• Theoretically it is possible to get the same amount of fluid delivered

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 7 23:49:52 2022
    3d printed needles could have many side pores at the sides of the distal delivery tip, spreading the high pressure stream into a diffusion area of .1-2 mm at the sides equivalent to plunger pressure standard hypodermic needle fluid deposition velocities

    One possible application of a pressurized hypodermic needle with full needle flow delivery is cosmetic procedures, aside from the face this could also be applied at depth to the breasts

    1/10 diameter tube with 1/7 diameter fiber optic and sonographically contrast labelled tip could allow precise micro positioning of the needle, particularly during cosmetic procedures, if a regular needle is .7mm then this needle would be .08mm diameter
    but still deliver the same amount of fluid, and could be steered to precise locations

    Motorized (electric pump) pipettors are $49-69 on eBay and alibaba so similar technology could be the same or less, noting only the needle (and perhaps, like a pipettor, the fluid reservoir) could be disposable

    Such a 1/10 diameter pressurized syringe needle with sonography contrast enhanced tip could be used to inject support and perkiness enhancing chemicals into the breasts making them match measurements of the person's breasts taken when they were 15-16,
    there are a number of chemicals that could do this, chemicals that are growth factors for supporting tissues, another possibility is the non carcinogenic injection of something that causes non-stretch .1-.5mm wide scar tissue deep at the breast far from
    the skin

    Similarly pumped 1/10 diameter needles could be used to do medical procedures on joints or be used at things like chemotherapy of brain and other tumors

    It is also possible a 1/10 usual diameter hypodermic needle with a pressurized fluid delivery would be more comfortable to experience

    Treating depression at the developing world could be more effective with 1/10 of 1¢ drugs printed on paper, available without prescription, as described in my imaged notes, you use an inkjet printer to print 604 1 cm drugged paper squares on a 11¢
    piece of specialized paper, this accompanies the idea that some group of drugs, when halogenated, ethynyl group modified,and attached to a cytomembrane passing moiety or peptide each make the drug 10 times more potent, multiplied that is 1000 times
    stronger pharmaceuticals per milligram, so most drugs with a 200 mg dose would become 200 microgram doses printable with an inkjet printer on 1 centimeter squares,

    Fluorinated ethynylized, cytomembrane passing optimized bupropion (wellbutrin) could be 10fluorine*10ethynyl*10cytomembtane passing is 1000 times more potent as mg per dose than wellbutrin, changing it from 68¢ a dose (retail) to 6.8 tenths of one ¢
    printable on paper with an inkjet printer a dose, making this available globally could alleviate depression in 180 million people globally, this fluorine/ethynyl/cytomembrane/inkjet approach could also be used on other antidepressants but I favor
    buproprion because it omits effecting sex drive or even increases it and may be a better than well drug for those without depression

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 7 23:50:53 2022
    3d printed needles could have many side pores at the sides of the distal delivery tip, spreading the high pressure stream into a diffusion area of .1-2 mm at the sides equivalent to plunger pressure standard hypodermic needle fluid deposition velocities

    One possible application of a pressurized hypodermic needle with full needle flow delivery is cosmetic procedures, aside from the face this could also be applied at depth to the breasts

    1/10 diameter tube with 1/7 diameter fiber optic and sonographically contrast labelled tip could allow precise micro positioning of the needle, particularly during cosmetic procedures, if a regular needle is .7mm then this needle would be .08mm diameter
    but still deliver the same amount of fluid, and could be steered to precise locations

    Motorized (electric pump) pipettors are $49-69 on eBay and alibaba so similar technology could be the same or less, noting only the needle (and perhaps, like a pipettor, the fluid reservoir) could be disposable

    Such a 1/10 diameter pressurized syringe needle with sonography contrast enhanced tip could be used to inject support and perkiness enhancing chemicals into the breasts making them match measurements of the person's breasts taken when they were 15-16,
    there are a number of chemicals that could do this, chemicals that are growth factors for supporting tissues, another possibility is the non carcinogenic injection of something that causes non-stretch .1-.5mm wide scar tissue deep at the breast far from
    the skin

    Similarly pumped 1/10 diameter needles could be used to do medical procedures on joints or be used at things like chemotherapy of brain and other tumors

    It is also possible a 1/10 usual diameter hypodermic needle with a pressurized fluid delivery would be more comfortable to experience

    Treating depression at the developing world could be more effective with 1/10 of 1¢ drugs printed on paper, available without prescription, as described in my imaged notes, you use an inkjet printer to print 604 1 cm drugged paper squares on a 11¢
    piece of specialized paper, this accompanies the idea that some group of drugs, when halogenated, ethynyl group modified,and attached to a cytomembrane passing moiety or peptide each make the drug 10 times more potent, multiplied that is 1000 times
    stronger pharmaceuticals per milligram, so most drugs with a 200 mg dose would become 200 microgram doses printable with an inkjet printer on 1 centimeter squares,

    Fluorinated ethynylized, cytomembrane passing optimized bupropion (wellbutrin) could be 10fluorine*10ethynyl*10cytomembtane passing is 1000 times more potent as mg per dose than wellbutrin, changing it from 68¢ a dose (retail) to 6.8 tenths of one ¢
    printable on paper with an inkjet printer, making this available globally could alleviate depression in 180 million people globally, this fluorine/ethynyl/cytomembrane/inkjet approach could also be used on other antidepressants but I favor buproprion
    because it omits effecting sex drive or even increases it and may be a better than well drug for those without depression

    St johns wort (hypericum extract) is otc and treats depression, they could find yeast that hydroxylates or replaces hydroxyls with hydrogens (dehydroxylase) at the st johns wort chemicals like hyperforin then test to find out if any of these all natural
    OTC friendly products are better at relieving depression as well as find out if any of the metabolites of hypericum found at urine are physiologically active at reducing depression, I do not know if cow pee extract is automatically OTC or not, these all
    natural products may appeal to those who are shy of doctors or in some geographic regions

    Is there a Trace Amino Acid Receptor based antidepressant, could there be one? Molecular variations on ADD (attention deficit disorder) drugs might do this as well as phenylethylamine. (PEA, PEA makes me cheerful at get high dosages

    Molecular variants of caffeine that have brain localization moieties or peptides attached to them could stimulate just particular areas of the brain or particular kinds of neurons, wikipedia says "caffeine is an antagonist at all four adenosine receptor
    subtypes (A1, A2A, A2B, and A3), although with varying potencies.[6][141] The affinity (KD) values of caffeine for the human adenosine receptors are 12 μM at A1, 2.4 μM at A2A, 13 μM at A2B, and 80 μM at A3.[141] Knockout mouse studies have
    specifically implicated antagonism of the A2A receptor as responsible for the wakefulness-promoting effects of caffeine.[141] Antagonism of adenosine receptors by caffeine stimulates the medullary vagal, vasomotor, and respiratory centers, which
    increases respiratory rate, reduces heart rate, and constricts blood vessels.[6] Adenosine receptor antagonism also promotes neurotransmitter release (e.g., monoamines and acetylcholine), which endows caffeine with its stimulant effects;[6][142]
    adenosine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter that suppresses activity in the central nervous system. " that makes it seem like precluding adenosine build up at particular locations could have numerous medical benefits, perhaps an antidepressant that
    localizes which prevents jitteriness, grouchiness but keeps depressed people from day sleeping and makes them cheerful, other possibilities are nootropics and weight loss drugs

    Localization molecular variations of many known and new drugs could produce many beneficial effects location or cytotype uptake specific and efflux moieties are previously described, what wikipedia describes as adenosine A1-A3 receptors may differ in
    different amounts at different neurons, molecular variants that concentrate at these preferentially could be localized drugs, also many strategies and moieties are used to get past the blood brain barrier, so A1-A3 localization with a BBB pass moiety
    like chlorophenoxy could keep the dose low and out of the rest of the body

    Another drug treatment for depression would be an adenosine A1-A3 receptor optimized caffeine molecular variant linked to an existing antidepressant drug as these might already have a lot of neuorn and brain area localization to start with, it is
    possible linking an A1-A3 optimized caffeine molecular variant to any drug amplifies that drug by keeping that cyte like a neuron turned on, decreasing the effect of adenosine blocking might benefit many drugs, even GABA drugs, doing this with rapamycin
    or other longevity drugs could make even more effective longevity drugs, mood enhancing drugs and nootropics could also benefit

    Of course other than caffeine researchers may know about or make other specialized A1-A3 adenosine drugs, there may also be other things besides adenosine that "turn off" neurons generally

    They have lists of happiest jobs, they could find which quick to get, perhaps certificate jobs are easiest to get and recommend those, they could also look at the most depressing jobs and find out if the depressed have those

    Could GABA inhibitory neurons next to normal GABA neurons be down regulated with a drug, that might make a person calm or phenibut-like optimistic as a treatment for depression, could there be localization moieties

    They would have to compare the eventual upregulation of the GABA inhibitory neurons to find out which approach is better, it could just be a treatment for benzodiazepene withdrawal

    The shape of synaptic clefts may differ with different people and different ages, synaptic cleft morphology genes could be personality genes, IQ genes as well as youthfulness of mind genes, there is even a chance they are longevity genes, gene variations,
    gene therapy, as well as drugs that effect synaptic cleft morphology could relieve as well as prevent depression

    Wikipedia says serotonin is lower in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and that it is lower in people with depression, that makes CSF a biomarker of depression, noting that most serotonin is produced in the digestive system does that also correlate with
    depression? If it does or does not serotonin or a metabolite may be at the circulatory system and be testable, I have a feeling that has been tried but i previously published (probably) a way to concentrate or time concentrate circulating chemicals, it
    may or may not have been similar to: make an antibody to the chemical that circulates 2 weeks or a month, inject the antibody or use an enteric pill, then take a blood sample 2 weeks later to get the 2 week 6 liter accumulation (rather than the
    instantaneous 20 ml sample accumulation) of effect on the detecting antibodies when they are characterized as to how much they have glommed, based on blood volume this is 60-300 times more sensitive to circulating chemicals, also if the structure of
    being glommed to the antibody preserves the glommed chemical of interest, and the chemical of interest would have lasted 24 hours before metabolism then there is another 14-30x multiplier to make this mechanism of chemical characterization 4200 times
    more sensitive than what I have previously heard about (this could also be a GSK technology)

    If they have not already done it they could screen all the genes and epigenetics that produce inhibitory chemicals to acetylcholine and AMPA (nootropic) receptors for variants that inhibit less and find out if these variants are beneficial g (like IQ)
    intelligence genes, the other neuron inhibitors genes could be mathematically processed linking them to psychometrics to find the genetics of personality

    Another thing that may have g Like IQ) genes is the genetics of released neurotransmitter degradation, wikipedia says astrocytes use enzymes to degrade neurotransmitters so the amount of transport channels on the outside of astrocytes at acetylcholine
    and AMPA neurons, as well as all neurons could effect g (like IQ) as well as effect the vividness of living which is kind of like sentience throughout the entire brain, antibodies to those astrocytes channels could be drugs, intelligence and pleasure
    drugs or even drugs that increase or decrease sentience (like presence of being) generally, this could be used to make agricultural animals into p-zombies and make it so people could voluntarily have more There there

    Wikipedia also mentions reuptake of neurotransmitters, the genetics of molecular transport channels that do reuptake could also be g (like IQ) genes

    Could l-dopa attached to some other molecule pass the GI tract, like maybe a carbohydrate with a nondigetive environment cleavage enzyme like a brush cyte

    It is really unlikely but at those physics experiments where a human observer causes a quantum resolution but a machine does not they could have the people who say they are absent presence of being (like nonsentient) observe the expirement and find out
    if there was any difference, this could lead to much beneficial investigation

    It might be possible to replace a 4.5 month multi medical provider visit with a 9 day multi antidepressant dosing which might also mean 3-7 days of side effects, if there are, that is, if they can find early biomarkers like elevations in circulating
    serotonin, dopamine, or epinephrine in the blood that have high numeric linkability to eventual efficacy at other treated populations then they test for those biomarkers at day know that at least one of the three coadministered antidepressants is highly
    likely to work, then on day 3-6 they subtract one of the antidepressants and see if the biomarker is still active, at day 6 they subtract the next antidepressant leaving one remaining, that turns what could have been three one month sequential treatments
    and optional 2 week no drug gaps to just 9 days to find the most effective antidepressant, if there is any extra blood detectability at all based on different chemistry (like MAO-B deprenyl, escitoprolam serotonin, and bupropion dopamine) that could make
    it easier to immediately distinguish in three days compared with 9 days sequential subtraction; there could even be high contrast high amplitude response chemicals different than the actual antidepressants that work, like perhaps escitoprolam linked to
    three glycines does not pass the blood brain barrier but the serotonin activity from it at the GI tract goes (mathematically links to) with escitoprolam being the effective antidepressant, triple glycine deprenyl that does not pass the blood brain
    barrier might react with MAO-B at erythrocytes, triple glycine bupropion might react with something at the body although I do not know what

    Pupillometry and EEG measures emotion and (EEG) cognition, it is possible these waves change after three days of dosing in a way that predicts which antidepressant will work, this could both a clinical test and a particularly affordable way to do the
    research with AI like deep learning neural networks sifting through responder EEGs, niftily I just read a 2018 thing that said EEG predicts efficacy of an SSRI

    With monozygotic twins where only one is depressed they could give the well twin the antidepressant that worked on the unwell twin to see if it makes the well twin better than well

    Having a computer or people analyze video of new birth mothers, then finding the ones at 90th percentile of personal happiness and good mothering then comparing their touch, feeding, playing and interacting styles with their babies, then comparing that
    to mothers with post partum depression could provide numerical differences between the two, then antidepressants could be measured as to their actual effects as to increasing good mother behaviors, then those would be the preferred antidepressants for
    post partum depression, perhaps energizing buproprion or deprenyl is better at restoring play and verbalizations. Matching the good mothers and the post partum depression mothers on their psychometric big five psychometric test values benefits this as
    extroverted and introverted mothering styles could be matched to well (90th percentile) parenting styles without causing numeric avetagimg , it is possible to imagine an extroverted mother might benefit more from escitoprolam than an energizing
    antidepressant like buproprion, also a few years of numeric data could be collected and the cbination of the child's well being, mental health, happiness, and educational success could then be used to update the math of the computer program that measures
    differences in good mothering between those with post partum depression and the happy well

    Biologically linking the biochemistry of multicomponent rational thought, like math to heightened sex drive and flirting would make smart sexy and cause social value of cognitive ability to increase, the smart kids would be the cool kids and people would
    value and emulate their intelligence, causing them to get g (like iq) raising gene therapy, use nootropics, and genetically enhance their children to be more intelligent, thus more interpersonally cool and socially desirable, as a technology having
    activity at the prefrontal cortex produce paleness bremelanotide when active is one way, paleness bremolanitide is a variation on the bremelanotide peptide that lightens skin and increases sex drive, gene therapy to do this as well as making it part of
    gametes and the human genome are approaches as are pills, genetic improvements are better

    1/10 of 1¢ depression treatments would benefit people globally, rubidium element (ion) is antidepressant and might be cheap, rubidium chloride is much cheaper on eBay than wikipedia at about 9¢ per gram, caesium could also be tested as an
    antidepressant, online it says it reduces artificial depression in mice, and tested for toxicity (wikipedia says it is mildly toxic with and ld50 about the same as salt, so it might be ok at antidepressant doses) it is .25¢ per gram on ebay so is likely
    less than 1/5 of 1¢ per day, it might be even cheaper than that as it is used in oil drilling fluid

    They could find out if rubidium and caesium are nootropics, it looks like amping up all neurons by swapping with potassium might do that, and quantitatively increase school achievement among children while lifting undiagnosed (or diagnosed depression)

    Now that electroencephalograph (EEG) is supported as a biomarker (indicator) of depression a cheap even disposable EEG electrode headband that fits over the head like a hairband with prongs with perhaps an earlobe adherer, optimally that plugs into a
    phone is beneficial, along with diagnosing depression, as well as the drug that will most effectively treat that person, EEG may predict other diseases and mental illnesses, that gives pharmaceutical companies an incentive to distribute the EEG hairbands
    for free, noting the dollar store has headbands, calculators (CPU) and USB connectors these could also be near $1.20, noting the EEG hairband can be reused or shared with others this makes it about as affordable as ear buds globally

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 12 20:01:44 2022
    3d printed needles could have many side pores at the sides of the distal delivery tip, spreading the high pressure stream into a diffusion area of .1-2 mm at the sides equivalent to plunger pressure standard hypodermic needle fluid deposition velocities

    One possible application of a pressurized hypodermic needle with full needle flow delivery is cosmetic procedures, aside from the face this could also be applied at depth to the breasts

    1/10 diameter tube with 1/7 diameter fiber optic and sonographically contrast labelled tip could allow precise micro positioning of the needle, particularly during cosmetic procedures, if a regular needle is .7mm then this needle would be .08mm diameter
    but still deliver the same amount of fluid, and could be steered to precise locations

    Motorized (electric pump) pipettors are $49-69 on eBay and alibaba so similar technology could be the same or less, noting only the needle (and perhaps, like a pipettor, the fluid reservoir) could be disposable

    Such a 1/10 diameter pressurized syringe needle with sonography contrast enhanced tip could be used to inject support and perkiness enhancing chemicals into the breasts making them match measurements of the person's breasts taken when they were 15-16,
    there are a number of chemicals that could do this, chemicals that are growth factors for supporting tissues, another possibility is the non carcinogenic injection of something that causes non-stretch .1-.5mm wide scar tissue deep at the breast far from
    the skin

    Similarly pumped 1/10 diameter needles could be used to do medical procedures on joints or be used at things like chemotherapy of brain and other tumors

    It is also possible a 1/10 usual diameter hypodermic needle with a pressurized fluid delivery would be more comfortable to experience

    Treating depression at the developing world could be more effective with 1/10 of 1¢ drugs printed on paper, available without prescription, as described in my imaged notes, you use an inkjet printer to print 604 1 cm drugged paper squares on a 11¢
    piece of specialized paper, this accompanies the idea that some group of drugs, when halogenated, ethynyl group modified,and attached to a cytomembrane passing moiety or peptide each make the drug 10 times more potent, multiplied that is 1000 times
    stronger pharmaceuticals per milligram, so most drugs with a 200 mg dose would become 200 microgram doses printable with an inkjet printer on 1 centimeter squares,
    Fluorinated ethynylized, cytomembrane passing optimized bupropion (wellbutrin) could be 10fluorine*10ethynyl*10cytomembtane passing is 1000 times more potent as mg per dose than wellbutrin, changing it from 68¢ a dose (retail) to 6.8 tenths of one ¢
    printable on paper with an inkjet printer, making this available globally could alleviate depression in 180 million people globally, this fluorine/ethynyl/cytomembrane/inkjet approach could also be used on other antidepressants but I favor buproprion
    because it omits effecting sex drive or even increases it and may be a better than well drug for those without depression

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)