• AP correcting his Boltzmann's constant derivation. In my 258th book of

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 5 13:35:59 2023
    I am in the process of revising and correcting the Boltzmann constant.

    I can see better now on this derivation. The key is that Thermodynamics and Heat are part of EM theory as specialized part of EM theory.

    There is another constant that is analog to Boltzmann, just as permeability is analog to permittivity. Those two are seen in the equation c^2 = 1/(permittivity*permeability)

    Likewise we should see a similar equation for Boltzmann constant in the form of

    c^2 = 1/(Boltzmann constant*another constant)

    At the moment I am playing around with this constant-- Thermal conductance quantum 9.46*10^-13 W/K^2

    Thermodynamics, is afterall a specialized portion of the EM spectrum.

    11) Boltzmann's constant.

    --- quoting my 174th published book of science ---
    TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS, 2nd year College
    by Archimedes Plutonium

    Preface: At the moment this is a physics book for 2nd year College. But as the months and years go by, I intend to convert it into a textbook of about 200 to 300 pages. It is mostly about thermodynamics for in my own college education 1968-1972 at
    University of Cincinnati, I took physics thermodynamics in the 2nd year (according to memory).

    Cover-Picture: Is a iphone photograph of the Chemistry textbook I used at UC 1968-1972 with my own paper cut-outs of magnetic monopoles. Pictured are 4 bent circles, bent at 90degrees from diameter and each bent circle is a individual magnetic monopole.

    Conductance Quantum is G_0 = 2e^2/h = 7.74*10^-5 S
    Boltzmann's constant is 8.617*10^-5 eV/K
    Magnetic Permeability in vacuum constant is 1.256*10^-6 H/m

    --- end quoting my 174th published book of science ---

    What if we take c^2 = 1/(Boltzmann * unknown) considering heat is me