• Name day for Matthias and Modeste (24 February)

    From Ross Clark@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 24 22:55:49 2024
    So I got down the Dictionary of Saints again...
    Matthias - apostle, the one chosen to replace Judas
    Modeste - ?? not there!
    "St.Modestus of Trier, 5th century" (Crystal)
    OK, that leads me to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modestus_(bishop_of_Trier)
    but Wiki says he's "considered a Pre-Congregational Saint"
    which leads to
    I'll leave you to sort it out. I was brought up Protestant, and we
    didn't go in for saints -- certainly not "saint's name days"!

    Which is actually the point of today's Date with Language.
    Crystal admits the day (and thus the two individuals above) was pretty
    much a random choice.
    Apparently in some countries, where large numbers of people share names
    with saints, on the feast day of the saint whose name you have, you have
    some sort of celebration, or get presents, or something like that.
    I have heard of this (in both Catholic and Orthodox countries), but have
    no direct experience of it. Does anybody here?
    Does anybody know anyone named Modest/Modeste/Modestus?

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