• Term between friend and acquaintance (a casual friend) (Bekannte)

    From HenHanna@21:1/5 to Kyonshi on Fri Mar 29 22:28:27 2024
    XPost: alt.usage.english, alt.english.usage

    Re: Term between friend and acquaintance
    (a casual friend) (an old acquaintance)
    (a close acquaintance) (a good acquaintance)
    (a long-time acquaintance) (a great acquaintance)

    Kyonshi wrote:

    Is there a term for someone between a friend and an acquaintance in
    English? We were just struggling to define someone who was definitely
    better acquainted than a mere acquaintance (my wife having known him for over 20 years), but still not as close as a friend would be (his wife
    being a close friend to my wife).

    i don't think there's such a word in English....

    (a related Jp word is Yottomo)

    In English, there isn't a single perfect word that captures the space
    between friend and acquaintance. However, here are some options
    depending on the nuance you want to convey:

    Friendly acquaintance: This is a straightforward phrase that explicitly
    bridges the gap.

    Associate: This implies a connection that's more than just knowing
    someone by name but not quite a close friend. It can be used in work or
    social contexts.

    Colleague: Similar to "associate" but specifically refers to someone
    you work with.

    Here are some terms that bridge the gap between friend and acquaintance:


    Bekannte: (bekˈannte) This is the most direct translation of
    "acquaintance." However, it can also lean slightly towards "friend"
    depending on the context.

    Kumpel (ˈkʊmpəl): This term literally translates to "buddy" or "pal" and implies a more casual and friendly connection than just an acquaintance.


    Connaissance (kɔ.nɛ.sɑ̃s) This directly translates to "acquaintance" and
    is the most neutral term.

    Connaissance amicale (kɔ.nɛ.sɑ̃s amiˈkal) This literally translates to "friendly acquaintance" and suggests a step closer to friendship than a
    simple "connaissance."


    Conocido/a (ko.noˈθi.ðo/a) This translates to "acquaintance" and is the
    most general term.

    Conocido/a casual (ko.noˈθi.ðo/a kaˈswal) This literally translates to "casual acquaintance" and emphasizes a less close connection.

    Conocido/a simpático/a (ko.noˈθi.ðo/a simˈpa.ti.ko/a)
    This translates to "friendly acquaintance" and suggests a more positive and potentially evolving relationship.


    知り合い (shiriai) This translates to "acquaintance" and is the most
    common term.

    友達予備軍 (tomodachi yobigun) This literally translates to "friend reserve army" and is a playful term for someone who could potentially
    become a friend.

    浅い知り合い (akai shiriai) This translates to "shallow acquaintance"
    and emphasizes a less developed connection.

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