• Novel Eco-friendly Trash Disintegration Technology

    From Kay Lie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 16 07:31:34 2023

    Ebay Alibaba thing: #1 most popular thing in eyecare is the cosmetic-only green contact lens at $.8-1.40/pair

    Laser safety:
    transparent photovoltaic subtractive filter leaves only visible through goggles: all pixels, each pixel turns the LCD “absorb-all color and light” unless transparent camera detects “is visible spectrum” and “below risk threshold intensity)

    $28 walmart phone contains adequate screen size, but LCD different chemicals, or
    1 RGB sensor per 121 LCD dots
    Throws up gigantic and visible laser-absorbing dot on goggle surface, say 3 times the diameter of the most primitive utilized laser power tool, or even whole lens; Each dynamic lens is about $4, so $8 for goggles; optimistically this could halve or 1/3
    as LCD monitors have three LCD pixels, and this only uses one, not three layers of LCD. So, $2.67 for laser safe goggles with alibaba components that work at ANY frequency of laser.

    alibaba $110 10.5^2 about $1 sq/I Transparent LCD screen display box; $20 Oled phone replacment screen; 1/121th 90c 1080p camera chip 99 parts transparent LCD is about $4+.01 per 4 square inches of goggle, or $8 to make laser goggle that permits only
    normal amplitude visible spectrum and instantly blocks stray laser; Just once channel of LCD rather than 3 makes it three times cheaper, so $2.67; 2020 LCD response scan time is 2-6-8 (google scholar) milliseconds which *might* be fast enough to avoid

    longevity technology; network homeostasis at cells and tissues suggests sick people make wellness chemicals in excess, and injured tissue makes wellness chemicals in excess(repair, growth factor); find these with mRNA profiles like at sick tissue.
    Notably sick Heart tissue, sick vascular tissue, sick brain tissue. sick children’s tissue.
    If finding superproduction of wellness chemicals (not just healing chemicals) at sick tissue is verifiable, then injured tortoise chemicals, injured quahog clam chemicals, injured marsupial chemicals, could all be screened as sources of chemicals to try
    on c elegans, zebrafish and mice to see if they cause greater wellness and longevity.

    At humans, the same thing: injured supercentenerian volunteers’ chemicals, example: ultrasonic created bruise with voluntary needle biopsy, laser zap gums, then needle biopsy,
    blood sample, then various chemical stresses on liquid blood with living cells in it.

    Also harmless to supercentenarians but (may) find human longevity/wellness physiochemicals: injured hair follicles; chemical, sonic, laser, bacteria@ (at the) tissue culture of plucked hairs, cold,

    FInding network homestasis wellness longevity physiochemicals at the actual body of a supercentenenerian: immunoreaction(?): flu shot fluid administered to hair follicles at tissue culture may cause lots of macrophages at that hair follicle,

    Mutagen (in tissue culture of plucked supercentenarian hairs) compare to tissue samples mRNA and proteome from people who seem to have died of natural causes at 1th percentile

    another way they could use the Hypersupply of physiologically beneficial chemicals caused by network homeostasis modifications is parabiosis experiments with rodents.

    Greater longevity from parabiosis is where a young and old rodents’ circulatory systems are attached to each other and then the old rodent lives longer. With the network homeostasis idea, using a young rodent that is unwell could could even greater
    longevization at the old rodent;

    One possible example is giving the young rodent repetitive but nonlethal ischemia so the young rodent upregulates the endogenous production of (known and unknown) ischemia response and recovery circulating peptides and proteins. Those could make the old
    rodent “better than well”, and notably cause even greater longevization than parabiosis with a well companion rodent. Using clonal rodents the mRNA of nonischemic, ischemic, and “old clone” parabiosis clonal mice could show the proteins and
    peptides being exported that are different from diffrent ischemia/nonischemia treatments.

    Another possibility is, at parabiosis, a young rodent exposed to radiation causes even greater longevity at the connected older rodent from the young rodent upregulating its get well chemicals.

    Having the young rodent at parabiosis have cancer is another possible things to test to find out if network homeostasis chemicals against the cancer reach the older rodent, making it live longer.

    for that Quora Guy: Ecology no postage required Ad “subscription blow-in card” deck, $1-3 online, has 140-280 environmental opportunities, and almost zero effort to start participating; you are vending advertising to people that want to read the
    Ecology business idea: Sell concentrated advertising to interested persons:
    No postage required Ad “subscription blow-in card” deck, $1-3 online, has 140-280 environmental opportunities (cards), and almost zero effort to start participating (drop it in the mail); you are vending advertising to people that want to read the
    advertising; Downside is getting the advertisers, but if your product makes money wthout the advertisers paying, then you can get them to contribute their advertising subscriber interest cards without cost. This is a good use of bulk email to bulk email
    4000 Eco-companies each 24 hours, one month later 120,000 global eco-companies have heard about your free advertising service for their product. Also, be sure to make some (and enjoy making some) actual ecology Public service announcement cards. Like a
    card people would stick to their fridge with a fridge magnet, leave on their car dashboard (fuel savings tips), Card decks as they were called were big during the 80’s and 90’s but I think you can still make money off them. Bulk emailing 100,000–
    200,000 eco companies is so easy now (get a person on fiverr to do it for you, unless you would like to learn) that 1 out of 2000 positive responses gets you 100 cards to put in your card deck. I am imagining you are putting your card deck on amazon and
    seeking other online distribution.
    The great things is the eco companies provide and write all the content for you. As a businessman you might commission 3 fiverr .com artists/graphics people among the 10% cheapest to make a sample subscriber card for you; arrange to get a referral fee
    from them (and others), and then if companies are interested but need a graphic designer you can get a referral fee from the fiverr person.
    Also this addresses your support of ecology *ideas*. If you are willing to you can put some of your ideas in the deck.
    probiotics for the trash, 10x faster disintegration in landfill, compost starter already exists, test on trash; 1 month plastic bag microparticles either mixed into hot liquid plastic as spores, or slightly elaborate, but spraypaint-on transparent
    probiotic rich coating on base of bag, At drawstring bags perhaps the srawstring (polymer) could be a cool process polymer that allows for lots of probiotics to be embedded in the drawstring.

    Different products for developed and devloping world: Another completely different approach is trash bags that are multicentury anaerobic and tough to tear at the developing world becasue I think the amount of people that spontaneously pick up garbage
    blowing around town is fewer. Maybe you do not actually want bags that disintegrate fast in cities with 10 million + people and old trash infrastructure inside the metropoliton zone. That actually suggests a stronger trashbag, an airtight tie, and a
    water-containing puck! So noting a laundry pod, which has some fluid volume, and if you use biodegradeable detergent is 1c on alibaba; perhaps it is possible to imagine a laundry pod-sized pretty garbage hydrator with enzymes at 1/100-1/1000th the usual
    concentration of enzymes (the enzymes in the bag have months or years to work so 1/1000th concentration might be ok, and it might make the hydration pods edible to humans);
    the cheapest fluid pod I know of on alibaba is the edible jelly-pudding microcup at 1/4 cent each, uncovered, and the 1 c flavored children’s filled covered jelly cup. The jelly cup looks like it has a volume of 5-14 laundy pods, so it 5-14 times more
    enzymatically active (perhaps) than a pod.

    Another form factor for a garbage pill is the completely edible, Gummi eco-shape. Probably not a gummy earth, this is a 70-85% hydrated edible food gummy full of garbage eating bacteria, that have been isolated from human poo. So if you eat it it is an
    unintentional probiotic. Enzymes could be harmless to humans (hyperceullulase (paper)) too. Alibaba costs range on size: from jelly cup size at 1 cent, to 1/10 of jelly cup size (7 grams) at 1/10th of 1 cent. 1/10 of 1 cent, 4-8 times a month to make
    your trash disintegrate 4,8,16, times faster, if you care, would be less than a cent a month for the product.

    Note: the velocity at which bagged municipal garbage/trash disintegrates is of unknown importantance; anything exposed to the sky is beneficial to degrade very rapidly so it omits being perceived as litter. Bags buried under bags in a landfill, as far
    as I know, do not really need to disintegrate rapidly, so, I am puzzled, opposing litter but having thought of a landfill technology.

    Gummi object products at alibaba are $1.54/Kg, so a 10 gram probiotic enzyme gummi viewed that way is 1.54 cents, and a double water version might be possible, but still separable from a container, for .77 cents.

    Some bags, imaginably 1-5% are so well tied they do not do aerobic respiration of garbage; zip ties and and other bag ties that have 3 month landfill life before crumbling away, opening the bag to aerobic decomposition might be possible, while being
    shelf stable for decades bread tag brackets as form

    florists frog; Press n vent on the sides of a trashbag, causes much more rapid aerobic digestion but trash bag remains strong. Make in china for 2c out of recycled postconsumer plastic;

    alternative: hole punch with little heart shape already exists; word “eco”, green, or recycle triarrow symbol, just clip the top of all your trashbags to make the trashbag aerobig digestion compatible, allmost all hole punches seem built to last.

    If business is favorable guy on quora (who these are notes for a reply to) can go Fiskars on the eco hole punch, ergonomics, silicone, recyled something handles

    suction cup sticker for glove box “I dare you to look in my glove box”, then have ecology items in the glove box for show and tell; also deepends freindships and makes new friends becasue there is something funny/new/earnest to talk about. Do you
    put “how to start a business”, “ , a swinger’s magazine in yur glovebox the time capsule you talk about

    Free Snacks and Museum
    Free snacks and a peek!
    Free candybar! protest now!

    Vagina flavor enhancing sex lube ingredient, that could also cause greater vaginal sexual sensation from downregulating GABA, possibly being exictatory at glutaminergic neurons:
    many different umami peptides; yeast digests, along with testing MSG, CPP-MSG (2 distal glutamates, Y with three distal glutamates, or 2 glutamates 1 CPP

    It is possible there is something more conductive than silver wire and that is liquid silver; so they could screen a library of eutectic metal alloys (GaAg, SnGaAg, others) with silver in them to find any that are more conductive than silver; it is
    possible that they are. Appications would be liquid metal wetted thread (with external insulator) as motor and generator windings. electric motors are “99% efficient”, but is that

    managnese, nitinol reistive alloys

    cheap robot fingers; $53 handheld inkjet printer sprays conductive ink on hands and fingers, or put another way, what the robots are using for distal manipilutation things (20th century fractal brnach fingers example)

    360 degrees at 360 sided polygon; start off with 20 redundant circuit trave arrays; sensor arrays, one very 18 degrees of side; If any of those fail from abrasion or shorting; buff them clean looking with sandpaper (millifiore or microtomable head cheese)
    ; if completely bufffed away then have drone, or human, or robot, repaint finger surface with handheld inkjet printer that uses conductive ink to make circuit traces; then spray coat with smart wax, then another layer of circuit traces, then more smar
    wax; note durability of finger-sensors to abrasion; does a smart wax sensor layer+circuit layer last a month? 6 months? If it is a monthput down 8 decades of abradability per repair; 96 coats; a human might just do one quick coat to get the thing
    running so it can respray/wax itself with handheld inkjet printing.

    fresh surface, repair sequential; 10 fresh fields if sensors are 18 degrees apart on 360 circle

    microtomable circuits that go on like band-aids
    [=]- 3D print slicebale cheese circuits;

    all polymer pedot (liquid metal sponge passage), or far out all silver and reisitive metal see through thickness film/foil/leaf board

    “when putting paper mache on a mannequin you get the paper wet, apply it to the mannequin surface, and smooth a layer of glue/paste over it; similar with microtomed circuit-leaf; If circuit leaf is like other kinds of metal leaf, then at the volume
    of a 100 3 x 5 index cards (a hand is near 3 x 6), each with a foil (metal leaf) circuit 1/20 the thickness of an index card (or thinner) then each robot could carry in empty space inside the robot room for 2000 full sensor-leaf hand changes; 1000 pairs
    of hand repair leaf that can be applied like leaf mache (note RAIC “plaid” at .5b conductor)

    Puzzle, if you had spraypaint full of little squares, like ravioli, could you paint it with either a gausiian or *non-gaussian* nozzle to have overlapping [=||#||=] say, enough of the time to support raic plaid conductor at each [ ], imagining it in my
    mind, graphed like a function I think so; so that suggests say 40% intact conductive pathways raches N RAIC ruled ravioli [#] which overlay 3+ pathways each and up will permit CPU switching that is able to red the sensor data coming from each tossed on (
    stoschastically painted) ravioli;
    there is a thing called the soil triange that reminds me of this, and a graphical version with slider bars would show the amount of functionality both consductive traces, and the amount of actually working ravioli are required to ensure 1-100%
    sensing; over 100% sensing is possible with:
    derived Very long base array (radio antenna array) effects as well so it could scale 1-200% as a sensor matrix, I’m imagining Genetic algorithms to be able to optimize circuit trace paths, numbers of ||| a ravioli overlays; I think the raviolis will be
    more reliable than the circuit trace pathways faced with abrasion.

    At microtome of the millifiore/headcheese brick (that the robot keeps for repairs) the conductive paths are arbitarily deep, up to the point they are too thick to “paper-mache”, or “metal leaf brush apply” to the robot hand being repaired.

    nondelaminating all metal circuit

    Better bearings:
    soda-lime glass is toughened by immersing in boiling potassium chloride; the potassium replaces soem of the sodium ions and since K takes up 30% more spce the entire outer surface of the glass takes on compressive force which stenthens it (wikipedia); so
    at metal ball bearings, something bigger than iron could be placed on teh surface, and take the palce of Fe, Co, Ni at a bearing, like a ball bearing surface; If ionicity of the metal is required for atom migration into the crystal structure then
    powdered SrF2, RbF2, BaC2l (Pr, Nd, Sm are all 185 radius, Fe, Ni, Co, are 135-140 radius so they are about 30%) and similar powders could be laser heated and percussed at the bearing surface.
    engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon,
    healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

    All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

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