• Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation. (2/2)

    From Julia Amara@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 26 05:09:04 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    There might even be some nifty way to use physical chemistry bandpass or notch filter at a chemical binomat/ducolumn/multicolumn colonnade to get a drug or even a new genetically engineered protein to only react or, as a protein, change to a new
    differently active shape, with something like precisely between 200 and 300 molecules of ATP per nanoliter but not 100-200 or 300-400. I do not know of any bandpass drugs, or engineerable enhancements to human genetics, that exist other than the really
    casual, easy to do much better than, “make some double slits or multicolumn colonnades with alpha helices”.

    Notably at a drug binomat, the area, like proteins or cytoreceptors that are physically near the binomat are the things that have their distribution changed and optimized; on both sides of the binomat (or double slit effect molecule) diffusion would
    cause the drug to reach an ambient gradient at the cytoplasm. It is just that right near the binomat (or double slit effect molecule), like with the biomat say at a dendrite or synapse, the (nootropic) AMPA activateable drug would concentrate there.

    Thinking of people that value reengineering neurons to beneficially give humans heightened well being and capabilities, modifying cytoneuroanatomy to have binomat/double slit/multicolumn colonnade/ customized nodal interference (*—||||||—*) (or aslo
    corsshairstechnology previously described) structures, likely proteins or peptides, but lipids or physical membrane crenellations, are a possibility,

    Thinking of synapses and dendrites, it is possible there could be a protein or other structure of drug that functions like a binomat SelectiveDopamineReuptakeInhibitor (SDRI) or SNRI or even SSRI. Where the reuptake of the neuroactive chemical is
    inhibited because there is a protein or chemical biomat or double slit in front of it, possibly floating around the synapse like a screen.

    One application of a physical chemistry drug binomat the notch filter at a biochemical system, notably a drug system, is making it so drugs that effect neurotransmitters are only active at particular concentrationsof neurotransmitters, and can also be
    used to always produce a neurotransmitter drug effect the size of the notch filter’s envelope. That way if you took awesome dopamine supplying drug, it would always provide 300-400 ng per ml of dopamine, and not more or less, regardless of how your
    body reacted to, or tolerancized the drug.

    Online a way to create greater localization with photons is described, “[they omitted] photoactivation of sufficiently small and well-defined sub-cellular regions [at a plant] with conventional laser illumination in the confocal microscope, mainly
    because scattering and refraction effects within the root tissue dispersed the focal spot and caused photoactivation of too large a region. We therefore used 2-photon activation, which has much better inherent resolution of the illuminated region. This
    is because the activation depends on simultaneous absorption of two or more photons, which in turns depends on the square (or higher power) of the intensity-a much sharper peak.” I do not know but perhaps more photons like three photons would create an
    even geometrically narrower area of light or even acoustic/physical chemistry activation from a beam, force or light beam. It could be functional to engineer localization drugs to do phototherapy with that use three electron (three photon) systems?
    Chlorophyll is a two electron system, and I perceive that combining chlorophyll with something like an alkali metal, and then reacting that product with an alkali metal grabber could link chlorophylls together. Actual three photon systems at
    photoactivateble drugs and chemicals would certainly have different forms, it is just nifty that it is likely possible to dimerize chrolophyll to produce a three or four photon and electron system.

    or at a biomolecule, charge, does that make just the gaussian peak center 20% of the tissue area for localization produce a particular charge (voltage) that can effect a drug to be active? So like a porphyrin linked chelation molecule with a CN cyanide
    at it or possibly a chemotherepeutic gold molecule, only reaches 3.1 volts or the amount it takes to get the chealtor molecule to pop off the CN/gold thus causing the CN/gold drug as a chemical to be active. Does this work better because of the high
    middle peak at a guassian?

    Or, am I just confused

    Can you do a bandpass filter on a pile of cofocalized beams to make a smaller area than the cofocalization produces? That produces narrower areas of chemical localization and activation from using frequency/current/voltage doubling/halving biopolymer

    Also, with the double slit experiment, are the stripes narrower than the laser dot diameter? If they are then putting the localizer beam through a double slit before it reaches the body could heighten resolution when doing localization of drug
    activation to benefit humans. There is also the local chemical area version of better localization with a double slit: If the stripes are narrower than the dot then it might be possible to put the localization beam through a molecular double slit,
    causing higher spatial resolution. While it is not particularly nifty, a couple alpha-helices next to each other like II (||) could be a highly localized double slit, where molecules at the after-area of the || might get even narrower energy beam based
    activation. It is even possible that a something like an alpha helix duocolumn (or better, some kind of multi column colonnade, kind of like a binomat) makes the things,like molecules and proteins, and even cytostructures, they are next to responsive to
    customized energy forms, which benefits tissue area, and even cytostructure area drug or chemical localization. Double slits, duocolumns, or multicolumn collonades could be a chemical that makes the other chemicals next to it to be more sensitive to
    light, or only sensitive to particular energy densities or frequencies this is from novel crosshairs cofocalization, bandpass filtering effects (bandpass energy filters and notch filters are described at other locations here, kind of like 120 decijoules/
    cm only reach a drug chemical, while 100 decijoules/cm and 140 decijoules/cm are excluded via the alpha helix || double slit/duo column/binomat) or possibly some other kind of radiation from the difference between a |||||| effect and a beam effect; .

    Binomat enhanced chemistry: Maybe the double slit or bandpass filter thing even works with a atoms and ions stochastically drifting through and around the double slit, with the duocolumn (or multicolumn columnnade that is kind of like a binomat) of alpha
    helices causing the stuff that the cytostructures, proeins, or receptors near it to experience be made adjustable.

    A science study looking for wave interference, notably the ||||| stripes produced at wave versions of duocolumn slits (or multicolumnar biomats), as well as customized binomat concentration effects (bandpass) at proteins (or amino acid polymers) near
    other things would be nifty. If proteins or amino acid polymers screen and concentrate stuff for their neighbors
    Proteins that do double slit concentration or binomat bandpass show the way to desirably technologizable effects as well as new scientific identities. Perhaps then you could look at new class of proteins, called iProteins, then calulate what it is (
    radiation like photons or EM, or possibly a binomat-like sieving of certain sized atoms, ions, molecules from their neighbors) that they were concentrating (double slit) or letting through (bandpass) and then make some of that stuff (actual chemicals or
    actual frequencies of radiation) that they double slit concentrate or binomat concentrate on purpose, to be used as a drug and to also measure its occurence and effect scientifically. It is possible that if there are naturally occuring, as well as
    engineerable, protein or peptide double slits (or other focalize near a neighbor things similat to but better than a double slit, or also like chemical binomat bandpass filters) at biological organisms that the atoms, molecules or radiation they
    concentrate and modulate could be noticeably active as drugs or even new kinds of Biological Effect Rays(BER) that people could make on purpose, aim at living things, and see what they do. EM biological effect ray Drugs made out of things like alpha
    helix arrays or something better could even effect the response of living organisms to EM biological Effect Rays. Perhaps just as sunscreen can effect cytowellness from blocking UV, and a container of warm water can soothe mesnrual cramps, a BER
    refocuser, blocker, or supplemental dose of BER radiation could cause benefit at humans.

    Say you want your chemotherapy photodrug to only affect neurons but not microglia, or only microglia but not neurons. Well, one possibility is something like putting methylene blue, or a mitochondria colorizer chemical, at the bloodstream, and then
    since the microglia have 3 times as many mitochondria as the neurons (or perhaps the neurons have three times as many mitochondria as the microglia) one or the other is three times more blue than the other. That way when you illuminate both with
    therapeutic light that activates drugs, one of the cytotypes only aborbs one third the light dose, and thus the chemotherapeutic dose at those cytes is just 1/3 that of the preferred tissue. Also, noting bandpass and notch filter drugs, proteins, amino
    acids and chemistry from double slit/binomat drugs and effects, it could be possible to create a chemotherapeutic molecule that only responds to 120 joules/cm with drug activation, and that 100 Joules/cm or 140 joules/cm are excluded from activation,
    narrowing the radiation activated dose to just specific cytes, tissues, or even, and this is novel to me, cytoorganelles. so the idea is then that the methylene blue makes everything but just the particular neurons, for a particular neurotransmitter.

    Methylene blue has a possibility s an actual phototherapy optimization drug as it is published as causing greater longevity and having nootropic effects, so dosing many tissues at many amounts could actually be harmless or beneficial.

    Cytoorganelle therapy: use somethinglikemethylene blue to colorize just the mitochondria or just the reeptors some chemiclliek dopamine. Once the organelles are colorized, put a phototherapeutic agent at the cytes, then used ligth to activate them just
    at specific organelles, proteins, and receptors.

    An antibody or aptamer linked photofrequency specific-absorbing quantum dot or fluorophore, or colorizing agent like methylene blue could attach to just very particular cytostructures like proteins, membranes, ribosomes, proteins, mitochondria, the
    endoplamic reticulum,

    Two stage therapy: the gene therapy makes the transfected cytes produce a frequency absorbing color, or even a photoactivateable protein or amino acid endogenous drug, just at the kind of cytes the gene therapy works on, then light is used to activate
    the phototherapeutic drug at all the transfected sites. This could be used to turn on or turn up the volume at gene therapy drugs, new human genetics, eugenics, and therapies. So a person could could get their neurons optimized with gene therapy or
    eugenics at the germline, and the neurons could produce an otherwise neutral harmless and inactive photoactivateable drug, then they could further tune up their genetically improved neurons with photonic energy; Perhaps making 10-200% more of some
    chemoreceptor protein structures at cytomembranes makes the neurons contribute more to cognitive capability and subjective well being; frequency-optimized gene activation and action and beam localization make it possible to have lots of dopamine
    receptors at the nucleus accumbens, where it is actively perceived as highly euphoric, but a different amount at a different brain structure.
    Another application is the beneficial site specific production, amplification and wellness-amplifying, capability enhancing, as well as therapeutic use of growth factors,like human growth hormones, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain derived neurotrophic
    factor(BDNF); photoactive protein versions of these and other growth factors produced with eugenics, germline gene therapy, as well as bodywide gene therapy, even at versions where just the liver has experieinced the gene therapy with the purpose of just
    putting a lot of the photoactivateable versions of NGF, BDNF, HGH and growth and beauty peptides at particular tissues and cyte localizable HGH, NGF, growth and beauty peptides, or BDNF at the bloodstream, mkaes it so you can beam light at some part of
    the body and make it grow or heal faster. It is possible that cardiobeneficial effects could come from photoactivating HGH or NGF or BDNF at say just cardiocyctes, or just cardioneurologica tissue, or even a growth factor to cause healing after ischemia;

    This could be applied to many beneficial new eugenics genes as well as gene therapies. Let’s say you are genetically engineered to produce lots of youthification producing, mitochondria benefitting NMN, then you could use photoactivation to make 3-10
    times as much NMN at particular tissues compared with others, benefitting you and the body.

    One area of transcription activation useable at gene therapy and new genes at eugenics that is published is photoactivateable histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, so photoactivating that HDACi would change the amount of transcription, the amount of gene
    products like proteins, and cytostructures and tissues produced, and possibly the specific genes that were transcribed.

    Also, nonvisible areas of the spectrum can be used for photoactivatable genes, gene products, drugs and chemicals, that way the human gets to omit turning bright blue, unless they feel like it.

    What is the fewest AMU photoactivatable amino acid sequence, biomolecule, or protein that can be constructed without a metal atom? Online it says there is research on intrinisically spectrally relfecting and abosrbing at the visible range oflight
    peptides. Also, it could be that just putting a lot of energy into a peptide or protein or other biomolecule at its IR-spectroscopy absorption peak could chemically actiavte that chemical. Say you illuminate some ATP with IR-spec highest absorption
    photons, it is possible the phosphates are morelikely to pop off easily.

    Possible youthification phototherapy: illumination of ATP at IR-spec absorption peak of ATP causes ATP to be hyper reactive, thus lighting up the face with ATP optimized frequency light is quantitatively measurable at enhancing skin characteristics and
    beauty, possibly causing number of ATP phosphate reactions per second to be that of a teenager. While a person sleeps nonvisible lasers could trace out areas of illumnation all over the persons body to make ATP as reactive as possible which could cause
    greater available cytoenergy to all cytoprocesses including protein synthesis. More ATP activity at the dermis may be youthifying at the dermis. The ATP amount might sustainably remain at the same amount, even with faster ATP reactivity from mass-spec
    absorption frequency illumination; I read that the amount of mitochondria decreases with chronological time at humans, so notably, a person during the 20th century AD might have had the highest amount of ATP at their cytes, energizing protein production
    and other cytoprocesses, including dermal cyte upkeep and replacement; If at a variety of relative mitochondrial amounts the ADP->ATP cycle and reaction and reaction producing chemicals are sufficiently strong and in sufficient quantity, even at older
    persons, then the more strongly reactive IR-spec illuminated ATP would simply react faster, while maintaining the same as original levels of available ATP because the ADP->ATP biochemistry can convert ADP->ATP as fast as it appears. I have not read about
    ADP build up at older tissue, so perhaps the ADP->ATP reaction is fast, and not what affects ATP amount.

    From a longevity drug perspective, it is possible that a drug, gene therapy, or eugenic germ line therapy enhancement of ADP->ATP regeneration is beneficial. Different cvariations are possible: ADP->ATP already happens faster than ADP is produced, so
    there are only trace amounts of ADP around at a cyte, or, ADP is transported to some specialized cytoarea where it gets turned into ATP the velocity of that transport process is what directs the rate of ADP->ATP synthesis, another possibility is that
    something like fewer actual mitochondria at old tissues’ cytes causes there to be less ATP at the cytoplasm to begin with, and to regenerate and diffuse throughout the sytoplasm or be actively transported around the cytoplasm and cyte. If there is
    just less ATP to be ADP->ATP regenerated then gene therapy that just produces ATP at transfected cytes, and does not use mitochondria to generate the actual availabilizable pool of ATP molecules could cause greater cytoyouthfulness, greater human
    phenotypic youthfulness, as well as greater longevity.

    engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon,
    healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

    All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

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