• AP's 307th book of science// Subatomic Particle Physics Theory-- Standa

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 25 10:38:58 2023
    In celebration of my second most famous theory of science, the overhaul of Subatomic Particle theory, which occurred 2016-2017. It comes on the 8th anniversary of that huge breakthrough theory, for 2024 is the 8th year.

    I better detail that great discovery, for me certainly it is my 2nd greatest theory of science-- making sense of the interior of atoms.

    And while I am still in excellent health.

    This story is about the overthrow of the stupid and idiotic Standard Model of Old Physics. The Standard Model in all of its existence never predicted one single true idea, for it was always a "postdiction theory". Whenever physicists came out with new
    research data. The Standard Model buffoons quickly ran into their ivory tower studies and tried to wiggle and fanagle their stupid algebras to blare out-- our Standard Model predicted that-- when it never did and made Standard Modelist open ended liars.

    I discovered what replaces the Standard Model in 2016 after coming out of hospital for cancer surgery. So cancer sometimes can be a good thing, at least, it seemed to push me to race ahead in my researches.

    Anyway I love telling this story, the history of the discovery that the real electron of Atoms is not that tiny 0.5MeV particle but rather, the muon is the real true electron of atoms and weighing 105MeV.

    I love telling this story for it is so straightforward and simple and logical and deductive.

    And I better tell it before my memory cannot tell it.

    In 2016 I was working on my 8th edition of Plutonium Atom Totality theory and I approaced the end of that book in 2016. I decided I needed a chapter on Subatomic Particles. And simultaneously I was working on TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS textbook series. In
    those math books I wanted what was called Sigma Error of physics calculations. What Sigma Error is in physics is that it is a method that we know whether a experiment was done with sufficient accuracy and precision. And I looked upon Sigma Error as a
    part of Probability and Statistics theory in mathematics.

    So I had the concept Sigma Error clear in my mind that year in 2016. And here I was in 2016 wanting to have a chapter on subatomic particles of physics.

    So I started listing the important subatomic particles and what caught my eye, my attention immediately was that the neutron and proton were listed as rest mass of 940MeV close to 945MeV while the muon is listed at 105MeV.

    And being the mathematician I am, I immediately recognized that 9 x 105 is within Sigma Error of 940 of neutron and proton. Instantly in my mind, I saw that a neutron or proton are composed of 9 muons.

    For the meaning of Sigma Error when it gets to something like 0.7% or 0.5% or less, the meaning of Sigma Error in physics is that you have equality of Physical Features. You have the neutron and proton are actually 9 muons.

    So, that was 2016 as I discovered the neutron and proton were 9 muons.

    Sadly, I was not smart enough in 2016 to realize the proton had to be 945 subtract 105, that the muon as the atom's electron was inside the proton.

    It took me another year 2017, to understand the magnificent discovery of 2016. That the muon is inside a 840MeV proton and that it had the function and purpose of doing the Faraday law of muon thrusting inside a proton torus.

    Big big big science discovery, for it means Sun and stars shine not from fusion, but shine from Faraday law of all the protons that exist in Sun and stars. And I had not realized that until 2017.

    The AP discovery of 2016-2017 throws the Standard Model into the rubbish bin as a stupid failed model. But ironically, the very foundation of the Standard Model was math algebra, a game of algebra of playing around with numbers on concepts.

    I say ironic because the discovery of the true Subatomic Physics theory was caused by algebra of Sigma Error. Sigma Error is algebra, simplistic algebra, for it is merely a division. Such as 945/940 is a sigma error of 1.0053 or 0.53% sigma error. As
    simple as that-- how close do two numbers come.

    But in AP's Subatomic Physics theory, we seldom mess with algebra but rather instead, we focus more on Geometry. We realize that Subatomic Particles are geometrical for function and use and purpose.

    In Old Physics Standard Model, there-- everything was a Ball or stick figure. In New Physics we use all the EM laws, especially Faraday law, and realize the proton must be a torus geometry to make electricity. The muon stuck inside the proton torus has
    the function of being a bar magnet as it thrusts perpetually at almost the speed of light inside the proton torus.

    So it is ironic that this great discovery uses algebra to defeat the algebra of Standard Model. And then shifts our attention more to geometry for further truths of Atomic physics.


    AP's 307th book of science// Subatomic Particle Physics Theory-- Standard Model dumped in trash// Archimedes Plutonium

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  • From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 25 22:17:42 2023
    Unlike my first best discovery in science-- The Atom Totality Theory, that was a discovery that took approximately 20 years, slowly brewing in my mind, and it was a geometrical discovery. I connected the night sky of stars and galaxies with the electron
    dot cloud picture of quantum mechanics.

    Here, my second best discovery in science-- the true electron of Atoms is the muon and the proton is 840MeV not 938MeV and the proton was a torus doing the Faraday law with muon inside. This discovery came to me by happenstance of doing a chapter in a
    book on subatomic particles. And by algebra of Sigma Error-- and there it was-- a huge discovery that changes all the physical sciences.

    2024 will be my 8th year anniversary of that great discovery.

    And such a magnificiently simple discovery-- noticing that if I multiply 9 by 105, I attain the rest mass of both proton and neutron within Sigma Error. I remember the joy and happiness when I discovered that, so much joy in 2016 that I ventured to see
    if the other known subatomic particles were also, pure multiples of 105, and many of them were.

    So a magnificent discovery of huge huge importance, I must be blessed by the Atom Totality to receive such a gift.

    And as it turned out after 2017, that a large proportion of my books now published are a consequence of true electron is muon with Faraday law going on inside a proton torus.

    The knowledge that our Sun has gone Red Giant Phase and humanity and all life on Earth has only 1,000 years to make Europa a second new home, for the Sun will just toast and fry and eventually swallow Earth and there be no more Earth. All coming from
    noticing that 9 x 105 is the rest mass of proton and neutron. Such little input by me, yet such magnificiently huge output of importance.

    So the Standard Model of Old Physics is dead dead dead. A really stupid and pathetic theory of physics, somewhat abhorrent as it wasted the time of so many young physics graduates, wasted their time in voodoo magic physics of playing around with algebras.
    You could say numerology physics. For most of my critics look at AP and say numerology, too stupid to realize the biggest most bad numerology was Standard Model.

    And as of today, right this moment as I write these lines, I am working on my 263rd book of science as a rewrite of NOVA's Ancient Earth 5 part series. Today I am writing how Sun and Earth were created from the protons and muons doing the Faraday law,
    which creates stars and planets. All going back to my 2016-2017 discovery.

    And today, researching the fact that the surface area of a torus is about 40 times Rr while cube surface area is 6 times side x side and sphere surface area is 12 x radius x radius. Now let us for a moment shine a light on the comparison of Torus surface
    area with sphere surface area.

    Is the Torus the unique figure that maximizes surface area given a specific volume?

    One of the principles I have used throughout the years 2017 to present is a principle I call Maximum Electricity production, to help guide me on how the protons configure in a gold atom, rather than the single proton or two protons of hydrogen atom. In
    gold, do the 79 protons remain separate and on their own, or do the form a large huge torus, a single large huge torus.

    So the theory of Subatomic Particles started by me in 2016-2017 is going strong strong strong in new questions, new ideas.

    And that is how a true theory of physics should be-- opening new doors of inquiry, opening new vistas of thought.


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