• __Make all F-16s by NATO available for use by Ukraine-- instead of the

    From Archimedes Plutonium@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 23 20:55:27 2023
    3m views:: Make all F-16s by NATO available for use by Ukraine-- instead of the policy each country decides when and where F-16s go// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULES EARTH, not petty dictators

    At the moment NATO nations decide where their F-16s are used and when. Instead, let all F-16s enconcert-- in symphony be used against a aggressor of NATO or Allies.

    Pragmatism-- how awful is the idea of pilots flying around in F-16s doing nothing but practicing, when there is a war in Ukraine that desperately needs those pilots in their fighter jets repelling the enemy-- Putin's Russia. Silly and contradictory.

    The Ukraine war will end in weeks if all the F-16s were in Ukraine now.

    F-16s wins the war for Ukraine as WW2 was won with the Battle of Britain// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULES EARTH, not petty dictators

    Ukraine-- please wait for the F-16 fighter jet to win back your lands, let the jets do the heavy lifting of pushing out the Russians, Do not lose more men in a ground offensive // Science Council Rules Earth, not petty dictators

    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium<plutonium....@gmail.com>
    Sep 18, 2023, 9:30:33 PM (3 days ago)

    to Plutonium Atom Universe
    Most people do not know that WW2 was won when Britain won the sky war with their Spitfire. Sure Stalingrad was the final blow, but the Allies won World War 2 when Germany lost the skies to Britain +Allies in the Battle of Britain 1940.

    By 1940, no country can win a major war against another with a inferior Air Force.

    Germany with inferior air power was going to lose WW2 as seen as early as 1940, as the German air force was puny and weak against the Allies and that Germany would soon be pounded to death from the skies.

    I do not know if anyone in 1940 recognized that the Allies were fated to win just on superior air power. Perhaps no-one saw it, and even up to this post, no-one recognizing that WW2 was won as early as 1940 with the air power win of Battle of Britain.

    Many look at Stalingrad as the final blow, but it actually came in 1940 with German weak air power.

    Same thing happens in Ukraine. They say history repeats. I am not so sure, but I am sure that saliant facts must not be ignored. Air Power strength in a major conflict-- all else being equal-- the victor is the one with superior Air Power.

    Nothing in the Russian fleet can handle the F-16 and its higher grade models. Why even today in the news was a report of a downed test pilot and the scramble was to get the F-16 so the enemies of the USA do not get it and copy the technology.

    Once Ukraine gets a fleet of F-16s, it is all over for the Russian occupation.

    Send in only ground troops by Ukraine to mop up what the F-16 cleared out.

    President Zelensky was extremely wise in making 2023 counteroffensive slow. Because it is pointless in losing men when it is the F-16 that will do the heavy lifting.

    This pushes Putin up against the wall, for his forces are inferior in manpower and weapons. His only option is Atomic missiles. And here we have to ask if the Russian people are dumb enough to allow the insane crazy Putin bury Russia under Atomic

    For it is clear that Russia is inferior in weapons in all departments-- especially Atomic weapons.

    Why I bet that 75% of Russia's atomic missiles are duds, that will explode on their launch site.

    So, the question is, how dumb are the Russian people to let a insane crazy man Putin destroy themselves and all of Russia. Even China recognizes by now, how insane Putin is, although North Korea with its silly and ignorant idea of supplying Russia with
    arms is in the same boat as Russia.

    Where North Korea is heading for?? It is heading to the day when the West tells them-- We can no longer tell if your missile launches are tests or the real thing. So the next time Pyongyang fires a missile, a Allie missile will strike Pyongyang and blow
    it out of existence.


    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium<plutonium....@gmail.com>
    Sep 21, 2023, 8:54:35 PM (19 hours ago)

    to Plutonium Atom Universe
    Ukraine easily wins this war once the F-16s routinely patrol the skies over Ukraine.

    Awful, that the Republican party of the past was the party of strong military and defence, now, it has become the Party for "no defence" as the fools want to cut back on Ukraine military aid.

    The war in Ukraine ends the moment there are perhaps 30 perhaps 50 F-16s patrolling the land.

    As in World War 2, the end of that war was to be predicted as a Ally victory simply on the observation that Germany was weak in air force. The Battle of Britain was the victory that would shape the endgame of that war. Bomb Germany out of existence.

    In the case of Ukraine, wait for the 50 F-16s that routinely fly over the Russian held territory and bomb the existence out of its supplies, supply lines and dug-outs and trenches.

    The faster those F-16s get into Ukraine, the faster this Ukraine war is over with.

    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium<plutonium....@gmail.com>
    3:32 PM (now)

    to Plutonium Atom Universe
    Once F-16s are in Ukraine, no need to enter the Russian lines, just bomb them out of their trenches and supply lines.

    F-16s are the game changer.

    WW2 was won the moment the Allies won the Battle of Britain. Superior Air Force wins wars.

    And Ukraine was not going to win until they had F-16s.

    F-16s changes it all.


    F-16s wins the war for Ukraine as WW2 was won with the Battle of Britain// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULES EARTH, not petty dictators

    Make all F-16s by NATO available for use by Ukraine-- instead of the policy each country decides when and where F-16s go// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULES EARTH, not petty dictators
    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    Sep 22, 2023, 7:27:07 PM (yesterday)

    This brings up the interesting question of whether the F-16 and series is superior to anything China has???

    And if so, how is NATO planning to stay ahead of China in Air Force superiority.

    As was mentioned previously, WW2 was won starting with Battle of Britain, in that Germany was doomed to defeat.

    Now, Ukraine is posed to win over Russia because of F-16 superiority.

    But is NATO Air Force superior to China?? If so, how does the future keep that superiority edge on China???

    Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
    Archimedes Plutonium
    10:52 PM (1 minute ago)

    Some have complained that the West has no game-plan for victory in Ukraine. I suspect they are 100% wrong, wrong, wrong. The gameplan is that once F-16s are in Ukraine they clean-up, mop-up, all Russian supply lines and trenches and Russian fronts. In
    other words, the end is in sight.

    There is no plane in Russia to match the F-16. And if Russia is silly enough, it will lose planes and pilots in confronting the F-16.

    So just like WW2-- it was over with in 1940 when the Allies won the Battle of Britain, for Germany was too weak in Air Force to win the war.

    And Russia seems never to have learned that lesson. That the West is superior in Air Force, and in all its weapons. Why Putin ever went to war has to be one of the most inept decisions ever made.

    Never go to war against someone who has superior weapons than you.

    Do you think China learned from WW2 and now Ukraine?? I think not. I think China is deluded into thinking they have a superior air force when they do not.

    And this is the key for West and NATO defense into the future-- stay ahead technologically to our enemies, especially spy planes and satellites. The submarines are still far far ahead of Russia and China. Keep it that way.

    And the lesson that Russia, China, North Korea, Iran will learn from Ukraine, is that if you do not have superior weapons-- you lose.

    So, the faster Ukraine has F-16s, the faster is Russia completely out of Ukraine. And I suspect the Russian people are not dumb, and will throw out Putin, and __not let that insane fool press Atomic buttons____.

    And how far ahead is the West in Air Force over China??? Is it far enough ahead??? For that is the key in keeping China peaceful and not belligerent.


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