• Susanna Rowson died (2-3-1824)

    From Ross Clark@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 2 23:29:47 2024
    Good grief! Yet another brilliant 18th-century (well, mostly) woman!
    -- "novelist, poet, playwright, religious writer, stage actress, and
    educator" (Wiki)

    Childhood immigrant from England, settled in Boston.

    Her "Charlotte Temple" (1791) is said to have been the best-selling
    American novel before "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

    The linguistic connection is mainly in her educational work. "Mrs
    Rowson's Academy for Young Ladies" (est. 1797) was the first girls'
    school in Boston (?or in the USA - not clear). She later authored
    several textbooks, including a speller (A Spelling Dictionary..., 1807),
    which used Johnson's dictionary as its source. This (says Crystal)
    "distanced her from the bestselling spelling dictionary published by
    Noah Webster some years before."
    Rowson's dictionary included an appendix: "A Concise Account of the
    Heathen Deities, and other Fabulous Persons, with the Heroes and
    Heroines of Antiquity". People need to be able to spell proper names, too.

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