• New York Developers Rush to Reduce Emissions as Hefty Fines Loom

    From David P@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 22 13:38:57 2022
    New York Developers Rush to Reduce Emissions as Hefty Fines Loom
    By Jane Margolies, Aug. 16, 2022, NY Times

    Worried about higher temperatures, more frequent and intense rainfall and rising seas that are nibbling away at New York’s coastal edges, the City Council enacted Local Law 97 in 2019 as part of a pioneering legislative package aimed at reducing the
    greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change.

    The law zeros in on large buildings in New York, setting limits on their emissions. The city’s one million buildings generate nearly 70 percent of its carbon emissions because much of the energy for their heating, cooling and lighting comes from
    burning fossil fuels.

    Now, with just 16 months until the deadline to meet the first thresholds — and with the threat of fines that could climb to millions of dollars a year for buildings that do not — landlords are on high alert.

    The good news is that nearly all the 50,000 buildings subject to the law will be in compliance for the first deadline, Jan. 1, 2024, according to city estimates. But that leaves 2,700 buildings across the city where action is needed to avoid fines —
    heating systems tuned up, leaky windows replaced and energy-efficient lighting installed.

    And the emissions thresholds fall significantly for the second deadline, in 2030, which is likely to mean that many more buildings will need to make major changes — not just tuning up building systems but replacing them — or pay hefty fines.

    Real estate companies with large portfolios — and often staff devoted to sustainability initiatives — have generally been getting their carbon act together, and many are on track to avoid crushing penalties in the near term. But mom-and-pop companies
    that own older buildings that still have oil or gas furnaces in their basements, and the boards running the city’s residential co-ops and condos, have their backs against the wall. Some are still trying to figure out what they need to do and how they’
    ll pay for capital projects they never anticipated.

    “We don’t really know what our obligations are and what our penalties are going to be,” said Debbie Fechter, a partner at Digby Management, a family-owned real estate business that has four buildings in Manhattan subject to Local Law 97.

    She added that her company had trouble getting the attention of the consulting firms that do energy audits on buildings and help owners understand how to comply with the law.

    Some owners have been pushing back. In May, two garden apartment complexes in Queens and the owner of a mixed-use building in Manhattan sued the city, alleging that the law would saddle them and others with “draconian” fines and asking that
    enforcement be blocked.

    City officials, who would not comment on pending litigation, have said they are sympathetic to struggling owners and can waive or lower fines for those making “good faith” efforts — wiggle room that is enshrined in Local Law 97. The city is still
    drafting rules for applying the law and has hit pause on a financing program that would pay for the sorts of retrofitting that many buildings will need.

    But the administration of Mayor Eric Adams has also vowed to enforce the law and hold building owners accountable as part of a broad effort to address climate change. And a recent Supreme Court decision curbing the federal government’s ability to
    control emissions has made combating climate change on the local level critical.

    “Local Law 97 is telling everyone in the real estate business: Climate change is your problem,” said Rohit T. Aggarwala, the city’s chief climate officer. “Part and parcel of being in the real estate industry is moving to a carbon-free future.”

    Local Law 97 aims to reduce emissions from big buildings 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 and 80 percent by 2050. It applies to most structures larger than 25,000 square feet, which account for more than half the built square footage in the city. The
    law aims to get them to use less energy overall and transition from fossil fuels to electric power for things like heating.

    “The basic mission is to put buildings on a carbon diet,” said Paul Reale, director of building operations research at City University of New York’s Building Performance Lab.

    Real estate executives opposed Local Law 97 because of the costs it imposes and because it targets large buildings, letting smaller ones and other categories of real estate off the hook.

    Members of the real estate industry have also questioned the rush to electrify, asking whether the grid can handle increased demand and warning of possible outages. They fault the law for holding buildings accountable for carbon emissions generated at
    the power plants that provide their electricity and still rely on fossil fuels.

    “That’s outside the building owner’s control,” said Zachary Steinberg, senior vice president of policy at the Real Estate Board of New York, a lobbying group.

    New York’s law has inspired similar legislation in other cities, including Boston and Washington. The laws go hand in hand with the “electrify everything” movement sweeping municipalities across the country.

    Newer buildings generally seem to be having an easier time complying with the law than older ones. Many already rely on electricity for heating, and some may also be able to pass on costs to their tenants, who consume much of the power used in a building.
    Being able to promote their buildings as low carbon can benefit owners because many companies want to lease space in properties that align with their own sustainability goals.

    “This is increasing asset value,” said Jimmy Carchietta, founder and chief executive of the Cotocon Group, an engineering firm with a booming business doing building energy audits.

    Brookfield Properties, for example, recently announced that it would use hydropower to run its One Manhattan West office building.

    The Durst Organization, one of the oldest real estate developers in the city, says most of its buildings will meet the 2024 thresholds but expects to be fined $2.4 million a year for One Bryant Park, a Midtown Manhattan skyscraper and home of Bank of
    America’s corporate and investment banking business.

    When it was completed in 2010, One Bryant Park was heralded as a model of green construction. But the 51-story building uses a great deal of energy because it is fully occupied, Bank of America has trading floors that operate around the clock, and Durst
    cycles in lots of fresh air.

    “The law as written punishes density,” said the developer’s chairman, Douglas Durst, who pointed out that sparsely populated buildings that used less energy might not be penalized, even if they were inefficient.

    Writing the rules for the law, and then enforcing them, falls to the Department of Buildings and its new Office of Building Energy and Emissions Performance. The office is working through appeals from 89 buildings that the city says exceed their
    emissions limits by 40 percent or more. In addition, 21 nonprofit hospitals have appealed, and nine cases have been processed.

    The city is offering free guidance to building owners and managers through a program called the NYC Accelerator. But a financing program offering low-cost loans was put on hold for revisions after funding only two projects. It is unclear when the program
    will be operational again.

    Mr. Aggarwala attributed the pause to the growing pains of a new program, and he noted that funding was available from other sources.

    Real estate executives have sought alternative ways to comply with Local Law 97. City officials say carbon trading, an arrangement in which building owners buy credits from properties with lower emissions, is off the table. But owners may be able to
    offset their carbon emissions by purchasing renewable-energy certificates to fund projects that will provide clean energy to the five boroughs. Only a limited number of RECs, as they are called, will be available in the near term, however, city officials

    “Local Law 97 has a lot of sticks — it doesn’t have a lot of carrots,” said Mr. Steinberg of the Real Estate Board. “We need to have a real conversation about a tax abatement program.”

    Environmental activists and others are wary of loopholes that would allow owners to avoid lowering their buildings’ emissions.

    “We have to act urgently,” said John Mandyck, chief executive of the Urban Green Council, which includes environmentalists and real estate developers. “The climate is not waiting.”


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  • From Oleg Smirnov@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 23 20:50:04 2022
    New York Developers Rush to Reduce Emissions as Hefty Fines Loom
    By Jane Margolies, Aug. 16, 2022, NY Times

    Worried about higher temperatures, more frequent and intense rainfall and rising seas that are nibbling away at New York's coastal edges, the City Council enacted Local Law 97 in 2019 as part of a pioneering legislative package aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change.

    NY symbolizes the American decline.

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  • From David P@21:1/5 to Oleg Smirnov on Tue Aug 23 20:59:56 2022
    Oleg Smirnov wrote:
    New York Developers Rush to Reduce Emissions as Hefty Fines Loom
    By Jane Margolies, Aug. 16, 2022, NY Times

    Worried about higher temperatures, more frequent and intense rainfall and rising seas that are nibbling away at New York's coastal edges, the City Council enacted Local Law 97 in 2019 as part of a pioneering legislative package aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change.
    NY symbolizes the American decline.
    Pollutants and Heavy Metals Taint Moscow’s Water Supply
    April 12, 2018, by Kayla Ritter, Circle of Blue dot org

    Russia is rich in water, boasting 2 million lakes, 210,000 rivers, and a quarter of the earth’s freshwater reserves. Despite the country’s bountiful resources, access to clean water is an issue in many towns and cities. Rampant Soviet-era pollution
    dirtied Russia’s major waterways, and unchecked dumping of chemicals and wastewater continues today.

    Water contamination is a concern in Moscow, the country’s capital and largest city. Fifty-six percent of water supply sources in Moscow, home to 12 million, do not meet safety standards. Studies have shown both surface and groundwater pollution in the

    In 2013, Greenpeace Russia analyzed contamination in Moscow’s key river, the Moskva. The organization collected samples from 10 discharge sites along 50 kilometers of riverbank. Every sample showed high levels of pollutants, including sulfur, oil,
    heavy metals, and aluminum.

    “There are toxic substances that exceed Russia’s safety standards by many times,” Dmitry Artamonov, head of the Toxics campaign of Greenpeace Russia, told The BRICS Post. In one sample, mercury exceeded safety levels by 20 times; in another sample,
    manganese surpassed safety levels by 120 times.

    Currently, most of Moscow’s drinking water comes from upstream locations which are somewhat cleaner. Researchers warn that the contamination still poses health risks, however. The Moskva flows into the Volga River, which supplies water for agriculture.
    In many cases, the city’s polluted water is used to produce its food.

    The pollution may also pose an increasing risk as the population of Moscow grows. Urbanization will overtake a larger portion of the Moskva River, and water demand will rise. Drawing more water from underground reserves, which are also contaminated, may
    not be an option.

    A 2017 study assessed soil and groundwater contamination in Moscow and found significant concentrations of copper, lead, manganese, and zinc. An array of other heavy metals were also detected, both in the soil and the aquifer. The study noted that the
    amounts of ammonium, iron, manganese, and cadmium in the groundwater exceeded Russian safety standards. Much of the contamination is believed to be from the textile and leather industry, which dumped wastewater near the testing site in the early 20th

    A Toxic Legacy
    According to official regulatory data, 35 to 60 percent of drinking water reserves in Russia fail to meet safety standards. For surface water and spring water. 40 and 17 percent is impotable, respectively. In total, 11 million Russians do not have access
    to safe drinking water.

    The widespread water pollution is largely due to Soviet-era dumping. Enormous amounts of chemicals and sewage were deposited into Russia’s rivers, including radioactive wastewater in some places. The impact on Russia’s water resources, in Moscow and
    elsewhere, is immense. In a 2009 survey, Russians named water pollution as the country’s most serious environmental issue.

    Troublingly, large-scale industrial dumping continues today. A handful of Russian companies are taking steps to improve the quality of their wastewater, but the incentive is low.

    “The Russian government doesn’t do anything to encourage or force manufacturers to curb their toxic pollution,” says Artamonov. “It is only when ecological needs coincide with economic imperatives that the enterprises do anything.”

    The government has taken some action, approving the Clean Water Federal Target Programme in 2010. The aim of the program is to provide clean water to all communities in Russia by replacing infrastructure and improving water quality. According to experts,
    life expectancy in Russia could rise by 5-7 years if the plan is successfully implemented.

    In the past, Russia has also looked for ways to tap its abundant eastern water resources. The majority of the country’s freshwater lies in Siberia, yet most of Russia’s population lives in the west. Although transfer schemes have been considered, the
    vast distance between the Siberian and European parts of Russia makes it nearly impossible to harness the country’s freshwater. As a result, the future of drinking water in Moscow and other Russian cities remains unclear.


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