• Re: JSH !! true guiding light in Math out shines JG by infinity

    From bassam karzeddin@21:1/5 to bassam king karzeddin on Thu Oct 12 06:11:00 2023
    On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 4:31:29 PM UTC+2, bassam king karzeddin wrote:
    On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 3:34:49 PM UTC+3, Eram semper recta wrote:
    On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 7:22:26 AM UTC-5, bassam king karzeddin wrote:
    On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 12:15:27 AM UTC+3, Sergio wrote:

    Harristotelian Logic

    A blog with texts originally posted at several newsgroups by James Harris (who is not the author of this blog).

    his posts from feb 1996 to Oct 8 2010 !!!!

    James Harrier (JSH) Earley vision about modern mathematics being not more than a very strict religion finally came very true, since nothing left absolutely true as in a purely mathematical sense, EXCEPT, of course, the Pythagorean theorem and few
    correct results in number theory and old Geometry, where all of the old ancient Greek problems had never been truly understood at all, but were forced to have solutions of that type of mainly the simple carpenter's skills that were based on some degree
    of approximations to a convenient way to a laypersons, where the true unrevealed secrets remained truly unknown to any wise and intelligent people (If at all existing) despite all that huge volumes of many false solutions even by the alleged greatest
    independent thinkers since their start few thousands of years back and up to our dates by the very silly paper folding or Origami art fart and many more alike, for sure

    And still, more problems are nearly untouched from those older ancient ages of the history of math that the dumbest mathematical historian of today world are well acquainted with, for sure

    And it was shown evidence that the current modern maths was never produced by mathematical point of truth but were a product of scientific and engineering problems produced solely by them for their little earthy technical problem solutions that
    never require the perfection that the Queen strictly requires, despite being useful for those scientists and engineers who aren't to blame in this rarest issues

    However, it seems that this point of view of the *KING* is impossible for today's Global academic professional mathematicians to comprehend or even nearly understand, despite the many *PUBLISHED* wonderful pieces of many undeniable pieces of

    And because of these accumulated and well-inherited wrong attitudes towards greatest facts, people like academic mathematicians had developed a very think skin of severing stubbornness and old rusted and broken tools to fight against the truth and
    very shamelessly in their own fields that they are the first people who supposedly responsible to uprise the superior facts about them and never to suppress them as we witness so clearly in every moderated or official site for mathematics and alike

    They still refuse to believe the simplest exposed facts that they were simply so innocent victims that need very urgent help in order to heal them completely from so many addictions to fictions that were made for them even much before they came
    into this life

    For ALL alleged Genious mathematicians and alike, The true *KING* with few others are here to rescue and save you entirely from ALL the old devilish FICTIONS that you had been inherited so innocently FOR SURE

    Wake up to the irrefutable and rigorously proven facts that are fully published and freely available just a few seconds away from you, and never ever pretend that you didn't see, you didn't hear, ..., etc, since the coming is much worse FOR SURE

    I don't think I read anything by JSH as I was not aware of this forum before 2005 (?). If I did, then it was devoid of logic because it did not attract my attention. But it doesn't take a genius to realise that mainstream mythmatics is a religion, so
    no kudos to JSH for realising this.

    I left the forum very soon after I first posted on it because that fucking moron Prof. David Ullrich made it impossible for me to share my ideas. Ullrich did not understand my proof of the mean value theorem and vigorously attacked it at that time. I
    hope he died from his ulcerative colitis, but I don't think the scumbag would be so fortunate. He and a few of his jealous colleagues from the UK had a lot to say about me, rather than my ideas. Most of them are fat, dirty, sexually perverted slobs who
    cared nothing for logic or truth. Ullrich once admitted that his thesis on complex numbers was a total waste of time - this is about the only occasion I remember him being truthful.

    Of course, this is the miserable case we had arrived to, one can't go for every detail of everyone had been noticed at least by this sci. Mathers community, but it is strange how this guy JSH was a focus of most of them (mainstream) for only and mainly
    one reason, which is to mistake him and show that he was a crank in order to entertain and have the great fun of being superior to him, and their aim was never to help or pick up anything where the later had discovered their inner hidden common
    tendencies as mainstream attitudes and started naturally insulting them so badly for the general tendencies that mainstream usually enjoy,

    And later, it seems that he realized that the math people are for isn't so different from any religion, where religion is in fact much clearer by stating its basic beliefs and tell you straight on the face this is a belief, like it or leave it, it
    doesn't any matter,

    So to say in my opinion the religion is still far more advanced and MUCH clearer than the so-called modern mathematics of today's world FOR SURE

    Luckily, he didn't provide the general factoring method because if he truly did on a free public forum then nothing useful would be ever reflected on him just because of being published on the public level and never by any alleged reputable Journal or
    famous University since this is the most serious red line they always they want to convey for every talented person but don't dare at all to pronounce it so openly or write it as a role since it is against any human rules in the core issue of the total
    fake industry of *PUBLICATIONS*,

    So to say, assume that tomorrow an unknown amateur posting a very rigorous proof of FLT under his name in the sci. math for example, where it is absolutely true to every average academic professional mathematician or alike and the proof is only two or
    three pages, then you would see full silence of those mainstream and total ignorance to his proof just because they consider it as a huge insult to their biggest mathematical institution and their own intellect

    And the first very foolish thing that they would ask the non-professional poster like this:

    Where did you publish this first? Never realizing their perpetual stupidity

    They usually main to say, if not published by our masters, then nothing to judge or see or report officially, but maybe to reproduce it in their own way, for sure

    And if posted in the moderated site like MSE or Quora or Donkypidia, then certainly would be hidden immediately for the same incurable reasons

    And in higher academic levels like alleged reputable Journals and famous Universities, the whole problem becomes even much worse and *IMPOSSIBLE* to be admitted since either would be immediately stolen and never allowed to be presented by unknown
    amateurs (since that would be a big issue), but must be then reproduced by a very well-known academic people and of course in very lengthy way with tons of references (as always as usual), so that nobody ever notices their greatest crimes to the anyone's
    true talent and never respect the true intellectual properties for any common people where they do always pretend to claim but contrary to their common practice

    Of course, these disorder behaviours of well-known academic people don't appear or being noticed in so many little daily published issues or daily published ordinary papers, but only happens in the very BIGGEST issues with talented non-professional
    amateurs who are never aware of the total industry of publications

    And JSH as I remember (despite being myself little concerned) had once published a paper about factoring method where someone found a numerical counterexample on the Math Forum and posted or reported it to the same Journal and maybe other Journals,
    where That Jornal finally collapsed and closed

    Many people may be still here who know that story better than myself, and everything actually about it in their profiles, but the profiles of members these days seems not visible at all due to continuous technical difficulties they keep suffering
    permanently not to resolve, it seems

    But I think personally since many true things had been discovered since few years were those older professional Mathers had finally realized their WELL-documented ignorance (that earlier I had pointed to them like those TRUE imbeciles Robert Israel and
    Edger or Gerry Myerson, where all are HIDING now at MSE very safely), then maybe secretly they managed with others of their likes to first stop the doomed Math Forum a nearly year ago, where one can't delete his own published posts from that site, but
    can always add another post as modifications but with new documented dates that is truly fantastic and much stronger than here on the sci. math (use net or google), the sci. the sci. math here that allows anyone to withdrew and delete his own views
    anytime he likes)

    So to say my expectation, they are also going to hide all those older profiles of the Math Forums or maybe to forage them secretly and regardless that they represent too much for many keen people who gave them freely their best discoveries and answers,
    where it was meant basically for true mathematical history for truly talented public people

    They are ALL in short, working SECRETLY and tirelessly against the proven facts that are going to shame them forever and FOR SURE

    How can we recover our older files from The Math Forum? wonder!

    Bassam Karzeddin
    Nov. 9th, 2019

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