• FBI Kills Air Force Veteran that made verbal threats against Pres. Bide

    From PaxPerPoten@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 11 14:31:32 2023
    XPost: alt.survival, soc.culture.usa

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
    I tend to wonder if the FBI in reality assassinated this Veteran. Could
    this be another Ruby Ridge or Waco? we are in terrible times when it
    becomes necessary to question the veracity of the very people we have
    entrusted to protect the Great American patriotic public. This Veteran
    was killed in his home and not anywhere near President Biden. Also he
    was killed without firing a shot in the entryway to his home. It appears
    that our Federal Enforcement agencies have become extremely arrogant and
    mete out justice as they see fit. However I do support the protection of
    our honestly elected leaders. This Veteran was a patriot, a criminal, or
    just flat mistaken in his view of a questionably elected President.
    Speaking out against this President is not illegal or immoral. An overt
    action is! Was there an overt act that threatened the well being of this President? This Veteran is being accused of being a Trump-MAGA
    supporter. Maybe? Maybe not? So what? The FBI agent that did the
    shooting at Ruby Ridge found that those killings fast tracked him to a
    much higher promotion. Is that the case here? or Not? This Government administration is not that of my youth. It also appears that our
    Alphabet enforcement agencies i.e FBI is also not cut of the same cloth
    as in my youth. It now seems that free speech that is not Laudatory is
    to be punished by those that have not contributed to the betterment of
    the Nation. However this goes,,,My heart goes out to the Family of this
    Man. A Veteran that apparently served Honorably and then ended in a
    possibly dishonorable way.

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