• Ideas

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 8 20:08:35 2022
    Quora can you compare your orgasmic intensity before and after doing kegels, does anything else work better?

    Are there peptide or small molecule lubricants that actually grow genital nerves

    Study the different actual genital feel of different erotic moods, sometimes it is perhaps three times better, why

    .5b Is there an internal narrative about winning/self protecting/ghosting a harasser that makes healing more rapid? A computer software chatbot?

    How can nudes on Snapchat for teens be more fun? Tumblr-like poem with it?

    Search tweet #erotic

    Fortnite interactive module that includes healthy dating and asking people out

    Research the love lives of mbti J quora question

    Should there be a I want to have children narrative for people that use marijuana? Voluntary practice while being rewarded about having three children

    Peta could urge vegetarians to have children

    .5b An mbti ES videogame on having a particularly good year with a newborn a video game for each mbti type

    Cute apartment redecorated for baby images at social media

    Calculate the fiscal benefit to Social security from people having more kids then up paycheck that dollar amount for each child, reducing automatic contribution; a pro child reminder each paycheck more reinforcing than annual refund

    Wire carrying drone for installing electrical wiring. I have seen drones the size of a very big mattress that can carry a person VR work a long with 99th percentile productive electrician builds efficiency and skill

    Savings reminder ATM asks if you would like to put extra 10% of withdrawal amount in savings also at China

    .5b High attention absorption modules at computer and video games possibly fortnite predicted to cause 45-60 minutes of absorption, possibly teleport to gear outfitters, so parents can have sex pass out scratch cards get 45 minutes of privacy for J they
    could pass out a scratch card every MWF at same time

    Netflix card times, echo dot activators

    Alexa dot reads sexy stories before bed that are quantitatively measured as causing more and more satisfying sex for women keeping TV out of bedroom published as increasing sex so Alexa dot could actually increase sexual activity, bedtime story could
    even dim lights

    More research on what kind of sex is beneficial thumping motion could be part of enhanced emotional contact so they could test closeness and satisfaction with low and high thumping sex; kitty style ~ on mattress compared with guy on top

    A thumping sybian could be quantitatively measured as to satisfaction and possibly partner connection

    Noting the taste of vagina could there be a broth flavored lubricant? Vegetable broth exists

    Beyond cultivating "good attitude" is there a way of appreciating

    a neutral job thus turning it into a better job. I favor nice. Quora question

    Mbti specifics are a possibility: Cultivate daring, "being employed makes it easier to find work so I will circulate my resume" I/E and J/P

    For mbti J there might be words for appreciating a routine. "We're on schedule" and they could literally tally up clients served. for mbti ESP it might be "I find things to like about my co-workers" ISF might think "its nice and enjoyable to be polite to
    my coworkers" customize the content to find highlights in the comfort zone.

    An affirmation for F, "my coworkers like me"

    N find something that can be improved then improve it.

    Human resources custom video games for mbti types to turn neutral to good.

    Drugs: omit am caffeine as people are most productive then anyway and have 2 pm caffeine to give lift, possibly clearing your desk.

    A study of wellbutrin and job enjoyment among the mentally well.

    Centrum: attitude But what to make it out of theanine from green tea

    .5b Fitbit for jobs, making it measurable can make it more fun; words typed, emails cleared, clients talked to. Making a spreadsheet: mouse use minimized. Verbal stumbles reduced (phone) all With daily feedback. Wearables could do percentage safe lifts
    or reductions in re-work (electrician) A software technology with zero reporting to supervisor optional

    Perhaps give high performers non supervisor reporting work fitbits so other people crave them. An iwatch technology

    Managers say things. On average they are average at communicating, so a fitbit that enumerates job focus and praise words spoken, with daily data, could shift the average manager to better productivity with greater worker satisfaction Manager job goes
    from neutral to good as their psychological effort is rewarded and also the software is quantified as raising group productivity causing job satisfaction

    software also monitor the AI calculated effect on goal motivation, with data on whom to follow up again to meet. AI depth could avoid YesSir cliche

    One benefit to having people enjoy their jobs is with automation and robotics there are fewer jobs so hiring people that will have an especially good time is a net benefit to society

    What is the effect of low dose adderal in young children?

    Look up how to share reading with children

    Read more books, desensitize paranormal. Consider reading nonfiction, romance?

    It seems like there must be software on how to raise children, perhaps something like a video game; on a phone these could reach the developing world.

    5b robot and/or automation produced and prepared pizza

    Stay-clean nozzles with sonic transducers on them; rail car vibrators

    Location and duration synchronized microwaves heat the cheese keeping toppings like vegetables optimal

    Factories could produce frozen pizzas optimized to possibly tasting better than fresh from the new ingedient latitude from micro patterned warming; technology intensive prep on the factory produced pizzas could cause the robots/automation at the pizza
    huts to be simpler and cheaper

    It is possible that preprepared foods could taste better if their ingredients were flavor ranked and listed; the different branch varieties of polyalkane glycols may have different sweetnesses and preservative qualities

    USB spectroscopy suggests the ability to use focused microwaves or lasers to prepare each vegetable chunk on a pizza to optimize flavor profile

    Acoustically cracked or surface treated salt could optimize flavor, possibly using less salt but also it might just taste different (compare powdered, granular, and wet (lollipop) sugars. Could a wet salt, but not a ketchup, be produced, like a napca or
    other salt blend that is always deliquescent on a surface. Some peptides are sweet so a napca work a like that tastes good might be possible

    Software that senses what it thinks you are doing, does fitbit like time activity charts, then suggests changes like talk to coo more and accounting the same amount and technology transfer more

    Do liposomes make sweetness berry effect much faster to activate the tongue

    A detergent has a lipophylic thing attached to a hydrophyllic thing; does an octosugar or 16-sugar with only two distal -oh groups cause greater flavor sensation from pizza and cheese oils what about a hydrophyllic sweetness peptide with an alkane on it

    4 phenylbutrate might be a longevity drug

    Alpha casozepine increases some nootropic thing 62%, works on gaba receptors thus might be antipsychotic effect producing like phenibut; 150 mg/day human dose

    A diagnostic test to find out which longevity drugs are of highest effectiveness at one person; possibly cheek swab cyte culture's response to a bunch of drugs, even royal jelly (11 at YouTube video)

    GSK mentioned tens, TENS works to get rid of pain and there is a menstrual TENS machine, livia that gets good reviews online. Tens might work because a light stimulus precludes the transmission of the body-side stimulus. Could the light stimulus be
    produced with focused sound, instead of electricity, which would feel buzzy, and still block the painful body thing?

    It is possible some babies, historically, have cried because they felt abdominal discomfort. Could acoustic Tens block body sensations with acoustic vibration? That could be a harmless electrode less way to make babies feel better and reduce crying. A
    onsie with acoustic vibration buttons on the inner abdomen surface would be a possible happy baby form factor

    Look up definitions of ethics and morals

    .5b Ideas command line at educational software: just like you can type formulas into a spreadsheet instead of using a mouse menu, perhaps thus gaining greater idea fluency and effectiveness, educational software could have a command line option to build
    awareness of the power user way

    I perceive One teacher on quora who uses computer instruction extensively, and who teaches sentence diagramming to middle school students, said something like "[the sentence diagramming is unimportant] I teach students how to learn", so one
    interpretation of that is software fluency and UI reflexes. I feel as if when you know command line instead of using the mouse you have more extensible flexible influence over what happens.

    A person who can type their own formulas into a spreadsheet just seems like they can do more, more efficiently than using a mouse and pull down menus or other various browser forms

    So then learning how to learn could be improved with making low rememberability things like 7th grade sentence diagramming into educational powerhouses of practicing and liking command line. There is a chance this will mainly appeal to the upper third
    of students but giving as many people as possible more deeply effective computer skills is beneficial.

    It might work like this: keystroke: highlight all nouns simultaneously. Keystroke: highlight all adjectives with a different color, find, or if you are hardcore. Regex where the two are next to each other, pipe those to a file. Homework accomplished!
    This makes command line fluency look and feel great compared with using a mouse to highlight each noun manually, a gradual process. Students can be encouraged to teach each other command line, or perhaps just as good, educational software can teach
    command line fluency. When learning how to learn the 1/3 of the class that picks this up are likelier to become power users of whatever software they meet and use as adults, benefitting their actual ability as well as their career success.

    OK, so make it so all students have command line practice, just leave the mouse option available on the work for the casual or unfocused.

    .5b Technology transfer and accelerating the generation of new companies in new fields. My perception is that although money is attracted to high or highest return the wide range of companies and products suggest another driver at work; it is possible
    that some seeds of new companies come from the reapplication of previously gained knowledge. A programmer might write an app rather than switch to high return investment banking. There is a psychological test called the big five and one area of it is "
    openness to experience" so it is imaginable that 90th percentile openness would be attracted to highest financial return but the10% least open would do what they already know, and the middle would combine approaches. Some actual quantified measured
    version of this could be used to predict and/or stimulate new company, and new technology growth. Yay! That way there can be more kinds of beneficial things as well as new beneficial things.

    A technology form that utilizes this perspective on how new companies and products come into being is: a new financial allure page area at applied for patents. Basically the inventor makes starting capital and continuing value financial projections that
    preferably realistically present the value of the invention. A standard xml ready form would be preferred although people could write anything they like at the financial allure page. The standard form could have slots for data and projections, rather
    like an XML version of an annual report.(with different stuff). This XML of projected financials heightens the likeliness of company formation and product creation with outside capital. For example when interest rates go down a percent some consultant's
    software can sift one million patents' financial allure pages for a newly calculated ROI at a particular forecast capital risk, this then results in hundreds of new investments which become companies. That is because, among some, capital flows towards
    the highest return. Also this could benefit not only the US and Europe but also China as the XML of all new Chinese ideas could be bulk processed for what might be rather like a mutual fund with a predicted return. The only annoying part is that I have
    read venture capitalists like to invest on a people basis rather than a technology basis. Still, if the financial models accurately predict return from the XML financial allure patents perhaps Quant's will direct funding to it

    This benefits the creation of new actual things from basic research; universities would always automatically make financial allure XML pages on their patents. I strongly value basic scientific research and note this maintains a way to, as usual, publish
    without hype in peer reviewed journals while still catalyzing the application of a patent to make actual new beneficial things.

    Stats app hiring halls

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 13 06:33:09 2022
    Quora can you compare your orgasmic intensity before and after doing kegels, does anything else work better?
    Are there peptide or small molecule lubricants that actually grow genital nerves
    Study the different actual genital feel of different erotic moods, sometimes it is perhaps three times better, why

    .5b Is there an internal narrative about winning/self protecting/ghosting a harasser that makes healing more rapid? A computer software chatbot?

    How can nudes on Snapchat for teens be more fun? Tumblr-like poem with it? Search tweet #erotic
    Fortnite interactive module that includes healthy dating and asking people out Research the love lives of mbti J quora question

    Should there be a I want to have children narrative for people that use marijuana? Voluntary practice while being rewarded about having three children
    Peta could urge vegetarians to have children
    .5b An mbti ES videogame on having a particularly good year with a newborn a video game for each mbti type
    Cute apartment redecorated for baby images at social media
    Calculate the fiscal benefit to Social security from people having more kids then up paycheck that dollar amount for each child, reducing automatic contribution; a pro child reminder each paycheck more reinforcing than annual refund

    Wire carrying drone for installing electrical wiring. I have seen drones the size of a very big mattress that can carry a person VR work a long with 99th percentile productive electrician builds efficiency and skill

    Savings reminder ATM asks if you would like to put extra 10% of withdrawal amount in savings also at China

    .5b High attention absorption modules at computer and video games possibly fortnite predicted to cause 45-60 minutes of absorption, possibly teleport to gear outfitters, so parents can have sex pass out scratch cards get 45 minutes of privacy for J they
    could pass out a scratch card every MWF at same time
    Netflix card times, echo dot activators

    Alexa dot reads sexy stories before bed that are quantitatively measured as causing more and more satisfying sex for women keeping TV out of bedroom published as increasing sex so Alexa dot could actually increase sexual activity, bedtime story could
    even dim lights

    More research on what kind of sex is beneficial thumping motion could be part of enhanced emotional contact so they could test closeness and satisfaction with low and high thumping sex; kitty style ~ on mattress compared with guy on top
    A thumping sybian could be quantitatively measured as to satisfaction and possibly partner connection

    Noting the taste of vagina could there be a broth flavored lubricant? Vegetable broth exists

    Beyond cultivating "good attitude" is there a way of appreciating
    a neutral job thus turning it into a better job. I favor nice. Quora question Mbti specifics are a possibility: Cultivate daring, "being employed makes it easier to find work so I will circulate my resume" I/E and J/P
    For mbti J there might be words for appreciating a routine. "We're on schedule" and they could literally tally up clients served. for mbti ESP it might be "I find things to like about my co-workers" ISF might think "its nice and enjoyable to be polite to
    my coworkers" customize the content to find highlights in the comfort zone.
    An affirmation for F, "my coworkers like me"
    N find something that can be improved then improve it.
    Human resources custom video games for mbti types to turn neutral to good.

    Drugs: omit am caffeine as people are most productive then anyway and have 2 pm caffeine to give lift, possibly clearing your desk.
    A study of wellbutrin and job enjoyment among the mentally well.
    Centrum: attitude But what to make it out of theanine from green tea

    .5b Fitbit for jobs, making it measurable can make it more fun; words typed, emails cleared, clients talked to. Making a spreadsheet: mouse use minimized. Verbal stumbles reduced (phone) all With daily feedback. Wearables could do percentage safe lifts
    or reductions in re-work (electrician) A software technology with zero reporting to supervisor optional
    Perhaps give high performers non supervisor reporting work fitbits so other people crave them. An iwatch technology
    Managers say things. On average they are average at communicating, so a fitbit that enumerates job focus and praise words spoken, with daily data, could shift the average manager to better productivity with greater worker satisfaction Manager job goes
    from neutral to good as their psychological effort is rewarded and also the software is quantified as raising group productivity causing job satisfaction
    software also monitor the AI calculated effect on goal motivation, with data on whom to follow up again to meet. AI depth could avoid YesSir cliche

    One benefit to having people enjoy their jobs is with automation and robotics there are fewer jobs so hiring people that will have an especially good time is a net benefit to society

    What is the effect of low dose adderal in young children?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)