So I kept chasing that guy and then it was just a dead pursuit.
    So I hurried back and helped these guys try to sustain the situation
    until cops arrived,” he added.

    Janssens said that when the situation was brought under control, he
    ?noticed a bag with an AR-style rifle and extended magazines, though he
    was unsure whether they were used in the mass shooting.

    “I wasn’t expecting to try to go out and do anything heroic or anything
    like that and just kind of kicked on,” he told the outlet, adding that
    he urged officials to adopt better security measures if the team wins
    the Super Bowl again next year.

    “I’m more than confident that Kansas City will come together, you know,
    try to get past and work together with everyone, get answers and just
    try to, you know, mitigate these things from happening again,” he said.

    The shooting, which killed one and injured nearly two dozen, was the
    result of a personal dispute that exploded into violence, officials said Thursday. Three people have been detained.

    8 hours ago

    This is the beauty of military training. He observed, responded, and communicated to the police and bystanders what to do. Thank you for
    caring about everyone around you and for your service to our country.

    Hal Eaed
    7 hours ago

    He would have been arrested in NYC....you know, where a heroic Marine is
    now being politically persecuted for using a choke hold to stop an
    insane and threatening person on a subway.

    https://nypost.com/2024/02/16/us-news/parade-shooting-suspect-was-missing -his-jaw-after-being-hit/

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