• Vibrating doily for sexual stimulation (1/2)

    From Lilya Gray@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 13 10:32:03 2023
    Scientific/engineering curiosity: A hilsch vortex tube at a new fluid shape mileau, or puting Chladni shapes in the air or on the surface of the hilsch vortex tube. Then do Genetic Algorithm optimization of freezing air/fluid output.

    put the whole thing at a slant; superimpose two chladni or new frequencies; Genetic algoirthm of watching fluorescent antibody tagged things.

    lumen perimeters with more surfactant don't gel, or gel later, that makes squeezing the gel puck you can get a preferentially concentrated solution for mass production applications of various things.

    similarly if the jello melts with a laser, you can spot all the places with the chemical you want from centrifuge-like mass-location relations or fluorophores, and then zap those areas with a laser to liquefy the puck at just those points, again, just
    squeeze like a sponge to get your preferred product out.
    cheaper gas
    Genetic algorithms may find the super high velocity hadley cell. Has anyone tried computer models of laminar flow hadley cells?

    Or, noting new shapes at fluids, and air is considered a fluid, Genetic Algorithm developing new hadley cells across new fluid acoustic shapes (Hedgehog, laminar flow, "air cannon puff", what I'll call pipelining/active edit with lasers) as starter
    patterns for the genetic algorithm to do better than.

    Possible applications include ultra high velocity circulation paths and shapes for air. Also, higher efficiency of purposed Air-fuel ICE engine mixtures. This is something nifty in science to look for in nature. Another application is HVAC that
    exchanges room air better. Also of course there could be applications at airplanes and other combustion engines like airplane engines.

    Scientific/engineering curiosity: A hilsch vortex tube at a new fluid shape mileau, or puting Chladni shapes in the air or on the surface of the hilsch vortex tube. Then do Genetic Algorithm optimization of freezing air/fluid output.

    peersourced and crowdsourced genetic algorithm starter forms, Seeds, to be used as GA base cases for processing; If I were visiting a website that was seeking starter forms for genetic algorithms to improve various technology objects and other things I
    could suggest these:

    From someone drawing a pringle or minimax, when the technologist had just thought of starting with a circle; or a person starting out with a halftone cline with a series of regular function extras embossed on it, as an alternative to a tehnologist
    starting with a stoachastic dot field (life)

    function based image generators; image search greatest diversity of picture style forms; connected halftone dots version (Conway life starters)

    ===||==||==||== circles; rings on rebar change bending radius to make it less bendy; could work at just a few mm annuli ok for casting, and same height as herringbone raised areas on rebar I’ve seen, genetics algorithm source form at genetic
    algorithoptimization of rebar;

    Genetic algorithm optimization of medical bearings, hips and knees; genetic algorith optimization of thrust bearing parts is published, so as a starter from form for that I would utilize not just ball and socket, but as a crossover parent, a Sperical
    thrust Bearing, which wikipedia says is the longest wearing kind. I;m not expecting STB to be even remotely effective, It just seems that as a lognest lasting more tolerant of wobble bearing it could be a (crossover) sex parent.

    Also at artificial hips knees and other joints: What form causes the greatest gait normalcy? (as GA base seed; crossover contributor)

    laser etched “honeycomb microfeature match” to the actual voidy “honeycomb” at bone that the implant’s distal parts get embedded in could be another thing to do to improve artificial joints.

    Remodellable joint-attachment to the body:
    Put EM inductor antenna (RFID etched) array at surface of the bone-implant side of artificial hips or knee (or other joint) This RFID like layer does EM release of drug delivery of aneasthesia or also growth factors, and, importantly, osteoclastic (bone
    thinners) as well as bone thickeners;
    Finding out where to use osteoclast or osteoblast chemicals at the implant is as easy as having say 1 drug depot per mm and each drug depot has it’s own RF frequency that it alone responds to. If there is discomfort, half of all the RFID drug
    releasing dots are told to release opiate peptides, then half of that again, if there are 16k dots then in just 14 re-halvings to locate the site of discomfort to the millimeter.

    Then when you know where the lack of implant fit is sourced the software
    EM release oasteoclast chemical thinning that spot; then RF causes controlled release of new GF that grows the bone a little differently at that spot on the next try to get the implant to fit super well, super mechanically robust, and sensationlessly.

    So the multifrequency EM receptive lines ruled on implant have say 7 chemicals: opiate peptides (700 picogram active opiate peptides are published) fluorinated opiate peptides might be even stronger, also they could see if ethynylized peptides are stronger

    Longevity drug:
    extracellular matrix may differ between supercentenerians and 1-10th%ile lifespan persons; finding the genetic and epigenetic basis of that could effect wellness of longevity; as epigenetic drugs that change people’s gentic expression, via epigenetics,
    could imitate the most beneficial extracellular matrix SNPs and alleles. So, make the extracellular matrix goop of everybody be the longest lived human variety with epigenetics or also, if non-deleterious, germline gene modification of all people, that
    is humans, that is homo sapiens globally.

    High longevity extracellular matrix (protein,peptide,lipid, chemical) components and ratios may exist at Bowhead whales, and 450 year lifespan Tortoises.
    Extracellular matrix of multicentury lifespan bowhead whales, and, importantly, ECM of their healthiest, least aged parts that have cells and vascularization, but are have least aging, that is most youngest, phenotype. Comparing new possible heightened
    longevity ECM chemicals and chemical ratios at rodents and marmosets is a way to look for whole organism longevity and wellness effeccts, and is a way to screen subsets of different ECM ratios and novel chemicals to find those that longevize without
    being deleterious. Humans might have the best synapse glue (different than ECM) on earth already. But, there is a chance that very high velocity mammals like mongooses, whose nervous systems work double digits faster % (46%? 146%) than humans ight have
    brain extracellular matrix or brain synapse “glue” (Online:neural cell adhesion molecule) that is an intelligence enhancing gene therapy at humans.

    every turbine blase a speaker; GA that pivot 70% better, acoustics defoerm tubercles and nubs, this gives the GA a new attribute;

    cocofalize lots of energy on the water at the feedpipe (penstock?) to make it optimally turbulent or laminar, or some other vibroform optimized

    vibrating penstocks and other turbine feeds

    firuitng out better turbines: Impulse hydro exists, and oppsite, some papers seek to mimize all fluid flow variations; side nozzles in water feed tubes (penstocks) improve efficiency so sound like that 3D centrifuge thing I wrote at .5b that one guy said
    was cymatics centrifuge might too.

    pivot vanes of a turbine, when GA optimized are 70-42% better; having the outlet nozzle of the penstock be an acoustic-patterned sound thing is an item , another item is acoustic vanes t turbines; 3D standing waves, laminar flow, some other shape (
    cymatics) could increase efficiency

    if water were lighter you would need more of it to make same F=MA energy, but halfweight water could extend the amount of working fluid at a hydroplant at a year of light precepitation, permitting generation all year, at more global locations,
    instawaterfoam penstock nozzle puffs hydrofeed, custom turbines and generator windings for halfweight water; GA, think of a continuity band (cline) between a Hydro turbine and an air turbine, the GA could optimize for the amount of water bubbliness;

    preserve water bubliness, even after penstock nozzle with acoustics (standing waves, hedgehogs, etc)

    Does an isotopically pure piezoelectric crystal make more sound with less energy? piezo published 60%, laser diodes 70%

    CCTO of better dielectric coating on wire; GA of optimal polymer thickness and layers for things like computer cables;
    It could be a safety bonus, or it could be an ecological benefit, but it seems like putting a very thin layer of a dielectric as a paint-thin coating at common cables and electrical wiring could save lots of plastic insulation and prevent fires. calcium
    copper titanate is only $1O/Kg on alibaba, and is 57 times stronger than teflon at 173, using it as a powder fill blend-in at polymers could be orders of magnitude cheaper than using Polyethylene insulations for coax and computer cables. I have a feeling
    this is obvious to the CCTO researchers.

    Wire that uses 27 times lesss insulation with the same capacity is beneficial. Also beneficial at motor and generator windings.

    self cooling

    Binary chemical simple combo makes LSD from simplest legals LSD postreactant, and reactant reverser moleucule.

    Let’s say adding a phosphate group or phospholipid to LSD causes it to be a an unconsidered legal chemical. Then another chemical you can mix with the LSDPO3 removes the phosphate. This could be a simple mix reaction, without heating. There is even
    the chance that you could use an enzyme that is fairly cheap like ATPase. Similarly a lipase enzyme might remove a lipid from LSDlipid or LSDphospholipid LSDps
    If LSDconjugated to another chemical is outside legal complexity then conjugated LSD with another chemical at some pH, dissolving in another pH (color changes when its ready too) like ph 5 fruit juice. So it literally reacts with fruit juice to turn to
    psychedelic LSD
    fruit Juice: citric acid, pH change

    -any pill from swanson vitamins as a possible reagent.
    -fish aqarium tapwater neutralizer
    -monosodium glutamate
    -edible byproducts.

    electrolysis (H+acid coats cathode, reacts with hydroxylLSD solution or some better thing to make LSD

    naval jelly
    Sodium Hydroxide
    povidone iodine

    The LSD Binary one can be any modification of LSD that is reversible. The reversing agent that makes actual LSD has to be very gentle, cheap, widelely available and harmless to people.

    Some chemicals and processes that came to mind for the LSD restorer chemical are:

    hydroxylated Lysergic acid dimethylamide OhLSD;
    then dehydroxylate it with something;

    lysergic acid diethanOLamide
    LSDOL (LsDoll!) (LSDoh.) then just mix with something, like an acid(?) (fruit juice, acetic, stomach) that turns the methanol back to a methyl.

    copper ctatalyst
    copper denatures chemicals; that thing that is most easily detached from LSD with copper could be placed as a moiety on LSD, then the LSD is say, 100 times tougher than CuLSD so

    put a penny in your mouth with the paper tab, swish around for 1 minute, you are dosed on LSD. You know you’ve got the full dose when the paper has completely dissolved.

    GoLSD: government ignoring LSD. has a moiety on it that causes governments worldwide to ignore Golsd.

    Penny in container of fruit juice does what? and can that Cu citrate, or rather just Cu ion remove a moeity form GoLSD

    Chemist at fiverr $5 to answer a chmistry question and make up one likely reaction, and $1 for up to 5 more reactions $10; do three chemicats, job is complete fter each chemist critiques the others work lightly. likely reactions get $2 bonus ($15). They
    could do it easily. That’s like $75 in China.

    aquarium chlorine neutralizer

    binary chemical pill
    LSDPO3+PO3 remover; the LSDPO3 is always legal, it only runs to LSD in your stomach
    You can earn up to $20. from outlining three duoreactions rather than one.
    I will not be making any chemical products or selling anything as the result of your work. Your reaction(s) are public domain.

    Put a simple cheap available moiety on LSD, then also make a simple process that removes the moiety, leaving the LSD intact.

    A chemical synthesis pathway you think will work between a legal variant of LSD and actual LSD. It won't work like this but:

    Idea: lysergic acid diethylamide if modified to be lysergic acid diethanOLamide is legal.

    You, the chemist come up with a way to dehydroxylate the OH from the molecule leaving original LSD.

    Now what I would like you to do is come up with 1-3 source LSD molecules, "Ok I added a group" and the Binary chemical that turns them back into regular LSD. "OK, I used textbook chemistry to remove the group".

    Maybe you will Add and then remove a phosphate. (LSD +reagent -> LSDPO4 Then LSDPO4 + (reagent) -> LSD.

    So it is $5 to outline one binary restore-able LSD chemical pair. You can make two more and get paid $15 for all three after I approve the first one. Also I will be hiring two chemists to do the same thing. If you are willing to read the other chemist'
    s work and comment I will pay you another $5 so you get $10-20 total.

    Just figure out a few of these almost any source moiety-added LSD with the simplest reagents and simplest possible chemical treatments to remove the moeity and restore the LSD.

    The LSD Binary one can be any modification of LSD that is reversible. The reversing agent that makes actual LSD has to be very gentle, cheap, widely available and harmless to people.

    Some chemicals and processes that came to mind for the LSD restorer chemical are:

    Liked chemicals:
    Citric acid
    The acid in soda (pop), It is carbon dioxide dissolved in water acid, carbonic acid.
    Any chemical that can be gotten at the vitamin company swanson.com as a pill. (example N acetyl-cysteine)
    dilute stomach acid (HCl) (dilute at pH 3.5)
    MSG, monosodium glutamate
    povidone iodine
    -just changing the pH to anything below 6 (adding fruit juice)
    sodium thiosulfate

    Water is the preferred solvent,
    vegetable oil, acetone, and 50% ethanol are less desireable solvent possibilities
    Prefer not to use a catalyst, but copper or iron is ok,
    STP is the reaction temperature.

    Electrochemistry could be used. With two electrodes in a coductive NaCl solution the anode gets highly basic and covered with OH- The Cathode gets covered

    plug flow periodic pulse optimized generator waterwheel:
    I perceive that if you put an air inlet or some really standard thing, optimally with zero moving parts you get what I think is called plug flow of water (or other fluid).

    So do that to the water flowing through a tube to a hydrogenerator; give it highly priodic plug flow; then each pulse of water synchronized when the waterwheel scoop is at its highest, and importantly, does not emit water while the sheel is between
    recieving scoops ,saving water (and increasing the efficiencyof all water used) Anothe way to look at this is if you were pushing someoneone on a park swing, standing still and just giving them one big push every period, compared with pushing while
    running after them forwards wise; if you’ve got the velocity running with them pushing continuously forwardswise might actually do a lot more pushing. Pulse-pushing seems like it avoids a whole bunch of less optimal energy transfer angles and things

    Surprisingly, images on the internet [link] make pulsed flow hydroelectricity with modern turbines at least look like they have the possibility of higher efficiency. Now of course you only get some ratio fraction (1/2) the energy per turbine of a
    ceratin size so you would build bigger turbines or more of them.

    I can see how 16th century halfbakers might like a better pulse flow synchronized water wheel. The thing is, does pulsed flow have any benefits at a modern hydroelectric turbine?

    plug flow fan efficiency migh be higher at HVAC

    Semiconductor technology:
    deuterated chip lithography resists are very likely to react at different speeds and temperatures. Deuterating the resist chemicals is just .68 cents/gram, deuterating polypropylene makes it melt 8.3 C lower, so that 16 F might be useful at other



    Sex toy:
    Pulse meters can detect a pulse climb to orgasm and graph it. Causing a sexul pleasure vibrator vibrater to adapt to foothills to midclimb to peak of pulse (orgasm) at the graph could be tested to see if it increases sexual pleasure; One person on
    Quora says she likes “harder faster deeper” penis-vagina sex especially near orgasm, so noting pulse the sex pleasure toy could go Harder faster and deeper; this reminds of the sybian sex toy (The sybian has lots of surface area for pulse measurement)
    , and could also work at handheld sexual pleasure vibrators; when two people are using a sexual pleasure vibrator togeher the vibrator could light up certain ways to show where at the pulse climb to orgasm the sexually stimulated person(s) were at,
    that way the person using the vibrator on the other person would have an Idea about “harder faster deeper”

    Vibrating Glory Doily; Doily that goes between vagina and penis V——@——P during intromission (penis in vagina), it looks like a polymer/silicone rubber mesh, and has vibrating webbing (hoberman sphere ribbing, linked to vibrating elelment;
    wireless recharging;), so that each thrust provides direct clitoral stimulation from the doily itself; Alibaba 5-7 cents

    MZ twin study of women and girls where one enjoyably thinks about sex numerous times per day, at 98th percentile of frequency of sexual thoughts, while other twin is either 20th percentile of less of thinking about sex or, alternately, also at 98th
    percentile of thinking about sex; At the 20/98 MZ twin pair ask them if there is anything positive and that they like about sex that caused them to think about sex the way they do; also look for the 300-500 gene difference between MZ twins (published
    online), and epigenetic differences between the twins. This could produce such things as a teen/tween sex activity pattern that causes people to enjoyably think about sex more throughout their lives. Also comparing 10 groups of the 20/98 MZ see if any
    of the 10 twin sets have any shared characteristics on the 300-500 genetic gene differences at mz twins. Those shared could be genes of high frequency of enjoyable sexual thoughts. It is beneficial to have high frequency of enjoyable sexual thoughts.

    differencefemale twins Across say

    water desalination technology: it is possible hydration shells effect rate of desalination; clay; clay and lasers;

    desalination: prestressed concrete, hyperrelaxed materials, this could also happen at polymers; When they immerse soda glass in KOH they get the K to replace Na, and that causes compressive forces all over the surface of the glass changing its
    breakability to, under compression, lesss breakable; If the opposite were to happen, potassium glass were to be immersed in NaOH, the Na atoms could replace the K atoms and the resulting glass would be “anticompressed”; I doubt it’s accurate but
    think of a sponge that starts out mid compressed, and then gets to expand to its fullest (Na replace K at glass). If ion implantation of desalination membranes to make them hyperrelaxed or compressive, do they become notably more effective at passing
    water or rejectioning ions? I do not know which is more efficacious but it seems possible. Two approaches to the bulk processing of desalination membrane are ion implant plasma treatment of the deslaination memebrane on a big roller at the factory. a
    continuous dry tratment; Atoms that could be used include sulfur (40% bigger than O), and O , which perhaps swaps, poorly, with C, and is about 5% smaller, P(100 radius) could swap for N (85 radius); some desalination membranes might be sulfur polymers
    and S(radius 100) could swap with Tin, Sn(radius 145). Of course who knows what actually swaps with what, but that is a quick list of ion implantation testables for desalination membranes to swap out just like at the Na-K glass (compresion/
    antticompression) swap. They could try numerous different atom swaps, even some with 100% greater compression and physiological harmlessness like Barium, thallium, which about 100% bigger than all the desalination polymer membrane atom constitutents I
    read about. I only found one paper at scholar.google.com on if ion implanted membranes of any kind do anything different: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168583X04007943 They say stuff flows through them more easily and they are
    more hydrophilic; no mention of what was flowing through the modified membrane, so testing this on desalination membranes could make sense (higher flow, but of what) (and if they use reverse-size ions to implant do they get less flow of unknown material)

    Laser treatments of desalination membranes seem like they could find some positive effect in screening a library of say a million different laser effects, 10,000 different sized micro engraved line wide patterns and concentric circle patterns, and other
    line patterns; cofocalization of those patterns at various first 1/100th of depth to 99/100 of depth, making bubbles of various sizes. (artificial foam), id a nanopore membrane is used, then termal lasing could dilate (melt and cuase opening of
    nanopores), or even cause

    strength crenellations xxx quilting all over the place puts the entire sheet in microtension of compression, or a spring like response to turbulent water pressing against it; lasers sculpt vibration prone or vibration damped membrane; lasers could make
    branches of lines” that carry IR light to warm the surface/body of the desalination membrane while it was immersed, and see if a warm desalination membrane is more molecularly flexible, and passes more pure water more quickly,

    honeycomb polymer “it looks like an arty square of pins; image of putting hand impression on it; pin art”, a polymer that was like linears in a holding matrix might

    hydrophilic one side; hydrophobic freshwater side makes it so there is less water to bouce back oppositeways against the water trying to pass from high pressure to low, (hmmm, or not)

    Ok, this one is unlikely but an engineer with a calculator could do it quickly: fossil fuel power plant (gas turbine, others), makes waste hot water, and even the ones that have lots of hot water secondary energy reclamation cycles end up with some kind of water. dump that water in the saltwater being deslainated, it’s not much,
    but the core interest is that if the added water is capable of physically warming seawater that goes to the deslaination membrane the desalination membrane might work bettter. So “combined cycle” desalination could add a 1% or 2% efficiency?

    Deuterium is $680/Kg, 68 cents a gram
    deuterated airpod polymer speakers less than a 1 cent upgrade; higher mass polymer more rigid?

    lens structure

    and of course you would bulk-print these most successful laser patterns on the polymer roller with starcap-like diffraction fratings and inductrial lasers to make it cheap.

    specificity from ion implantation at membranes

    Another possibility is pumping a modification chemical liquid through a completed assembled desalination membrane filter 3) enzymatic etchant “depropylase”

    1-21 hydration shells mentioned online what is optimal? membrane doped with material that causes it to have zero or one hydration shell may keep “bumpers” off surface causing greater flow of nonordered water,

    Theory basis for more dimensions at a water pump causing greater pumping amount per volume;
    nested hoberman sphere, cylinder < cylinder with sides that squeeze “hand around a peristaltic pump is 3D compression” fold and refold cycles of a polymer inner membrane at a hoberman sphere pump;
    pump inlets from 1 to N of diameter P, use a genetic algorithm to find the optimal number of inlets and location for highest volume/minute pumping


    DID IC chip mirror arrays; these could have their surfaces modified with a laser, which is much bigger than the micromirror, even at micormeter sized mirrors, etching things onto the micromirrors to cause fresnel lenses and trimmed mass at individual
    mirrir elements at the DID array; very slight concavity all the way to specular balls could be laser sculpted out of the mirror’s bulk reflective material. This could make it so the micormirror array could do new things like: medical stuff, sensor
    stuff, (specular balls make tiniest point of most concentrated light;

    Cryogenic hardening is known to improve some of the the attributes of cutting tools, silicon nitride, fluropolymers, and steel. Cryogenic hardening is also published as working at polymers where a graph makes it look like flouromer coating is twice as
    scratch resistant after cryogenic treatment https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169433213017443 Various theories for how it works are described at wikipedia, and soem of these theories suggest cryogenic hrdening may improve other
    characteristics (decreases electrical resistance) besides hardening. It is published as causing crystal forms of matter to “instantly” convert to different crystal forms (Not what they said, but imagine FCC suddenly changing to BCC). That suggests
    that they could try cryogenic modification process, published at 1-24 hours, on Silicon, GeAs, other wafer blanks, or even the high purity, pre-wafer powder that they melt into ICs to see if there are any noticeable new effects or improvements; (if you
    think of layers of ball bearing atoms; cryogenic treatment can effect their layout and dislocation frequency amount; cryogeniclly treated IC wafers and wafer materials could have “less noisy”, “more regular” attributes, imaginably increasing
    yield. The mention of “decreased electrical resistance is particularly interesting

    (sudden note: dialectrics like CCTO 10k, could possibly if either cryogenically treated, or theopposite, warmth treated, increase dielecric capability from crystal (ball bearing images) reorderings)

    Cryogenically treated quantum dots; do they change color from cryotreatment? (crystal effects); if they do change color, do they differ by color on amount of degrees of chill, or on amount of minutes or hours of chill? Either way, this could be a way
    to make am after-manufacture programmable quantum dot color, and a way of using the exact same chemicals at all the quantum dots (for regularity) while producing a library of colors. Cryogenic treated quantum dots might have sharper spectral lines (be
    more laser like) as well; I do not know very much about cryogenic treatment but a spread or cline, from STP to -360 (or lower) could be measured to see if there is a cryogenic treatment effect at warm cryogenics; the region a peltier device inside a -20
    laboraotry refrigerator can do (peltier -40, fridge -20; total -60; or do peltier on peltier for -100 degrees in the laboratory standard -20 fridge). A simple pelteir-inpeltier+lab fridge cryogenic treatment chamber could be a cheap way to make lots of
    cryogenically treated things cheaply, if “warmside cryogenic treatment” is effective.

    Things that could be cryogenically treated that might get better: ICs,wafers bulk silicon GeAs
    electrical generators
    desalination membranes
    battery ingredients

    active biologics (proteins, oral peptide and protein drugs, antigens, antibodies, pharmaceuticals):
    wood, a polymer. changes 9-34%, and fluoropolymers might be 50% less (something -scratchable?) ;
    Immunizations and antigens: these might persist longer at the body from being more resistant to degradation from hypothetical (internet: “vibration dampening” effects) at large proteins.; cryogenically treated antigens, say 24-48 hours at
    refrigeration temperatures doubly less than their standard storage forms (Bone marrow stored at -170 in fridges; some vaccines stored at -70; try storing vaccines at -170 24-48 hours to see if they work better); also cryogenic treatment of vaccine
    adjuvants and STP storage powdered vaccines could be tested as well.

    what other polymers like protein drugs do is unknown. With wood at 9-34% it is likely biopolymers are efffected by cryogenic treatment.

    MEMs Cryogenic Treatment of microelectronic Mechanical Systems; Some MEMs have gear teeth and slidey parts; At cryogenic treatment of metals, for element specific crystal reasons, gear teeth are stronger and slidey parts slide better; for Si
    micromachines it is unknown. There are zero references january 2021 to “silicon” and “cryogenic treatment” that treat silicon alone. Cryogenic treatment of Silicon carbide is patented (out of patent 2019).

    AFM (atomic force microscope) tips

    Nanoassembler thought: If you put nano-peltier on nano-peltier on nano-peltier you might have -120 degrees material treatment area; actual nanoassemblers from a drexlerian perspective are usually smaller than grain size, but if the 50-34% improvements in
    (bamboo polymer, fluoropolymer) are portable to nanomachines then 34-100$ stronger nanomachines could be possible based on having a nanotechnology cryogenic treatment nanomachine (micrometer dewar with nanosized material movers going through it; at 2021
    peltier on peltier on peltier cooling is one approach. I did read about a MEMs compressor refrigerator https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3936446_Micromachined_stack_component_for_miniature_thermoacoustic_refrigerator though. Laser cooling may
    make a difference

    , making it possible to treat
    wood and lumber - the internet says this has been tries with bamboo plyboard and it is 9-34% stronger; so it pretty sensible then to cryogenically treat the full range of USA and Europe natural building building materials from plywood to framing lumber
    to see if they get 9-34% stronger as well. As an ecological technology, and an housing affordability technology 9-34% less wood to do the same job makes wood construction even more affordable.

    “ In order to develop bamboo-based composites under extremely low temperature,the changes in bonding strength and mechanical properties of bamboo laminated lumber under cryogenic treatment were studied. Using the bleached and carbonized bamboo strips
    as materials,and phenol formaldehyde modified with larch thanaka and urea as adhesive,2-ply bamboo laminated lumbers were made in the assemble pattern of inner to inner and outer to outer. Before and after the cryogenic treatment,the shear strength,
    modulus of rupture,and modulus of elasticity were measured. The results showed that shear strength,modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity increased by 9%- 34%,3. 6%- 6. 8%,3. 6%- 7. 9%respectively,indicating that the bamboo laminated lumber has the
    good application prospect under extremely low temperature” http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTotal-ZZYJ201503008.htm

    arstechnica version
    What if you could build wood structures like houses for 34-9% less wood and have them be just as strong. That makes housing more affordable and is ecologically milder.

    These people did just that. http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTo ... 503008.htm

    Effects of Cryogenic Treatment on Shear Strength and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Laminated Lumber
    HUANG Zhi-wei;GUAN Ming-jie;Nanjing Forestry University;

    [continued in next message]

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