• It occurs to me that at 2019 US homeless persons were about 1 out of ev

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 14 19:15:28 2022
    At nations with just 10 million people philanthropists could provide photovoltaic Costco huts ($1200), with portable toilets, continuous video and audio at the area, lighting and a portable shower building for their 33,333 homeless people (or fewer
    depending on the country) for about 69 million US $ at $2000 per person. There could be a simultaneously utilitarian method, this could be combined with the vacant commercial land being developable into the riskless, financially neutral, generator of
    greater numbers of parks method, change to the law. Another simultaneously utilitarian way to do this is credit unions voluntarily setting aside .01% of the accrued interest on typical US 250k-300K dwellings to finance a $2000k Costco mini hut dwelling
    for the homeless. The credit union could then use the projected value of each $250-300k dwelling loan with factoring to create an immediate amount of money to order the mini-huts. This could have advertising appeal to banks, at 2019, "finance with us and
    provide a homeless person with shelter until 2062" (42 year durability of Costco mini hut). The combination of 4 out of 100 people financing through banks and all the people financing through credit unions would generate mini-huts from 7-14% of all
    dwelling financing. At the US with about 79 million 2019 financed dwellings value 21.7 trillion at 7% voluntary participation and .01% interest is 1.5 billion $, that is about 2/3 of the amount required to provide minihuts for all the homeless people in
    the US, at a 9.3% participation rate the full amount is covered. I read people in the US move about every seven years, if so then it is possible every 11 years 79 million dwelling refinances occur (some people do not move), which makes the process take
    that long, and much more rapidly at some areas (credit unions like to reinvest in local communities, banks can remit funds where the opportunity is greatest). Also, it could be a standard part of the credit unions' and banks' package for people opting
    for the dwelling for homeless program, the financing corporation could provide a "this months interest rate or next months interest rate whichever is lower" standard option, half of all the people financing dwellings would gain lower interest rates a
    month later making their financing more affordable.. The financial companies could figure out the difference between the two interest rates dollar values, perhaps 1-2% change at the initial interest rate, so perhaps $20-40 to cover the difference for one
    month, if the banks charged $60 for the lowest interest rate occurring over two months option they would earn 33-300% profit from making the product available at that fee, and more if they rolled it into the dwelling loan. There is however the value to
    the bank of immediately transferring the financing to another financial company and getting money up front. Of course a "this months interest rate or less" financial product could be created even without the dwellings for the homeless aspect. Another
    possibility is that people nice enough to opt for the dwellings for the homeless financing package are quantifiably better credit risks and so the .01% is covered with the reduction of risk to the financial institution. That would be functional up to
    median credit risk, possibly causing as much as 49% participation. I read about a philanthropist that gave $1 billion to a form of government and they could have done something more beneficial.

    Things that fill children's lives with happiness

    Longevity technology

    MWI technology

    Semiconductor technology

    Element and metal extraction from seawater, I read that some microorganisms concentrate metals from seawater and green fluorescent protein could be prompted to be produced more when more metals concentrate at a microorganism. Exposing a flask with a
    trillion different microorganisms to mutagens, where the culture is of 7-100 microrganisms known to concentrate elements like metals, at a nutrient broth that also causes plasmid swapping (calcium ions is a possibility), causes a trillion microorganism
    screenable amount that with flow cytometry to quantify light emission produces the 99.999999999th percentile highest performing element concentrating microorganisms. The microorganisms can be optimized around a single element or metal, or several. Flow
    cytometry characterizes and transports the most effective organisms to separate containers for further culture or repeat mutation cycles. One application is nanotechnology utilizing algae or bacteria to gather elements and metals that humans are not
    using that is without much effect, or possibly utilizing software guidance to cause metal harvesting with no effect on marine life is also possible

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