• Brain-inspired art for babies. (3/3)

    From Julia Amara@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 27 07:52:22 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    Is there a protocol that causes meiosis at stem cells? If such a protocol exists or can be made then that could be a way to produce one billion genetically heterogenous cells, such as eggs (oocytes) from a cheek swab from one person; screening those one
    billion genetic variations finds the most optimal version of the person’s genetics to grow children with; the screening technologies could be new screening technologies as well as things like flow cytometry of mRNA color generating eggs (oocytes), or
    mRNA color generating differentiated cells, utilizing color from benign molecules with a color response to particular mRNA, microfluidic arrays viewed in parallel with a camera, something novel like laser tractor beams that only move cytes of a
    particular mRNA color that is produced to a side of the well to be gathered and utilized, or integrated circuit technology billion or trillion well arrays where each array semiconductor element has a color sensor integrated circuit element under each
    well so each cell at the array, when producing color from its mRNA color production, uses the imaging semiconductor to describe the presence of a particular version of a particular gene; at the billion or trillion well array, that two to the 40th power
    one per trillion stochastically produced cell (2^40) with the highest number of preferred gene version occurences is located, dedifferentiated, the stem cells utilized to make eggs (oocytes) or sperm; valued mRNAs could be things that make
    neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter receptors, beneficial growth factor gene version for things like BDNF, longevity causing mTOR activity minimizers, AMPK activators, gene variations that direct greater kindness, greater beauty, greater intelligence,
    also any known beneficial phenotypic morphology gene stimulators such as tallness, slimness, delicacy and attractiveness of female features, along with the new traits and themes from the test that links 97-99% of the trait, theme as well as ability to
    particular versions of particular genes; two to the 40th power is about 1 trillion, so a trillion cell screening protocol (flow cytometry, laser tractor beams, integrated circuit technology trillion well wafer) can find a cell with 40 simultaneous
    preferred genes from meiosis; that differentiated mRNA-measureable cell is then dedifferentiated and the stem cells that result are differentiated to make eggs (oocytes) or also sperm with all 40 preferred gene versions. The person, the person that
    would like to be a parent, then combines the curated version of their genome with the curated version of their prtner’s genome or gametes from a sperm bank or gametes from previous genetic screening and concentrating at other people; A technology that
    makes each of 300 gene variations specifiable utilizing the cheek swab of one person is to have 300 separate wells of differentiated cells, then do mRNA color sorting, then at each of the 300 array locations dedifferentiate the sorted cells that each
    have the preferred genetic version (of the two versions at each of the persons two sets of 23 chromosomes) to make stem cells, then differentiate to make egg (oocyte) and sperm at different wells of the 300 well array, then combine egg (oocyte) and
    sperm, which causes the preferred gene versions to be at all the cells of the new balstocyst, then dedifferentiate the blastocyst cells to make a new egg (oocyte) or also sperm to combine with the egg (oocyte) or sperm produced from a different array
    well; this cycle of making stem cells and gamete cells, and combining them with the eggs (oocytes) or sperm from other gene concentrated array wells repeated 300 times causes the preferred gene versions to accumulate; this can be utilized at many more
    than 300 gene variants. I read that there might be 20,000 human genes, although there could be a higher number, so if a microfluidic 20,000 well cell structure can be produced that can microfluidically transport, cycle cells from egg (oocyte) and sperm,
    to blastocyst, cycle different fluids that activate different mRNA production, as well as do mRNA color cellular concentration at differentiated cells, it is possible to imagine a laser ablating the cells at a 300 or 20,000 well system that are a color
    that is absent the preferred gene variant, then a mass manufacturable microfluidic integrated circuit could be produced. Notably, a 5 megapixel camera sensor is about $1.49 online, so an integrated circuit technology MEMs or microfluidic technology
    object with 20,000 array elements at the same Cm^2 area, combined with a published one million parallel element microfluidic array could plausibly be less than 8 hours earnings for a median USA person. So, for 8 hours earnings, the most favorable
    version of an particular person’s genetics can be specified at their children.

    Macroscopic technology version that is responsive to demand, and scalable: if macroscopic 96 well plates are used for: differentiated cell mRNA color sorting, mRNA color causing fluid cycling, gamete combination, dedifferentiation, differentiation to
    eggs (oocytes) or sperm, then fluidic transport to another well at the plate with another other egg (oocyte) or sperm, dedifferention, differentiation, and fluidic transport again 20,000 times then every variation on every human gene is specifiable at a
    macroscopic system, notably the 20,000: color screen, dedifferentiatiate, differentiate (eggs (oocytes) and sperm), mRNA color fluid cycle, fluid transport, gamete combination, dedifferentiation cycle can be done in complee parallel, making the length
    of the process, and technological form of the mechanism, adjustable to optimize affordability and velocity in response to consumer demand.

    At a 96 well plate, multiparallel machine, the microfluidics are much larger, can use 1-7 mm pumps, or even macroscopic pumps not on the plate, each well can contain millions of identical eggs (oocytes) or sperm per well, millions of balstocysts per well,
    and only 677 plates are used if 20,000 seperate wells (near to covering the entire human genome) are utilized.

    Notably, the macroscopic 96 well plate mechanism in parallel can provide ramp up based on the early, mid, and continuing, to 20,000 different gene preferences of people who want to be parents, If the mechanism’s capacity doubles every six months from
    technology improvements, part of mechanism, or just a bunch of mechanisms at one location functioning with parallelism, with preparental consumer demand for more and better genetic specification options (creativity, musical ability, blue eyes, reduced
    risk of cardiovascular disease, the 97-99% genetically predictable traits, themes and abilities), then a system that starts with fluidically cycling one 96 well plate can go from 96 specifiable gene variants to the 677 plates (20,000 genes) in 54 to 60
    months of technology development of multiwell plate parallelism based on the ramping up of commercial value of giving prospective parents more, and more beneficial genetic options.

    flow cytometry, microfluidics, or laser tractor beam sorting of differentiated cells makes it so the cells can be cyclically treated with different gene activating (mRNA expression causing) fluids and their mRNA colorized differently depending on which
    of two versions (one version at each of the 23 chromosome groups, two to prefer one genetic variant of) is preferred; once found the genetically preferrred cells can be dedifferentiated to stem cells, then differentiated to make eggs (oocytes) or sperm
    for use in fertilization to produce a baby with the person’s preferred genetics.

    Using a cheek swab to get cells, then dedifferentiating these to make stem cells, then differentiating the stem cells to make eggs (oocytes) is able to produce a billion or a trillion eggs; at a flow cytometry mechanism, a microfluidic array, or an
    integrated circuit technology array grid it is possible to place a variety of fluids on the eggs (oocytes) that cause different mRNAs to be produced at the oocyte, it is possible these mRNA describe the actual genetics of the oocyte, providing data about
    the actual genes on the 23 chromosomes of the oocyte. Fluorophores or other color molecules that change color when a particular mRNA (and gene version) is there are also utilized; If that is functional then with a published flow cytometry machine that
    processes 10 million cells a second, one billion oocytes would take 100 seconds; a trillion oocytes analyzed would take 27.8 hours, or an hour with 28 machines in parallel.

    Making a psychology and ability test that is strongly linked to genetics: Finding those personality and ability traits with the strongest genetic determinants: The Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory was produced from mass screening a large
    number of questions then winnowing those to a group of questions with high predictive validity; similarly a group of 100,000 questions, including nonverbal pattern match and sequence, could be administered as test groups of 40 questions to the hundreds
    of thousands or potentially, millions of of persons using personal genomics websites like 23andme or others; Then the questions that predict genetics at 97-99% of occurences, and also accurately predict another previously unmeasured group’s genetics
    and question responses are a source of things strongly predicted with genetics; the questions are then grouped into completely new themes, also known as traits, humans, that is persons, that is people, are likely to to perceive these themes like a vector,
    a direction and a magnitude, with particular directions and magnitudes being more beneficial; people are then able to specify these genes on purpose at their children with 97-99% likeliness of producing that personality character, trait, as well as
    themes along with those abilities they genetically specify.
    engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon,
    healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

    All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

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