• Re: Joe Biden Caught In Another Lie

    From Tim Jordan@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 26 22:03:36 2023
    XPost: alt.atheism, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: talk.politics.misc

    On 26 Oct 2023, rudy sucks cocks <elonx@protonmail.com> posted some news:uhdv50$1ln8o$2@dont-email.me:

    Whenever Joe's lips are moving he's lying or sucking Obama's cock.

    Evidence shows the White House knew about President Joe Biden illegally stashing classified documents after his time in the Obama administration.

    The White House lied about being totally “surprised” about the discovery
    of the classified documents.

    In the meantime, the Biden administration supported the Dept. of Justice’s
    raid on the private residence of former President Donald Trump’s home. (Trending: Major Women’s Race Won By Two Men)

    House Oversight Committee chair James Comer wrote in a letter to special counsel Robert Hur, “The Biden family received millions of dollars from
    foreign sources while President Biden served in public office and

    “If any of the classified documents mishandled by President Biden involved countries or individuals that had financial dealings with Biden family
    members or their related companies, the Committee needs access to that information to evaluate whether our national security has been

    “President Biden’s retention of certain classified documents begs the
    question as to why he kept these particular materials,” Comer said.

    He added, “Of the many classified documents he reviewed over his lengthy career, why did President Biden keep these specific documents in his home
    and office?”

    “The sensitive nature of the information contained in the documents may
    answer that question for the Committee, which is why we seek to review
    those materials.”

    “There is no reasonable explanation as to why this many White House
    employees and lawyers were so concerned with retrieving boxes they
    believed only contained personal documents and materials,” Comer said.

    https://www.americainsider.org/2023/10/17/deeply-troubling-fact-about-joe- biden- 2/?_gl=1*pdorvp*_up*MQ..*_ga*OTU0NTM0Njc1LjE2OTgzNDUyNTI.*_ga_GEK4P3X8QM*M TY5ODM0NTI1MS4xLjAuMTY5ODM0NTI1MS4wLjAuMA..

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