• Re: Another huge fiction story in mathematics foundations (the complex

    From bassam karzeddin@21:1/5 to bassam king karzeddin on Wed Sep 13 00:45:41 2023
    On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 6:46:18 PM UTC+2, bassam king karzeddin wrote:
    Another huge fiction story in mathematics foundations (the complex numbers)

    Let us go back in time before those illegal types of numbers were fabricated to be will established as an absolute existing facts in the Holy Grail science of mathematics

    First, there are two main views about mathematics wither it is been discovered or invented, but I think it is being both of them as it seems to me now a days, the real part of it which may be called absolutely true mathematics (mainly about the
    existing physical universe around us, and in particular the space properties), where this part may be considered as discovered, which means its absolute facts where its truthiness is independent on wither it comes into our knowledge or not, and the other
    part may be considered as an invented part that may be (true or false).

    Then how can we be sure about that part of invented and really false mathematics that may be also helpful to a certain degree, but misleading if we considered it as an absolute facts, especially if we keep building towers of additional knowledge that
    might collapse completely upon itself and our entire knowledge, since that was based merely on a fiction story that was fabricated by old ancient famous mathematicians in order to solve unnecessarily problems they invented and to prove their super
    talents for others (Human Psychology Problem –HPP)

    So, what is the fiction story here?
    It is quite simple as this, the imaginary number unit, which is called (i), where, i = Sqrt(-1), but how?

    Then we have to go back in time and see the real meaning of the (negative concept) which was the (mother without a father) that gave birth to this illegal born (i)

    But (i) seem healthy and normal; yes it is also practical in so many cases, it produced the most famous theorems of algebra, especially the fundamental theorem of algebra, how can all those be based on fictions, unfortunately true and yes they were all
    based on baseless foundations that were based on wrong juggling and not even good imaginations

    To understand this mind deception clearly by a layperson, note that math started by counting of physical existing objects around us, so physics must be considered the origin of math, then numbering was essential of comparing existing objects, and all
    that was abbreviated to a highly advanced tool of comparison, called the (real number line), which is the most powerful tool to judge the fake number from true number!
    So what is a straight line first which is generally may be considered a number line also, as XYZ axis?

    The early basic definition of a straight line was defined as being the shortest distance between two distinct points in space and its endless extensions in two opposite directions

    Note that nothing was defined as being negative, but in two opposite directions from a start given point or visualized distinct location, zero number was not added yet, it was at later stage introduced by the Arabs just to facilitate daily calculation,
    and later was considered as a real integer despite being nothingness in magnitude and unlike any real positive integer!

    At a later stage after creating the nothingness zero, a genius suggested to create the negative numbers as being a mirror image of actual existing numbers where he had to rename them as positive real integers, and since zero was given birth as an
    existing integer as any other integer, so funny!
    Then zero was the main bridge to cross to the other side of the mirror image of integers and call those mirror image integers as being real the same way positive integers are, wonder!

    And physically speaking, there is not an existing negative object except in mirror, which is truly unreal.

    So, here was the start of the fiction story in mathematics and unfortunately extended rapidly to physics recently misleading and blinding it completely to produce so many unbelievable more factious and more legendary stories that Hollywood cannot even

    Instead of dividing the real number line to (+, -) as the case of (XYZ-axis), and If they were honest and keen they would simply divide it to two opposite directions as for example (right and left, east and west, north and south, etc), where both in
    actual positive sense and as it is been indeed physically, but this choice would not make any more business for them, so why to chose this type of real coordination?

    Despite the usefulness of the negative concept, they insisted to spoil it completely for not more than narrow purposes of pure selfishness, but they gave so many others an endless space to swim in the fake vast imaginations and conclude further so many
    facts about the universe and universes

    To see the clear cheating in this story, note only the multiplication operation of negative integers and finally the creation of the illegal complex numbers

    Let (A*B = C), where (A, B, C) are positive integers, so mark them on the positive (X-axis), now observe their image on the negative (X-axis), where (Y-axis) is acting as a mirror for the (X-axis)

    So, the mirror image of A is (-A), and for B is (-B), that you do accept for sure, and for C is (-C), independently
    Then you would certainly see in the mirror image as simple as this, (-A)*(-B) = (-C), and not just (C), and of course you will not be able to mark them since they are actually unreal, thus (-1)*(-1) = (-1), and therefore the (Sqrt(-1) = -1), must be,
    and not those two legendary invented fake numbers (+ or – )(i)

    But when it comes to the product C, in the multiplication operation you would deny completely the result just because it was not your choice but was your bad mind programming!

    The confusion comes from making the confusion itself deliberately, by creating an artificial symmetry (which is not natural nor physical) at a location on the real number line and delete one real direction completely and tell you that deleted part is
    only a mirror image of the right side real direction, and call it opposite not only in magnitude but also in direction, and then define the multiplication operation in a way that was illegal, in order to create a new baby called (the imaginary), and
    later extend and mix it with the real real and call it complex, then so much fake and unnecessary mythematics is accumulated and invaded its origin (the physics) and killing it completely by those ill formed concepts

    So, wake up true daughters and sons of the Queen and remove this long standing shame for ever and immediately.

    Bassam King Karzeddin
    10th, Nov., 2016

    Fictions are mostly adored among human academic mathematickers FOR SURE


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  • From Python@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 13 10:39:00 2023
    Le 13/09/2023 à 09:45, bassam karzeddin a écrit :
    On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 6:46:18 PM UTC+2, bassam king karzeddin wrote:
    Another huge fiction story in mathematics foundations (the complex numbers) >>
    Let us go back in time before those illegal types of numbers were fabricated to be will established as an absolute existing facts in the Holy Grail science of mathematics

    First, there are two main views about mathematics wither it is been discovered or invented, but I think it is being both of them as it seems to me now a days, the real part of it which may be called absolutely true mathematics (mainly about the
    existing physical universe around us, and in particular the space properties), where this part may be considered as discovered, which means its absolute facts where its truthiness is independent on wither it comes into our knowledge or not, and the other
    part may be considered as an invented part that may be (true or false).

    Then how can we be sure about that part of invented and really false mathematics that may be also helpful to a certain degree, but misleading if we considered it as an absolute facts, especially if we keep building towers of additional knowledge that
    might collapse completely upon itself and our entire knowledge, since that was based merely on a fiction story that was fabricated by old ancient famous mathematicians in order to solve unnecessarily problems they invented and to prove their super
    talents for others (Human Psychology Problem –HPP)

    So, what is the fiction story here?
    It is quite simple as this, the imaginary number unit, which is called (i), where, i = Sqrt(-1), but how?

    Then we have to go back in time and see the real meaning of the (negative concept) which was the (mother without a father) that gave birth to this illegal born (i)

    But (i) seem healthy and normal; yes it is also practical in so many cases, it produced the most famous theorems of algebra, especially the fundamental theorem of algebra, how can all those be based on fictions, unfortunately true and yes they were
    all based on baseless foundations that were based on wrong juggling and not even good imaginations

    To understand this mind deception clearly by a layperson, note that math started by counting of physical existing objects around us, so physics must be considered the origin of math, then numbering was essential of comparing existing objects, and all
    that was abbreviated to a highly advanced tool of comparison, called the (real number line), which is the most powerful tool to judge the fake number from true number!
    So what is a straight line first which is generally may be considered a number line also, as XYZ axis?

    The early basic definition of a straight line was defined as being the shortest distance between two distinct points in space and its endless extensions in two opposite directions

    Note that nothing was defined as being negative, but in two opposite directions from a start given point or visualized distinct location, zero number was not added yet, it was at later stage introduced by the Arabs just to facilitate daily calculation,
    and later was considered as a real integer despite being nothingness in magnitude and unlike any real positive integer!

    At a later stage after creating the nothingness zero, a genius suggested to create the negative numbers as being a mirror image of actual existing numbers where he had to rename them as positive real integers, and since zero was given birth as an
    existing integer as any other integer, so funny!
    Then zero was the main bridge to cross to the other side of the mirror image of integers and call those mirror image integers as being real the same way positive integers are, wonder!

    And physically speaking, there is not an existing negative object except in mirror, which is truly unreal.

    So, here was the start of the fiction story in mathematics and unfortunately extended rapidly to physics recently misleading and blinding it completely to produce so many unbelievable more factious and more legendary stories that Hollywood cannot even

    Instead of dividing the real number line to (+, -) as the case of (XYZ-axis), and If they were honest and keen they would simply divide it to two opposite directions as for example (right and left, east and west, north and south, etc), where both in
    actual positive sense and as it is been indeed physically, but this choice would not make any more business for them, so why to chose this type of real coordination?

    Despite the usefulness of the negative concept, they insisted to spoil it completely for not more than narrow purposes of pure selfishness, but they gave so many others an endless space to swim in the fake vast imaginations and conclude further so
    many facts about the universe and universes

    To see the clear cheating in this story, note only the multiplication operation of negative integers and finally the creation of the illegal complex numbers

    Let (A*B = C), where (A, B, C) are positive integers, so mark them on the positive (X-axis), now observe their image on the negative (X-axis), where (Y-axis) is acting as a mirror for the (X-axis)

    So, the mirror image of A is (-A), and for B is (-B), that you do accept for sure, and for C is (-C), independently
    Then you would certainly see in the mirror image as simple as this, (-A)*(-B) = (-C), and not just (C), and of course you will not be able to mark them since they are actually unreal, thus (-1)*(-1) = (-1), and therefore the (Sqrt(-1) = -1), must be,
    and not those two legendary invented fake numbers (+ or – )(i)

    But when it comes to the product C, in the multiplication operation you would deny completely the result just because it was not your choice but was your bad mind programming!

    The confusion comes from making the confusion itself deliberately, by creating an artificial symmetry (which is not natural nor physical) at a location on the real number line and delete one real direction completely and tell you that deleted part is
    only a mirror image of the right side real direction, and call it opposite not only in magnitude but also in direction, and then define the multiplication operation in a way that was illegal, in order to create a new baby called (the imaginary), and
    later extend and mix it with the real real and call it complex, then so much fake and unnecessary mythematics is accumulated and invaded its origin (the physics) and killing it completely by those ill formed concepts

    So, wake up true daughters and sons of the Queen and remove this long standing shame for ever and immediately.

    Bassam King Karzeddin
    10th, Nov., 2016

    Fictions are mostly adored among human academic mathematickers FOR SURE

    i = { X, X + X^2 + 1, X + 2X^2 + 2, ... }

    nothing fictional or illegal here, you idiot!

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)