• Re: The Falklands War ... Neocolonialism Revisited

    From Byker@21:1/5 to Dhu on Gate on Thu Sep 22 13:05:36 2022
    XPost: can.politics, alt.politics.uk, uk.politics.misc
    XPost: soc.culture.british

    On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 7:11:21 PM UTC-7, Dhu on Gate wrote:
    It was forty years ago nearly a thousand people died and nothing changed*.

    For it's own internal political reasons, Argentina has lost claim to these islands for the foreseeable future. Impatience buys nothing in
    it would seem. What did they do wrong? Damned if I know. But then I
    think, "What could they have done right?"

    After Maggie Thatcher threatened to nuke a land target following the loss of the HMS Sheffield, I'm really amazed that Argentina did NOT embark upon a nuclear weapons development program after the Brits took the islands back. ---------------------------------------------------
    Thatcher 'threatened to nuke Argentina'

    Margaret Thatcher forced François Mitterrand to give her the codes to
    disable Argentina’s deadly French-made missiles during the Falklands war by threatening to launch a nuclear warhead against Buenos Aires, according to a book.

    Jon Henley in Paris
    Mon 21 Nov 2005 20.18 EST

    "Margaret Thatcher forced François Mitterrand to give her the codes to
    disable Argentina's deadly French-made missiles during the Falklands war by threatening to launch a nuclear warhead against Buenos Aires, according to a book.

    "Rendez-vous - the psychoanalysis of François Mitterrand, by Ali Magoudi,
    who met the late French president up to twice a week in secrecy at his Paris practice from 1982 to 1984, also reveals that Mr. Mitterrand believed he
    would get his "revenge" by building a tunnel under the Channel which would forever destroy Britain's island status."

    More: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/22/books.france --------------------------------------------------------------
    So much for doctor/patient "confidentiality".

    Sound far-fetched? Look at history:

    The Soviet Union felt threatened by the U.S., so they got the bomb.
    China felt threatened by the Soviets, so they got the bomb.
    India felt threatened by China, so they got the bomb.
    Pakistan felt threatened by India, so they got the bomb.
    Iran feels threatened by Israel, so they're working on the bomb.

    Just the mere SUSPICION that the Argentines were working on a nuclear
    weapons program as a result of Maggie's threat would have been enough to
    topple her government, RIGHT THEN. It's kinda obvious who the intended
    target would be. Israel accumulated a sizeable nuclear arsenal in 40 years. Imagine what Argentina could have done in the same time span. All that's missing now is for another Leopoldo Galtieri to come to power...

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