• Saturn's rings? How fast are they falling into the planet

    From mitchrae3323@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 19 15:05:32 2023
    Why are Saturn's rings intact if they have been falling
    into Saturn? If the inner fell in? How?
    Voyagers did not measure rings falling out of orbit
    now did they? The rings would have all fallen in
    over billions of years. But they are intact...
    Where is the evidence for falling out of orbit?
    NASA said it. But they have not shown it.
    It has not been measured to happen.
    Where is NASA's observational proof?
    It has no such evidence...

    Mitchell Raemsch

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  • From Viljandi ameeriklane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 19 20:27:21 2023
    4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA TW9ybmluZy4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi7ioIDioIDioIDioIAKCgrioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDi oIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDi oIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIBZb3UgZHJpbmtpbmcgY29mZmVlIHJp Z2h0IG5vdyA/Pz8/Pz8/Pz8/Pz8/Pz8/Pz/ioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDi oIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIA=

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