• Pat Robertson, Who Cheerfully Supported The Mass Slaughter of 58 People

    From Pat In HELL@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 22 02:28:27 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.misc, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: or.politics, alt.atheism

    Televangelist Pat Robertson links Las Vegas attack to ‘disrespect’ for

    Right-wing televangelist and one-time presidential candidate Pat Robertson
    on Monday linked the Las Vegas massacre to “disrespect” for President
    Donald Trump and the National Anthem.

    “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m trying to make sense of this, I’m sure you are.
    … Violence in the streets. Why is it happening?” Robertson asked on “The
    700 Club” while responding to the massacre. “You know, what I’d like to
    give you is the fact that we have disrespect for authority. There is
    profound disrespect of our President all across this nation. They say
    terrible things about him.”

    Robertson has spoken highly of Trump as commander in chief, calling him
    “God’s man for this job.” In addition to linking violence like the Las
    Vegas shooting to disrespect for the President, Robertson also cited
    recent NFL National Anthem protests.

    “There’s disrespect now for our National Anthem, disrespect for our
    veterans, disrespect for the institutions of our government, disrespect
    for the court system, all the way up and down the line, disrespect,” he continued, making reference to NFL players kneeling during the National
    Anthem as a form of protest against racism and police brutality. Trump has condemned those protests in a series of remarks and tweets.
    President Donald Trump speaks at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
    Department Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017, in Las Vegas, after meeting with
    victims of the Las Vegas shooting at a hospital and then with first
    responders who were on duty Sunday night. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

    Robertson concluded by arguing that this “disrespect” had caused America
    to lose its “controlling authority,” and this – coupled with the absence
    of “biblical authority” in the US – has caused “the people (to) run amok.”

    Authorities have yet to release a motive behind the attack that left at
    least 58 dead and more than 500 injured.

    The Christian Broadcasting Network, which Robertson founded, said in a statement that his comments have been misconstrued.

    “During his commentary on The 700 Club on Monday, Dr. Robertson was making
    the point that Americans no longer have respect for God, and as a result,
    no longer have respect for one another or our government.” they wrote,
    adding that he was making reference to a specific Biblical proverb.
    “Attempts by some far-left bloggers, and the media that cover them, to put words in his mouth about blame for the Las Vegas shooting are completely wrong.”

    Nonetheless, the 87-year-old has a long history of controversial comments,
    even in the wake of national tragedies.

    He has made a number of disparaging remarks about the LGBTQ community,
    equating homosexuality with murder and thievery and warning that Walt
    Disney Disney World would face “terrorist bombs … earthquakes, tornadoes,
    and possibly a meteor” for hosting “Gay Days.”

    He said feminism was “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”

    Robertson claimed the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti was caused by
    the Haitians making “a pact to the devil” and argued that tornadoes across
    the Midwest in 2012 would not have happened if “enough people were

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