• Food Preservation and Flavor Enhancement Techniques

    From Kay Lie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 16 06:33:48 2023
    The internet says that during 2020 1 of 3 males had an association with premature ejaculation; rather than isolate these people and advertise, recommend, or prescribe to them, all male physiology persons can be simultaneously made to have epigenetics
    opposite to premature ejaculation and of greater sexual stamina with epigenetic modification prior to 1 year of age. There is likely a genetics and epigenetics of premature ejaculation that is different than the genetics and epigenetics of sexual
    stamina; Finding out those genes and epigenes of premature ejaculation, then making them go in the direction of 99th percentile of sexual stamina (and 90th percentile of sexual satisfaction) males goes with an epigenetic drug that is beneficial to give
    all male humans under a year of age, and is of course available to people of any age. Numerous epigenetic drugs are testable from basic epigenetic copies of people without premature ejaculation, to what I describe at the notes as “even Moreso”
    epigenetics where contrast and amplitude of the preferred epigenetic effect is the nature of the epigenetic drug. It is beneficial to make both a synthetic version of this epigenetic drug and a natural plant based herbal extraction epigenetic drug
    version, that way people can grow the plant if they like along with utilizing society-based distribution and realization methods.

    Similarly, I read online that being multiorgasmic as a woman or girl has a genetic component (published material). That suggests there could be an epigenetic component, and an “even Moreso” epigenetics that approximates having multiorgasmic genes;
    it is beneficial that all human females under 1 year of age receive that Even Moreso epigenetic drug to change their epigenetics to favor multiple orgasms during sexual activity. It is also beneficial to make both natural (herb) and synthetic drug
    versions so that people can grow this plant as they like.

    proteome of well vagina flora
    proteome of STI vagina
    difference is STI proteins
    antibodies to STI proteins; or linking something to them at the electrophoresis gel so they turn into antigens (analogy keyhole limpet protein) causes body to have greater immune reaction to the STI, thus the body is more likley to slef cure STI. But is
    that true, 20th century gonorrhea, if keyhole limpet protein were attached to gonorrhea would the body have cured itself of gonorrhea? Unknown.

    Getting rid of the gaga reflex to improve sexual activities: swallowable pill that very rapidly, going down, doses the throat to get rid of the gag reflex; keratin reactive streak makes it through mucous; another approach Drink beverage 1) mucolytic
    leaves throat tissue open to micheal reaction form beverage #2, beverage #2 removes gag reflex 1 week-1 month-3 months (strong micheal reaction chemicals may or may not have greater durability than transperent henna) opiate peptides; perhaps “peptide
    that’s like botox” Perhaps actual botox is drug delivereed by nanosomes with micael reaction tethers that are now on throat;

    Longevity genetics at tortoises, “showing evidence of positive selection also includes AHSG and FGF19, whose expression levels have been linked to successful ageing in humans

    Longevity drug/longevity technology: find all the anti-calcification genes in humans and transfer them to mice. See if the mice live longer. If there are 11 such anticalcification genes see which 3 are the most important to get out of any calcification
    or reduce calcification; I’ve heard of calcification of vasculature, perhaps even the heart, and calcification of the pineal (brain). Screen a library of anti-calcification genes at mice from a variety of long lives species, like bowhead whales,
    macaws, tortoises, even 400 year lifespan quahog clams, and rockfish. They could survey other mammals to find out if there is any species of mammal out of 200 at the 99th percentile of absence of calcification, then try putting those two different
    species’ anti-calcification genes in mice to see if the mice liver longer or are also weller. See if any of the anti-calcification genes make mice live even longer than with human anti-calcification genes. Those better anti-calcification genes could
    then be engineered into marmosets (primates) to see if the marmoets live longer. IF they do, age-batched groups of human volunteers could volunteer to get the new other-species anti-calcification genetics, and the humans could be measured for greater
    wellness and greater lifespan. Also Fetuin, made by the AHSG gene (tortoise calcification reduction gene) circulates at the bloodstream, so it is possible that administering lots of tortoise fetuin protein to mice could also make them be weller and live

    Noting the 11 most prominent human anti-calcification genes (AHSG, others) are genes, they each have an epigenetics; studying the epigenetics of anti-calcification genes at bowhead whales and 450 year tortoises, rockfish and quahog clams, could provide
    versions of epigenetics to try on mice; also, humans could note the effect of the anti-calcification genes and epigenes, and try some simple approach like upregulating them epigenetically, that is, as a longevity drug or pill: upregulating human anti-
    calcification genes with an oral epigenetic modfier drug, like a peptide or zinc finger drug. (usually demethylating or acetylating to upregulate the anticalcification genes)

    Another gene the internet says long lived tortoises have in some novel way is FGF19 “showing evidence of positive selection also includes AHSG and FGF19, whose expression levels have been linked to successful ageing in humans …The list of genes with
    signatures of positive selection also features TDO2, whose inhibition has been proposed to protect against age-related diseases through regulation of tryptophan-mediated proteostasis13. In addition, we found evidence for positive selection affecting
    several genes involved in immune system modulation, such as MVK, IRAK1BP1 and IL1R2. Taken together, these results identify proteostasis, metabolism regulation and immune response as key processes during the evolution of giant tortoises via effects on
    longevity and resistance to infection. ” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-018-0733-x?fbclid=IwAR04gPowPa2TrmZMXKQeZb722QN96pE26njSRkgC3IgU3ZnFC9ZNPhspYNo

    Tortoises have better DNA repair: “we selected, for manually supervised annotation, a set of 500 genes that may be involved in ageing modulation (Supplementary Section 7 and Supplementary Table 15). The extreme longevity of giant tortoises is expected
    to involve multiple genes affecting different hallmarks of ageing11. We found several alterations in the genomes of giant tortoises that may play a direct role in six of them, and impinge on other ageing hallmarks and processes, such as cancer
    progression34 (Fig. 2b). First, we identified changes in three candidate factors (NEIL1, RMI2 and XRCC6) related to the maintenance of genome integrity, a primary hallmark of ageing11 (Fig. 3a). Thus, we found and validated a duplication affecting NEIL1,
    a key protein involved in the base-excision repair process whose expression has been linked to extended lifespans in several species35. Likewise, RMI2 is duplicated in tortoises, suggesting an enhanced ability to resolve homologous recombination
    intermediates to limit DNA crossover formation in cells36. In a preliminary exploration of this hypothesis, we overexpressed NEIL1 and RMI2 in HEK-293T cells and exposed the infected cells to a sublethal dosage of H2O2 or ultraviolet light, monitoring
    DNA damage by western blot analysis at 24 and 48 h after treatment. As shown in Supplementary Figs. 22, 32 and 33, the expression of both genes results in reduced levels of phosphorylated histone H2AX and cleaved poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP),
    suggesting reduced levels of DNA damage37. In turn, this result is consistent with the hypothesis that NEIL1 and RMI2 levels may regulate the strength of DNA repair mechanisms. Also in relation to DNA repair mechanisms, we identified and validated a
    variant affecting XRCC6—encoding a helicase involved in non-homologous end joining of double-strand DNA breaks—which may affect a known sumoylation site (p.K556R). This lysine is conserved in diverse vertebrates but, notably, is changed in giant
    tortoises, and also in the naked mole rat (p.K556N), the longest-lived rodent, which suggests a putative process of convergent evolution (Fig. 3b). Since sumoylation is induced following DNA damage and plays a key role in DNA repair response and multiple
    regulatory processes38, this variant may reflect selective pressures acting on the regulation of the repair of double-strand DNA breaks in long-lived organisms (Supplementary Section 5.5).

    AHSG is fetuin, which might cause torotises to mot calcifying, which reminds me of atherosclerosis, calcification of the pineal, and how drugs, genes and epigenomics of reduced calcification could be longevity factors and technologies:
    “Fetuins are carrier proteins like albumin. Fetuin-A forms soluble complexes with calcium and phosphate and thus is a carrier of otherwise insoluble calcium phosphate.[9][10][11] Thus fetuin-A is a potent inhibitor of pathological calcification, in
    particular Calciphylaxis.[12] Mice deficient in fetuin-A show systemic calcification of soft tissues.[13][14] Fetuin-A can inhibit calcification, and inhibits osteogenesis in bone.[11] Fetuin-A appears to promote calcification in coronary artery disease,
    but oppose calcification in peripheral artery disease.[11]

    laser edit penis angle sensors
    quicker to have sex again with another person around; robot;doll;3d sculpture

    analogous to raked lined sand (secular “zen garden”) materials science surface treatment; use lasertweezers and whole area “starcap” diffraction grating to do pushing of particles en masse, in a pattern on a surface;option of warming surface with
    laser to easy-to-deform (soft) form as well; or zone refining like push of “nano absrasives” like .5-2nm quantum dots placed on a surface.
    Uses; high surface area is useful at some applications.

    Theoretically, if you use twice as many CPU cycles, you might get more relevent search results. o what about a browser that spots any search bar, predicts your text before you press return, checks the 100 million most likely sites in it’s memory and
    pops up, and shifts to a tab with the browser search engine’s results? Like a computed search, this would likely be adequate for most people, and the browser could update it’s 100 million links once/24 hours changing perhaps 1% (a million URLS); the
    brwser company makes money from autogenerating custom ad pages for all 100 million dedicated URLs that other companies can momentarily rent/aquire.

    Porn search engine could do this as a new “breakout” popular browser because it’s porn search would be far superior to any other existing porn search. For example 1/2021 you can’t search all the porn sites on topic: [Orgasm Rating:98..100%]

    Pornhub gets 8.1 billion visits a month, so imaginably 20-40 (or more) billion porn visits a month for all of them. So, the porn search engine, if its better could be a 1%er that earns most of it’s money from

    browser learns your search tendencies , google

    10 frequnetly eaten foods improved with lasers
    peanut butter
    eggs, milk, cheese (flavor sequestration through shell; frequency specific spectroscopy coagulation/protein folding)

    prepared potato products
    millifiore macaroni is structurally valid macaroni but 5% lesss calories from perimeter lumens besides big lumen; alternaively, inner “medallion groove” lumen is 5% less mass per macaroni.

    pac man (1 slice out of pizza) shaped spaghettii is 12% lower in calories for identical bulk

    Mass processing of developing world staples, even at town level is to use a laser (or ultrasonics) to automatically score surfaces of things like beans and rice so they could cook 20-30% faster, Comparing minute rice to brown rice, minute rice cooks in 5
    compared with 30, so 84% faster. I think ultrasound could keep healthy quality of rice, corn, beans, even root vegetables, while puffing them 1-5% causing faster cooking just like minute rice. this reduces fuel usage, expense and human effort.

    They could see if adding a couple fractal layers of surface area to fractalize breaded friend foods like vegetable tempure, french fries, and onion rings makes them taste better

    Some people like crustless bread better, and lasers can easily take off the outer 2 mm of a loaf of any bread; Some people might be socioculturally used to bread crust though, even though I think nobody ever seeks out crusts to eat first; some people
    might like lasering away not an enite 2 mm of crust, but just .5-1mm of crust. I think children particularly like crustless bread sandwiches.

    Multiseed crunchy mix-in bread often goes with whole grain to be kind of good for people; developing a machine tha so utrasonicates a baked loaf that the seeds microfracture would cause them to dissovle rather than pass through the GI tract adding more
    nutrition. As an econmics thing It is likely cheaper to just develop a loaf ultrasonicator (perhaps even utilizing 50 micrometer resolution ultrasound, if it actually exists) for seed-wheatberry breads.

    It is possible that at bread factories time to make a loaf could be decreased 5-14% by mixing the put carbonated water in the dough” technique with the “yeast makes bread rise” technique; they could easily breed rising bread yeast that tolerates a
    lower pH from soda water in teh bread dough. Bread that takes 5-14% less time to produce might also be cheaper to the consumer. People like cake mix, which is all-fizz at producing its spongy part.

    Ramen Hollow ramen tubes at slightly larger ramen rafts in the package might have 2 minute cook time instead of 3 minute. It’s a little daring and might not work, but they could screen electrophoretic fractions of human saliva to find protein/peptide
    wetting agents/ fglavorless to a human surfacetant or detergent; just as boiling a baked on-pan with detergent water cleans it faster, ramen with bacterially produced human flavorless surfactants or detergents might make water soak into ramen twice as
    fast, making cooking time go from 3 minutes to 1.5; combined with tubular or laser microetched ramen this could prodcue 3 minute flavor ramen at 1 minute of cook time. Notably, if it works with cold warm bubbling water, then the instruction could turn
    to: put water in pan; add ramen; bring to boil, serve This takes the 6 minute (3 minutes to boil, three minutes of cooking) process to a 3 minute process, and is easy to remember.

    Spring rolls, and other oily crust foods; ok this one’s a little peculiar, but really big magnets might have a diamagnetic water or vegetable oil driving effect; that is I think it is possible to either push the water from the breading into the core of
    say a vegetarian spring roll, or push the oil to the core of a vegetarian spring roll, this provices new latitude in non-greasy wrappings and breading, maybe.

    Cheese, some cheese manufacture produces cheese curds that then get pressed together, and Cheddared “kneaded”; Laser texturing the surfaces of the curds might make for different “cheese crumble dynamics; and it’s possible where the cheese
    crumbles or bites off grain-sizily could be a source of appetizing cheesy odors, flavor chemicals, or even retained high laser fractal surface area taste surface area. SO, like maybe someone would make cheese curds, laser surfaces to make them high
    surface area, add natural butter/cheese flavor concentrate, knead, and then the resulting cheese wuld be particularly flavorful.

    Some really good cheeses have little microcrystal of amino acids that crystallize out, perhaps between grains; it may be possible to cause that to happen on purpose, faster, with the addition of nonsoluble food-based amino acid minute nucleation sites;
    one possibility is a protein powder added to the cheese at like 1 per 100,000 parts volume; the nucleation sites could even be made by a nontraditional milk biotransformation bacteria found in nature. I’m happy that it be genetically engineered as

    There are many fermented foods; and at their fermentation bacteria, the bacteria may be photoresponsive to light without any genetic modification; For example it’s possible bread, miso, saurkraut, kimchi, yogurt, bacteria as is, if cooly
    hyperilluminated with something like (most efficient light) (Xenon flashlamp) (laser diodes) (LED arrays and cofocal lens) actually function differently as bacteria and produce different food flavor as a result. It is likely also possible to use flow
    cytometry at 10k/yeast/second to simply screen 100 billion sexually recombining fungi and bacteria to see if there are any that change their chemical nature on illumination; those would be new natural adjustable fermenterbacteria and fungi. I also favor
    genetically engineered fermenter bacteria and fungi.

    Spices: Fine ground, coarse ground, and extracts are all things that food factories and cooks do with spices; Cofocal lasers; doing dental laser cool-shatter of material, or possibly ultrasonics could availablize more spice flavor from any particular
    amount of spice. Laser fractured, tissue culture grown saffron could be a delicious, minimal human effort spice; Also, liquid CO2 extracted saffron extract from ultrasonically disintegrated saffron spores could be a human effort minimized delicious

    It is likely inevitable, but people sometimes like small detailed foods like california rolls, petites-fours and microcupcakes. 3Dprinting of foods is well known, but it is possible they will really amp up the cuteness part, and even take a cue from
    decorative marbles and beads. I remember seeing those gelatin many-pretty-shape cute little scented bath beads and wanting to put them in my mouth (even though I was a college student), so marble sized super atractive finger food is likely a thing that
    might happen.

    Theoretically when you serve yourself a pastry from the grocery store display that pastry surface is sompletely edible. even though the pastry has been sitting on a try, maybe even for 24 hours. That suggests that edible cupcake wrappers are totally
    hygienic to eat, and they could have amazing printing, and a separate, post-unwrapping, Jelly-Belly jellybean-like precision flavor. The world can be confusing to me: the buttercream frosting on carrot cake tastes really good, but somehow even though
    billions (imaginably trillions) of cupcakes have been made, sometimes compcake icing during the 20th century could go from minimal flavor; kind of just flavorless stuff but brightly colored stuff dorsal to the actual cupcake, to a sort of flavor-
    resistant overly starch, but potentially sugar glaze. sweetness peptides and sucralose, and other artificial sweeteners could rescue cupcake icing from being merely visible to actually delicious. I may have read that diet (artificial sweetener) soda is
    cheaper to produce than sugar/HFCS soda. There is a chance, that a foam, like a meringue, or a exampnding insulation edible foam could contain 1/2 as much mass while being vastly more delicious. They would take the $ they saved from using half the
    materials (even though I think it’s just starch),and put 10-40% of it towards ingredients that make the on-cupcake foamed frosting more delivious than previous frostings. there are imitation butter flavors, so half to 1/3 the starch at a foamed
    frosting, with 10% added oil, the human-based wetting agents (likely proteins) described at other parts of these notes could make cupcakes better.

    BHT has a study saying it makes rodents live double digit percentages longer. Rosemary oil makes c elegans live more than 60% longer. Measuring the effects of rosemary oil, and 11 molecular/moiety varients on the longevity of mice could find a food
    preservative that omits smelling like rosemary, and makes mice live longer. They could put it incupcakes,and the economics of cupcake distribution would change favorably.

    Can a old plasma gun put a few micrometers thick layer of an edible polymer like polylactic acid, or an omega-3 C28-32 “wax” on food as a preservative; the purpose is moisture retention, although there might be 1-100% exclusion of oxygen as well.
    sweetness peptides that are 200,000 times sweeter than sugar might or might not make it through the cold plasma gun/food factory manufacture chamber to make a micrometer coated cupcake or other food instantly taste appealing on contact with the tongue.
    Also, it is possible any of the “Vaping” flavors like fruits and candy can be applied to food with a cold plasma gun/chamber treatment.

    engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon,
    healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

    All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

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