• Re: China Reveals New Heavily Armed Extra-Large Uncrewed Submarine

    From Dean Markley@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 27 04:56:25 2023
    On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 2:11:56 PM UTC-5, a425couple wrote:
    (go to citation to see pictures and video) https://www.navalnews.com/event-news/navdex-2023/2023/02/china-reveals-new-heavily-armed-extra-large-uncrewed-submarine/

    The XLUUV (extra-large underwater drone) design is similar to the U.S. Navy's Boeing Orca. But it features four torpedo tubes, indicating an offensive weapons load. This is something Western designs so far have lacked.

    China Reveals New Heavily Armed Extra-Large Uncrewed Submarine

    New evidence points to China's XLUUV (extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicles) being armed with torpedoes. This is a significant leap in this space and, together with a large-scale development program, may be out-pacing the West.
    H I Sutton 23 Feb 2023

    Extra large uncrewed underwater vehicles (XLUUVs) are quickly becoming a major trend in naval warfare. Leading navies have initiated programs to develop and explore these. Currently, the U.S. Navy and Royal Navy
    appear to be in the lead, both in experimentation and in orders.

    But China too has been working on this capability. China has at least 5 designs in the water, many more than any other navy. But their
    development has been shrouded in secrecy.

    CSSC booth NAVDEX 2023 XLUUV
    CSSC booth at NAVDEX 2023
    Now new information from the NAVDEX 2023 defense exposition in Abu
    Dhabi, UAE reveals details of their designs for the first time. It
    indicates that some of China’s uncrewed underwater vehicles may be submarine killers.

    As Naval News reported in September 2022, China has an extensive yet unreported XLUUV program. Because China does not discuss these vehicles
    in public we can only speculate on many details. Defense analysts can
    look for indications in the crafts’ size, form, where it is tested and from the context of the trials. But the satellite imagery available can
    only give hints.

    The defense expo changes this. The visuals used by Chinese shipbuilding organization CSSC 705 Institute are significant. They show an XLUUV
    broadly in line with some of the vehicles previously observed in
    satellite imagery in China.

    Displaying a visual of an XLUUV suggests an export product so care needs
    to be taken extrapolating it to Chinese Navy (PLAN) projects. all the
    same it is useful information about China’s domestic projects.

    Unusually, the XLUUV has a structure along its side which is consistent
    with flank array sonar. Even more unusually, this is combined with
    telltale doors for four torpedo tubes in the chin position. Taken
    together it implies an anti-ship and/or anti-submarine role.

    Several other large uncrewed underwater vehicle designs also feature a
    sonar like this. Notably the French Oceanic Underwater Drone
    Demonstrator and South Korean ASWUUV. But the Chinese design is the
    first to combine it with weapons.

    Arming autonomous underwater vehicles with weapons which require target identification, such as torpedoes, is problematic. It increases risks of blue on blue (or for China, red on red) accidents.

    It also raises ethical and legal questions about human out of the loop
    kill chains. This is because underwater vehicles like this cannot realistically be controlled by humans. They have to be autonomous, so
    the decision to shoot the torpedo has to be automated.

    However China appears more comfortable than other nations to take these risks. At least that’s the indication based on what little we know so far.

    TAGS NAVDEX 2023 Submarine XLUUV

    Is it also not possible that those "tube doors" are for launching a network of drone sensors? Consider the XLUUV patrolling the 9 Dash Line and deploying a line of drone sensors form those tubes to detect submarines or surface ships?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From a425couple@21:1/5 to Dean Markley on Mon Feb 27 10:12:04 2023
    On 2/27/23 04:56, Dean Markley wrote:
    On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 2:11:56 PM UTC-5, a425couple wrote:
    (go to citation to see pictures and video)

    The XLUUV (extra-large underwater drone) design is similar to the U.S.
    Navy's Boeing Orca. But it features four torpedo tubes, indicating an
    offensive weapons load. This is something Western designs so far have

    China Reveals New Heavily Armed Extra-Large Uncrewed Submarine

    New evidence points to China's XLUUV (extra-large uncrewed underwater
    vehicles) being armed with torpedoes. This is a significant leap in this
    space and, together with a large-scale development program, may be
    out-pacing the West.
    H I Sutton 23 Feb 2023

    Extra large uncrewed underwater vehicles (XLUUVs) are quickly becoming a
    major trend in naval warfare. Leading navies have initiated programs to
    develop and explore these. Currently, the U.S. Navy and Royal Navy
    appear to be in the lead, both in experimentation and in orders.

    But China too has been working on this capability. China has at least 5
    designs in the water, many more than any other navy. But their
    development has been shrouded in secrecy.

    CSSC booth NAVDEX 2023 XLUUV
    CSSC booth at NAVDEX 2023
    Now new information from the NAVDEX 2023 defense exposition in Abu
    Dhabi, UAE reveals details of their designs for the first time. It
    indicates that some of China’s uncrewed underwater vehicles may be
    submarine killers.

    As Naval News reported in September 2022, China has an extensive yet
    unreported XLUUV program. Because China does not discuss these vehicles
    in public we can only speculate on many details. Defense analysts can
    look for indications in the crafts’ size, form, where it is tested and
    from the context of the trials. But the satellite imagery available can
    only give hints.

    The defense expo changes this. The visuals used by Chinese shipbuilding
    organization CSSC 705 Institute are significant. They show an XLUUV
    broadly in line with some of the vehicles previously observed in
    satellite imagery in China.

    Displaying a visual of an XLUUV suggests an export product so care needs
    to be taken extrapolating it to Chinese Navy (PLAN) projects. all the
    same it is useful information about China’s domestic projects.

    Unusually, the XLUUV has a structure along its side which is consistent
    with flank array sonar. Even more unusually, this is combined with
    telltale doors for four torpedo tubes in the chin position. Taken
    together it implies an anti-ship and/or anti-submarine role.

    Several other large uncrewed underwater vehicle designs also feature a
    sonar like this. Notably the French Oceanic Underwater Drone
    Demonstrator and South Korean ASWUUV. But the Chinese design is the
    first to combine it with weapons.

    Arming autonomous underwater vehicles with weapons which require target
    identification, such as torpedoes, is problematic. It increases risks of
    blue on blue (or for China, red on red) accidents.

    It also raises ethical and legal questions about human out of the loop
    kill chains. This is because underwater vehicles like this cannot
    realistically be controlled by humans. They have to be autonomous, so
    the decision to shoot the torpedo has to be automated.

    However China appears more comfortable than other nations to take these
    risks. At least that’s the indication based on what little we know so far. >>

    TAGS NAVDEX 2023 Submarine XLUUV

    Is it also not possible that those "tube doors" are for launching a network of drone sensors? Consider the XLUUV patrolling the 9 Dash Line and deploying a line of drone sensors form those tubes to detect submarines or surface ships?


    Now the trick is deciding if the torpedo type object coming
    toward your hull is a "sensor" or a shaped charge able
    to destroy you. Trick that!!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)