• Unusual Circadian Rhythms in Fungi and Longevity

    From Julia Amara@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 12 15:17:38 2023
    It is pretty simple to think of, ut it might have a longevity effect: Besides pineal chemicals that effect circadian rhythyms there are other chemicals that effect circadian rhythms (irisin), these could be tested on mice to see if they have a
    longevization effect noting the 20% longevization from melatonin supplementation at rodents.

    a variety of species may have different circadian rhythm adjustor chemicals, which may be with or without any circardian effect on mammals like humans, these circadian rhythm adjustor chemicals could be tested as longeveity drugs.

    The first human clock mutation was identified in an extended Utah family by Chris Jones, and genetically
    characterized by Ying-Hui Fu and Louis Ptacek. Affected individuals are extreme 'morning larks' with 4 hour advanced sleep and other rhythms. This form of Familial Advanced Sleep Phase is caused by a single amino acid change, S662➔G, in the human PER2

    are there fungi with unusual circadian rhythms? like different spans, they could try these novel .5-1000 hour circadian rhythm chemicals out on c elegans and yeast to find out if any of them lengevize.

    circadian rhythm chemicals in 400 year lifespan tortoises that are not in mammals are another possible place for longevizing chemicals to be found at.

    I read that banana plants are 60% anologous gnetically to the human genome, nad plants have circadian rhythms. Making the circadian and ultradian rhythm chemicals (like proteins, possibly others) that plants make then feeding them to C elegans could find
    longevization chemicals.

    Also, I read two things, one is that the difference between a perennial plant and annual plant can be as few as three genes (the internet), and then there is the other different area of how a plant on a certain light schedule can be made to be perennial
    or annual, it is very simplistic, but feeding c elegans perennial proteins could have a longevity effect.

    a better version of a circadian rhythm gene could have the opposite effect of shift work, possibly reducing cardiocascular events; the very daytime version could be tested at atherosclerotic mice to see if it reduces cardiovascular events, this could be
    a beneficial improved gene to place at the human germline as it confers better than well “very day shift” effects.

    saffron vision

    gratitude journal discussion with Bob,

    genetic algorithm wells30%-300% better effectiveness based on helicopter rotor beams and wind-power rotors (300%)

    perhaps people would be waterborne illness resistant if their stomachs prouced enzymes that denature, zap, or otherwise neutralize proteins and microorganisms. Sources of these illness resistance chemicals could alsoready be at high concentration in
    other species, then gene therapy used to make them to be produced at homo sapiens. Vultures, hyenas, raccoons, crows could also be species that sustain their health over decades even though they eat rotten food; the technology here is that they could
    test detrivore/omnivores to find out if they have have stomach or gi tract enzymes, such as proteolytic enzymes that kill bacteria, perhaps cyst forms, as well as denature (make harmlesss) bacterial toxins. The bacteria/virus/cyst terminating enzymes
    then become water purification addititives (10 mg/gallon), as well as can be made a beneficial part of the human germline.

    engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon,
    healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

    All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

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