• Spin polarized phosphorescence with quantum linkage (entanglement) if i

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 6 20:12:46 2022
    fMRI as well as positron emission tomography of women that get at the 99th percentile of sexual arousal when watching sex videos could be used to find areas of brain activation these women share, then neurotransmitter active drugs localized to these
    brain areas could be developed as a drug that causes secual arousal and likely better sexual experience

    There is a brain map of where specific body parts sensation is mapped to when particular body parts are stimulated, they could make neurotransmitter drugs localized to the genital region of brain maps to make a drug that causes sex to be even more

    The brain map that has a brain area for each body part could be used to make neurotransmitter drugs that concentrate at the uterine brain map area getting rid of menstrual cramps, it is possible this could also be used to get rid of arthritis
    sensationMucoussilicoaminoacids I have read about mucoproteins they make things gooey, would using silicon based amino acids to make these cause slippery solids perhaps deliquescent that always stayed wet, what about halogenated mucoproteins would they
    be slipperier or make things slippery with fewer mg, could a person or computer compare the amino acid sequences of the slipperiest mucoproteins and make new ones that were even slipperier

    I read that mice frequently get cancer could they breed two kinds of mice, one with lower prevalence of cancer than humans and another that almost always got cancer, then they could compare the different mice' genes gene protein products, and immune
    system sensitivities to find out if any gene therapy, protein drug, or immunization prevents cancer or cures it at the cancerous mice, then they could find which genes, proteins are similar at humans then find out if they are effective at preventing and
    curing human cancer

    I read about a senolytic longevity drug that is also an anti cancer drug, could it be possible to measure a reduction of cancer at people given the senolytics drug periodically for longevity purposes, at humans an anti-breast cancer drug could be
    administered to just a few hundred age batched women from 19 and older to provide data on breast and other cancer prevention while also measuring longevity increases

    I read that BCG TB vaccine causes 2.5 times less lung cancer, they could make a bunch of BCG variants and give them to mice to find out if any, or if revaccination mid life causes mice to get less of a variety of cancers, it is possible that if they test
    200 overlapping vaccines on 800 mice they will find a vaccine at the 99th percentile of effectiveness, these could then be tested on humans with the 7 most prevalent human cancers being prevented at mice being a basis for preferring the BCG variant, also,
    they could make BCG variants from completely different mycobacteria bacteria than mycoplasma bovis

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 8 09:31:56 2022
    fMRI as well as positron emission tomography of women that get at the 99th percentile of sexual arousal when watching sex videos could be used to find areas of brain activation these women share, then neurotransmitter active drugs localized to these
    brain areas could be developed as a drug that causes secual arousal and likely better sexual experience

    There is a brain map of where specific body parts sensation is mapped to when particular body parts are stimulated, they could make neurotransmitter drugs localized to the genital region of brain maps to make a drug that causes sex to be even more

    The brain map that has a brain area for each body part could be used to make neurotransmitter drugs that concentrate at the uterine brain map area getting rid of menstrual cramps, it is possible this could also be used to get rid of arthritis
    sensationMucoussilicoaminoacids I have read about mucoproteins they make things gooey, would using silicon based amino acids to make these cause slippery solids perhaps deliquescent that always stayed wet, what about halogenated mucoproteins would they
    be slipperier or make things slippery with fewer mg, could a person or computer compare the amino acid sequences of the slipperiest mucoproteins and make new ones that were even slipperier

    I read that mice frequently get cancer could they breed two kinds of mice, one with lower prevalence of cancer than humans and another that almost always got cancer, then they could compare the different mice' genes gene protein products, and immune
    system sensitivities to find out if any gene therapy, protein drug, or immunization prevents cancer or cures it at the cancerous mice, then they could find which genes, proteins are similar at humans then find out if they are effective at preventing and
    curing human cancer

    I read about a senolytic longevity drug that is also an anti cancer drug, could it be possible to measure a reduction of cancer at people given the senolytics drug periodically for longevity purposes, at humans an anti-breast cancer drug could be
    administered to just a few hundred age batched women from 19 and older to provide data on breast and other cancer prevention while also measuring longevity increases

    I read that BCG TB vaccine causes 2.5 times less lung cancer, they could make a bunch of BCG variants and give them to mice to find out if any, or if revaccination mid life causes mice to get less of a variety of cancers, it is possible that if they test
    200 overlapping vaccines on 800 mice they will find a vaccine at the 99th percentile of effectiveness, these could then be tested on humans with the 7 most prevalent human cancers being prevented at mice being a basis for preferring the BCG variant, also,
    they could make BCG variants from completely different mycobacteria bacteria than mycoplasma bovis

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)