• Re: Know this: National Socialist Leader Michael Kuhnen explains that i

    From Lane Larson@21:1/5 to NefeshBarYochai on Mon Apr 15 15:33:50 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.slack, soc.culture.israel
    XPost: alt.christnet.christianlife

    NefeshBarYochai wrote:
    "While in jail, Kuhnen came out as gay. In response to critics
    within the neo-Nazi movement, he argued that his lack of a family
    meant he had more time to devote to militancy, and he pointed out
    that Ernst Rohm was also a gay Nazi."


    One American journalist later wrote, "Roehm's chiefs, men of the
    rank of Gruppenfuehrer or Obergruppenfuehrer, commanding units
    of several hundred thousand Storm Troopers, were almost without
    exception homosexuals."

    Magical carpets screaming down the freeway

    Walked in a gypsy's tent with a food stamp
    And walked out with a magical lamp, yeah

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