• Re: A Navy ship named for a Confederate victory now honors a token nigg

    From Alvin Bragg@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 25 00:36:46 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.niggers, alt.revisionism
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 08 Aug 2021, Iobaties <Ich8@yahoo.com> posted some news:sep0ag$gq9$9@news.dns-netz.com:

    Lee wrote

    Niggers haven't changed. They stole from farmers, each other, in
    this case a rowboat, graduating to banks and liquor stores in 150
    years. Way to develop a society, Democrats. Way to go...

    The U.S. Navy has finally shed the last two ship names that honored the Confederacy — and renamed one of them in honor of a man whose life story
    reads like an action movie hero.

    The USS Chancellorsville is now called the USS Robert Smalls, the man who
    stole a Confederate steamer loaded with guns and delivered it to the Union Navy, delivering himself and 16 other crew and their families from

    "It is a move much more consistent with the Navy's values," said Capt.
    Edward Angelinas, who commands the ship. "Going from a Confederate victory
    to this incredible story of a former slave, who commandeered a Confederate
    ship and turned it over to the Union Navy."

    Rebel generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson won a decisive victory
    over the U.S. military at Chancellorsville, Va., in 1863. As recently as
    1989 the U.S. Navy saw fit to name a warship for that battle. Just seven
    years ago there was still a portrait of Lee and Jackson displayed in the
    ship's wardroom.

    The U.S. military is in the process of renaming all the bases and warships
    that honor the Confederacy, including civil war generals who enslaved
    people and fought against the U.S. military. The newly christened USS
    Robert Smalls may be the most direct repudiation of that legacy.

    <https://www.npr.org/2023/04/12/1165998167/a-navy-ship-named-for-a- confederate-victory-now-honors-a-black-union-hero>

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