• Re: Whats the best vaccine against COVID-19?

    From Ross Finlayson@21:1/5 to Ross Finlayson on Sat Oct 7 09:04:25 2023
    On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 2:39:02 PM UTC-7, Ross Finlayson wrote:
    On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 5:23:37 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Friday, December 9, 2022 at 6:36:58 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 5:45:27 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:42:57 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:25:37 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:55:22 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 3:03:31 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 6:01:49 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 4:05:22 PM UTC-7, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 10:56:47 AM UTC-7, Mostowski Collapse wrote:
    Interstingly Litecoin/Dogecoin uses Scrypt which was originally
    intended to generate a Key from a Password.

    "Hello this is doge."

    Basically validating pretty much what I've writ above there,
    seems mostly for pretty much free-marketing things like instant detection for virion presence via fluoroscopic lamp
    and a mobile phone, quick system-on-chip tests what make for associating epitopes, and more than less disposable and
    actually having very many layers of usual epitopes what help,
    figuring out ways that basically innoculate and vaccinate, mostly though wondering how the health will adapt since what represents an overall immune challenge, is personal.

    Cash is seven things - for me AES isn't one of them.

    Looking to understand the antigenic cross-reactivity and that the Oxford virus as example is a COVID vaccine, and that in terms of nano-particles or mRNA (miRNA) it's an example of an innoculant that it's not really clear there will
    be effected clearance of the particles, I think medicine would
    be better if it really ramped up cross-condition testing, besides
    what dribbles out outside more or less closed studies, of which
    there are none, that could help identify what approaches actually
    end up holistically achieving a result of health, vis-a-vis,
    managing illness. (Or what could possibly work and be affordable
    in through science removing the causes of disease.)

    Why, yes, I do want to live forever.

    Read an article the other day that miRNA COVID-19 vaccines were correlated with fibrosis and heart attacks a week or so after.

    Zinc is key for immune health, also a healthy, balanced, and varied diet.

    Remdesivir and INDOPY have rather well-understood mechanics..

    Radio-therapy can be very important.

    After a year or so of the liver burning off the things then a year or so later
    the marrow melting out and the epiphyseal plates, basically looking at
    tendonitis in the achilles.

    There is no crypto but shiba.
    Article the other day said tobacco users somehow lucked out against COVID19.

    It's probably fair to say that Tobacco Mosaic Virus introduced epitopes in the
    form of post-naso-pharyngeal swabs were the best, "vaccine".

    Then that SARS-Lite came out was a big deal.

    And "Mostowski Collapse and shill pennies-per-pound-pyramid-poseur ilk"
    rhyme with "ass-mouth".
    Mullein, milk thistle, garlic and oregano seemed helped,
    besides of course, zinc, and not to leave out, original gatorade.

    Also getting rid of most salt especially sea-salt, for good salt.

    It caused a bit of dairy intolerance which is yet for the homeopathic
    and sometimes even aversion therapy.

    Not sure but the hepatitis vaccine maybe helped, and that shot of remdesivir.

    The radio-therapy seemed helped.

    No miRNA here - also "m" in RNA is for "messenger" not "micro".

    Got most all the "COVIDs", ....
    They say that people all "boosted", which is an unfortunate term because it
    means also "robbed" as in "they got boosted", are less likely to have gotten ARDS,
    for which we might also thank the rest of modern medicine, but, death is quite up.

    Or, ..., "was".
    I think the ultrasound helped but I'd already gone through about a year or two
    of COVID.

    Once upon a time it was really easy to predict how many ads for prescription
    medicines there were on television: none.

    These days it's all a slew of modern problems from plastics in the food and,
    you know, radio waves, and, ..., whatever else is ailing people. ("Butt problems".)

    Some wonder that nsaids are pulled from shelves because they're poisonous,
    cough syrup or dextro because it's very bad for people, and speed, ..., because

    Sometimes a pyramid scheme just won't fix things, ....
    Maybe there wouldn't be so many financial problems if there wasn't so much
    lost on cornering the market on ventilators.

    Of course, "the great crypto ripoff" seems much more a _criminal_ thing.

    Good health pretty much demands you make it for yourself.
    There are natural, wild, zoonotic from humans, coronaviruses, Type 1 and Type 2, and even Type 3,
    much more than the most infamous Sars-Cov-2 and fiends, Alpha (Type 1) and Beta (Type 2) Coronaviruses.

    It's even surprising that Coronaviridae includes lots of important immune system messengers in humans.

    Coronaviruses have been around for since whenever, including when there was "no cure for the common cold".

    Why weren't then usual vaccine lines put out for them long ago? One imagines there were.

    The "Sars-Cov-2" doesn't seem so, "natural".
    Luckily, after COVID hit, medicine opened its journals,
    that a wide variety of readers were able to help interpret
    the science, what resulted great advances in the availability
    of identifying epitopes after the resolution of structures,
    as well insight into the very many metabolic pathways,
    what end up being all so related.
    "Macropinocytosis disorder and platelet S-protein disorder on antigen cross-reactivity",
    ..., https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-uncovers-potential-explanation-for-covid-vaccine-blood-clot-connection/ ,
    ..., "who would've guessed it"?

    I suppose the competent, aware, advised,
    not incompetent, unawares, ill-advised.

    "COVID vaccine linked to low platelet count - ... and microclots everywhere, ...".

    Yeah, way to go, Burse.

    COVID is also involved with platelet S-protein problems,
    and with big issues about antigenic cross-reactivity.

    Don't get me wrong, miRNA is a very heavy hammer, and,
    paxlovid is a very inexpensive offshoot of equine antihelminths.

    The remdesivir and INDOPY and other things of course are having a
    pretty well-explained mechanism why they disrupt the COVID payload's intracellular action.

    Don't forget that wild-type coronaviridae, would also be the means
    of the transmission of "healing factors", besides disease, what result
    why some people, communicate health.

    I'm reminded when there was introduced the humors theory of disease,
    the four biles or four humors, or humours.

    Then I'm thinking, the only eventual way out for clearance is snot or poop. Then, especially for the head, I'm trying to figure out how to make a bunch
    of phlegm, basically.

    These days then they've got into "mucoactive agents", never heard of that before.

    So, I'm looking at acetylcysteine and glutathione and also iodine support, mannitol,
    other "mucolytics", trying to figure out how to both increase lymph and glymph,
    and dissolve it from the nodes and glands, and get it quite flowing, then to figure
    out how to effect clearance, because load, and as to kick out the jambs: "inspissation".

    The word of the day is "mucolytic".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ross Finlayson@21:1/5 to Ross Finlayson on Sat Oct 7 18:40:19 2023
    On Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 9:04:33 AM UTC-7, Ross Finlayson wrote:
    On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 2:39:02 PM UTC-7, Ross Finlayson wrote:
    On Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 5:23:37 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Friday, December 9, 2022 at 6:36:58 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 5:45:27 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:42:57 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:25:37 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:55:22 AM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 3:03:31 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 6:01:49 PM UTC-8, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 4:05:22 PM UTC-7, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
    On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 10:56:47 AM UTC-7, Mostowski Collapse wrote:
    Interstingly Litecoin/Dogecoin uses Scrypt which was originally
    intended to generate a Key from a Password.

    "Hello this is doge."

    Basically validating pretty much what I've writ above there,
    seems mostly for pretty much free-marketing things like instant detection for virion presence via fluoroscopic lamp
    and a mobile phone, quick system-on-chip tests what make for associating epitopes, and more than less disposable and
    actually having very many layers of usual epitopes what help,
    figuring out ways that basically innoculate and vaccinate,
    mostly though wondering how the health will adapt since what represents an overall immune challenge, is personal.

    Cash is seven things - for me AES isn't one of them.

    Looking to understand the antigenic cross-reactivity and that the Oxford virus as example is a COVID vaccine, and that in terms of nano-particles or mRNA (miRNA) it's an example of an innoculant that it's not really clear there will
    be effected clearance of the particles, I think medicine would
    be better if it really ramped up cross-condition testing, besides
    what dribbles out outside more or less closed studies, of which
    there are none, that could help identify what approaches actually
    end up holistically achieving a result of health, vis-a-vis,
    managing illness. (Or what could possibly work and be affordable
    in through science removing the causes of disease.)

    Why, yes, I do want to live forever.

    Read an article the other day that miRNA COVID-19 vaccines were correlated with fibrosis and heart attacks a week or so after.

    Zinc is key for immune health, also a healthy, balanced, and varied diet.

    Remdesivir and INDOPY have rather well-understood mechanics..

    Radio-therapy can be very important.

    After a year or so of the liver burning off the things then a year or so later
    the marrow melting out and the epiphyseal plates, basically looking at
    tendonitis in the achilles.

    There is no crypto but shiba.
    Article the other day said tobacco users somehow lucked out against COVID19.

    It's probably fair to say that Tobacco Mosaic Virus introduced epitopes in the
    form of post-naso-pharyngeal swabs were the best, "vaccine".

    Then that SARS-Lite came out was a big deal.

    And "Mostowski Collapse and shill pennies-per-pound-pyramid-poseur ilk"
    rhyme with "ass-mouth".
    Mullein, milk thistle, garlic and oregano seemed helped, besides of course, zinc, and not to leave out, original gatorade.

    Also getting rid of most salt especially sea-salt, for good salt.

    It caused a bit of dairy intolerance which is yet for the homeopathic
    and sometimes even aversion therapy.

    Not sure but the hepatitis vaccine maybe helped, and that shot of remdesivir.

    The radio-therapy seemed helped.

    No miRNA here - also "m" in RNA is for "messenger" not "micro".

    Got most all the "COVIDs", ....
    They say that people all "boosted", which is an unfortunate term because it
    means also "robbed" as in "they got boosted", are less likely to have gotten ARDS,
    for which we might also thank the rest of modern medicine, but, death is quite up.

    Or, ..., "was".
    I think the ultrasound helped but I'd already gone through about a year or two
    of COVID.

    Once upon a time it was really easy to predict how many ads for prescription
    medicines there were on television: none.

    These days it's all a slew of modern problems from plastics in the food and,
    you know, radio waves, and, ..., whatever else is ailing people. ("Butt problems".)

    Some wonder that nsaids are pulled from shelves because they're poisonous,
    cough syrup or dextro because it's very bad for people, and speed, ..., because

    Sometimes a pyramid scheme just won't fix things, ....
    Maybe there wouldn't be so many financial problems if there wasn't so much
    lost on cornering the market on ventilators.

    Of course, "the great crypto ripoff" seems much more a _criminal_ thing.

    Good health pretty much demands you make it for yourself.
    There are natural, wild, zoonotic from humans, coronaviruses, Type 1 and Type 2, and even Type 3,
    much more than the most infamous Sars-Cov-2 and fiends, Alpha (Type 1) and Beta (Type 2) Coronaviruses.

    It's even surprising that Coronaviridae includes lots of important immune system messengers in humans.

    Coronaviruses have been around for since whenever, including when there was "no cure for the common cold".

    Why weren't then usual vaccine lines put out for them long ago? One imagines there were.

    The "Sars-Cov-2" doesn't seem so, "natural".
    Luckily, after COVID hit, medicine opened its journals,
    that a wide variety of readers were able to help interpret
    the science, what resulted great advances in the availability
    of identifying epitopes after the resolution of structures,
    as well insight into the very many metabolic pathways,
    what end up being all so related.
    "Macropinocytosis disorder and platelet S-protein disorder on antigen cross-reactivity",
    ..., https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-uncovers-potential-explanation-for-covid-vaccine-blood-clot-connection/ ,
    ..., "who would've guessed it"?

    I suppose the competent, aware, advised,
    not incompetent, unawares, ill-advised.

    "COVID vaccine linked to low platelet count - ... and microclots everywhere, ...".

    Yeah, way to go, Burse.

    COVID is also involved with platelet S-protein problems,
    and with big issues about antigenic cross-reactivity.

    Don't get me wrong, miRNA is a very heavy hammer, and,
    paxlovid is a very inexpensive offshoot of equine antihelminths.

    The remdesivir and INDOPY and other things of course are having a
    pretty well-explained mechanism why they disrupt the COVID payload's intracellular action.

    Don't forget that wild-type coronaviridae, would also be the means
    of the transmission of "healing factors", besides disease, what result
    why some people, communicate health.
    I'm reminded when there was introduced the humors theory of disease,
    the four biles or four humors, or humours.

    Then I'm thinking, the only eventual way out for clearance is snot or poop. Then, especially for the head, I'm trying to figure out how to make a bunch of phlegm, basically.

    These days then they've got into "mucoactive agents", never heard of that before.

    So, I'm looking at acetylcysteine and glutathione and also iodine support, mannitol,
    other "mucolytics", trying to figure out how to both increase lymph and glymph,
    and dissolve it from the nodes and glands, and get it quite flowing, then to figure
    out how to effect clearance, because load, and as to kick out the jambs: "inspissation".

    The word of the day is "mucolytic".

    Also milk whey and garlic are good sources of gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine,
    a bioavailable precursor to glutathione.

    "Inhibition of macropinocytosis impairs MHV replication."

    "Coronavirus antibody testing finds Bay Area infections
    may be 85 times higher than reported: researchers"

    "Plant lectins like UDA probably target viral attachment
    and fusion, and exocytosis or egress of the virus from the cell."

    "Microthrombotic complications of varicella zoster are not unusual...".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)