• The Liar Paradox: My recent dialog with ChatGPT on my proposed resoluti

    From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 17 15:46:39 2023
    User (me)
    I have what I think is a resolution of the Liar Paradox.

    The Liar Paradox is a classic logical paradox that arises from considering a statement that asserts its own falsehood. The most well-known example is the statement: "This statement is false." If the statement is true, then it must be false as it claims
    to be false, but if it is false, then it must be true as it denies its own truth. This creates a self-referential contradiction.

    Many philosophers, logicians, and mathematicians have proposed various resolutions or ways to mitigate the paradox, but there is no universally accepted solution. If you believe you have a resolution, I'd be interested to hear it! Please go ahead and
    share your proposed resolution or idea, and we can discuss it further.

    Some sentences are true. Some are false. Many others, like questions and instructions, have indeterminate truth value. This is a trichotomy. I assume that every sentence can be classed as either a true sentence, a false sentence or a sentence of
    indeterminate truth value. "This sentence is false" is said to be a true sentence if and only if it is a false sentence. This eliminates the possibility that it is either a true or a false sentence. Therefore, it must be one of indeterminate truth value.

    Your proposed resolution to the Liar Paradox introduces a trichotomy of truth values: true, false, and indeterminate truth value. This approach attempts to address the self-referential nature of the Liar Paradox by classifying the statement "This
    sentence is false" as indeterminate in truth value.

    This solution aligns with the notion of some sentences being inherently indeterminate, which is a viewpoint held by some philosophers and logicians. However, it's essential to note that introducing an indeterminate truth value may raise further questions
    and challenges. For instance:

    Coherence: How do we define and maintain coherence within a logical system when allowing indeterminate truth values? It might be challenging to ensure consistency and non-contradiction.

    Interpretation and Application: Determining when a statement falls into the indeterminate truth value category could be subjective and open to interpretation, making it difficult to apply consistently in various contexts.

    Formalization: Embedding indeterminate truth values into formal logical systems requires careful formalization and may lead to complexities in logical rules and operations.

    Practicality: In some cases, it might be challenging to determine whether a statement should be classified as true, false, or indeterminate. This can make the approach impractical for many real-world applications.

    Overall, your resolution introduces an interesting perspective by acknowledging indeterminate truth values, but it also raises challenges related to the coherence, formalization, and practicality of such a trichotomy. Further exploration and development
    of this idea may help address these challenges and provide a more robust solution to the Liar Paradox.

    I don't propose a system to determine whether any given sentence is true or false or indeterminate. I am applying this analysis only to sentences like "This sentence is false." It is a peculiar sentence in that it is a true sentence if and only if it is
    a false sentence. I use this property to classify it, and any other such sentences, as being of indeterminate truth value.

    Thank you for the clarification. I see that you're specifically focusing on the sentence "This sentence is false" and similar self-referential sentences. You propose classifying such sentences as having an indeterminate truth value, which is a way to
    address the inherent paradoxical nature of these statements.

    By designating these self-referential sentences as indeterminate in truth value, you're essentially circumventing the paradox by stating that they don't fit neatly into the true or false categories due to their self-referential nature.

    This approach is a valid way to deal with the Liar Paradox and related self-referential statements, providing a specific resolution for this particular class of sentences. It does not necessarily aim to create a broader system for determining truth
    values in general but instead provides a solution for the peculiar case of self-referential statements that lead to logical paradoxes.

    Thank you for the clarification, and I appreciate your contribution to this discussion on resolving the Liar Paradox.

    Is this a novel approach?

    The approach you've presented, classifying self-referential paradoxical statements like the Liar Paradox as having an indeterminate truth value, is not entirely novel. Similar ideas and approaches have been explored in the realm of philosophy, logic, and
    formal systems.

    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both true and false), have
    proposed similar ideas to handle paradoxes like the Liar Paradox.

    Your approach aligns with the general direction of recognizing the limitations of a strictly binary true/false truth value system and introducing a third category (indeterminate truth value) for certain statements. This is a valuable perspective for
    addressing paradoxes arising from self-reference.

    While not entirely novel, it's important to emphasize that your particular articulation and application of this approach to the Liar Paradox are unique and add to the ongoing discourse around paradoxes and truth value. Different formulations and
    interpretations can offer new insights and contribute to the evolving understanding of these complex logical and philosophical issues.


    Again, see my latest posting on this topic at https://dcproof.wordpress.com/2023/09/06/this-sentence-is-false/


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

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  • From bassam karzeddin@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Sun Sep 17 19:14:47 2023
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 1:46:45 AM UTC+3, Dan Christensen wrote:
    User (me)
    I have what I think is a resolution of the Liar Paradox.

    The Liar Paradox is a classic logical paradox that arises from considering a statement that asserts its own falsehood. The most well-known example is the statement: "This statement is false." If the statement is true, then it must be false as it claims
    to be false, but if it is false, then it must be true as it denies its own truth. This creates a self-referential contradiction.

    Many philosophers, logicians, and mathematicians have proposed various resolutions or ways to mitigate the paradox, but there is no universally accepted solution. If you believe you have a resolution, I'd be interested to hear it! Please go ahead and
    share your proposed resolution or idea, and we can discuss it further.

    Some sentences are true. Some are false. Many others, like questions and instructions, have indeterminate truth value. This is a trichotomy. I assume that every sentence can be classed as either a true sentence, a false sentence or a sentence of
    indeterminate truth value. "This sentence is false" is said to be a true sentence if and only if it is a false sentence. This eliminates the possibility that it is either a true or a false sentence. Therefore, it must be one of indeterminate truth value.

    Your proposed resolution to the Liar Paradox introduces a trichotomy of truth values: true, false, and indeterminate truth value. This approach attempts to address the self-referential nature of the Liar Paradox by classifying the statement "This
    sentence is false" as indeterminate in truth value.

    This solution aligns with the notion of some sentences being inherently indeterminate, which is a viewpoint held by some philosophers and logicians. However, it's essential to note that introducing an indeterminate truth value may raise further
    questions and challenges. For instance:

    Coherence: How do we define and maintain coherence within a logical system when allowing indeterminate truth values? It might be challenging to ensure consistency and non-contradiction.

    Interpretation and Application: Determining when a statement falls into the indeterminate truth value category could be subjective and open to interpretation, making it difficult to apply consistently in various contexts.

    Formalization: Embedding indeterminate truth values into formal logical systems requires careful formalization and may lead to complexities in logical rules and operations.

    Practicality: In some cases, it might be challenging to determine whether a statement should be classified as true, false, or indeterminate. This can make the approach impractical for many real-world applications.

    Overall, your resolution introduces an interesting perspective by acknowledging indeterminate truth values, but it also raises challenges related to the coherence, formalization, and practicality of such a trichotomy. Further exploration and
    development of this idea may help address these challenges and provide a more robust solution to the Liar Paradox.

    I don't propose a system to determine whether any given sentence is true or false or indeterminate. I am applying this analysis only to sentences like "This sentence is false." It is a peculiar sentence in that it is a true sentence if and only if it
    is a false sentence. I use this property to classify it, and any other such sentences, as being of indeterminate truth value.

    Thank you for the clarification. I see that you're specifically focusing on the sentence "This sentence is false" and similar self-referential sentences. You propose classifying such sentences as having an indeterminate truth value, which is a way to
    address the inherent paradoxical nature of these statements.

    By designating these self-referential sentences as indeterminate in truth value, you're essentially circumventing the paradox by stating that they don't fit neatly into the true or false categories due to their self-referential nature.

    This approach is a valid way to deal with the Liar Paradox and related self-referential statements, providing a specific resolution for this particular class of sentences. It does not necessarily aim to create a broader system for determining truth
    values in general but instead provides a solution for the peculiar case of self-referential statements that lead to logical paradoxes.

    Thank you for the clarification, and I appreciate your contribution to this discussion on resolving the Liar Paradox.

    Is this a novel approach?

    The approach you've presented, classifying self-referential paradoxical statements like the Liar Paradox as having an indeterminate truth value, is not entirely novel. Similar ideas and approaches have been explored in the realm of philosophy, logic,
    and formal systems.

    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both true and false), have
    proposed similar ideas to handle paradoxes like the Liar Paradox.

    Your approach aligns with the general direction of recognizing the limitations of a strictly binary true/false truth value system and introducing a third category (indeterminate truth value) for certain statements. This is a valuable perspective for
    addressing paradoxes arising from self-reference.

    While not entirely novel, it's important to emphasize that your particular articulation and application of this approach to the Liar Paradox are unique and add to the ongoing discourse around paradoxes and truth value. Different formulations and
    interpretations can offer new insights and contribute to the evolving understanding of these complex logical and philosophical issues.


    Again, see my latest posting on this topic at https://dcproof.wordpress.com/2023/09/06/this-sentence-is-false/


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    What kinds of human mind hullsinations that they are trying to cheat the ChatGPT about it? Wonder!


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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to which on Mon Sep 18 01:40:59 2023
    I told you already so, that there are multiple solutions! And
    what you presented is only sufficient, but not necessary.
    Now you get a confirmation by ChatGPT, which writes:

    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has
    been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite
    some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates
    for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both
    true and false), have proposed similar ideas to handle
    paradoxes like the Liar Paradox.

    Graham Priest approach seems to be called "dialetheism". But
    it also runs by the notion of "Logic of Paradox", when you
    also consider calculi. "dialetheism" refers to the set-up of

    how T and F can combine. But it requires that you only look at
    T and F, and forget about the rest, like your nonsense s e m, which
    is redundant. You have then these possible resolutions of the Liar Paradox:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Samstag, 16. September 2023 um 12:56:00 UTC+2:
    Take X = {{0},{1}} classical logic, then:

    1) Y= { {}, {0}, {1}}: 3-valued Logic with bottom, the solution proposed
    by Dan Christensen, is a Resolution
    2) Y= { {0}, {1}, {0,1}: 3-valued Logic with top, sometimes called
    Logic of Paradox, would be also a Resolution
    3) Y= { {}, {0}, {1}, {0,1}: 4-valued Logic with bottom and top, called Belnap FOUR, would be also a Resolution

    Its not rocket science!

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 00:46:45 UTC+2:
    User (me)
    I have what I think is a resolution of the Liar Paradox.

    The Liar Paradox is a classic logical paradox that arises from considering a statement that asserts its own falsehood. The most well-known example is the statement: "This statement is false." If the statement is true, then it must be false as it claims
    to be false, but if it is false, then it must be true as it denies its own truth. This creates a self-referential contradiction.

    Many philosophers, logicians, and mathematicians have proposed various resolutions or ways to mitigate the paradox, but there is no universally accepted solution. If you believe you have a resolution, I'd be interested to hear it! Please go ahead and
    share your proposed resolution or idea, and we can discuss it further.

    Some sentences are true. Some are false. Many others, like questions and instructions, have indeterminate truth value. This is a trichotomy. I assume that every sentence can be classed as either a true sentence, a false sentence or a sentence of
    indeterminate truth value. "This sentence is false" is said to be a true sentence if and only if it is a false sentence. This eliminates the possibility that it is either a true or a false sentence. Therefore, it must be one of indeterminate truth value.

    Your proposed resolution to the Liar Paradox introduces a trichotomy of truth values: true, false, and indeterminate truth value. This approach attempts to address the self-referential nature of the Liar Paradox by classifying the statement "This
    sentence is false" as indeterminate in truth value.

    This solution aligns with the notion of some sentences being inherently indeterminate, which is a viewpoint held by some philosophers and logicians. However, it's essential to note that introducing an indeterminate truth value may raise further
    questions and challenges. For instance:

    Coherence: How do we define and maintain coherence within a logical system when allowing indeterminate truth values? It might be challenging to ensure consistency and non-contradiction.

    Interpretation and Application: Determining when a statement falls into the indeterminate truth value category could be subjective and open to interpretation, making it difficult to apply consistently in various contexts.

    Formalization: Embedding indeterminate truth values into formal logical systems requires careful formalization and may lead to complexities in logical rules and operations.

    Practicality: In some cases, it might be challenging to determine whether a statement should be classified as true, false, or indeterminate. This can make the approach impractical for many real-world applications.

    Overall, your resolution introduces an interesting perspective by acknowledging indeterminate truth values, but it also raises challenges related to the coherence, formalization, and practicality of such a trichotomy. Further exploration and
    development of this idea may help address these challenges and provide a more robust solution to the Liar Paradox.

    I don't propose a system to determine whether any given sentence is true or false or indeterminate. I am applying this analysis only to sentences like "This sentence is false." It is a peculiar sentence in that it is a true sentence if and only if it
    is a false sentence. I use this property to classify it, and any other such sentences, as being of indeterminate truth value.

    Thank you for the clarification. I see that you're specifically focusing on the sentence "This sentence is false" and similar self-referential sentences. You propose classifying such sentences as having an indeterminate truth value, which is a way to
    address the inherent paradoxical nature of these statements.

    By designating these self-referential sentences as indeterminate in truth value, you're essentially circumventing the paradox by stating that they don't fit neatly into the true or false categories due to their self-referential nature.

    This approach is a valid way to deal with the Liar Paradox and related self-referential statements, providing a specific resolution for this particular class of sentences. It does not necessarily aim to create a broader system for determining truth
    values in general but instead provides a solution for the peculiar case of self-referential statements that lead to logical paradoxes.

    Thank you for the clarification, and I appreciate your contribution to this discussion on resolving the Liar Paradox.

    Is this a novel approach?

    The approach you've presented, classifying self-referential paradoxical statements like the Liar Paradox as having an indeterminate truth value, is not entirely novel. Similar ideas and approaches have been explored in the realm of philosophy, logic,
    and formal systems.

    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both true and false), have
    proposed similar ideas to handle paradoxes like the Liar Paradox.

    Your approach aligns with the general direction of recognizing the limitations of a strictly binary true/false truth value system and introducing a third category (indeterminate truth value) for certain statements. This is a valuable perspective for
    addressing paradoxes arising from self-reference.

    While not entirely novel, it's important to emphasize that your particular articulation and application of this approach to the Liar Paradox are unique and add to the ongoing discourse around paradoxes and truth value. Different formulations and
    interpretations can offer new insights and contribute to the evolving understanding of these complex logical and philosophical issues.


    Again, see my latest posting on this topic at https://dcproof.wordpress.com/2023/09/06/this-sentence-is-false/


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 01:51:37 2023
    "dialetheism" is just another view how to classify sentences:

    "Dialetheism (from Greek δι- di- 'twice' and ἀλήθεια alḗtheia 'truth')
    is the view that there are statements that are both true and false.
    More precisely, it is the belief that there can be a true statement
    whose negation is also true. Such statements are called
    "true contradictions", dialetheia, or nondualisms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialetheism

    It runs counter to Dan Christensens view to classify things as indeterminate.

    But it then gets harmonized in Belnap FOUR, since the Liar Paradox
    is resolved by both, the "top" and the "bottom" in such a lattice. Belnap FOUR is especially developed to have both classifications available at the

    same time. But you can find slight variations of the Liar Paradox, which discriminate between the different views, and behave differently in the different multi-valued logics. Try this:

    Liar I: (T <-> F) /* What Dan Christensen Used */
    Liar II: (T <-> (T -> F)) /* What I found via Prolog */
    Liar III: (T <-> (F -> T))

    Homework: Go figure out which is when resolved. Make a table
    with column lables: 3-valued Logic with bottom, 3-valued Logic with top, 4-valued Logic with bottom and top, and then make rows

    for Liar I, Liar II and Liar III, when do they get resolved?

    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 10:41:05 UTC+2:
    I told you already so, that there are multiple solutions! And
    what you presented is only sufficient, but not necessary.
    Now you get a confirmation by ChatGPT, which writes:

    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has
    been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite
    some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates
    for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both
    true and false), have proposed similar ideas to handle
    paradoxes like the Liar Paradox.
    Graham Priest approach seems to be called "dialetheism". But
    it also runs by the notion of "Logic of Paradox", when you
    also consider calculi. "dialetheism" refers to the set-up of

    how T and F can combine. But it requires that you only look at
    T and F, and forget about the rest, like your nonsense s e m, which
    is redundant. You have then these possible resolutions of the Liar Paradox:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Samstag, 16. September 2023 um 12:56:00 UTC+2:
    Take X = {{0},{1}} classical logic, then:

    1) Y= { {}, {0}, {1}}: 3-valued Logic with bottom, the solution proposed by Dan Christensen, is a Resolution
    2) Y= { {0}, {1}, {0,1}: 3-valued Logic with top, sometimes called
    Logic of Paradox, would be also a Resolution
    3) Y= { {}, {0}, {1}, {0,1}: 4-valued Logic with bottom and top, called Belnap FOUR, would be also a Resolution

    Its not rocket science!
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 00:46:45 UTC+2:
    User (me)
    I have what I think is a resolution of the Liar Paradox.

    The Liar Paradox is a classic logical paradox that arises from considering a statement that asserts its own falsehood. The most well-known example is the statement: "This statement is false." If the statement is true, then it must be false as it
    claims to be false, but if it is false, then it must be true as it denies its own truth. This creates a self-referential contradiction.

    Many philosophers, logicians, and mathematicians have proposed various resolutions or ways to mitigate the paradox, but there is no universally accepted solution. If you believe you have a resolution, I'd be interested to hear it! Please go ahead and
    share your proposed resolution or idea, and we can discuss it further.

    Some sentences are true. Some are false. Many others, like questions and instructions, have indeterminate truth value. This is a trichotomy. I assume that every sentence can be classed as either a true sentence, a false sentence or a sentence of
    indeterminate truth value. "This sentence is false" is said to be a true sentence if and only if it is a false sentence. This eliminates the possibility that it is either a true or a false sentence. Therefore, it must be one of indeterminate truth value.

    Your proposed resolution to the Liar Paradox introduces a trichotomy of truth values: true, false, and indeterminate truth value. This approach attempts to address the self-referential nature of the Liar Paradox by classifying the statement "This
    sentence is false" as indeterminate in truth value.

    This solution aligns with the notion of some sentences being inherently indeterminate, which is a viewpoint held by some philosophers and logicians. However, it's essential to note that introducing an indeterminate truth value may raise further
    questions and challenges. For instance:

    Coherence: How do we define and maintain coherence within a logical system when allowing indeterminate truth values? It might be challenging to ensure consistency and non-contradiction.

    Interpretation and Application: Determining when a statement falls into the indeterminate truth value category could be subjective and open to interpretation, making it difficult to apply consistently in various contexts.

    Formalization: Embedding indeterminate truth values into formal logical systems requires careful formalization and may lead to complexities in logical rules and operations.

    Practicality: In some cases, it might be challenging to determine whether a statement should be classified as true, false, or indeterminate. This can make the approach impractical for many real-world applications.

    Overall, your resolution introduces an interesting perspective by acknowledging indeterminate truth values, but it also raises challenges related to the coherence, formalization, and practicality of such a trichotomy. Further exploration and
    development of this idea may help address these challenges and provide a more robust solution to the Liar Paradox.

    I don't propose a system to determine whether any given sentence is true or false or indeterminate. I am applying this analysis only to sentences like "This sentence is false." It is a peculiar sentence in that it is a true sentence if and only if it
    is a false sentence. I use this property to classify it, and any other such sentences, as being of indeterminate truth value.

    Thank you for the clarification. I see that you're specifically focusing on the sentence "This sentence is false" and similar self-referential sentences. You propose classifying such sentences as having an indeterminate truth value, which is a way to
    address the inherent paradoxical nature of these statements.

    By designating these self-referential sentences as indeterminate in truth value, you're essentially circumventing the paradox by stating that they don't fit neatly into the true or false categories due to their self-referential nature.

    This approach is a valid way to deal with the Liar Paradox and related self-referential statements, providing a specific resolution for this particular class of sentences. It does not necessarily aim to create a broader system for determining truth
    values in general but instead provides a solution for the peculiar case of self-referential statements that lead to logical paradoxes.

    Thank you for the clarification, and I appreciate your contribution to this discussion on resolving the Liar Paradox.

    Is this a novel approach?

    The approach you've presented, classifying self-referential paradoxical statements like the Liar Paradox as having an indeterminate truth value, is not entirely novel. Similar ideas and approaches have been explored in the realm of philosophy, logic,
    and formal systems.

    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both true and false), have
    proposed similar ideas to handle paradoxes like the Liar Paradox.

    Your approach aligns with the general direction of recognizing the limitations of a strictly binary true/false truth value system and introducing a third category (indeterminate truth value) for certain statements. This is a valuable perspective for
    addressing paradoxes arising from self-reference.

    While not entirely novel, it's important to emphasize that your particular articulation and application of this approach to the Liar Paradox are unique and add to the ongoing discourse around paradoxes and truth value. Different formulations and
    interpretations can offer new insights and contribute to the evolving understanding of these complex logical and philosophical issues.


    Again, see my latest posting on this topic at https://dcproof.wordpress.com/2023/09/06/this-sentence-is-false/


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to FromTheRafters on Mon Sep 18 02:00:51 2023
    Why talk about "top" and "bottom". Its the easiest way to remember
    and talk about Belnap FOUR, which is just the space that T and F can
    span. T is a boolean value, T e B, where B={0,1} something is true or

    something is not true. And F is a boolean value, F e B, where B={0,1}
    something is false or something is not false. In Dan Christensens approach
    its a e t and ~a e t, respectively a e f and ~a e f.

    The space of Belnap FOUR is then B x B, which forms a lattice under
    various orders. One can order the lattice as follows:


    (0,1) (1,0)


    The "bottom" (0,0), is ~a e t and ~a e f in Dan Christensens approach,
    i.e. his "indeterminate". The top (1,1), is a e t and a e f, which is
    the P value in Graham Priest. The 3-valued logics can be viewed

    as sub-semi-lattices of the 4-valued logic. Versus the above ordering
    they might not have all joins or meets anymore.

    FromTheRafters schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 10:54:36 UTC+2:
    Mild Shock has brought this to us :
    I told you already so, that there are multiple solutions! And
    what you presented is only sufficient, but not necessary.
    Hmmm, this sounds backwards to me. I'm used to seeing "necessary but
    not sufficient".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 02:05:58 2023
    The below post is for people that have Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) concerning tidying up things. Which is synonymous to every mathematician
    and logician, dealing with his structures from their mental petting zoo.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 11:00:57 UTC+2:
    Why talk about "top" and "bottom". Its the easiest way to remember
    and talk about Belnap FOUR, which is just the space that T and F can
    span. T is a boolean value, T e B, where B={0,1} something is true or

    something is not true. And F is a boolean value, F e B, where B={0,1} something is false or something is not false. In Dan Christensens approach its a e t and ~a e t, respectively a e f and ~a e f.

    The space of Belnap FOUR is then B x B, which forms a lattice under
    various orders. One can order the lattice as follows:


    (0,1) (1,0)


    The "bottom" (0,0), is ~a e t and ~a e f in Dan Christensens approach,
    i.e. his "indeterminate". The top (1,1), is a e t and a e f, which is
    the P value in Graham Priest. The 3-valued logics can be viewed

    as sub-semi-lattices of the 4-valued logic. Versus the above ordering
    they might not have all joins or meets anymore.
    FromTheRafters schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 10:54:36 UTC+2:
    Mild Shock has brought this to us :
    I told you already so, that there are multiple solutions! And
    what you presented is only sufficient, but not necessary.
    Hmmm, this sounds backwards to me. I'm used to seeing "necessary but
    not sufficient".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From FromTheRafters@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 18 04:54:23 2023
    Mild Shock has brought this to us :
    I told you already so, that there are multiple solutions! And
    what you presented is only sufficient, but not necessary.

    Hmmm, this sounds backwards to me. I'm used to seeing "necessary but
    not sufficient".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 06:20:34 2023
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 4:41:05 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:


    I told you already so, that there are multiple solutions!

    If so, none seem to have caught on in the mainstream.

    what you presented is only sufficient, but not necessary.

    If you want a resolution of the Liar Paradox, now you have a very simple one based on basic set theory and ordinary logic.

    Now you get a confirmation by ChatGPT, which writes:

    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has
    been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite
    some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates
    for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both
    true and false),


    THAT is one of your "solutions?"

    From linguistics, we already know that there are many sentences (e.g. questions and instructions) that are of indeterminate truth value. To resolve LP, we don't have to entertain any silliness that a sentence can be "both true and false" (or 3-value
    logic, etc.)


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 07:50:01 2023
    LoL, ChatGPT is more knowledgeable than Dan Christensen.
    What do you mean by my solutions? Neither the Logic of
    Paradox is my invention, nor Belnap FOUR is my invention.

    I already posted links to both:

    Logic of Paradox, 3 valued logic with top:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 15. September 2023 um 23:13:31 UTC+2:
    The logic of paradox
    by G Priest · 1979 · Cited by 1308 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00258428

    Belnap FOUR, 4 valued logic with bottom and top:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 13. September 2023 um 08:53:28 UTC+2:
    Belnap notes that "paradoxes of implication" (A&~A)→B
    and A→(B∨~B) are avoided in his 4-valued system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-valued_logic

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 15:20:40 UTC+2:
    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has
    been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite
    some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates
    for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both
    true and false),
    THAT is one of your "solutions?"

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 07:57:54 2023
    Actually Belnap FOUR and Graham Priests Logic of Paradox
    are quite interesting, since they can approach ex-falso-quodlibet
    differently, namely this here, which is rejected by these two logics:


    I guess what Belnap wanted to initiated when he wrote his
    paper "How Computers Should Think" is not something without
    practical implication. Logics that approach ex-falso-quodlibet

    differently are called paraconsistent logics. Although we don't
    find it in SQL, there seem to be OWL variants that have it.
    For example there is this paper:

    Paraconsistent OWL and Related Logics
    Frederick Maier, Yue Ma, and Pascal Hitzler
    2011 - Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability an IOS Press Journal

    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 16:50:59 UTC+2:
    Belanp was before Graham Priest, Belnaps Paper was:
    N. Belnap (1975) "How Computers Should Think", pages
    30 to 56 in Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy,
    Gilbert Ryle editor, Oriel Press ISBN 0-85362-161-6

    !!!! That was like 50 years ago !!!!

    Also you should note that the database system
    query language SQL uses 3-valued logic. Unfortunately
    not 4-valued logic. But definitively 3-valued logic,

    and basically 3-valued logic with bottom. So you
    can ask every database developer about this logic.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 16:50:08 UTC+2:
    LoL, ChatGPT is more knowledgeable than Dan Christensen.
    What do you mean by my solutions? Neither the Logic of
    Paradox is my invention, nor Belnap FOUR is my invention.

    I already posted links to both:

    Logic of Paradox, 3 valued logic with top:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 15. September 2023 um 23:13:31 UTC+2:
    The logic of paradox
    by G Priest · 1979 · Cited by 1308 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00258428

    Belnap FOUR, 4 valued logic with bottom and top:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 13. September 2023 um 08:53:28 UTC+2:
    Belnap notes that "paradoxes of implication" (A&~A)→B
    and A→(B∨~B) are avoided in his 4-valued system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-valued_logic
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 15:20:40 UTC+2:
    The notion of indeterminacy or truth value gaps has
    been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite
    some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates
    for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both
    true and false),
    THAT is one of your "solutions?"

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 08:04:59 2023
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 10:50:59 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Belanp was before Graham Priest, Belnaps Paper was:
    N. Belnap (1975) "How Computers Should Think", pages
    30 to 56 in Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy,
    Gilbert Ryle editor, Oriel Press ISBN 0-85362-161-6

    !!!! That was like 50 years ago !!!!

    Also you should note that the database system
    query language SQL uses 3-valued logic. Unfortunately
    not 4-valued logic. But definitively 3-valued logic,

    and basically 3-valued logic with bottom. So you
    can ask every database developer about this logic.


    Play around with 3-valued or 4-valued or 256-valued logic all you want. I will stick to 2-valued logic, which, together with basic set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Mon Sep 18 08:29:25 2023
    Maybe prove the following in set theory. Take B = {0,1}
    the boolean values. Now we can form the cross product,
    B x B, and we can form the power set P(B).

    Can you prove in DC Poop:

    B x B ~ P(B)

    i.e. that there is a bijection. If you could prove that, you
    would possibly not talk nosense all the time and more
    clearly the different levels of Belnap FOUR.

    It as classical as its get, just as your proof. Its just
    the space of your classical a e f and a e t:


    (0,1) (1,0)


    The above is B x B. A certain bijection from B x B to
    P(B), gives you the lattice order by simple set inclusion.

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 17:05:05 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 10:50:59 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Belanp was before Graham Priest, Belnaps Paper was:
    N. Belnap (1975) "How Computers Should Think", pages
    30 to 56 in Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy,
    Gilbert Ryle editor, Oriel Press ISBN 0-85362-161-6

    !!!! That was like 50 years ago !!!!

    Also you should note that the database system
    query language SQL uses 3-valued logic. Unfortunately
    not 4-valued logic. But definitively 3-valued logic,

    and basically 3-valued logic with bottom. So you
    can ask every database developer about this logic.


    Play around with 3-valued or 4-valued or 256-valued logic all you want. I will stick to 2-valued logic, which, together with basic set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 08:41:16 2023
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic
    set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting
    all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of

    Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest, and don't use enough set theory. How
    comes? Are you blind? For gods sake just prove this here:

    B x B ~ P(B)

    Then you will understand this here, including a boost in your
    self awareness, since you are also mentioned:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Samstag, 16. September 2023 um 12:56:00 UTC+2:
    Take X = {{0},{1}} classical logic, then:

    1) Y= { {}, {0}, {1}}: 3-valued Logic with bottom, the solution proposed
    by Dan Christensen, is a Resolution
    2) Y= { {0}, {1}, {0,1}: 3-valued Logic with top, sometimes called
    Logic of Paradox, would be also a Resolution
    3) Y= { {}, {0}, {1}, {0,1}: 4-valued Logic with bottom and top, called Belnap FOUR, would be also a Resolution

    Its not rocket science!

    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 17:29:33 UTC+2:
    Maybe prove the following in set theory. Take B = {0,1}
    the boolean values. Now we can form the cross product,
    B x B, and we can form the power set P(B).

    Can you prove in DC Poop:

    B x B ~ P(B)

    i.e. that there is a bijection. If you could prove that, you
    would possibly not talk nosense all the time and more
    clearly the different levels of Belnap FOUR.

    It as classical as its get, just as your proof. Its just
    the space of your classical a e f and a e t:


    (0,1) (1,0)


    The above is B x B. A certain bijection from B x B to
    P(B), gives you the lattice order by simple set inclusion.
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 17:05:05 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 10:50:59 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Belanp was before Graham Priest, Belnaps Paper was:
    N. Belnap (1975) "How Computers Should Think", pages
    30 to 56 in Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy,
    Gilbert Ryle editor, Oriel Press ISBN 0-85362-161-6

    !!!! That was like 50 years ago !!!!

    Also you should note that the database system
    query language SQL uses 3-valued logic. Unfortunately
    not 4-valued logic. But definitively 3-valued logic,

    and basically 3-valued logic with bottom. So you
    can ask every database developer about this logic.


    Play around with 3-valued or 4-valued or 256-valued logic all you want. I will stick to 2-valued logic, which, together with basic set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 18 08:59:33 2023
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 11:41:22 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic
    set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting
    all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of
    Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest.

    So what? You don't need them to resolve LP. As I have shown, you need only basic set theory (the Subset Axiom) and ordinary (2-valued) logic. Deal with it, Mr. Collapse.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Mon Sep 18 11:31:31 2023
    Normally the expectation is that when people can
    count to 3, they can also count to 4. In your case
    there are serious doubts. Its all classical logic.

    You demonstrated that you can count to 3 (Trichotomy):
    ~a e t & ~a e f
    a e t & ~a e f
    ~a e t & a e f

    But can you also count to 4, or count differently to 3?
    a e t & a e f

    You claim that the 4-valued logic cannot be modelled with
    the 2-valued logic is nonsense. You neither understand what
    you did yourself, nor what other people do.

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 17:59:39 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 11:41:22 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic
    set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of
    Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest.

    So what? You don't need them to resolve LP. As I have shown, you need only basic set theory (the Subset Axiom) and ordinary (2-valued) logic. Deal with it, Mr. Collapse.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 11:37:36 2023
    Another word for indeterminancy is truth gap, since
    in indeterminacy when a e m, we also have ~a e f and ~a e t,
    according to your Trichotomy. So there is a truth gap,

    neither ~a e f nor ~a e t. The other side is a truth glut,
    when we have a e f and a e t. This is for example the case
    for an inconsistency. Even in your DC Proof, can you prove thus glut:

    /* The Ex-Falso Quodlibet Glut */

    A & ~A => B

    A & ~A => ~B

    For your resolution you counted to 3:


    But you can also count to 3:


    Or you can count to 4:


    Its not rocket science. They all resolve the Liar Paradox.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 20:31:36 UTC+2:
    Normally the expectation is that when people can
    count to 3, they can also count to 4. In your case
    there are serious doubts. Its all classical logic.

    You demonstrated that you can count to 3 (Trichotomy):
    ~a e t & ~a e f
    a e t & ~a e f
    ~a e t & a e f

    But can you also count to 4, or count differently to 3?
    a e t & a e f

    You claim that the 4-valued logic cannot be modelled with
    the 2-valued logic is nonsense. You neither understand what
    you did yourself, nor what other people do.
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 17:59:39 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 11:41:22 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest.

    So what? You don't need them to resolve LP. As I have shown, you need only basic set theory (the Subset Axiom) and ordinary (2-valued) logic. Deal with it, Mr. Collapse.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 11:40:40 2023
    You find the notion "truth value gaps" also in the ChatGPT Protokoll:

    The notion of indeterminacy or TRUTH VALUE GAPS has
    been a topic of discussion in philosophical logic for quite
    some time. Philosophers like Graham Priest, who advocates
    for dialetheism (the view that some statements can be both
    true and false), have proposed similar ideas to handle
    paradoxes like the Liar Paradox.

    You can also google or ask ChatGPT about "truth value gluts".

    Have Fun!

    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 20:37:43 UTC+2:
    Another word for indeterminancy is truth gap, since
    in indeterminacy when a e m, we also have ~a e f and ~a e t,
    according to your Trichotomy. So there is a truth gap,

    neither ~a e f nor ~a e t. The other side is a truth glut,
    when we have a e f and a e t. This is for example the case
    for an inconsistency. Even in your DC Proof, can you prove thus glut:

    /* The Ex-Falso Quodlibet Glut */

    A & ~A => B

    A & ~A => ~B

    For your resolution you counted to 3:


    But you can also count to 3:


    Or you can count to 4:


    Its not rocket science. They all resolve the Liar Paradox.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 20:31:36 UTC+2:
    Normally the expectation is that when people can
    count to 3, they can also count to 4. In your case
    there are serious doubts. Its all classical logic.

    You demonstrated that you can count to 3 (Trichotomy):
    ~a e t & ~a e f
    a e t & ~a e f
    ~a e t & a e f

    But can you also count to 4, or count differently to 3?
    a e t & a e f

    You claim that the 4-valued logic cannot be modelled with
    the 2-valued logic is nonsense. You neither understand what
    you did yourself, nor what other people do.
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 17:59:39 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 11:41:22 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting
    all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest.

    So what? You don't need them to resolve LP. As I have shown, you need only basic set theory (the Subset Axiom) and ordinary (2-valued) logic. Deal with it, Mr. Collapse.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 18 13:04:56 2023
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 11:40:58 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest.

    So what? You don't need them to resolve LP. As I have shown, you need only basic set theory (the Subset Axiom) and ordinary (2-valued) logic.

    You claim that the 4-valued logic cannot be modelled with
    the 2-valued logic

    Do pay attention, Mr. Collapse. As I have shown here, resolving LP does NOT require modelling 4-value logic. Deal with it.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 16:49:07 2023
    You can use the stanford truth table generator, to view
    the DanTrichotomy and GrahamTrichotomy, its 3 rows that get true:

    Fs Ms Ts ((Ts ∨ (Fs ∨ Ms)) ∧ (¬(Ts ∧ Fs) ∧ (¬(Ts ∧ Ms) ∧ ¬(Fs ∧ Ms))))
    F F T T
    F T F T
    T F F T

    Fs Ms Ts ((Ts ∨ Fs) ∧ ((¬Ts ∨ (¬Fs ∨ Ms)) ∧ ((¬Ms ∨ Fs) ∧ (¬Ms ∨ Ts))))
    F F T T
    T F F T
    T T T T

    Both Trichotomies work. So DanTrichotomy is not necessary.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 01:48:19 UTC+2:
    Vice versa. It does not require your Trichotomy to get resolved.
    So you showed a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    Your axioms Trichotomy are a sufficient condition, to prove:

    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    There is no conclusion possible, that the above implies your Trichotomy.
    Its only a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    For example this GrahamTichotomy would also work:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 22:05:02 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 11:40:58 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic
    set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting
    all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest.

    So what? You don't need them to resolve LP. As I have shown, you need only basic set theory (the Subset Axiom) and ordinary (2-valued) logic.
    You claim that the 4-valued logic cannot be modelled with
    the 2-valued logic
    Do pay attention, Mr. Collapse. As I have shown here, resolving LP does NOT require modelling 4-value logic. Deal with it.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Mon Sep 18 16:48:14 2023
    Vice versa. It does not require your Trichotomy to get resolved.
    So you showed a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    Your axioms Trichotomy are a sufficient condition, to prove:

    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    There is no conclusion possible, that the above implies your Trichotomy.
    Its only a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    For example this GrahamTichotomy would also work:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 22:05:02 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 11:40:58 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:
    Thats not my idea to invoke set theory, you wrote "together with basic set theory is sufficient to resolve the Liar Paradox". You are shouting
    all the time hey basic set theory, but you are not knowledgeable of Belnap FOUR or Graham Priest.

    So what? You don't need them to resolve LP. As I have shown, you need only basic set theory (the Subset Axiom) and ordinary (2-valued) logic.
    You claim that the 4-valued logic cannot be modelled with
    the 2-valued logic
    Do pay attention, Mr. Collapse. As I have shown here, resolving LP does NOT require modelling 4-value logic. Deal with it.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 18 17:11:28 2023
    Well you claim natural languages has only true, false and gaps.
    But you gave yourself already examples of gluts:

    ALL(s):[Set(s) => EXIST(x):[x e s => Q(x,s)]] https://www.dcproof.com/STGeneralizedDrinkersThm.htm

    You can use an arbitrary Q(x,s) for example P(x,s) & ~P(x,s).
    Your Trichotomy is not linguistically justified.

    And above all your result is not a necessary conclusion from
    your Trichotomy. It also follows from GrahamTrichotomy.

    Maybe call it GrahamThirdness, if you don't like Graham-
    Trichotomy, but you can use this here:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]

    And then prove this here:

    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    sci.math schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 02:04:48 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 7:30:45 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 21:37:30 UTC+2:
    Do pay attention, Mr. Collapse. As I have shown here, resolving LP
    does NOT require modelling 4-value logic. Deal with it.
    Vice versa. It does not require your Trichotomy to get resolved.
    So you showed a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    Your axioms Trichotomy are a sufficient condition, to prove:

    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    If there are 3 alternatives, and you eliminate 2 of them, guess what? You STILL don't get it???
    There is no conclusion possible, that the above implies your Trichotomy.

    It seems like you still do not understand what a trichotomy is.
    Its only a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    For example this GrahamTichotomy would also work:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]
    An actual trichotomy would work better:

    ALL(a):[a in t => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in f => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in m => a in s]

    & ALL(a):[a in s => [a in t | a in f | a in m]

    & ~[a in t & a in f]
    & ~[a in t & a in m]
    & ~[a in f & a in m]]

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 17:13:47 2023
    You can use the stanford truth table generator, to view
    the DanTrichotomy and GrahamThirdness, and see that
    they are logically different conditions:

    Fs Ms Ts ((Ts ∨ (Fs ∨ Ms)) ∧ (¬(Ts ∧ Fs) ∧ (¬(Ts ∧ Ms) ∧ ¬(Fs ∧ Ms))))
    F F T T
    F T F T
    T F F T

    Fs Ms Ts ((Ts ∨ Fs) ∧ ((¬Ts ∨ (¬Fs ∨ Ms)) ∧ ((¬Ms ∨ Fs) ∧ (¬Ms ∨ Ts))))
    F F T T
    T F F T
    T T T T

    Both DanTrichotomy and GrahamThirdness allow to
    produce the same conclusion about the Liar Paradox.
    Namely that (Fs <=> Ts) => Ms.

    You can also do it with sets, I posted the set version
    of GrahamThirdness already.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 02:11:34 UTC+2:
    Well you claim natural languages has only true, false and gaps.
    But you gave yourself already examples of gluts:

    ALL(s):[Set(s) => EXIST(x):[x e s => Q(x,s)]] https://www.dcproof.com/STGeneralizedDrinkersThm.htm

    You can use an arbitrary Q(x,s) for example P(x,s) & ~P(x,s).
    Your Trichotomy is not linguistically justified.

    And above all your result is not a necessary conclusion from
    your Trichotomy. It also follows from GrahamTrichotomy.

    Maybe call it GrahamThirdness, if you don't like Graham-
    Trichotomy, but you can use this here:
    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]
    And then prove this here:
    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]
    sci.math schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 02:04:48 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 7:30:45 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 21:37:30 UTC+2:
    Do pay attention, Mr. Collapse. As I have shown here, resolving LP does NOT require modelling 4-value logic. Deal with it.
    Vice versa. It does not require your Trichotomy to get resolved.
    So you showed a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition. Your axioms Trichotomy are a sufficient condition, to prove:

    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    If there are 3 alternatives, and you eliminate 2 of them, guess what? You STILL don't get it???
    There is no conclusion possible, that the above implies your Trichotomy.

    It seems like you still do not understand what a trichotomy is.
    Its only a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    For example this GrahamTichotomy would also work:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]
    An actual trichotomy would work better:

    ALL(a):[a in t => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in f => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in m => a in s]

    & ALL(a):[a in s => [a in t | a in f | a in m]

    & ~[a in t & a in f]
    & ~[a in t & a in m]
    & ~[a in f & a in m]]

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From sci.math@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 17:04:42 2023
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 7:30:45 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 21:37:30 UTC+2:
    Do pay attention, Mr. Collapse. As I have shown here, resolving LP
    does NOT require modelling 4-value logic. Deal with it.

    Vice versa. It does not require your Trichotomy to get resolved.
    So you showed a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    Your axioms Trichotomy are a sufficient condition, to prove:

    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    If there are 3 alternatives, and you eliminate 2 of them, guess what? You STILL don't get it???

    There is no conclusion possible, that the above implies your Trichotomy.

    It seems like you still do not understand what a trichotomy is.

    Its only a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    For example this GrahamTichotomy would also work:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]

    An actual trichotomy would work better:

    ALL(a):[a in t => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in f => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in m => a in s]

    & ALL(a):[a in s => [a in t | a in f | a in m]

    & ~[a in t & a in f]
    & ~[a in t & a in m]
    & ~[a in f & a in m]]


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 17:30:16 2023
    There is an art journal called contralytic:

    The perfect Christmas Present.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 02:13:53 UTC+2:
    You can use the stanford truth table generator, to view
    the DanTrichotomy and GrahamThirdness, and see that
    they are logically different conditions:
    Fs Ms Ts ((Ts ∨ (Fs ∨ Ms)) ∧ (¬(Ts ∧ Fs) ∧ (¬(Ts ∧ Ms) ∧ ¬(Fs ∧ Ms))))
    F F T T
    F T F T
    T F F T
    Fs Ms Ts ((Ts ∨ Fs) ∧ ((¬Ts ∨ (¬Fs ∨ Ms)) ∧ ((¬Ms ∨ Fs) ∧ (¬Ms ∨ Ts))))
    F F T T
    T F F T
    T T T T
    Both DanTrichotomy and GrahamThirdness allow to
    produce the same conclusion about the Liar Paradox.
    Namely that (Fs <=> Ts) => Ms.

    You can also do it with sets, I posted the set version
    of GrahamThirdness already.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 02:11:34 UTC+2:
    Well you claim natural languages has only true, false and gaps.
    But you gave yourself already examples of gluts:

    ALL(s):[Set(s) => EXIST(x):[x e s => Q(x,s)]] https://www.dcproof.com/STGeneralizedDrinkersThm.htm

    You can use an arbitrary Q(x,s) for example P(x,s) & ~P(x,s).
    Your Trichotomy is not linguistically justified.

    And above all your result is not a necessary conclusion from
    your Trichotomy. It also follows from GrahamTrichotomy.

    Maybe call it GrahamThirdness, if you don't like Graham-
    Trichotomy, but you can use this here:
    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]
    And then prove this here:
    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]
    sci.math schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 02:04:48 UTC+2:
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 7:30:45 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Montag, 18. September 2023 um 21:37:30 UTC+2:
    Do pay attention, Mr. Collapse. As I have shown here, resolving LP does NOT require modelling 4-value logic. Deal with it.
    Vice versa. It does not require your Trichotomy to get resolved.
    So you showed a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition. Your axioms Trichotomy are a sufficient condition, to prove:

    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    If there are 3 alternatives, and you eliminate 2 of them, guess what? You STILL don't get it???
    There is no conclusion possible, that the above implies your Trichotomy.

    It seems like you still do not understand what a trichotomy is.
    Its only a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    For example this GrahamTichotomy would also work:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]
    An actual trichotomy would work better:

    ALL(a):[a in t => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in f => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in m => a in s]

    & ALL(a):[a in s => [a in t | a in f | a in m]

    & ~[a in t & a in f]
    & ~[a in t & a in m]
    & ~[a in f & a in m]]

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From sci.math@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Mon Sep 18 18:23:10 2023
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 8:09:31 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Its only a sufficient condition, and not a necessary condition.
    For example this GrahamTichotomy would also work:

    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (GrahamTichotomy Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]

    An actual trichotomy would work better:

    ALL(a):[a in t => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in f => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in m => a in s]

    & ALL(a):[a in s => [a in t | a in f | a in m]

    & ~[a in t & a in f]
    & ~[a in t & a in m]
    & ~[a in f & a in m]]


    Your Trichotomy is not linguistically justified.

    Wrong. A sentence is either true (in t), false (in f), or of indeterminate truth value (in m). Do you deny it?


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Mon Sep 18 23:30:28 2023
    This is not the case for the Liar Sentence. The Liar Sentence
    can also be in m and it would mean true and false.

    Just use Graham Thirdness:
    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (Graham Thirdness Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]

    And you can prove:
    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 03:23:16 UTC+2:
    Wrong. A sentence is either true (in t), false (in f), or of
    indeterminate truth value (in m). Do you deny it?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Tue Sep 19 00:08:04 2023
    Graham Thirdness is also a partition of a set: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_a_set

    If you look at the cross product T x F, then Dan Trichotomy
    does the following partition, they are mutually disjoint,
    and Dan Trichotomy does label the first partition as m:

    ~a e f & ~a e t
    a e f & ~a e t
    ~a e f & a e t

    Now in Graham Thirdness, the partition reads as follows,
    again all mutually disjoint. But now m labels the
    last partation, and not the first partition:

    a e f & ~a e t
    ~a e f & a e t
    a e f & a e t

    So both Dan Trichotomy and Graham Thirdness classify
    sentences into 3 categories. Whereas Dan Trichotomy
    does classify via these 3 categories:

    false and only false
    true and only true

    Does Graham Thirdness classify via these 3 categories:

    false and only false
    true and only true

    Mild Shock schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 08:30:33 UTC+2:
    This is not the case for the Liar Sentence. The Liar Sentence
    can also be in m and it would mean true and false.

    Just use Graham Thirdness:
    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (Graham Thirdness Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]
    And you can prove:
    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 03:23:16 UTC+2:
    Wrong. A sentence is either true (in t), false (in f), or of
    indeterminate truth value (in m). Do you deny it?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From sci.math@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Tue Sep 19 06:40:38 2023
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 2:26:44 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 03:22:17 UTC+2:
    Wrong. A sentence is either true (in t), false (in f), or of
    indeterminate truth value (in m). Do you deny it?

    This is not the case for the Liar Sentence. The Liar Sentence
    can also be in m and it would mean true and false.

    Still wrong.

    Just use Graham Thirdness:
    ALL(a):[a ε s => [a ε t | a ε f] (Graham Thirdness Rules)
    & [~a ε t | ~a ε f | a ε m]
    & [~a ε m | a ε f]
    & [~a ε m | a ε t]]

    And you can prove:
    ALL(b):[b ε s => [[b ε t <=> b ε f] => b ε m]]]]

    You can prove this using the more standard definition of a trichotomy:

    ALL(a):[a in t => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in f => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in m => a in s]

    & ALL(a):[a in s => [a in t | a in f | a in m]

    & ~[a in t & a in f]
    & ~[a in t & a in m]
    & ~[a in f & a in m]]

    In words: t, f and m are subsets of s. Every element of the set s is an element of one and only one of those subsets.

    Proof: https://dcproof.com/LiarParadoxV2.htm


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 19 22:38:16 2023
    What happened to your user name?
    Too much Trichotomy? LMAO!

    sci.math schrieb:

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Tue Sep 19 14:31:09 2023
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 4:38:23 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    What happened to your user name?
    Too much Trichotomy? LMAO!

    sci.math schrieb:


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From FromTheRafters@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 19 17:51:21 2023
    Mild Shock formulated the question :
    What happened to your user name?
    Too much Trichotomy? LMAO!

    sci.math schrieb:

    It got googleized.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From FromTheRafters@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen used his keyboard t on Tue Sep 19 17:52:41 2023
    Dan Christensen used his keyboard to write :
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 4:38:23 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    What happened to your user name?
    Too much Trichotomy? LMAO!

    sci.math schrieb:


    Intermittently. It happened in another group I'm in too.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 19 15:39:04 2023
    Either its standard or its not standard.
    What should "more" standard mean?

    The problem with your solution is that you reject LEM.
    Whereas the solution by Graham Priest still accepts LEM.

    In Graham Priest you can prove:

    /* Provable in Graham Thirdness */
    a e f v a e t

    In your solution you cannot prove:

    /* Not Provable in Dan Trichotomy */
    a e f v a e t

    Just ask ChatGPT, it amazes me again and again:

    [...] Priest is associated with a solution to the Liar Paradox
    known as "dialetheism." [...] it offers a solution to the Liar
    Paradox that doesn't involve rejecting the law of excluded
    middle (the principle that a statement is either true or false) [...]

    I already almost forgot amout LEM.

    sci.math schrieb am Dienstag, 19. September 2023 um 15:40:44 UTC+2:
    You can prove this using the more standard definition of a trichotomy:

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Tue Sep 19 19:50:16 2023
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 6:39:08 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    You can prove this using the more standard definition of a trichotomy:

    Either its standard or its not standard.
    What should "more" standard mean?

    More standard than your wonky notion of a trichotomy.

    The problem with your solution is that you reject LEM.

    On the contrary, I make use of it in my proof (e.g. by eliminating '~~' and proof by contraction)

    Maybe you didn't know, but introducing a trichotomy on a set does not necessarily require the rejection of LEM. As I show in the lemma attached to my proof, a trichotomy can be introduced on ANY set, even the empty set. Proof: http://www.dcproof.com/

    Whereas the solution by Graham Priest still accepts LEM.

    In Graham Priest you can prove:

    /* Provable in Graham Thirdness */
    a e f v a e t

    In your solution you cannot prove:

    /* Not Provable in Dan Trichotomy */
    a e f v a e t


    Maybe you didn't know, but a sentence in natural language, for the purposes of resolving the the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value (e.g. "Wash
    your hands" and "This sentence is false.")


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Volney@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 00:09:31 2023
    On 9/19/2023 4:38 PM, Mild Shock wrote:
    What happened to your user name?
    Too much Trichotomy? LMAO!

    sci.math schrieb:

    He uses Giggle Groups, that's why.

    Google doesn't fire poor programmers it accidentally hires now and then. Instead, they assign them to work in a dungeon, deep below their
    headquarters, where their new job is to make Google Groups worse and
    worse. And they succeed doing so.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chris M. Thomasson@21:1/5 to Volney on Tue Sep 19 21:10:42 2023
    On 9/19/2023 9:09 PM, Volney wrote:
    On 9/19/2023 4:38 PM, Mild Shock wrote:
    What happened to your user name?
    Too much Trichotomy? LMAO!

    sci.math schrieb:

    He uses Giggle Groups, that's why.

    Google doesn't fire poor programmers it accidentally hires now and then. Instead, they assign them to work in a dungeon, deep below their headquarters, where their new job is to make Google Groups worse and
    worse. And they succeed doing so.

    ROFL!!!! Its most likely very, oh so very true. Yikes!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Volney@21:1/5 to Chris M. Thomasson on Wed Sep 20 01:27:22 2023
    On 9/20/2023 12:10 AM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
    On 9/19/2023 9:09 PM, Volney wrote:
    On 9/19/2023 4:38 PM, Mild Shock wrote:
    What happened to your user name?
    Too much Trichotomy? LMAO!

    sci.math schrieb:

    He uses Giggle Groups, that's why.

    Google doesn't fire poor programmers it accidentally hires now and
    then. Instead, they assign them to work in a dungeon, deep below their
    headquarters, where their new job is to make Google Groups worse and
    worse. And they succeed doing so.

    ROFL!!!! Its most likely very, oh so very true. Yikes!

    It's funny because it's true! I've been saying this for years!

    Google, whose biggest fame is its search engine, broke Usenet searching
    around 2008 and didn't get it fixed for a year. Advanced group searches
    got broken in 2015 and have never been fixed. Many other "improvements"
    have worsened GG since buying DejaNews.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Wed Sep 20 09:06:42 2023
    You don't make any sense. We told you already
    that "Wash your hands!" and "Did you wash your hands?"
    are irrelevant to the Liar Paradox.

    They have an exclaimation mark "!" respectively
    a question mark "?" at the end. So they are
    anyway in a separate category.

    Whats wrong with you?

    The Liar Paradox has a so called full stop "."
    at the end.

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 6:39:08 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    You can prove this using the more standard definition of a trichotomy:

    Either its standard or its not standard.
    What should "more" standard mean?

    More standard than your wonky notion of a trichotomy.

    The problem with your solution is that you reject LEM.

    On the contrary, I make use of it in my proof (e.g. by eliminating '~~' and proof by contraction)

    Maybe you didn't know, but introducing a trichotomy on a set does not necessarily require the rejection of LEM. As I show in the lemma attached to my proof, a trichotomy can be introduced on ANY set, even the empty set. Proof: http://www.dcproof.com/

    Whereas the solution by Graham Priest still accepts LEM.

    In Graham Priest you can prove:

    /* Provable in Graham Thirdness */
    a e f v a e t

    In your solution you cannot prove:

    /* Not Provable in Dan Trichotomy */
    a e f v a e t


    Maybe you didn't know, but a sentence in natural language, for the purposes of resolving the the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value (e.g. "
    Wash your hands" and "This sentence is false.")


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 01:32:54 2023
    You find the question mark also in Prolog in the form of a "?-" prompt.
    So what does it do? Do you have any clue? Here is an example:

    /* GNU Prolog 1.5.0 (64 bits) */
    | ?- [user].
    compiling user for byte code...
    mortal(X) :- men(X).
    user compiled, 2 lines read - 306 bytes written, 16005 ms
    | ?- mortal(aristoteles).

    You can download GNU Prolog here:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 10:15:44 UTC+2:
    Dan Christensen, our youngling wrote:
    - declarative sentence (statement)
    - interrogative sentence (question)
    - imperative sentence (command)
    - exclamative sentence (exclamation) https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/sentence/type.php

    Well I guess some time in history the question mark
    was invented, so that younglings like Dan Christensen
    don't have to use their spare brain cells, and analyze the

    sentence itself, just look at the end of the sentence,
    if it has a QUESTION mark, its a INTERROGATIVE sentence.
    What is the history of the question mark? Lets ask ChatGPT:

    History of the question mark:

    - The Point of Interrogation: In the 8th century,
    Alcuin of York, an English scholar, introduced a
    symbol called the "punctus interrogativus" (point
    of interrogation), which was a dot placed at the
    end of a sentence to signal a question.
    - The Development of the Modern Question Mark:
    Over time, the punctus interrogativus evolved into
    the modern question mark. Its form gradually changed,
    and it became a distinctive symbol resembling
    the one we use today.
    - Standardization: The standardization of punctuation,
    including the question mark, occurred with the advent
    of the printing press in the 15th century. Printers like Aldus
    Manutius and Johannes Gutenberg played a role in codifying
    punctuation rules, which included the question mark as we know it today.

    Variants of the question mark:

    - Spanish and Catalan: In Spanish and Catalan, a question
    is indicated by placing an inverted question mark ("¿") at the
    beginning of the sentence in addition to the regular question
    mark at the end ("?"). For example: "¿Cómo estás?" (How are you?)
    - Greek: In Greek, a question is often indicated by using a semicolon-
    like symbol called the "Greek question mark" (;) at the end of a
    sentence. However, the Latin-style question mark ("?") is also
    commonly used, especially in contemporary writing
    influenced by Western conventions.

    You could make the same investigation for the exclamation mark.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 09:06:52 UTC+2:
    You don't make any sense. We told you already
    that "Wash your hands!" and "Did you wash your hands?"
    are irrelevant to the Liar Paradox.

    They have an exclaimation mark "!" respectively
    a question mark "?" at the end. So they are
    anyway in a separate category.

    Whats wrong with you?

    The Liar Paradox has a so called full stop "."
    at the end.

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 6:39:08 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    You can prove this using the more standard definition of a trichotomy:

    Either its standard or its not standard.
    What should "more" standard mean?

    More standard than your wonky notion of a trichotomy.

    The problem with your solution is that you reject LEM.

    On the contrary, I make use of it in my proof (e.g. by eliminating '~~' and proof by contraction)

    Maybe you didn't know, but introducing a trichotomy on a set does not necessarily require the rejection of LEM. As I show in the lemma attached to my proof, a trichotomy can be introduced on ANY set, even the empty set. Proof: http://www.dcproof.

    Whereas the solution by Graham Priest still accepts LEM.

    In Graham Priest you can prove:

    /* Provable in Graham Thirdness */
    a e f v a e t

    In your solution you cannot prove:

    /* Not Provable in Dan Trichotomy */
    a e f v a e t


    Maybe you didn't know, but a sentence in natural language, for the purposes of resolving the the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value (e.g.
    "Wash your hands" and "This sentence is false.")


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to our youngling on Wed Sep 20 01:15:39 2023
    Dan Christensen, our youngling wrote:
    - declarative sentence (statement)
    - interrogative sentence (question)
    - imperative sentence (command)
    - exclamative sentence (exclamation) https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/sentence/type.php

    Well I guess some time in history the question mark
    was invented, so that younglings like Dan Christensen
    don't have to use their spare brain cells, and analyze the

    sentence itself, just look at the end of the sentence,
    if it has a QUESTION mark, its a INTERROGATIVE sentence.
    What is the history of the question mark? Lets ask ChatGPT:

    History of the question mark:

    - The Point of Interrogation: In the 8th century,
    Alcuin of York, an English scholar, introduced a
    symbol called the "punctus interrogativus" (point
    of interrogation), which was a dot placed at the
    end of a sentence to signal a question.
    - The Development of the Modern Question Mark:
    Over time, the punctus interrogativus evolved into
    the modern question mark. Its form gradually changed,
    and it became a distinctive symbol resembling
    the one we use today.
    - Standardization: The standardization of punctuation,
    including the question mark, occurred with the advent
    of the printing press in the 15th century. Printers like Aldus
    Manutius and Johannes Gutenberg played a role in codifying
    punctuation rules, which included the question mark as we know it today.

    Variants of the question mark:

    - Spanish and Catalan: In Spanish and Catalan, a question
    is indicated by placing an inverted question mark ("¿") at the
    beginning of the sentence in addition to the regular question
    mark at the end ("?"). For example: "¿Cómo estás?" (How are you?)
    - Greek: In Greek, a question is often indicated by using a semicolon-
    like symbol called the "Greek question mark" (;) at the end of a
    sentence. However, the Latin-style question mark ("?") is also
    commonly used, especially in contemporary writing
    influenced by Western conventions.

    You could make the same investigation for the exclamation mark.


    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 09:06:52 UTC+2:
    You don't make any sense. We told you already
    that "Wash your hands!" and "Did you wash your hands?"
    are irrelevant to the Liar Paradox.

    They have an exclaimation mark "!" respectively
    a question mark "?" at the end. So they are
    anyway in a separate category.

    Whats wrong with you?

    The Liar Paradox has a so called full stop "."
    at the end.

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 6:39:08 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    You can prove this using the more standard definition of a trichotomy:

    Either its standard or its not standard.
    What should "more" standard mean?

    More standard than your wonky notion of a trichotomy.

    The problem with your solution is that you reject LEM.

    On the contrary, I make use of it in my proof (e.g. by eliminating '~~' and proof by contraction)

    Maybe you didn't know, but introducing a trichotomy on a set does not necessarily require the rejection of LEM. As I show in the lemma attached to my proof, a trichotomy can be introduced on ANY set, even the empty set. Proof: http://www.dcproof.com/

    Whereas the solution by Graham Priest still accepts LEM.

    In Graham Priest you can prove:

    /* Provable in Graham Thirdness */
    a e f v a e t

    In your solution you cannot prove:

    /* Not Provable in Dan Trichotomy */
    a e f v a e t


    Maybe you didn't know, but a sentence in natural language, for the purposes of resolving the the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value (e.g. "
    Wash your hands" and "This sentence is false.")


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Wed Sep 20 07:48:52 2023
    Its MORE STANDARD that they end with exclamation mark:

    Q: To ChatGPT
    Does an imperative sentence end with an exclamation mark?

    A: From ChatGPT
    Yes, an imperative sentence typically ends with an exclamation
    mark. Examples include "Run!" "Stop!" and "Do your homework!"


    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 16:43:40 UTC+2:
    FYI in English (unlike German?) imperative sentences need not end in an exclamation point.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 07:43:32 2023
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 3:06:52 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 8:47:07 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock (aka Mr. Collapse) wrote:

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    Maybe you didn't know, but a sentence in natural language, [for the purpose of resolving the Liar Paradox] can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value (e.g. "
    Wash your hands" and "This sentence is false.")

    Who cares about *can*, thats not science and/or
    mathematics or logic.

    Maybe you also didn't know, but there are other ways to classify sentences in natural language. Here are some other ways:

    - declarative sentence (statement) <--------------- true or false
    - interrogative sentence (question) <--------------- indeterminate
    - imperative sentence (command) <----------------- indeterminate
    - exclamative sentence (exclamation) <----------- could also be declarative or imperative


    You don't make any sense. We told you already
    that "Wash your hands!" and "Did you wash your hands?"
    are irrelevant to the Liar Paradox.


    Wrong. Each is an example of a sentence of indeterminate truth value.

    FYI in English (unlike German?) imperative sentences need not end in an exclamation point.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 08:00:23 2023
    There is an intersting historic bit. Spanish language uses again
    two exclamation marks. Here is an example:

    ¡Ve a la India y vuelve!

    Without the second exclamation mark, Christopher Columbus
    would not have come back to spain in his first voyage 1493.


    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 16:49:00 UTC+2:
    Its MORE STANDARD that they end with exclamation mark:

    Q: To ChatGPT
    Does an imperative sentence end with an exclamation mark?

    A: From ChatGPT
    Yes, an imperative sentence typically ends with an exclamation
    mark. Examples include "Run!" "Stop!" and "Do your homework!"

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 16:43:40 UTC+2:
    FYI in English (unlike German?) imperative sentences need not end in an exclamation point.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 08:31:25 2023
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 10:49:00 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Its MORE STANDARD that they end with exclamation mark:

    Q: To ChatGPT
    Does an imperative sentence end with an exclamation mark?

    A: From ChatGPT
    Yes, an imperative sentence typically ends with an exclamation
    mark. Examples include "Run!" "Stop!" and "Do your homework!"

    Not my experience. To Canadians anyway, an exclamation point is used only for emphasis or to express surprise, elation or disgust. It's like shouting. It can also be used on declarative sentences as well, e.g. "They ran away!" "We won the game!"

    Back to the main point: A sentence, for the purposes of resolving the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Wed Sep 20 11:50:59 2023
    Thats only LESS STANDARD, we can say SUB STANDARD.
    At least this every mathematicians and logicians standard.
    Because they don't care what philosophers feel or halucinate.

    When its about mathematical structures, its pretty easy
    to see that 3-, 3+ and 4 are solutions to the Liar Paradox.
    You don't need to invoke experience or taste.

    Just do your mathematical reasoning.

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 17:31:33 UTC+2:
    Back to the main point: A sentence, for the purposes of resolving the Liar Paradox,
    can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or
    (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 12:11:04 2023
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 2:51:06 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    Back to the main point: A sentence, for the purposes
    of resolving the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either:
    (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a
    sentence of indeterminate truth value.


    When its about mathematical structures, its pretty easy
    to see that 3-, 3+ and 4 are solutions to the Liar Paradox.

    Huh??? The Liar Paradox is about a sentence in natural language. I have applied basic set theory to a longstanding problem in linguistics. Deal with it, Mr. Collapse.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 12:08:37 2023
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 2:51:38 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    Back to the main point: A sentence, for the purposes
    of resolving the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either:
    (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a
    sentence of indeterminate truth value.


    When its about mathematical structures, its pretty easy
    to see that 3-, 3+ and 4 are solutions to the Liar Paradox.

    Huh??? The Liar Paradox is about a sentence in natural language. I have applied basic set theory to a longstanding problem in linguistics. Deal with, Mr. Collapse.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 11:51:33 2023
    As a first step you need to be able to really
    talk about truth values. Currently where do you
    model truth values? You don't have yet truth values!

    Hint, you need an equivalence relation over s,
    the set of sentences. And then you can form equivalence
    classes. For example if the mathematical structure

    is 3-, as modelled via your Trichotomy here:

    [a e t | a e f | a e m]
    & ~[a e t & a e f]
    & ~[a e t & a e m]
    & ~[a e f & a e m]

    Then you can define the following equivalence
    relation over sentences:

    a ~ b :<=> [[a e t & b e t] |
    [a e f & b e f] | [a e m & b e m]]

    How many equivalence classes are there? What would
    happen if we call the equivalence class 'F', 'T'
    and 'U', 3 different constants.

    How would we then model the solution really with
    truth values, and not with sets of sentences that
    share the same truth value?

    Do you know how to do it?

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 20:51:06 UTC+2:
    Thats only LESS STANDARD, we can say SUB STANDARD.
    At least this every mathematicians and logicians standard.
    Because they don't care what philosophers feel or halucinate.

    When its about mathematical structures, its pretty easy
    to see that 3-, 3+ and 4 are solutions to the Liar Paradox.
    You don't need to invoke experience or taste.

    Just do your mathematical reasoning.
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 17:31:33 UTC+2:
    Back to the main point: A sentence, for the purposes of resolving the Liar Paradox,
    can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or
    (3) a sentence of indeterminate truth value.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 12:32:01 2023
    Truth values help tremendously the thinking process!
    We only have to prove once:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 21:12:12 UTC+2:
    Here is a solution with truth values:
    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]

    Now we can think about sentence classifications. We can even
    make a stronger liar paradox, instead of only:
    a e t <=> a e f

    We can let it read, in 3- this is irrelevant, needed for the others:
    a e t & ~a e f <=> ~a e t & a e f

    Now there are many possible assignments to truth values:

    Model 3-
    ~a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = u
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f

    Model 3+
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f
    a e t & a e f ~~> x = u

    Model 4
    ~a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = u
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f
    a e t & a e f ~~> x = u

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 21:08:42 UTC+2:
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 2:51:38 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    Back to the main point: A sentence, for the purposes
    of resolving the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a
    sentence of indeterminate truth value.
    When its about mathematical structures, its pretty easy
    to see that 3-, 3+ and 4 are solutions to the Liar Paradox.
    Huh??? The Liar Paradox is about a sentence in natural language. I have applied basic set theory to a longstanding problem in linguistics. Deal with, Mr. Collapse.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 13:42:35 2023
    Thats a funny find that these two are logically equivalent:

    a e t <=> a e f
    a e t & ~a e f <=> ~a e t & a e f

    Wasn't that much aware of the fact. But it seems to be true.
    Was aware of this fact, confirmed by Wolfgang Schwarz tree tool:

    (A↔B) ↔ (¬B ↔ ¬A) is valid. https://www.umsu.de/trees/#(A~4B)~4(~3B~4~3A)

    Now if you overlay the two, you have also this logical equivalence:

    (A↔B) ↔ ((A∧¬B) ↔ (¬A∧B)) is valid. https://www.umsu.de/trees/#(A~4B)~4(A~1~3B~4~3A~1B)

    Thats kind of cool!

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 21:32:07 UTC+2:
    Truth values help tremendously the thinking process!
    We only have to prove once:

    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 21:12:12 UTC+2:
    Here is a solution with truth values:
    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]

    Now we can think about sentence classifications. We can even
    make a stronger liar paradox, instead of only:
    a e t <=> a e f

    We can let it read, in 3- this is irrelevant, needed for the others:
    a e t & ~a e f <=> ~a e t & a e f

    Now there are many possible assignments to truth values:

    Model 3-
    ~a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = u
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f

    Model 3+
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f
    a e t & a e f ~~> x = u

    Model 4
    ~a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = u
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f
    a e t & a e f ~~> x = u
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 21:08:42 UTC+2:
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 2:51:38 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:

    Dan Christensen schrieb:
    Back to the main point: A sentence, for the purposes
    of resolving the Liar Paradox, can be classified as being one of either: (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) a
    sentence of indeterminate truth value.
    When its about mathematical structures, its pretty easy
    to see that 3-, 3+ and 4 are solutions to the Liar Paradox.
    Huh??? The Liar Paradox is about a sentence in natural language. I have applied basic set theory to a longstanding problem in linguistics. Deal with, Mr. Collapse.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 13:44:39 2023
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 3:32:07 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Now we can think about sentence classifications. We can even
    make a stronger liar paradox, instead of only:
    a e t <=> a e f

    We can let it read, in 3- this is irrelevant, needed for the others:
    a e t & ~a e f <=> ~a e t & a e f


    Looks much the same. The LHS is equivalent to a in t. The RHS to a in f.

    If x is in one of 3 categories, then x is NOT in the other 2 categories. We are talking here about 3 DISJOINT categories.


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Wed Sep 20 13:46:47 2023
    Dan Christensen was loosing his marbles:
    We are talking here about 3 DISJOINT categories.

    Well the 3 categories f, t and u are disjoin, just have a look.
    The suggested mappings for the models 3-, 3+ and 4 are
    also disjoint. Here is the proof again, see axiom 2, 3 and 4:

    ------------------------------------ begin proof --------------------------------------

    1 ALL(x):[Value(x) <=> x=f | x=t | x=u]

    2 ~f=t

    3 ~f=u

    4 ~t=u


    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]
    Rem DNeg, 48

    ------------------------------------ end proof --------------------------------------


    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 22:44:44 UTC+2:
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 3:32:07 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Now we can think about sentence classifications. We can even
    make a stronger liar paradox, instead of only:
    a e t <=> a e f

    We can let it read, in 3- this is irrelevant, needed for the others:
    a e t & ~a e f <=> ~a e t & a e f


    Looks much the same. The LHS is equivalent to a in t. The RHS to a in f.

    If x is in one of 3 categories, then x is NOT in the other 2 categories. We are talking here about 3 DISJOINT categories.

    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Wed Sep 20 14:03:07 2023
    On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 4:46:53 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    Dan Christensen was loosing his marbles:
    We are talking here about 3 DISJOINT categories.
    Well the 3 categories f, t and u are disjoin, just have a look.
    The suggested mappings for the models 3-, 3+ and 4 are
    also disjoint.

    What ARE you talking about? Maybe you should get some sleep.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Dan Christensen on Thu Sep 21 01:20:51 2023
    You can use this equivalence relation:

    a ~ b :<=> [[a e t & b e t] v [a e f & b e f] v [a e m & b e m]]

    To get equivalence classes:


    The equivalence classes are the truth values.
    Thats missing in your take. If you then further
    abstract, you get this nifty result:

    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]
    Rem DNeg, 48

    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 23:03:13 UTC+2:.
    What ARE you talking about?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Thu Sep 21 01:31:55 2023
    Ultimately I am using slightly different equivalence classes.
    On the left hand side is the set condition, on the right hand
    side the equivalence class:

    Model 3-
    ~a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = u
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f

    Model 3+
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f
    a e t & a e f ~~> x = u

    Model 4
    ~a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = u
    a e t & ~a e f ~~> x = t
    ~a e t & a e f ~~> x = f
    a e t & a e f ~~> x = u

    Quite impressive Zoo of resolutions, already.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 21. September 2023 um 10:27:59 UTC+2:
    The concept of equivalence class is basic math, its for
    example used in rational numbers construction since 2/3 ~ 4/6.


    Equivalence classes are usually written as [a]. So under
    the ~ equivalence relation, instead of dealing with 3 subsets:

    | f | t | m |

    You can take 3 values, that represent the 3 subsets,
    with F = [a] where a e f, T = [a] where a e t, U = [a] where a e m.

    F, T and U

    But in DC Proof, I cannot write uppercase for a value,
    so I had to use lower case:
    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]
    Rem DNeg, 48
    Thats a technical problem of DC Poop.
    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 21. September 2023 um 10:20:57 UTC+2:
    You can use this equivalence relation:

    a ~ b :<=> [[a e t & b e t] v [a e f & b e f] v [a e m & b e m]]

    To get equivalence classes:


    The equivalence classes are the truth values.
    Thats missing in your take. If you then further
    abstract, you get this nifty result:
    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]
    Rem DNeg, 48
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 23:03:13 UTC+2:.
    What ARE you talking about?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Thu Sep 21 01:27:53 2023
    The concept of equivalence class is basic math, its for
    example used in rational numbers construction since 2/3 ~ 4/6.


    Equivalence classes are usually written as [a]. So under
    the ~ equivalence relation, instead of dealing with 3 subsets:

    | f | t | m | +---------------+----------------+----------------+

    You can take 3 values, that represent the 3 subsets,
    with F = [a] where a e f, T = [a] where a e t, U = [a] where a e m.

    F, T and U

    But in DC Proof, I cannot write uppercase for a value,
    so I had to use lower case:

    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]
    Rem DNeg, 48

    Thats a technical problem of DC Poop.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 21. September 2023 um 10:20:57 UTC+2:
    You can use this equivalence relation:

    a ~ b :<=> [[a e t & b e t] v [a e f & b e f] v [a e m & b e m]]

    To get equivalence classes:


    The equivalence classes are the truth values.
    Thats missing in your take. If you then further
    abstract, you get this nifty result:
    49 ALL(x):[Value(x) => [[x=t <=> x=f] => x=u]]
    Rem DNeg, 48
    Dan Christensen schrieb am Mittwoch, 20. September 2023 um 23:03:13 UTC+2:.
    What ARE you talking about?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Thu Sep 21 03:16:02 2023
    On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 4:20:57 AM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    You can use this equivalence relation:

    a ~ b :<=> [[a e t & b e t] v [a e f & b e f] v [a e m & b e m]]

    You are making this needlessly complicated. Why would you say, for example, that the sentences "What time is it?" and "Wash your hands" are somehow equivalent? They are simply sentences of indeterminate truth value.

    There is no need for an equivalence relation here. The only structure you need here is the simple trichotomy: Every sentence is either (1) a true sentence, (2) a false sentence, or (3) one of indeterminate truth value. (See line 6 here: https://dcproof.
    com/LiarParadoxV2.htm )


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

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  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 21 10:53:09 2023
    There is no constant for the truth value "T" in DC Proof.
    In classical logic you could defined the truth values
    "T" and "F" as follows:

    a ~ "T" :<=> (a <=> p & ~p)

    a ~ "F" :<=> (a <=> p v ~p)

    Now concerning your non-classical logic that resolves the
    Liar Paradox, how do you define the involved truth values?
    Assume we have already defined a ~ "T" and a ~ "F" in

    your system. I guess you want to defined "U" as follows, right?

    a ~ "U" :<=> ~a ~ "T" & ~a ~ "F"

    But then there is a bug in DC Proof, I cannot use
    capital letter for constant values. So I cannot
    use the STANDARD constant values "F", "T" and "U" from here:


    Because DC Proof doesn't accept:

    1 ALL(x):[Value(x) <=> x=F | x=T | x=U]

    It only accepts:

    1 ALL(x):[Value(x) <=> x=f | x=t | x=u]

    :-( Is this a bug or feature?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mild Shock@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Thu Sep 21 11:03:58 2023
    Dan Christensen halucinated complete bullshit:
    Every sentence is either (1) a true sentence,
    (2) a false sentence, or (3) one of indeterminate truth value.

    Take these two propositional formulas:
    a) p => ~p
    b) ~p => p

    They are not equivalent to these two propositional formulas:
    1) p v ~p /* true sentence */
    2) p & ~p /* false sentence */

    Do you claim they are equivalent to the Liar Paradox?

    Mild Shock schrieb am Donnerstag, 21. September 2023 um 19:53:15 UTC+2:
    There is no constant for the truth value "T" in DC Proof.
    In classical logic you could defined the truth values
    "T" and "F" as follows:

    a ~ "T" :<=> (a <=> p & ~p)

    a ~ "F" :<=> (a <=> p v ~p)

    Now concerning your non-classical logic that resolves the
    Liar Paradox, how do you define the involved truth values?
    Assume we have already defined a ~ "T" and a ~ "F" in

    your system. I guess you want to defined "U" as follows, right?

    a ~ "U" :<=> ~a ~ "T" & ~a ~ "F"

    But then there is a bug in DC Proof, I cannot use
    capital letter for constant values. So I cannot
    use the STANDARD constant values "F", "T" and "U" from here:


    Because DC Proof doesn't accept:

    1 ALL(x):[Value(x) <=> x=F | x=T | x=U]

    It only accepts:
    1 ALL(x):[Value(x) <=> x=f | x=t | x=u]
    :-( Is this a bug or feature?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Christensen@21:1/5 to Mild Shock on Thu Sep 21 15:14:42 2023
    On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 1:53:15 PM UTC-4, Mild Shock wrote:
    There is no constant for the truth value "T" in DC Proof.

    Neither is there in most textbook math proofs. As I have shown here, it isn't necessary for a resolution of The Liar Paradox. Basic set theory and ordinary logic are enough.

    In classical logic you could defined the truth values
    "T" and "F" as follows:

    a ~ "T" :<=> (a <=> p & ~p)

    a ~ "F" :<=> (a <=> p v ~p)

    Why bother?

    Now concerning your non-classical logic ...

    There is nothing "non-classical" about it. It's the ordinary logic of most textbook math proofs.

    ... that resolves the
    Liar Paradox, how do you define the involved truth values?

    I prove a theorem of basic set theory:

    ALL(s):ALL(t):ALL(f):ALL(m):[Set(s) & Set(t) & Set(f) & Set(m) <--------- 4 Arbitrary sets

    [ALL(a):[a in t => a in s] <------------- 3 Subsets of s
    & ALL(a):[a in f => a in s]
    & ALL(a):[a in m => a in s]

    & ALL(a):[a in s => [a in t | a in f | a in m] <---------- Trichotomy Rules

    & ~[a in t & a in f]
    & ~[a in t & a in m]
    & ~[a in f & a in m]]

    ALL(b):[b in s => [[b in t <=> b in f] => b in m]]]]

    Since "This sentence is false" is a true sentence if and only if it is false sentence, we can resolve LP by interpreting:

    s = a set of sentences
    t = the subset of true sentences in s
    f = the subset of false sentence in s
    m = the set sentences "of indeterminate truth value") in s

    Thus, "This sentence is false" can be proven to be a sentence of indeterminate truth value using only basic set theory and ordinary logic with no need to postulate any other structures.

    But then there is a bug in DC Proof, I cannot use
    capital letter for constant values.

    Not a bug. The first character of the name of a variable/constant cannot be an uppercase letter. The first character of the name of a logical proposition or predicate must be an uppercase letter. Deal with it.

    So I cannot
    use the STANDARD constant values "F", "T" and "U" from here:


    Because DC Proof doesn't accept:

    1 ALL(x):[Value(x) <=> x=F | x=T | x=U]

    It only accepts:
    1 ALL(x):[Value(x) <=> x=f | x=t | x=u]
    :-( Is this a bug or feature?

    OMG! More excuses for not doing your homework, Mr. Collapse??? Why not use lower case letters?


    Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
    Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com

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