• Hannah More born (2-2-1745)

    From Ross Clark@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 3 22:28:56 2024
    An original Bluestocking.

    (I learn: The term originally referred to the informal dress of _men_
    who attended these literary salons. White stockings were appropriate for
    formal occasions.)

    She wrote poetry and plays, many on religious subjects. She was
    associated with the early anti-slavery movement, but generally quite conservative.

    "In London, More sought to associate with the literary elite, including
    Samuel Johnson, Joshua Reynolds and Edmund Burke. Johnson is quoted as
    scolding her: "Madam, before you flatter a man so grossly to his face,
    you should consider whether or not your flattery is worth having." He
    would later be quoted as calling her "the finest versifatrix in the
    English language"."


    No, no, Wiki, the word is "versificatrix"!
    Johnson's (reported) use of this word is _still_ the single attested
    usage in the OED.

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