• Two Years To Slow the Spread

    From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 28 19:29:44 2022
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel


    Two Years To Slow the Spread
    Government can't stop moving the COVID-19 goal posts.

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    (Photo: Luis Alvarez/Getty)
    On December 6, 2021, in his last major act as mayor of New York City,
    Democrat Bill de Blasio announced that, to stop the spread of the
    omicron variant of COVID-19, all 184,000 private businesses in the city
    would henceforth be commanded to enforce vaccine mandates on their
    employees, and all children ages 5 and up (including tourists from
    countries that hadn't yet approved pediatric vaccines) would need to
    show proof of full immunization before entering most indoor venues.

    "Look at a country like Germany right now—shutdowns, restrictions," de
    Blasio explained in a follow-up interview. "We cannot let that happen.
    So we had to take decisive action."

    Five days later, as the Northeast was experiencing a third consecutive
    winter surge of coronavirus cases, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul
    announced that all businesses in New York would be required to ensure
    their employees and customers were either provably vaccinated or masked
    indoors at all times; each violation would be subject to a $1,000 fine.
    The new rules were applicable through January 15, "after which the State
    will re-evaluate based on current conditions."

    Hochul's announcement came almost six months to the day after her
    predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, had lifted almost all statewide COVID
    restrictions, including most indoor masking, on the occasion of New York meeting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) target of
    having 70 percent of adults receive at least one vaccination dose. "We
    can now return to life as we know it," Cuomo crowed then. By the time of Hochul's reversal, the one-shot rate among adult New Yorkers had risen
    to 93 percent.

    The goal posts on pandemic policy haven't just been shifted, they've
    been uprooted, hitched to a helicopter, and transported to a different
    county. Joe Biden as president-elect on December 4, 2020, said, "I don't
    think [vaccines] should be mandatory." His spokeswoman Jen Psaki on July
    23, 2021, added, "That's not the role of the federal government." CDC
    Director Rochelle Walensky stated unequivocally on July 31 that "there
    will be no federal mandate."

    Biden announced a federal vaccine mandate on private employers with 100
    or more workers five weeks later.

    "I've tried everything in my power to get people vaccinated," the
    president maintained. "But even after all those efforts, we still had
    more than a quarter of people in the United States who were eligible for vaccinations but didn't get the shot….So, while I didn't race to do it
    right away, that's why I've had to move toward requirements." Look at
    what you made him do.

    It was easier to make fun of presidential dissembling about pandemic
    policy back when Donald Trump was holding extemporaneous bull sessions
    about COVID every day on the White House lawn, or when he infamously
    unveiled on March 16, 2020, a bullet-pointed presentation titled "15
    Days to Slow the Spread." Even factoring in hindsight bias, that was an absurdly irresponsible prediction to make about a virus already ripping
    through every continent at a time when testing (especially in the U.S.)
    was woefully inadequate.

    Law & Contemporary Problems Symposium on "Sex in Law" Publishes Disputed Article
    But Trump back then, like his then-lionized, now-disgraced rival Cuomo,
    was operating in an environment exponentially more impoverished, in
    terms of both knowledge and mitigation strategies, than what public
    officials enjoy now. The one-shot vaccination rate for American adults
    was not 86 percent (as it is as this magazine goes to press) but 0
    percent. We were still being reminded to wash our hands several times a
    day for 20 seconds at a time and implored to studiously avoid touching
    our faces. And perhaps because the idea of government dictating most
    human activity outside the home was then still novel, politicians tended
    to tether restrictions to specific metrics. (Cuomo's "flatten the curve"
    mantra referred to the trajectory of hospitalizations vs. the hard
    number of hospital beds.) Immediate-term discomforts were routinely sold
    with visions of long-term relief.

    "If everyone makes…these critical changes and sacrifices now," Trump
    said on "Slow the Spread" day, as a phalanx of top public health
    officials looked on, "we will rally together as one nation, and we will
    defeat the virus, and we're going to have a big celebration all
    together. With several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner
    and turn it quickly."

    As the families of 800,000 dead Americans can grimly attest, no such
    corners were ever turned. Yet what has replaced those naive and
    prematurely optimistic projections is something no less cruel.

    Benchmarks for lifting restrictions have been serially rewritten or
    quietly dropped, often with little explanation. Major policy promises
    have been made and broken within the same week. And you can't just blame
    the capriciousness on the shifting viral facts on the ground—bureaucrats
    have been agonizingly slow to recognize advances in knowledge that
    support policy loosening yet lightning-fast when reacting to any new
    source of fear. It took the Biden administration and his fellow
    Democrats in New York no time at all to put the clampdown on the omicron variant, but it took the CDC and most coastal state governments more
    than a year to internalize that people are not catching COVID-19 outdoors.

    By making a zig-zagging series of arbitrary and far-reaching edicts,
    officials have squandered public trust in allegedly neutral scientific institutions and effectively abandoned persuasion for coercion. Instead
    of a light at the end of the tunnel—or even endemic coping at the end of pandemic panic—we're being offered a future of politicians reluctantly handing out a carrot or two before reaching once again for the stick.

    The 1-2 Punch in the Mouth
    "Everybody has a plan," former heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson famously
    said, "until they get punched in the mouth." Not only did COVID-19 punch millions of people in the mouth, but government reaction to the virus
    proved a second blow from which scores of millions of businesses and
    families have been painfully slow to recover.

    In December 2020, Gavin Newsom, California's Democratic governor, banned outdoor dining in regions where available hospital ICU capacity was
    below 15 percent. A judge opined (accurately) within a week that the
    policy was "not grounded in science, evidence, or logic." Newsom then
    rescinded the order seven weeks later without the threshold having been
    met in most of the state.

    De Blasio shut down New York City public schools in November 2020
    because the rate of positive tests among all New Yorkers had risen above
    3 percent, even though that community spread threshold was far below
    those recommended by international health authorities, and weekly tests
    inside school buildings were showing a miniscule positivity rate of 0.18 percent. The mayor removed that consideration for elementary schools 10
    days later and for middle schools and high schools four months later.

    Imagine being a landlord during the past two years. First, COVID
    suddenly increases the chances that your tenants will be unable to pay
    their rent and prompts millions of renegotiated leases. Then, six months
    later, the Trump administration makes the absurd and facially
    unconstitutional decision to put the CDC in charge of enforcing a
    federal moratorium on evictions. Set aside for a moment that gross
    violation of property rights, and visualize instead what it must have
    been like to try to make any plan at all about residential real estate.

    On June 24, 2021, the CDC made what it described as "the final extension
    of the moratorium," pushing it out to July 31. At an August 2 White
    House press briefing, Psaki announced that "CDC Director Rochelle
    Walensky and her team have been unable to find legal authority for a
    new, targeted eviction moratorium." Literally the next day, the CDC
    announced a new, targeted eviction moratorium covering 90 percent of the country. (The Supreme Court would at the end of month swat that reversal

    With the exception of the occasional court ruling, governmental bodies
    have largely given up on the idea that there is any limiting principle
    to their vast new pandemic powers. Relatedly, they no longer sell
    today's restrictions as a ticket to tomorrow's freedoms. Whenever a new
    wave forms, politicians brace constituents for a quick slap now to put
    off yet another mouth-punch later.

    Hochul portrayed her December mask-and-vaccine crackdown as a way to
    "prevent business disruption"; de Blasio sold his new mandates by
    saying, "We cannot let those restrictions come back. We cannot have
    shutdowns here in New York City. We've got to keep moving forward."

    Vaccinations have helped decouple infections from hospitalization and
    death, especially with the more infectious but less lethal omicron
    variant. Yet elites kept focusing on case rates instead of serious
    illness, sowing panic and clampdowns in the process. "Massachusetts is
    the most vaccinated state in the country and yet here we are in a surge
    of COVID that is just as bad as where we were last year at this point," University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care President Eric Dickson
    said in an NBC Nightly News scare story in December. At the time of
    Dickson's startling claim, the Bay State's seven-day average of deaths
    was 17, compared to 51 the year before.

    All of which contributes to the suspicion that governmental
    interventions will just stretch out forever. "It is good policy and
    practice to establish off-ramps for interventions that aren't meant to
    be permanent," Johns Hopkins epidemiologist Jennifer Nuzzo wrote in
    November 2021. "We should be able to answer what conditions would enable
    an end."

    But politicians and public health officials, particularly in Democratic-controlled institutions, are increasingly unable to spell out
    any such conditions. For them there is no end in sight.

    Ripping the Mask Off
    The first vaccine shots for 5- to 11-year-olds were made available
    November 3. On November 5 came reports that a new therapeutic from
    Pfizer preliminarily demonstrated a remarkable ability to prevent
    serious illness and death in people already sick from COVID. That same
    day, Walensky chose to release an "Ask the Expert" video replying to the question, "Why do I still need to wear a mask?"

    "The evidence is clear," responded the country's highest-ranking public
    health scientist. "Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by
    reducing your chance of infection by more than 80 percent, whether it's
    an infection from the flu, from the coronavirus, or even just the common
    cold. In combination with other steps, like getting your vaccination,
    hand washing, and keeping physical distance, wearing your mask is an
    important step you can take to keep us all healthy."

    It was a breathtakingly irresponsible remark.

    For two years, as the country has engaged in bitterly partisan and
    intensely moralistic debates over nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)—masking, social distancing, business closures—the single greatest difference maker by far in blunting the lethal impact of the virus has
    been vaccination. Unvaccinated Americans were 10 to 20 times more likely
    to die from COVID-19 in fall 2021 than those who had received their shots.

    Yet here was Walensky, the very week immunization became available to
    most elementary school kids, putting vaccination on the same list as the
    mostly (and rightfully) forgotten NPIs of hand washing and social
    distancing, in order to counteract any possible erosion in support for a
    far inferior NPI. By relegating the vaccine to the status of an
    afterthought, not only did the CDC director snuff out hope among many
    parents that their children's masks will ever come off, but she also
    butchered the science.

    There does not exist a study showing masks to reduce wearers' COVID infectiousness by anything close to 80 percent. In fact, most studies
    conducted at that time had not even found the vaccines to be 80 percent effective at stopping transmission in the delta era (although they did
    better at stopping symptomatic cases and hospitalizations). Choosing the arrival of pediatric vaccines as an opportunity to greatly exaggerate
    the effectiveness of face coverings sent the implicit message to parents
    that no amount of compliance will free their kids from masks.

    In a tweet promoting the video, Walensky touted the non-COVID virtues of wearing face coverings forever. "Masks," she wrote, "also help protect
    from other illnesses like common cold and flu." There was a time when
    having a smiling government doctor suggest open-ended masking for cold
    and flu seasons would have been seen as too implausibly authoritarian.

    Yet when the CDC talks, governments in the kinds of places where people
    have "In this house, we believe in science" yard signs tend to
    rubber-stamp the recommendations. As of mid-December, 15 states had mask mandates for K-12 schools; all 15 voted for Biden in November 2020. (The
    two states with also problematic school-mask-mandate bans both voted for Trump.) In New York, children 2 and older are required by law to wear
    masks all day long in any public or private school or daycare setting,
    despite being in the age cohort with the lowest COVID hospitalization
    rate, and despite the fact that their teachers must be vaccinated by
    law. (The vaccinated Hochul, who at age 63 is much more vulnerable to
    COVID than is an unvaccinated 4-year-old, has infuriated her critics by appearing in countless social media photos indoors, amid crowds, unmasked.)

    Colorado, a purple state with a libertarian-leaning Democratic governor,
    has taken a considerably different approach. "There was a time when
    there was no vaccine, and masks were all we had, and we needed to wear
    them," Democratic Gov. Jared Polis told Colorado Public Radio in
    December. "The truth is we now have highly effective vaccines that work
    far better than masks. If you wear a mask, it does decrease your risk of getting COVID, and that's a good thing to do indoors around others. But
    if you get COVID and you are still unvaccinated, the case is just as bad
    as if you were not wearing a mask. Everybody had more than enough
    opportunity to get vaccinated….At this point, if you haven't been
    vaccinated, it's really your own darn fault." Was that so hard?

    For the rest of the country, the scenes playing out in restrictionist
    states look alien, dystopian: kids shivering while eating lunch outside
    in frigid Portland, Oregon; high schoolers in New York City (where the
    positive COVID rate among regularly tested unvaccinated kids was less
    than 0.3 percent this fall) still holding debate tournaments on Zoom;
    glum TV commercials warning parents that "without the vaccine, when your child's teammates take the field, they'll miss out. Or when their
    friends go off to the movies, a concert, or get a bite to eat, your teen
    will miss out."

    Asked about some of those images in December, White House spokeswoman
    Psaki replied, "I will tell you, I have a 3-year-old who goes to school,
    sits outside for snacks and lunch, wears a mask inside, and it's no big
    deal to him….These are steps that schools are taking to keep kids safe."

    Yet the evidence that Psaki's kid is actually safer because of such
    precautions has proven damnably difficult for the CDC to produce.
    America's school masking guidance is a global outlier—the World Health Organization recommends against masking children aged 5 and younger, and
    only a handful of countries in the European Union were masking
    elementary school students in fall 2021. In trying to persuade the
    public that it's actually rational and prudent, the country's public
    health agency has never once cited a masking study that included a
    meaningful control group. Officials are operating on intuition, and as a
    result tens of millions of children are degrading their physical
    comfort, social development, and language acquisition. All to avoid
    contracting and spreading a virus they are far less susceptible to than
    are vaccinated adults.

    Misrepresenting science to produce a preferred policy outcome is a
    terrible way to build trust during a pandemic. Adding to that sense of suspicion is the fact that the CDC at the beginning of the pandemic
    actively downplayed the effectiveness of masks, out of worry that scared consumers would hoard the then-scarce supply of medical-quality
    protective equipment needed by doctors and nurses. "Seriously
    people—STOP BUYING MASKS!" tweeted then–Surgeon General Jerome Adams on February 29, 2020. "They are NOT effective in preventing [the] general
    public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get
    them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"

    The Biden administration was supposed to bring more scientific rigor
    into the building, yet Walensky has repeatedly massaged research
    findings to fit her policy desires for Americans to be swathed in real
    and metaphorical prophylactics. The CDC dropped its guidance for outdoor masking only in April 2021, and even then only among vaccinated people.
    The moderately populated state of Washington, with its spectacular
    forests, coastline, and mountains, still has an outdoor mask requirement.

    As America braced for the omicron wave before Christmas, the blue-state mandates started to emerge: vaccine passports for Philadelphia,
    booster-shot requirements at several elite universities, a renewed
    indoor mask mandate in California. "The imperative is to get through
    this winter surge," Newsom said. "And to do so in a way where we come
    out the other side and we have a chance to reevaluate."

    Schools in heavily Democratic districts—Cleveland, Ohio; Newark, New
    Jersey; West Chicago, Illinois; Prince George's County,
    Maryland—preemptively responded to the omicron surge after Christmas
    break by once again shifting to remote-only learning. At the Brooklyn elementary school that my first-grader is zoned for, teachers staged a post-break sickout that precipitated a last-minute closure. "We are
    demanding," they wrote in a letter to outraged parents, "the city and
    our union take…actions to stop the spread."

    So just a few more weeks to stop the spread. Or months. Or years.

    This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From HeartDoc Andrew@21:1/5 to Michael Ejercito on Mon Feb 28 22:58:05 2022
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    Michael Ejercito wrote:


    Two Years To Slow the Spread
    Government can't stop moving the COVID-19 goal posts.

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    (Photo: Luis Alvarez/Getty)
    On December 6, 2021, in his last major act as mayor of New York City, >Democrat Bill de Blasio announced that, to stop the spread of the
    omicron variant of COVID-19, all 184,000 private businesses in the city
    would henceforth be commanded to enforce vaccine mandates on their
    employees, and all children ages 5 and up (including tourists from
    countries that hadn't yet approved pediatric vaccines) would need to
    show proof of full immunization before entering most indoor venues.

    "Look at a country like Germany right now—shutdowns, restrictions," de
    Blasio explained in a follow-up interview. "We cannot let that happen.
    So we had to take decisive action."

    Five days later, as the Northeast was experiencing a third consecutive
    winter surge of coronavirus cases, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul
    announced that all businesses in New York would be required to ensure
    their employees and customers were either provably vaccinated or masked >indoors at all times; each violation would be subject to a $1,000 fine.
    The new rules were applicable through January 15, "after which the State
    will re-evaluate based on current conditions."

    Hochul's announcement came almost six months to the day after her >predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, had lifted almost all statewide COVID >restrictions, including most indoor masking, on the occasion of New York >meeting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) target of
    having 70 percent of adults receive at least one vaccination dose. "We
    can now return to life as we know it," Cuomo crowed then. By the time of >Hochul's reversal, the one-shot rate among adult New Yorkers had risen
    to 93 percent.

    The goal posts on pandemic policy haven't just been shifted, they've
    been uprooted, hitched to a helicopter, and transported to a different >county. Joe Biden as president-elect on December 4, 2020, said, "I don't >think [vaccines] should be mandatory." His spokeswoman Jen Psaki on July
    23, 2021, added, "That's not the role of the federal government." CDC >Director Rochelle Walensky stated unequivocally on July 31 that "there
    will be no federal mandate."

    Biden announced a federal vaccine mandate on private employers with 100
    or more workers five weeks later.

    "I've tried everything in my power to get people vaccinated," the
    president maintained. "But even after all those efforts, we still had
    more than a quarter of people in the United States who were eligible for >vaccinations but didn't get the shot….So, while I didn't race to do it
    right away, that's why I've had to move toward requirements." Look at
    what you made him do.

    It was easier to make fun of presidential dissembling about pandemic
    policy back when Donald Trump was holding extemporaneous bull sessions
    about COVID every day on the White House lawn, or when he infamously
    unveiled on March 16, 2020, a bullet-pointed presentation titled "15
    Days to Slow the Spread." Even factoring in hindsight bias, that was an >absurdly irresponsible prediction to make about a virus already ripping >through every continent at a time when testing (especially in the U.S.)
    was woefully inadequate.

    Law & Contemporary Problems Symposium on "Sex in Law" Publishes Disputed >Article
    But Trump back then, like his then-lionized, now-disgraced rival Cuomo,
    was operating in an environment exponentially more impoverished, in
    terms of both knowledge and mitigation strategies, than what public
    officials enjoy now. The one-shot vaccination rate for American adults
    was not 86 percent (as it is as this magazine goes to press) but 0
    percent. We were still being reminded to wash our hands several times a
    day for 20 seconds at a time and implored to studiously avoid touching
    our faces. And perhaps because the idea of government dictating most
    human activity outside the home was then still novel, politicians tended
    to tether restrictions to specific metrics. (Cuomo's "flatten the curve" >mantra referred to the trajectory of hospitalizations vs. the hard
    number of hospital beds.) Immediate-term discomforts were routinely sold
    with visions of long-term relief.

    "If everyone makes…these critical changes and sacrifices now," Trump
    said on "Slow the Spread" day, as a phalanx of top public health
    officials looked on, "we will rally together as one nation, and we will >defeat the virus, and we're going to have a big celebration all
    together. With several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner
    and turn it quickly."

    As the families of 800,000 dead Americans can grimly attest, no such
    corners were ever turned. Yet what has replaced those naive and
    prematurely optimistic projections is something no less cruel.

    Benchmarks for lifting restrictions have been serially rewritten or
    quietly dropped, often with little explanation. Major policy promises
    have been made and broken within the same week. And you can't just blame
    the capriciousness on the shifting viral facts on the ground—bureaucrats
    have been agonizingly slow to recognize advances in knowledge that
    support policy loosening yet lightning-fast when reacting to any new
    source of fear. It took the Biden administration and his fellow
    Democrats in New York no time at all to put the clampdown on the omicron >variant, but it took the CDC and most coastal state governments more
    than a year to internalize that people are not catching COVID-19 outdoors.

    By making a zig-zagging series of arbitrary and far-reaching edicts, >officials have squandered public trust in allegedly neutral scientific >institutions and effectively abandoned persuasion for coercion. Instead
    of a light at the end of the tunnel—or even endemic coping at the end of >pandemic panic—we're being offered a future of politicians reluctantly >handing out a carrot or two before reaching once again for the stick.

    The 1-2 Punch in the Mouth
    "Everybody has a plan," former heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson famously
    said, "until they get punched in the mouth." Not only did COVID-19 punch >millions of people in the mouth, but government reaction to the virus
    proved a second blow from which scores of millions of businesses and
    families have been painfully slow to recover.

    In December 2020, Gavin Newsom, California's Democratic governor, banned >outdoor dining in regions where available hospital ICU capacity was
    below 15 percent. A judge opined (accurately) within a week that the
    policy was "not grounded in science, evidence, or logic." Newsom then >rescinded the order seven weeks later without the threshold having been
    met in most of the state.

    De Blasio shut down New York City public schools in November 2020
    because the rate of positive tests among all New Yorkers had risen above
    3 percent, even though that community spread threshold was far below
    those recommended by international health authorities, and weekly tests >inside school buildings were showing a miniscule positivity rate of 0.18 >percent. The mayor removed that consideration for elementary schools 10
    days later and for middle schools and high schools four months later. >Science!

    Imagine being a landlord during the past two years. First, COVID
    suddenly increases the chances that your tenants will be unable to pay
    their rent and prompts millions of renegotiated leases. Then, six months >later, the Trump administration makes the absurd and facially >unconstitutional decision to put the CDC in charge of enforcing a
    federal moratorium on evictions. Set aside for a moment that gross
    violation of property rights, and visualize instead what it must have
    been like to try to make any plan at all about residential real estate.

    On June 24, 2021, the CDC made what it described as "the final extension
    of the moratorium," pushing it out to July 31. At an August 2 White
    House press briefing, Psaki announced that "CDC Director Rochelle
    Walensky and her team have been unable to find legal authority for a
    new, targeted eviction moratorium." Literally the next day, the CDC
    announced a new, targeted eviction moratorium covering 90 percent of the >country. (The Supreme Court would at the end of month swat that reversal >down.)

    With the exception of the occasional court ruling, governmental bodies
    have largely given up on the idea that there is any limiting principle
    to their vast new pandemic powers. Relatedly, they no longer sell
    today's restrictions as a ticket to tomorrow's freedoms. Whenever a new
    wave forms, politicians brace constituents for a quick slap now to put
    off yet another mouth-punch later.

    Hochul portrayed her December mask-and-vaccine crackdown as a way to
    "prevent business disruption"; de Blasio sold his new mandates by
    saying, "We cannot let those restrictions come back. We cannot have
    shutdowns here in New York City. We've got to keep moving forward."

    Vaccinations have helped decouple infections from hospitalization and
    death, especially with the more infectious but less lethal omicron
    variant. Yet elites kept focusing on case rates instead of serious
    illness, sowing panic and clampdowns in the process. "Massachusetts is
    the most vaccinated state in the country and yet here we are in a surge
    of COVID that is just as bad as where we were last year at this point," >University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care President Eric Dickson
    said in an NBC Nightly News scare story in December. At the time of
    Dickson's startling claim, the Bay State's seven-day average of deaths
    was 17, compared to 51 the year before.

    All of which contributes to the suspicion that governmental
    interventions will just stretch out forever. "It is good policy and
    practice to establish off-ramps for interventions that aren't meant to
    be permanent," Johns Hopkins epidemiologist Jennifer Nuzzo wrote in
    November 2021. "We should be able to answer what conditions would enable
    an end."

    But politicians and public health officials, particularly in >Democratic-controlled institutions, are increasingly unable to spell out
    any such conditions. For them there is no end in sight.

    Ripping the Mask Off
    The first vaccine shots for 5- to 11-year-olds were made available
    November 3. On November 5 came reports that a new therapeutic from
    Pfizer preliminarily demonstrated a remarkable ability to prevent
    serious illness and death in people already sick from COVID. That same
    day, Walensky chose to release an "Ask the Expert" video replying to the >question, "Why do I still need to wear a mask?"

    "The evidence is clear," responded the country's highest-ranking public >health scientist. "Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by
    reducing your chance of infection by more than 80 percent, whether it's
    an infection from the flu, from the coronavirus, or even just the common >cold. In combination with other steps, like getting your vaccination,
    hand washing, and keeping physical distance, wearing your mask is an >important step you can take to keep us all healthy."

    It was a breathtakingly irresponsible remark.

    For two years, as the country has engaged in bitterly partisan and
    intensely moralistic debates over nonpharmaceutical interventions >(NPIs)—masking, social distancing, business closures—the single greatest >difference maker by far in blunting the lethal impact of the virus has
    been vaccination. Unvaccinated Americans were 10 to 20 times more likely
    to die from COVID-19 in fall 2021 than those who had received their shots.

    Yet here was Walensky, the very week immunization became available to
    most elementary school kids, putting vaccination on the same list as the >mostly (and rightfully) forgotten NPIs of hand washing and social
    distancing, in order to counteract any possible erosion in support for a
    far inferior NPI. By relegating the vaccine to the status of an
    afterthought, not only did the CDC director snuff out hope among many
    parents that their children's masks will ever come off, but she also >butchered the science.

    There does not exist a study showing masks to reduce wearers' COVID >infectiousness by anything close to 80 percent. In fact, most studies >conducted at that time had not even found the vaccines to be 80 percent >effective at stopping transmission in the delta era (although they did
    better at stopping symptomatic cases and hospitalizations). Choosing the >arrival of pediatric vaccines as an opportunity to greatly exaggerate
    the effectiveness of face coverings sent the implicit message to parents
    that no amount of compliance will free their kids from masks.

    In a tweet promoting the video, Walensky touted the non-COVID virtues of >wearing face coverings forever. "Masks," she wrote, "also help protect
    from other illnesses like common cold and flu." There was a time when
    having a smiling government doctor suggest open-ended masking for cold
    and flu seasons would have been seen as too implausibly authoritarian.

    Yet when the CDC talks, governments in the kinds of places where people
    have "In this house, we believe in science" yard signs tend to
    rubber-stamp the recommendations. As of mid-December, 15 states had mask >mandates for K-12 schools; all 15 voted for Biden in November 2020. (The
    two states with also problematic school-mask-mandate bans both voted for >Trump.) In New York, children 2 and older are required by law to wear
    masks all day long in any public or private school or daycare setting, >despite being in the age cohort with the lowest COVID hospitalization
    rate, and despite the fact that their teachers must be vaccinated by
    law. (The vaccinated Hochul, who at age 63 is much more vulnerable to
    COVID than is an unvaccinated 4-year-old, has infuriated her critics by >appearing in countless social media photos indoors, amid crowds, unmasked.)

    Colorado, a purple state with a libertarian-leaning Democratic governor,
    has taken a considerably different approach. "There was a time when
    there was no vaccine, and masks were all we had, and we needed to wear
    them," Democratic Gov. Jared Polis told Colorado Public Radio in
    December. "The truth is we now have highly effective vaccines that work
    far better than masks. If you wear a mask, it does decrease your risk of >getting COVID, and that's a good thing to do indoors around others. But
    if you get COVID and you are still unvaccinated, the case is just as bad
    as if you were not wearing a mask. Everybody had more than enough
    opportunity to get vaccinated….At this point, if you haven't been
    vaccinated, it's really your own darn fault." Was that so hard?

    For the rest of the country, the scenes playing out in restrictionist
    states look alien, dystopian: kids shivering while eating lunch outside
    in frigid Portland, Oregon; high schoolers in New York City (where the >positive COVID rate among regularly tested unvaccinated kids was less
    than 0.3 percent this fall) still holding debate tournaments on Zoom;
    glum TV commercials warning parents that "without the vaccine, when your >child's teammates take the field, they'll miss out. Or when their
    friends go off to the movies, a concert, or get a bite to eat, your teen
    will miss out."

    Asked about some of those images in December, White House spokeswoman
    Psaki replied, "I will tell you, I have a 3-year-old who goes to school,
    sits outside for snacks and lunch, wears a mask inside, and it's no big
    deal to him….These are steps that schools are taking to keep kids safe."

    Yet the evidence that Psaki's kid is actually safer because of such >precautions has proven damnably difficult for the CDC to produce.
    America's school masking guidance is a global outlier—the World Health >Organization recommends against masking children aged 5 and younger, and
    only a handful of countries in the European Union were masking
    elementary school students in fall 2021. In trying to persuade the
    public that it's actually rational and prudent, the country's public
    health agency has never once cited a masking study that included a
    meaningful control group. Officials are operating on intuition, and as a >result tens of millions of children are degrading their physical
    comfort, social development, and language acquisition. All to avoid >contracting and spreading a virus they are far less susceptible to than
    are vaccinated adults.

    Misrepresenting science to produce a preferred policy outcome is a
    terrible way to build trust during a pandemic. Adding to that sense of >suspicion is the fact that the CDC at the beginning of the pandemic
    actively downplayed the effectiveness of masks, out of worry that scared >consumers would hoard the then-scarce supply of medical-quality
    protective equipment needed by doctors and nurses. "Seriously
    people—STOP BUYING MASKS!" tweeted then–Surgeon General Jerome Adams on >February 29, 2020. "They are NOT effective in preventing [the] general
    public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get
    them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"

    The Biden administration was supposed to bring more scientific rigor
    into the building, yet Walensky has repeatedly massaged research
    findings to fit her policy desires for Americans to be swathed in real
    and metaphorical prophylactics. The CDC dropped its guidance for outdoor >masking only in April 2021, and even then only among vaccinated people.
    The moderately populated state of Washington, with its spectacular
    forests, coastline, and mountains, still has an outdoor mask requirement.

    As America braced for the omicron wave before Christmas, the blue-state >mandates started to emerge: vaccine passports for Philadelphia,
    booster-shot requirements at several elite universities, a renewed
    indoor mask mandate in California. "The imperative is to get through
    this winter surge," Newsom said. "And to do so in a way where we come
    out the other side and we have a chance to reevaluate."

    Schools in heavily Democratic districts—Cleveland, Ohio; Newark, New
    Jersey; West Chicago, Illinois; Prince George's County,
    Maryland—preemptively responded to the omicron surge after Christmas
    break by once again shifting to remote-only learning. At the Brooklyn >elementary school that my first-grader is zoned for, teachers staged a >post-break sickout that precipitated a last-minute closure. "We are >demanding," they wrote in a letter to outraged parents, "the city and
    our union take…actions to stop the spread."

    So just a few more weeks to stop the spread. Or months. Or years.


    The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
    NYC & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19 )
    finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
    among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
    asymptomatic) in order to http://tinyurl.com/ConvinceItForward (John
    15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per their
    doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping for the
    best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha lineage
    mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota,
    Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
    slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids that render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

    Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( http://tinyurl.com/RapidOmicronTest
    ) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

    So how are you ?

    ...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

    HeartDoc Andrew <><
    Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
    Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
    2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President: http://WonderfullyHungry.org
    and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
    which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to HeartDoc Andrew on Mon Feb 28 21:02:21 2022
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    HeartDoc Andrew wrote:
    Michael Ejercito wrote:


    Two Years To Slow the Spread
    Government can't stop moving the COVID-19 goal posts.

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    (Photo: Luis Alvarez/Getty)
    On December 6, 2021, in his last major act as mayor of New York City,
    Democrat Bill de Blasio announced that, to stop the spread of the
    omicron variant of COVID-19, all 184,000 private businesses in the city
    would henceforth be commanded to enforce vaccine mandates on their
    employees, and all children ages 5 and up (including tourists from
    countries that hadn't yet approved pediatric vaccines) would need to
    show proof of full immunization before entering most indoor venues.

    "Look at a country like Germany right now—shutdowns, restrictions," de
    Blasio explained in a follow-up interview. "We cannot let that happen.
    So we had to take decisive action."

    Five days later, as the Northeast was experiencing a third consecutive
    winter surge of coronavirus cases, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul
    announced that all businesses in New York would be required to ensure
    their employees and customers were either provably vaccinated or masked
    indoors at all times; each violation would be subject to a $1,000 fine.
    The new rules were applicable through January 15, "after which the State
    will re-evaluate based on current conditions."

    Hochul's announcement came almost six months to the day after her
    predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, had lifted almost all statewide COVID
    restrictions, including most indoor masking, on the occasion of New York
    meeting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) target of
    having 70 percent of adults receive at least one vaccination dose. "We
    can now return to life as we know it," Cuomo crowed then. By the time of
    Hochul's reversal, the one-shot rate among adult New Yorkers had risen
    to 93 percent.

    The goal posts on pandemic policy haven't just been shifted, they've
    been uprooted, hitched to a helicopter, and transported to a different
    county. Joe Biden as president-elect on December 4, 2020, said, "I don't
    think [vaccines] should be mandatory." His spokeswoman Jen Psaki on July
    23, 2021, added, "That's not the role of the federal government." CDC
    Director Rochelle Walensky stated unequivocally on July 31 that "there
    will be no federal mandate."

    Biden announced a federal vaccine mandate on private employers with 100
    or more workers five weeks later.

    "I've tried everything in my power to get people vaccinated," the
    president maintained. "But even after all those efforts, we still had
    more than a quarter of people in the United States who were eligible for
    vaccinations but didn't get the shot….So, while I didn't race to do it
    right away, that's why I've had to move toward requirements." Look at
    what you made him do.

    It was easier to make fun of presidential dissembling about pandemic
    policy back when Donald Trump was holding extemporaneous bull sessions
    about COVID every day on the White House lawn, or when he infamously
    unveiled on March 16, 2020, a bullet-pointed presentation titled "15
    Days to Slow the Spread." Even factoring in hindsight bias, that was an
    absurdly irresponsible prediction to make about a virus already ripping
    through every continent at a time when testing (especially in the U.S.)
    was woefully inadequate.

    Law & Contemporary Problems Symposium on "Sex in Law" Publishes Disputed
    But Trump back then, like his then-lionized, now-disgraced rival Cuomo,
    was operating in an environment exponentially more impoverished, in
    terms of both knowledge and mitigation strategies, than what public
    officials enjoy now. The one-shot vaccination rate for American adults
    was not 86 percent (as it is as this magazine goes to press) but 0
    percent. We were still being reminded to wash our hands several times a
    day for 20 seconds at a time and implored to studiously avoid touching
    our faces. And perhaps because the idea of government dictating most
    human activity outside the home was then still novel, politicians tended
    to tether restrictions to specific metrics. (Cuomo's "flatten the curve"
    mantra referred to the trajectory of hospitalizations vs. the hard
    number of hospital beds.) Immediate-term discomforts were routinely sold
    with visions of long-term relief.

    "If everyone makes…these critical changes and sacrifices now," Trump
    said on "Slow the Spread" day, as a phalanx of top public health
    officials looked on, "we will rally together as one nation, and we will
    defeat the virus, and we're going to have a big celebration all
    together. With several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner
    and turn it quickly."

    As the families of 800,000 dead Americans can grimly attest, no such
    corners were ever turned. Yet what has replaced those naive and
    prematurely optimistic projections is something no less cruel.

    Benchmarks for lifting restrictions have been serially rewritten or
    quietly dropped, often with little explanation. Major policy promises
    have been made and broken within the same week. And you can't just blame
    the capriciousness on the shifting viral facts on the ground—bureaucrats >> have been agonizingly slow to recognize advances in knowledge that
    support policy loosening yet lightning-fast when reacting to any new
    source of fear. It took the Biden administration and his fellow
    Democrats in New York no time at all to put the clampdown on the omicron
    variant, but it took the CDC and most coastal state governments more
    than a year to internalize that people are not catching COVID-19 outdoors. >>
    By making a zig-zagging series of arbitrary and far-reaching edicts,
    officials have squandered public trust in allegedly neutral scientific
    institutions and effectively abandoned persuasion for coercion. Instead
    of a light at the end of the tunnel—or even endemic coping at the end of >> pandemic panic—we're being offered a future of politicians reluctantly
    handing out a carrot or two before reaching once again for the stick.

    The 1-2 Punch in the Mouth
    "Everybody has a plan," former heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson famously
    said, "until they get punched in the mouth." Not only did COVID-19 punch
    millions of people in the mouth, but government reaction to the virus
    proved a second blow from which scores of millions of businesses and
    families have been painfully slow to recover.

    In December 2020, Gavin Newsom, California's Democratic governor, banned
    outdoor dining in regions where available hospital ICU capacity was
    below 15 percent. A judge opined (accurately) within a week that the
    policy was "not grounded in science, evidence, or logic." Newsom then
    rescinded the order seven weeks later without the threshold having been
    met in most of the state.

    De Blasio shut down New York City public schools in November 2020
    because the rate of positive tests among all New Yorkers had risen above
    3 percent, even though that community spread threshold was far below
    those recommended by international health authorities, and weekly tests
    inside school buildings were showing a miniscule positivity rate of 0.18
    percent. The mayor removed that consideration for elementary schools 10
    days later and for middle schools and high schools four months later.

    Imagine being a landlord during the past two years. First, COVID
    suddenly increases the chances that your tenants will be unable to pay
    their rent and prompts millions of renegotiated leases. Then, six months
    later, the Trump administration makes the absurd and facially
    unconstitutional decision to put the CDC in charge of enforcing a
    federal moratorium on evictions. Set aside for a moment that gross
    violation of property rights, and visualize instead what it must have
    been like to try to make any plan at all about residential real estate.

    On June 24, 2021, the CDC made what it described as "the final extension
    of the moratorium," pushing it out to July 31. At an August 2 White
    House press briefing, Psaki announced that "CDC Director Rochelle
    Walensky and her team have been unable to find legal authority for a
    new, targeted eviction moratorium." Literally the next day, the CDC
    announced a new, targeted eviction moratorium covering 90 percent of the
    country. (The Supreme Court would at the end of month swat that reversal

    With the exception of the occasional court ruling, governmental bodies
    have largely given up on the idea that there is any limiting principle
    to their vast new pandemic powers. Relatedly, they no longer sell
    today's restrictions as a ticket to tomorrow's freedoms. Whenever a new
    wave forms, politicians brace constituents for a quick slap now to put
    off yet another mouth-punch later.

    Hochul portrayed her December mask-and-vaccine crackdown as a way to
    "prevent business disruption"; de Blasio sold his new mandates by
    saying, "We cannot let those restrictions come back. We cannot have
    shutdowns here in New York City. We've got to keep moving forward."

    Vaccinations have helped decouple infections from hospitalization and
    death, especially with the more infectious but less lethal omicron
    variant. Yet elites kept focusing on case rates instead of serious
    illness, sowing panic and clampdowns in the process. "Massachusetts is
    the most vaccinated state in the country and yet here we are in a surge
    of COVID that is just as bad as where we were last year at this point,"
    University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care President Eric Dickson
    said in an NBC Nightly News scare story in December. At the time of
    Dickson's startling claim, the Bay State's seven-day average of deaths
    was 17, compared to 51 the year before.

    All of which contributes to the suspicion that governmental
    interventions will just stretch out forever. "It is good policy and
    practice to establish off-ramps for interventions that aren't meant to
    be permanent," Johns Hopkins epidemiologist Jennifer Nuzzo wrote in
    November 2021. "We should be able to answer what conditions would enable
    an end."

    But politicians and public health officials, particularly in
    Democratic-controlled institutions, are increasingly unable to spell out
    any such conditions. For them there is no end in sight.

    Ripping the Mask Off
    The first vaccine shots for 5- to 11-year-olds were made available
    November 3. On November 5 came reports that a new therapeutic from
    Pfizer preliminarily demonstrated a remarkable ability to prevent
    serious illness and death in people already sick from COVID. That same
    day, Walensky chose to release an "Ask the Expert" video replying to the
    question, "Why do I still need to wear a mask?"

    "The evidence is clear," responded the country's highest-ranking public
    health scientist. "Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by
    reducing your chance of infection by more than 80 percent, whether it's
    an infection from the flu, from the coronavirus, or even just the common
    cold. In combination with other steps, like getting your vaccination,
    hand washing, and keeping physical distance, wearing your mask is an
    important step you can take to keep us all healthy."

    It was a breathtakingly irresponsible remark.

    For two years, as the country has engaged in bitterly partisan and
    intensely moralistic debates over nonpharmaceutical interventions
    (NPIs)—masking, social distancing, business closures—the single greatest >> difference maker by far in blunting the lethal impact of the virus has
    been vaccination. Unvaccinated Americans were 10 to 20 times more likely
    to die from COVID-19 in fall 2021 than those who had received their shots. >>
    Yet here was Walensky, the very week immunization became available to
    most elementary school kids, putting vaccination on the same list as the
    mostly (and rightfully) forgotten NPIs of hand washing and social
    distancing, in order to counteract any possible erosion in support for a
    far inferior NPI. By relegating the vaccine to the status of an
    afterthought, not only did the CDC director snuff out hope among many
    parents that their children's masks will ever come off, but she also
    butchered the science.

    There does not exist a study showing masks to reduce wearers' COVID
    infectiousness by anything close to 80 percent. In fact, most studies
    conducted at that time had not even found the vaccines to be 80 percent
    effective at stopping transmission in the delta era (although they did
    better at stopping symptomatic cases and hospitalizations). Choosing the
    arrival of pediatric vaccines as an opportunity to greatly exaggerate
    the effectiveness of face coverings sent the implicit message to parents
    that no amount of compliance will free their kids from masks.

    In a tweet promoting the video, Walensky touted the non-COVID virtues of
    wearing face coverings forever. "Masks," she wrote, "also help protect >>from other illnesses like common cold and flu." There was a time when
    having a smiling government doctor suggest open-ended masking for cold
    and flu seasons would have been seen as too implausibly authoritarian.

    Yet when the CDC talks, governments in the kinds of places where people
    have "In this house, we believe in science" yard signs tend to
    rubber-stamp the recommendations. As of mid-December, 15 states had mask
    mandates for K-12 schools; all 15 voted for Biden in November 2020. (The
    two states with also problematic school-mask-mandate bans both voted for
    Trump.) In New York, children 2 and older are required by law to wear
    masks all day long in any public or private school or daycare setting,
    despite being in the age cohort with the lowest COVID hospitalization
    rate, and despite the fact that their teachers must be vaccinated by
    law. (The vaccinated Hochul, who at age 63 is much more vulnerable to
    COVID than is an unvaccinated 4-year-old, has infuriated her critics by
    appearing in countless social media photos indoors, amid crowds, unmasked.) >>
    Colorado, a purple state with a libertarian-leaning Democratic governor,
    has taken a considerably different approach. "There was a time when
    there was no vaccine, and masks were all we had, and we needed to wear
    them," Democratic Gov. Jared Polis told Colorado Public Radio in
    December. "The truth is we now have highly effective vaccines that work
    far better than masks. If you wear a mask, it does decrease your risk of
    getting COVID, and that's a good thing to do indoors around others. But
    if you get COVID and you are still unvaccinated, the case is just as bad
    as if you were not wearing a mask. Everybody had more than enough
    opportunity to get vaccinated….At this point, if you haven't been
    vaccinated, it's really your own darn fault." Was that so hard?

    For the rest of the country, the scenes playing out in restrictionist
    states look alien, dystopian: kids shivering while eating lunch outside
    in frigid Portland, Oregon; high schoolers in New York City (where the
    positive COVID rate among regularly tested unvaccinated kids was less
    than 0.3 percent this fall) still holding debate tournaments on Zoom;
    glum TV commercials warning parents that "without the vaccine, when your
    child's teammates take the field, they'll miss out. Or when their
    friends go off to the movies, a concert, or get a bite to eat, your teen
    will miss out."

    Asked about some of those images in December, White House spokeswoman
    Psaki replied, "I will tell you, I have a 3-year-old who goes to school,
    sits outside for snacks and lunch, wears a mask inside, and it's no big
    deal to him….These are steps that schools are taking to keep kids safe." >>
    Yet the evidence that Psaki's kid is actually safer because of such
    precautions has proven damnably difficult for the CDC to produce.
    America's school masking guidance is a global outlier—the World Health
    Organization recommends against masking children aged 5 and younger, and
    only a handful of countries in the European Union were masking
    elementary school students in fall 2021. In trying to persuade the
    public that it's actually rational and prudent, the country's public
    health agency has never once cited a masking study that included a
    meaningful control group. Officials are operating on intuition, and as a
    result tens of millions of children are degrading their physical
    comfort, social development, and language acquisition. All to avoid
    contracting and spreading a virus they are far less susceptible to than
    are vaccinated adults.

    Misrepresenting science to produce a preferred policy outcome is a
    terrible way to build trust during a pandemic. Adding to that sense of
    suspicion is the fact that the CDC at the beginning of the pandemic
    actively downplayed the effectiveness of masks, out of worry that scared
    consumers would hoard the then-scarce supply of medical-quality
    protective equipment needed by doctors and nurses. "Seriously
    people—STOP BUYING MASKS!" tweeted then–Surgeon General Jerome Adams on >> February 29, 2020. "They are NOT effective in preventing [the] general
    public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get
    them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!" >>
    The Biden administration was supposed to bring more scientific rigor
    into the building, yet Walensky has repeatedly massaged research
    findings to fit her policy desires for Americans to be swathed in real
    and metaphorical prophylactics. The CDC dropped its guidance for outdoor
    masking only in April 2021, and even then only among vaccinated people.
    The moderately populated state of Washington, with its spectacular
    forests, coastline, and mountains, still has an outdoor mask requirement.

    As America braced for the omicron wave before Christmas, the blue-state
    mandates started to emerge: vaccine passports for Philadelphia,
    booster-shot requirements at several elite universities, a renewed
    indoor mask mandate in California. "The imperative is to get through
    this winter surge," Newsom said. "And to do so in a way where we come
    out the other side and we have a chance to reevaluate."

    Schools in heavily Democratic districts—Cleveland, Ohio; Newark, New
    Jersey; West Chicago, Illinois; Prince George's County,
    Maryland—preemptively responded to the omicron surge after Christmas
    break by once again shifting to remote-only learning. At the Brooklyn
    elementary school that my first-grader is zoned for, teachers staged a
    post-break sickout that precipitated a last-minute closure. "We are
    demanding," they wrote in a letter to outraged parents, "the city and
    our union take…actions to stop the spread."

    So just a few more weeks to stop the spread. Or months. Or years.


    The only *healthy* way to stop the pandemic, thereby saving lives, in
    NYC & elsewhere is by rapidly ( http://bit.ly/RapidTestCOVID-19 )
    finding out at any given moment, including even while on-line, who
    among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or
    asymptomatic) in order to http://tinyurl.com/ConvinceItForward (John
    15:12) for them to call their doctor and self-quarantine per their
    doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic. Thus, we're hoping for the
    best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron, Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota,
    Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining via
    slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids that render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no longer effective.

    Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( http://tinyurl.com/RapidOmicronTest
    ) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

    So how are you ?

    I am wonderfully hungry!


    This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dexter@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 2 13:33:16 2022
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel

    Michael Ejercito wrote:


    Did you have a point?

    The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually
    the same god as the many ancient gods of past
    civilizations. The Christian god is a three headed
    monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one
    wishes to know more of this raging, three headed
    beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber
    of people who say they serve him. They are always
    of two classes: fools and hypocrites.
    - paraphrased from the writings of Thomas Jefferson

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From HeartDoc Andrew@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 2 16:01:05 2022
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    (Kathy) 03/02/22 "Dexter" tragically vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6) ...


    Link to post explicating vainjangling by the eternally condemned: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.med.cardiology/O23NguTslhI/-xLGqnNjAAAJ

    "Like a moth to flame, the eternally condemned tragically return to be
    ever more cursed by GOD."

    Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement at the continued fulfillment
    of this prophecy as clearly demonstrated within the following USENET

    (1) Link to thread titled "LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our #1
    Example of being wonderfully hungry;"


    (2) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry;"


    (3) Link to thread titled "A very very very simple definition of sin;"


    (4) Link to thread titled "The LORD says 'Blessed are you who hunger


    (5) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry like LORD Jesus;"


    ... for the continued benefit (Romans 8:28) of those of us who are http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungry like GOD ( http://bit.ly/Lk2442 )
    with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm117_ ) to the LORD.

    Source: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.med.cardiology/O23NguTslhI/pIZcsOCJBwAJ

    Laus DEO !

    While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
    Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
    6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
    (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
    than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

    Laus DEO ! ! !

    Bottom line: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.med.cardiology/O23NguTslhI/h5lE-mr0DAAJ

    <begin trichotomy>

    (1) Born-again (John 3:3 & 5) humans - Folks who have GOD's Help (i.e.
    Holy Spirit) to stop (John 5:14) sinning by being http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungry (Philippians 4:12) **but** are still
    able to choose via their own "free will" to be instead http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) trapped in the
    entangling (Hebrews 12:1) deadly (i.e. killed immortals Adam&Eve) sin
    of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2).

    (2) Eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) humans - Folks who will never have
    GOD's Help (i.e. Holy Spirit) to stop being
    http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) as evident by their
    constant vainjangling (1 Timothy 1:6) about everything except how to
    stop (John 5:14) sinning.

    (3) Perishing humans - The remaining folks who may possibly (Matthew
    19:26) become born-again (John 3:3 & 5) as new (2 Corinthians 5:17)
    creatures in Christ.

    <end trichotomy>

    Suggested further reading:


    someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD wrote:
    HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

    Subject: The LORD says "Blessed are you who hunger now ..."

    Source: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.bible.prophecy/e4sW8dr44rM/NSkTJxvFBAAJ

    Shame on andrew, look at his red face.


    The color of my face in **not** visible here on USENET nor is the
    color of my face red for those who can see me.

    He is trying to pull a fast one. His scripture bit is found among these:

    '14 Bible verses about Spiritual Hunger'

    Such are the lies coming from the lying pens of the http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) commentators.

    That which is "spiritual" is independent of time so that there
    would've been no reference to "now."

    Therefore, the LORD is referring to physical hunger here instead of
    the spiritual "hunger and thirst for righteousness" elsewhere in

    Indeed, physical hunger can **not** coexist with physical thirst
    because the latter results in the loss of saliva needed for physical

    It is when we hunger for food "now" (Luke 6:21a) that we are able to
    eat food "now."

    No such time constraints exist for "spiritual hunger."

    Moreover, the perspective of Luke 6:21a through the eyes of a
    physician (i.e. Dr. Luke) would be logically expected to be physical
    instead of spiritual.

    All glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm117_ ) to GOD for His compelling you to unwittingly demonstrate your ever worsening cognitive condition which
    is tragically a consequence of His cursing (Jeremiah 17:5) you more
    than ever.

    Laus DEO !


    someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
    (in a vain attempt to refute posts about being wonderfully hungry)

    81:10 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: >open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

    Indeed, receiving a mouthful (Psalm 81:10) of manna from GOD will only
    make His http://HeartMDPhD.com/Redeemed want even more, so that we're
    even http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungrier with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm117_ ) to GOD.

    Laus DEO !

    13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of >the wicked is in need.

    Indeed, the righteous know to be satisfied (Luke 6:21a) with an omer
    (Exodus 16:16) of manna, while the wicked need (Proverbs 13:25) this
    knowledge as evident by their eating until they are full (i.e.

    2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of
    the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
    people shall never be ashamed.

    Indeed, an omer (32 ounces per Revelation 6:6) of manna is plenty
    (Joel 2:26) with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm117_ ) to GOD and to
    the shame of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned.

    Laus DEO ! !

    107 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

    Indeed, being filled (Psalm 107:9) with an omer (Exodus 16:16) of
    manna is a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) thing while being satiated (i.e.
    full) is evil.

    14:17 "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by >giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying
    your hearts with food and gladness."

    In the interim, you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, will
    never be satisfied (Acts 14:17) because you are ever more cursed
    (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.

    Source: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.med.cardiology/uCPb3ldOv5M/KgM8NFKuAQAJ


    someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
    HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:

    Subject: a very very very simple definition of sin ...

    Source: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.med.cardiology/mXmFD9kIocc/y8GNXircBQAJ

    Does andrew's "definition" agree with scripture? Let's see in 1 John:

    Actually, sin is **not** defined in 1 John 1:8-10

    John wrote this to christians. The greek grammer (sic) speaks of an ongoing >> status. He includes himself in that status.

    John was a Jew instead of a Greek so there is really no reason to
    think that Greek grammar is relevant here.

    1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
    not in us.

    1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, >> and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is >> not in us.

    John also wrote earlier at John 5:14 that LORD Jesus commands:

    "Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14)

    And, indeed, your being eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) & ever more
    cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD, as evident by your ever worsening
    cognitive deficits, is really worse.

    Now again, here's how to really stop sinning as LORD Jesus commands
    (John 5:14):


    While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
    Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
    6:21a), I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
    (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
    than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

    Laus DEO ! ! !

    Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
    being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
    danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
    happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

    Again, the LORD did strike down http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
    day just 9+ years ago:


    Again, this is done ...

    http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
    ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
    (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
    removing the http://tinyurl.com/HeartVAT from around the heart

    ...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

    HeartDoc Andrew <><
    Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
    Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
    2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President: http://WonderfullyHungry.org
    and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
    which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Loose Cannon@21:1/5 to MEjercit@HotMail.com on Wed May 15 23:23:19 2024
    XPost: alt.bible.prophecy, soc.culture.usa, soc.culture.israel

    On Mon, 28 Feb 2022 19:29:44 -0800, Michael Ejercito
    <MEjercit@HotMail.com> wrote:


    Two Years To Slow the Spread
    Government can't stop moving the COVID-19 goal posts.

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    (Photo: Luis Alvarez/Getty)
    On December 6, 2021, in his last major act as mayor of New York City, >Democrat Bill de Blasio announced that, to stop the spread of the
    omicron variant of COVID-19, all 184,000 private businesses in the city
    would henceforth be commanded to enforce vaccine mandates on their
    employees, and all children ages 5 and up (including tourists from
    countries that hadn't yet approved pediatric vaccines) would need to
    show proof of full immunization before entering most indoor venues.

    "Look at a country like Germany right now—shutdowns, restrictions," de
    Blasio explained in a follow-up interview. "We cannot let that happen.
    So we had to take decisive action."

    Five days later, as the Northeast was experiencing a third consecutive
    winter surge of coronavirus cases, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul
    announced that all businesses in New York would be required to ensure
    their employees and customers were either provably vaccinated or masked >indoors at all times; each violation would be subject to a $1,000 fine.
    The new rules were applicable through January 15, "after which the State
    will re-evaluate based on current conditions."

    Hochul's announcement came almost six months to the day after her >predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, had lifted almost all statewide COVID >restrictions, including most indoor masking, on the occasion of New York >meeting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) target of
    having 70 percent of adults receive at least one vaccination dose. "We
    can now return to life as we know it," Cuomo crowed then. By the time of >Hochul's reversal, the one-shot rate among adult New Yorkers had risen
    to 93 percent.

    The goal posts on pandemic policy haven't just been shifted, they've
    been uprooted, hitched to a helicopter, and transported to a different >county. Joe Biden as president-elect on December 4, 2020, said, "I don't >think [vaccines] should be mandatory." His spokeswoman Jen Psaki on July
    23, 2021, added, "That's not the role of the federal government." CDC >Director Rochelle Walensky stated unequivocally on July 31 that "there
    will be no federal mandate."

    Biden announced a federal vaccine mandate on private employers with 100
    or more workers five weeks later.

    "I've tried everything in my power to get people vaccinated," the
    president maintained. "But even after all those efforts, we still had
    more than a quarter of people in the United States who were eligible for >vaccinations but didn't get the shot….So, while I didn't race to do it
    right away, that's why I've had to move toward requirements." Look at
    what you made him do.

    It was easier to make fun of presidential dissembling about pandemic
    policy back when Donald Trump was holding extemporaneous bull sessions
    about COVID every day on the White House lawn, or when he infamously
    unveiled on March 16, 2020, a bullet-pointed presentation titled "15
    Days to Slow the Spread." Even factoring in hindsight bias, that was an >absurdly irresponsible prediction to make about a virus already ripping >through every continent at a time when testing (especially in the U.S.)
    was woefully inadequate.

    Law & Contemporary Problems Symposium on "Sex in Law" Publishes Disputed >Article
    But Trump back then, like his then-lionized, now-disgraced rival Cuomo,
    was operating in an environment exponentially more impoverished, in
    terms of both knowledge and mitigation strategies, than what public
    officials enjoy now. The one-shot vaccination rate for American adults
    was not 86 percent (as it is as this magazine goes to press) but 0
    percent. We were still being reminded to wash our hands several times a
    day for 20 seconds at a time and implored to studiously avoid touching
    our faces. And perhaps because the idea of government dictating most
    human activity outside the home was then still novel, politicians tended
    to tether restrictions to specific metrics. (Cuomo's "flatten the curve" >mantra referred to the trajectory of hospitalizations vs. the hard
    number of hospital beds.) Immediate-term discomforts were routinely sold
    with visions of long-term relief.

    "If everyone makes…these critical changes and sacrifices now," Trump
    said on "Slow the Spread" day, as a phalanx of top public health
    officials looked on, "we will rally together as one nation, and we will >defeat the virus, and we're going to have a big celebration all
    together. With several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner
    and turn it quickly."

    As the families of 800,000 dead Americans can grimly attest, no such
    corners were ever turned. Yet what has replaced those naive and
    prematurely optimistic projections is something no less cruel.

    Benchmarks for lifting restrictions have been serially rewritten or
    quietly dropped, often with little explanation. Major policy promises
    have been made and broken within the same week. And you can't just blame
    the capriciousness on the shifting viral facts on the ground—bureaucrats
    have been agonizingly slow to recognize advances in knowledge that
    support policy loosening yet lightning-fast when reacting to any new
    source of fear. It took the Biden administration and his fellow
    Democrats in New York no time at all to put the clampdown on the omicron >variant, but it took the CDC and most coastal state governments more
    than a year to internalize that people are not catching COVID-19 outdoors.

    By making a zig-zagging series of arbitrary and far-reaching edicts, >officials have squandered public trust in allegedly neutral scientific >institutions and effectively abandoned persuasion for coercion. Instead
    of a light at the end of the tunnel—or even endemic coping at the end of >pandemic panic—we're being offered a future of politicians reluctantly >handing out a carrot or two before reaching once again for the stick.

    The 1-2 Punch in the Mouth
    "Everybody has a plan," former heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson famously
    said, "until they get punched in the mouth." Not only did COVID-19 punch >millions of people in the mouth, but government reaction to the virus
    proved a second blow from which scores of millions of businesses and
    families have been painfully slow to recover.

    In December 2020, Gavin Newsom, California's Democratic governor, banned >outdoor dining in regions where available hospital ICU capacity was
    below 15 percent. A judge opined (accurately) within a week that the
    policy was "not grounded in science, evidence, or logic." Newsom then >rescinded the order seven weeks later without the threshold having been
    met in most of the state.

    De Blasio shut down New York City public schools in November 2020
    because the rate of positive tests among all New Yorkers had risen above
    3 percent, even though that community spread threshold was far below
    those recommended by international health authorities, and weekly tests >inside school buildings were showing a miniscule positivity rate of 0.18 >percent. The mayor removed that consideration for elementary schools 10
    days later and for middle schools and high schools four months later. >Science!

    Imagine being a landlord during the past two years. First, COVID
    suddenly increases the chances that your tenants will be unable to pay
    their rent and prompts millions of renegotiated leases. Then, six months >later, the Trump administration makes the absurd and facially >unconstitutional decision to put the CDC in charge of enforcing a
    federal moratorium on evictions. Set aside for a moment that gross
    violation of property rights, and visualize instead what it must have
    been like to try to make any plan at all about residential real estate.

    On June 24, 2021, the CDC made what it described as "the final extension
    of the moratorium," pushing it out to July 31. At an August 2 White
    House press briefing, Psaki announced that "CDC Director Rochelle
    Walensky and her team have been unable to find legal authority for a
    new, targeted eviction moratorium." Literally the next day, the CDC
    announced a new, targeted eviction moratorium covering 90 percent of the >country. (The Supreme Court would at the end of month swat that reversal >down.)

    With the exception of the occasional court ruling, governmental bodies
    have largely given up on the idea that there is any limiting principle
    to their vast new pandemic powers. Relatedly, they no longer sell
    today's restrictions as a ticket to tomorrow's freedoms. Whenever a new
    wave forms, politicians brace constituents for a quick slap now to put
    off yet another mouth-punch later.

    Hochul portrayed her December mask-and-vaccine crackdown as a way to
    "prevent business disruption"; de Blasio sold his new mandates by
    saying, "We cannot let those restrictions come back. We cannot have
    shutdowns here in New York City. We've got to keep moving forward."

    Vaccinations have helped decouple infections from hospitalization and
    death, especially with the more infectious but less lethal omicron
    variant. Yet elites kept focusing on case rates instead of serious
    illness, sowing panic and clampdowns in the process. "Massachusetts is
    the most vaccinated state in the country and yet here we are in a surge
    of COVID that is just as bad as where we were last year at this point," >University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care President Eric Dickson
    said in an NBC Nightly News scare story in December. At the time of
    Dickson's startling claim, the Bay State's seven-day average of deaths
    was 17, compared to 51 the year before.

    All of which contributes to the suspicion that governmental
    interventions will just stretch out forever. "It is good policy and
    practice to establish off-ramps for interventions that aren't meant to
    be permanent," Johns Hopkins epidemiologist Jennifer Nuzzo wrote in
    November 2021. "We should be able to answer what conditions would enable
    an end."

    But politicians and public health officials, particularly in >Democratic-controlled institutions, are increasingly unable to spell out
    any such conditions. For them there is no end in sight.

    Ripping the Mask Off
    The first vaccine shots for 5- to 11-year-olds were made available
    November 3. On November 5 came reports that a new therapeutic from
    Pfizer preliminarily demonstrated a remarkable ability to prevent
    serious illness and death in people already sick from COVID. That same
    day, Walensky chose to release an "Ask the Expert" video replying to the >question, "Why do I still need to wear a mask?"

    "The evidence is clear," responded the country's highest-ranking public >health scientist. "Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by
    reducing your chance of infection by more than 80 percent, whether it's
    an infection from the flu, from the coronavirus, or even just the common >cold. In combination with other steps, like getting your vaccination,
    hand washing, and keeping physical distance, wearing your mask is an >important step you can take to keep us all healthy."

    It was a breathtakingly irresponsible remark.

    For two years, as the country has engaged in bitterly partisan and
    intensely moralistic debates over nonpharmaceutical interventions >(NPIs)—masking, social distancing, business closures—the single greatest >difference maker by far in blunting the lethal impact of the virus has
    been vaccination. Unvaccinated Americans were 10 to 20 times more likely
    to die from COVID-19 in fall 2021 than those who had received their shots.

    Yet here was Walensky, the very week immunization became available to
    most elementary school kids, putting vaccination on the same list as the >mostly (and rightfully) forgotten NPIs of hand washing and social
    distancing, in order to counteract any possible erosion in support for a
    far inferior NPI. By relegating the vaccine to the status of an
    afterthought, not only did the CDC director snuff out hope among many
    parents that their children's masks will ever come off, but she also >butchered the science.

    There does not exist a study showing masks to reduce wearers' COVID >infectiousness by anything close to 80 percent. In fact, most studies >conducted at that time had not even found the vaccines to be 80 percent >effective at stopping transmission in the delta era (although they did
    better at stopping symptomatic cases and hospitalizations). Choosing the >arrival of pediatric vaccines as an opportunity to greatly exaggerate
    the effectiveness of face coverings sent the implicit message to parents
    that no amount of compliance will free their kids from masks.

    In a tweet promoting the video, Walensky touted the non-COVID virtues of >wearing face coverings forever. "Masks," she wrote, "also help protect
    from other illnesses like common cold and flu." There was a time when
    having a smiling government doctor suggest open-ended masking for cold
    and flu seasons would have been seen as too implausibly authoritarian.

    Yet when the CDC talks, governments in the kinds of places where people
    have "In this house, we believe in science" yard signs tend to
    rubber-stamp the recommendations. As of mid-December, 15 states had mask >mandates for K-12 schools; all 15 voted for Biden in November 2020. (The
    two states with also problematic school-mask-mandate bans both voted for >Trump.) In New York, children 2 and older are required by law to wear
    masks all day long in any public or private school or daycare setting, >despite being in the age cohort with the lowest COVID hospitalization
    rate, and despite the fact that their teachers must be vaccinated by
    law. (The vaccinated Hochul, who at age 63 is much more vulnerable to
    COVID than is an unvaccinated 4-year-old, has infuriated her critics by >appearing in countless social media photos indoors, amid crowds, unmasked.)

    Colorado, a purple state with a libertarian-leaning Democratic governor,
    has taken a considerably different approach. "There was a time when
    there was no vaccine, and masks were all we had, and we needed to wear
    them," Democratic Gov. Jared Polis told Colorado Public Radio in
    December. "The truth is we now have highly effective vaccines that work
    far better than masks. If you wear a mask, it does decrease your risk of >getting COVID, and that's a good thing to do indoors around others. But
    if you get COVID and you are still unvaccinated, the case is just as bad
    as if you were not wearing a mask. Everybody had more than enough
    opportunity to get vaccinated….At this point, if you haven't been
    vaccinated, it's really your own darn fault." Was that so hard?

    For the rest of the country, the scenes playing out in restrictionist
    states look alien, dystopian: kids shivering while eating lunch outside
    in frigid Portland, Oregon; high schoolers in New York City (where the >positive COVID rate among regularly tested unvaccinated kids was less
    than 0.3 percent this fall) still holding debate tournaments on Zoom;
    glum TV commercials warning parents that "without the vaccine, when your >child's teammates take the field, they'll miss out. Or when their
    friends go off to the movies, a concert, or get a bite to eat, your teen
    will miss out."

    Asked about some of those images in December, White House spokeswoman
    Psaki replied, "I will tell you, I have a 3-year-old who goes to school,
    sits outside for snacks and lunch, wears a mask inside, and it's no big
    deal to him….These are steps that schools are taking to keep kids safe."

    Yet the evidence that Psaki's kid is actually safer because of such >precautions has proven damnably difficult for the CDC to produce.
    America's school masking guidance is a global outlier—the World Health >Organization recommends against masking children aged 5 and younger, and
    only a handful of countries in the European Union were masking
    elementary school students in fall 2021. In trying to persuade the
    public that it's actually rational and prudent, the country's public
    health agency has never once cited a masking study that included a
    meaningful control group. Officials are operating on intuition, and as a >result tens of millions of children are degrading their physical
    comfort, social development, and language acquisition. All to avoid >contracting and spreading a virus they are far less susceptible to than
    are vaccinated adults.

    Misrepresenting science to produce a preferred policy outcome is a
    terrible way to build trust during a pandemic. Adding to that sense of >suspicion is the fact that the CDC at the beginning of the pandemic
    actively downplayed the effectiveness of masks, out of worry that scared >consumers would hoard the then-scarce supply of medical-quality
    protective equipment needed by doctors and nurses. "Seriously
    people—STOP BUYING MASKS!" tweeted then–Surgeon General Jerome Adams on >February 29, 2020. "They are NOT effective in preventing [the] general
    public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get
    them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"

    The Biden administration was supposed to bring more scientific rigor
    into the building, yet Walensky has repeatedly massaged research
    findings to fit her policy desires for Americans to be swathed in real
    and metaphorical prophylactics. The CDC dropped its guidance for outdoor >masking only in April 2021, and even then only among vaccinated people.
    The moderately populated state of Washington, with its spectacular
    forests, coastline, and mountains, still has an outdoor mask requirement.

    As America braced for the omicron wave before Christmas, the blue-state >mandates started to emerge: vaccine passports for Philadelphia,
    booster-shot requirements at several elite universities, a renewed
    indoor mask mandate in California. "The imperative is to get through
    this winter surge," Newsom said. "And to do so in a way where we come
    out the other side and we have a chance to reevaluate."

    Schools in heavily Democratic districts—Cleveland, Ohio; Newark, New
    Jersey; West Chicago, Illinois; Prince George's County,
    Maryland—preemptively responded to the omicron surge after Christmas
    break by once again shifting to remote-only learning. At the Brooklyn >elementary school that my first-grader is zoned for, teachers staged a >post-break sickout that precipitated a last-minute closure. "We are >demanding," they wrote in a letter to outraged parents, "the city and
    our union take…actions to stop the spread."

    So just a few more weeks to stop the spread. Or months. Or years.

    Gook, you can't help but spreading your butt-cheeks for drinks at the
    Queen Mary parking lot.

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