• Cryogenic treatment of construction metals and car parts for improved s

    From Lilya Gray@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 13 10:36:38 2023
    Along with rebar all other construction metals and physical could be GA computationally improved, one way being “make new alloy for cryogenic treatment version”

    Similarly, GA for alloys used at car parts, planning in advance for cryogenic treatment (CT), “crown and pinion GA/neural network new alloy for CT”, “piston new GA/NN alloy for CT”, “cylinder New GA/NN alloy for CT”

    Drones are used for painting in 2021, they could do what wikipedia describes as cryogenic treatment, painting contructed or objects under construction in place with liquid nitrogen; interferometry of say, stresses on a bridge could suggest precisely
    where to spray the liquid nitrogen to increase strength at stressor points; if stressor points make up only .1% of the bridge the time to treat and volume of material is fairly low; the base unit could have an electric air liquifier that makes liquid
    nitorgen right on the spot for application by the drone, 2020 painting drones had a paint supply tether, a liquid nitrogen drone could have a tether inline, and without human contact with, the air liquifier module. It is better that the painting and
    liquid nitrogen application drones be untethered.
    Cryogenic treatment drones could also improve the lifetime of coatings and paints. Flouropolymers (may or may not) only scratch 1/2 as deeply after cryogenic treatment, “Furthermore, the hardness of fluorocarbon thin films slightly improved. Nano-
    scratch test revealed that fluorocarbon thin films after this treatment had excellent scratch resistance and good adhesion strength.” so it is possible bridge paints, and polymer house paints would become less peel-off effected, stronger or harder in
    some ways as well, making them last longer.

    An example of genetic algorithm finding a paint formulation to go with a cryogenic treatment is:
    “they usually put the cryogenic part in the fridge for 1-24 hours, at a spray cryogenic application 5-10 minutes could be available for treatment duration. What modification to the ingredients of paint will make cryogenic treatment in just 1-10
    minutes functional? Then using data from a whole bunch of previously measured test coupons the Neural Network coms up with some formulations based on the library of known compounds that do cryogenic hardening in 1-10 minutes (thin films? Preheated
    materials? (at preheat there are lots of oscillations, damped suddenly ->faster cryogenic treatment than fewer oscillations damped suddenly),

    Cryogenic drone source: supercooled Dry ice+ethanol spray-on slurry temperature, liquified air,

    cofocal lasers/THz seek out and warm/photocatalyze the layer of the paint right next to the painted surface; this increases that physical ttachment between paint and what its on so it peels off less;
    paint could contain laser adressible microabrasion beads/chunks that can be wiggles at 1-2 mm paint deptch with cofocalized laser tweezers/laser tractor beams. The paint could in fact be formulated to be almost transparent to IR and Thz, making it so
    these can just go through what looks like a fully functional pigment layer; the laser tweezers cause a scrubbing motion at the paint/surface interface producing microabrasions/microscuffs for the paint to adhere to better. A drone that can do this is
    able to prep and paint together in one flycycle.

    cryogenically hardened rebar may be affordable if produced at areas with cheap electricity, like where they make aluminum at (Russia, Iceland), it may also be immediately affordable anywhere with $1000-$2000 modification of alibaba.com -86 lab fridge to
    have peltier-in-peltier area at $62.50/M^2, or $125 for a -166 C one million rebar/month treatment container;

    Also two -40 peltier in peltier, inside a -86 two compressor $500 (alibaba) lab fridge is (-166) near liquid nitrogen (-196)(https://www.labmanager.com/laboratory-technology/low-temperature-freezers-achieving-a-deep-freeze-17927) go to -126, which may be
    sufficient (or may not) for cryogenic treatment of rebar; If rebar is 1/3” diameter, then a 3 foot deep, rebar-length long, top lid-fridge, 3 foot wide fridge holds 10,000 rebar; if 8 hours is enough treatment time then that is 30,000 rebar processed
    per day, per fridge. Now, instead of making it a batch fridge, just make it a Cold Zone sidetrack at a foundry. Foundry could go liquid N2, or if there is improvement with “warmside cryogenic treatment” the peltier+compressor warmside version very
    cheaply. 30,000 rebar/24 hours, is 900,000 rebar a month; adjust dimensions slightly to make a million rebar a month from a big -20 lab fridge, and 1 M^2 peltier surface; if the foundary production fridge is 10-20 times as expensive/large as the alibaba
    fridge it is still just a $5000-10,000 invenstment for the foundary to produce cryogentically treated rebar at a 1-N million bars a month.

    It could be an order of magnitude more affordable to cryogenically treat rebar as the unassmebled parts at aliaba (2 compressors and a heat pump (refrigerant path coil) is just $60, rather than $500 for an aseembled touchscreen $500 -86 fridge.
    Utilizing the $80 for fridge parts version, + 2 square meteers fo pizeoelectric elements at 10 cents each, 4cm^2 is $125 of peltier elements. (fridge + peltier is $205)Then the cryogenic treatment container at foundary, is, at 1000% markup over parts, $
    2000-4000 for a million rebar per month production unit.

    Wikipedia describes shock hardening, which I think could also be accomplished with rebar experiencing cofocalized piezo pressure; imaginably foundaries where they make rebar could also have simple dedicated chemical reactors that make things like liquid
    TNT from prechemicals, then apply if, inline to the chemical generator, to do shock hardening of rebar, drop by drop automatically.

    Is peltier effect -40, causually, cold enugh to do cryogenic hardening at some class of materials, like polymers, or metals, or wood, or, seeds, or Also, wikipedia says “Shallow Cryogenic Treatments (around -80 °C).” Notably a -86 $500 lab freezer
    exceeds that, which accesses that -80 published data of effects. Storing the wafers for a chip in one of these would be easy, and if there is any benefit to cryotreatment of ICs after fabrication a $2000 lab fridge would hold many, many of them for the 1-
    24 hour treatment.

    Hobby behavior: Do -86 cyogenic treatment of CPU/GPU and then see if it can overclock to higher speeds without degraded performance because all the little atoms are now lined up differently. As easy as a scientist popping a CPU, or hey, if there’s
    room, the entire fully assembled graphics card into their lab fridge for 24 hours. Also test SSDs this way for overclockability post treatment.
    Cryogenically treating materials (1-24 hours) is published as causing different nanocystalline structure at the thing treated, and according to wikipedia "less electrical resistance". It strongly effects tool life and hardness, and makes fluoropolymers
    have scratches that are only 1/2 depth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryogenic_treatment

    There are zero articles at scholar.google.com https://scholar.google.com/scholar?star ... s_sdt=0,38 on the the effect of cold treating on semiconductors, not even on unpatterned wafer materials (Si, GeAs), and nothing is found at "Cryogenic treatment" +"

    Exciting to the person that is interested in semiconductors and wants to speed up their PC, cryogenic treatment has many publications supporting change of crystalline structure. What does cryogenic treatment do to all of the semiconductors and computer

    Testing it is as simple as an Arstechnica user popping a GPU card in a lab fridge where they teach or go to school. and of course measuring before and after overclocking ability. An electronics-aware person might put a small range of electronic items in
    a lab fridge, leave them there 24-48 hours, and measure how they have changed. Cryogenic treatment of Capacitors, semiconductors, laser diodes, photonic receivers, flash memory, inductors (like ferrite & others), batteries, piezoelectric elements, and
    photovoltaics could all be done. Just test them first, then pop them in the lab's -86 fridge and test them again.

    If anybody out there is truly amazing, or wants to spend $20-40 on fiverr you can probably pay someone on fiverr to leave a bag of testables/improveables in their lab fridge in the US or Europe for 24 hours and send it back to you.

    Another possibility is that someone here in the CPU/GPU section can just try it out, freezing their GPU, some LEDS, and laser diodes with their lab fridge.

    This is worth money to people at universities and companies that have a technology transfer office. If you pop a flash drive in the -86 fridge for 24-48 hours, then write and rewrite it 10 million times or however may times to failure, and if the flash
    drive has improved then you have something worth millions of dollars to the university's technology transfer department. University technology transfer departments assist you with paperwork and find licensees.

    All my ideas are public domain, but you can still get a patent on the idea of cryogenically treating electronic components based on each separate kind of component, the specific cryogenic treatment (temperature and duration), as well as of course getting
    a patent on cryogenic treatment of semiconductor wafer materials both pre-wafer and ICs at various stages of manufacture.

    So, as an actual thing. Would anyone here like to volunteer their -86 lab fridge for me to send them a bag of electronic components to freeze? Other people might want to do this as well.

    Treon Verdery

    Imminst longecity
    Make money from either doing piecework treatment of computer parts, or license the technology through your university with an upside of many millions of dollars or more.

    Do -86 C (“soft cryogenic treatment”) cyogenic treatment of CPU/GPU/SSD and then see if it can overclock to higher speeds without degraded performance because all the little atoms are now lined up differently.

    Wikipedia says cryogenic treatment causes “less electrical resistance”, and “instantaneous crystal form change” (interpretation: like BCCmight go to FCC). That suggests a possible effect on semiconductors. And indeed, at a completely different
    application silicon nitride’s strength increases with cryogenic treatment. What is the effect on a silicon nitridie, Si, Ge semiconductor?

    Yu can find out, and use a university technlogy transfer office to get patents for you, and royalties.

    A less involved approach is simply to send someone on fiverr a bag of electric components, have them put it in their -86 or -170 c lab fridge for 48 hours, unopened, and have them send it back to you. Which of the 100 most common electronic components
    have improved? Submit those to the university’s technology transfer office. Fiverr cost to know if cryogenic treatment of a CPU, GPU, SSD increases its performance, $20-40 including shipping.

    So, once you know cryogenic treatment on semiconductors an optical components (fiber optics, laser diodes, sensors) has an effect you can simply advertise to upgrade people’s PC chips by freezing them in the -86 freezer you got from alibaba.

    So those are two business ideas beased around a technology that, as far as I know is completely new.
    contact me if you would like complimentary supplemental material. All my ideas, including this one, are public domain.

    As easy as a scientist popping a CPU, or hey, if there’s room, the entire fully assembled graphics card into their lab fridge for 24 hours. Also test SSDs this way for overclockability post treatment.
    Cryogenically treating materials (1-24 hours) is published as causing different nanocystalline structure at the thing treated, and according to wikipedia "less electrical resistance". It strongly effects tool life and hardness, and makes fluoropolymers
    have scratches that are only 1/2 depth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryogenic_treatment

    There are zero articles at scholar.google.com https://scholar.google.com/scholar?star ... s_sdt=0,38 on the the effect of cold treating on semiconductors, not even on unpatterned wafer materials (Si, GeAs), and nothing is found at "Cryogenic treatment" +"

    Exciting to the person that is interested in semiconductors and wants to speed up their PC, cryogenic treatment has many publications supporting change of crystalline structure. What does cryogenic treatment do to all of the semiconductors and computer

    Testing it is as simple as an Arstechnica user popping a GPU card in a lab fridge where they teach or go to school. and of course measuring before and after overclocking ability. An electronics-aware person might put a small range of electronic items in
    a lab fridge, leave them there 24-48 hours, and measure how they have changed. Cryogenic treatment of Capacitors, semiconductors, laser diodes, photonic receivers, flash memory, inductors (like ferrite & others), batteries, piezoelectric elements, and
    photovoltaics could all be done. Just test them first, then pop them in the lab's -86 fridge and test them again.

    If anybody out there is truly amazing, or wants to spend $20-40 on fiverr you can probably pay someone on fiverr to leave a bag of testables/improveables in their lab fridge in the US or Europe for 24 hours and send it back to you.

    Another possibility is that someone here in the CPU/GPU section can just try it out, freezing their GPU, some LEDS, and laser diodes with their lab fridge.

    This is worth money to people at universities and companies that have a technology transfer office. If you pop a flash drive in the -86 fridge for 24-48 hours, then write and rewrite it 10 million times or however may times to failure, and if the flash
    drive has improved then you have something worth millions of dollars to the university's technology transfer department. University technology transfer departments assist you with paperwork and find licensees.

    All my ideas are public domain, but you can still get a patent on the idea of cryogenically treating electronic components based on each separate kind of component, the specific cryogenic treatment (temperature and duration), as well as of course getting
    a patent on cryogenic treatment of semiconductor wafer materials both pre-wafer and ICs at various stages of manufacture.

    So, as an actual thing. Would anyone here like to volunteer their -86 lab fridge for me to send them a bag of electronic components to freeze? Other people might want to do this as well.

    alibaba xml template for sellers; find the data with a search engine

    Longevity drug: three malonic acids on a C60 molecule is patented and makes mice live about 27% longer; Malonic acid itself may be a lognevizing chemical; upregulate production at the human body, if there is any, and, it looks like /\/\ with an oxygen
    on every carbon except the middle one; replace some of the oxygens with fluorines to see if it has greater longevity drug effect. , there are anly 24 to screen as a libary and it already increases lifespan 27% on C60. Another improvement to Dugan’s
    patented malonic acid on C60 is replacing the malonic acid with another thing, like a peptide, that is a “Competitice inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase”, or is even just peptide that works on some different part of SD (like tail nestling) to just
    turn it mostly off. This peptide attached to C60 reduces cellular respiration like malonic acid does, as wikipedia says, “
    “Malonic acid is the classic example of a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase (complex II), in the respiratory electron transport chain.[26] It binds to the active site of the enzyme without reacting, competing with the usual
    substrate succinate but lacking the −CH2CH2− group required for dehydrogenation. This observation was used to deduce the structure of the active site in succinate dehydrogenase. Inhibition of this enzyme decreases cellular respiration.[27][28] Since
    malonic acid is a natural components of many foods, it is present in mammals including humans.[29]”
    So they could try two longevity drugs, a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor peptide, likely linked to a Cell passing peptide, and if there is such a thing a mitochondrial membrane passing peptide; and then they could also attach the SDinhibitor peptide to
    C60 to see if the drug delivery effects of C60 are making things work especilly well; they could also look at where C60 omits going at the body and make CPP (cell passing peptide) versions of the SDIinhibitor that go those previously less cellular
    respiration inhibited places.
    another drug would be CPPlinked to malonic acid (or fluoromalonic acid) itself as a few AMU longevity molecule. If 27% is a pleasant starter number and could perhaps be doubled to 54% greater lifespan!

    Alsothey could make genetically modified mice with a different version of succinate dehydrogenase that is much less active (autoinhibition) to see if that possibly one codon (or even SNP) change ups lifespan and if it works and is nondeleterious,
    particularly to cognition, it could be a one codon gene therapy to cause greater longevity at humans.
    Wikipedia says, “is the only enzyme that participates in both the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain.[1] Histochemical analysis showing high succinate dehydrogenase in muscle demonstrates high mitochondrial content and high oxidative

    each of the steps of the TCA cycle, if downregulated, make less energy, and less energy stuff, caloric restriction, hibernation, makes mammals live longer. So, if there are 11 things in the TCA cycle, peptides, maybe even linked to drug delivery CPP or
    C60 could downregulate them, reducing cellular respiration. CPP give the ability to do this based on tissue type, so you could make a version that styas on teh body side of the blood brain barrier sothe brain gets all its energy all the time, but the
    rest of the body is doing vaguely CR-mimetic reduced cellular respiration, causing greater longevity and wellness, at any body weight, like BMI 21, 2 meters tall 1800-2000 calories a day normal food consumption.

    A one codon swap that could reduce cellular respiration via SD is Changing histadine 207 to some other amino acid at, “a gating mechanism may be in place to prevent the electrons from tunneling directly to the heme from the [3Fe-4S] cluster. A
    potential candidate is residue His207, which lies directly between the cluster and the heme. His207 of subunit B is in direct proximity to the [3Fe-4S] cluster, the bound ubiquinone, and the heme; and could modulate electron flow between these redox
    centers” so some similar but different amino acid at position 207 could be a longevity gene change.

    engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon,
    healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

    All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

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