• Complex personality prediction, MWI technology, longevity (2/2)

    From Kay Lie@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 26 04:38:54 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    Software analysis of social networking, phone and video content (as well as test values) causes a personality characterization thing the advising software utilizes, based on analog math or a digital form of individual personality and personality group
    description, which could be described as a math space or data space which as amth or data space is larger than 99.99999th percentile of group predictability, or a math space or data space of1024 bytes, optimally whichever is larger. Noting that 1024
    bytes, being sort of like 2^8100 is sufficient to give much more than a quadrillion persons perhaps more than a quadrillion discernable different values of amount or form, at about a quadrillion different activities; it is possible that the 1024 bytes
    to describe a measured personality and predict it, as a group provides much higher resolution and richer apportunity and nuance of consideration, new opportunity, and advice than 99.99999th percentile predictability measures. Another valued data
    represention space option besides 1024 bytes or 99.99999th percentile accuracy at finding and predicting enjoyability, actual action, and benevolent simultaneneous utilitarian benefit is the amount of bytes to represent the entire brain,or optimally the
    brain and body of a living person, which is also a beneficial and valued amount of data to represent and predict a human, that is a person, a member of a group of people. At the time I write this it is not, to my awareness known if 3d or 4d fields
    describing an unobserved electron, at a plurality of atoms is near, or orders of magnitude too large a grain size to describe, computationally model and predict actions and perceptions, and predict or simulate thoughts, feelings, and other brain-based
    content and effects at a human brain; it is possible that a quark level description that includes all possible interactions at an area larger than a lightcone, or from a possible perspective, the size of lightcone that a human perceives: like, if I
    notice things 100 ms at a time, then my personal lightcone of things I could look around at and think had presence, processable meaning, or possible effect might be all the things at about a 15,000 mile radius (100 ms lightcone) from my eyes. The size of
    the grain of a simulation that can predict brain experieince, content, is researched and possibly applied at transhumanism and transhumanist technology; predictions, simulations, models, or algorithmic optimizations of humans that is persons, that is
    members of a group of people, utilizing all the atoms and fields, or higher resolution data and measurements, around the brain create a nearer to predictive and benevolent utilitarian acted upon advising software function that prompts and fosters
    enjoyable voluntary utilization of software that does a person, as well as people, good.

    MWI technology
    I wrote about MWI superobservers previously, one version is like a computer IC that can make, at 2019 AD integrated circuit part sizes, 11 billion observations about 3 or 4 billion times a second as compared with a human doing perhaps 1-11 observations
    per second, also the superobserver could observe things at different distances, different number of network of nodes neighbors at its conceptualizable size, also it could observe both things eentsier than quantum resolution and things larger than
    projected quantum nonresolvedness.

    Another many worlds interpretation of physics thing is that I perceive some humans describe the amount of MWI universes as variously aleph 0 nonfinite, finite, unitary nonfinite, unitary finite, some other aleph number like aleph 1or aleph 2,
    I also perceive that although I read the phrase, “algebra of [nonfinity]” that area might have taught me how to say something like, “two aleph0 things exist, however one of them goes twice as fast as the other, the amount of actual amountness is
    amount”, or it might have provided a guide to the idea that if a person flips a coin, and it has a chance of landing vertically, then the outcomes are a nonfinitude of heads, a nonfinitude of tails, and a nonfinitude of vertical landings because at a
    version of MWI I saw mentioned, each of the three landing forms is aleph 0, so they are of equivalent amount. That does not however say how they are physically spaced as they are tossed at spacetime. If you flip a coin a bunch of times as the millky
    way rotates then the coin flips traverse space tracing out a kind of line of spaced circles, and although every few n flips you get a vertical much of the flips are heads or tails, so if you were at a zig-zag thing like a raster scan CRT, or a groovy
    concentric circle pen on an oscillating mass, then the heads, tails, and verticals, would have a spatial anisotropic pile up, whether it is like diagonal space paths through a screenful of text, the text fitting each line and always making obvious
    unchanging columns, or a moire at a groovy circle pen linked to an oscillating mass drawing on its own path. So, something like that suggests the possibility that even though heads, tails and verticals are all aleph 0, so are at the same amount, that
    since things are (or might be) in actual physics motion so that their distribution gets geometrically drawn out, and that causes anisotropic concentrations and structures, at a 2d or 3d space, even if all the amounts were aleph 0, there could still be “
    piles of rare” and piles fo frequent”. It is possible some of these MWI branch effect geometry-emerged structures from anisotropy have some measurability or predictability, possibly actual physics observations that could find some kindof MWI
    Or just possibly there is a math thing where, if it is impossible to find recurrence and geometry generated anisotropy and some sort of emerging group geometry, then some particular group of axioms is applicable, possibly like: no anisotropic geometry
    effects? -> nonfinite plane, motions are absent ever overlapping or coming near each other;
    I do not know what I am talking about but the idea of a 2d or 3d or some other d spatial distribution or form to MWI branches is new to me, and emerging geometric forms like diagonals, columns, moires, and a larger plane that automatically makes mini-
    square images of itself seemed like they could have a structure that could have something measurable or detectable about it.

    At previous writing about ways to verify/refute/verify the MWI, and I really do not know what I am talking about, some things came up: Wobble, or the possibility that if MWI universes are generated very near each other or very rapidly there could be
    some effect on the amount of space, energy, or chonological moments available artound them or at their lightcone, doing an experiment like that and then noticing if anything wobbles causing not predicted by previously published physics is a thing where
    multiple technologies are described.

    Longevity technology:
    This study https://www.nature.com/articles/s42255-019-0033-z says what c elegans experience as an olfactory thing causes greater longevity. Screen a big library of scents on mice, possibly a group of 40 or evn 100 different smells at once per mouse, 8
    mice each for a p value, 10,000 scents, if there are that many, would be 100 groups of 8 mice:
    baby mice,
    mice that are calm, like on oxytocin, benzodiazepenes, mice that are well fed, longevized calorie restriction mice, mice raised at cognitively enriched environments, mice receptive to mating or a dry-off the mouse cloth after washing; also the mating-
    ready mice secretions, mice, like people might live longer when they have a social life so some solitary mice with air-sharing tubes between their living areas,

    Curcurmin: “Curcumin with Piperine which inhibits MAO-A”

    What is the most popular lipid rich food? Modify that to use omega-3s, genetically engineer things like palm oil, soybean oil,

    Longevity technology: IC technology senolytics: It is possible that eensty doped silicon or germanium fragments or even quantum dots could be engineered to be catalytic and both reach cytes at a variety of tissues as well as be catalytic as a result of
    the doping. Attaching localization molecules like proteins, peptides or few-AMU chemicals as well as external cytomembrane transport channel transport heightening molecules to the doped or plated IC technology nanoobjects, it is imaginable that Co, Pt,
    Ni doping or plating of Si or Ge could produce catalytic nanoparticles that effect localized tissues and cytes to experience senolytic termination. Another possibility is Au as there are Au based chemotherapy drugs also Pd chemotherapy drugs are being
    researched; Also, doped or plated Si or Ge IC technology nanoobjects that are mildly toxic yet with chelator removable elements like Be or Cu, Cr or Iodine metal or could have senolytic effects and some like Cu (some protein has Cu) and Cr (chromium
    picolinate) have physiological utility if they react away to be ions.

    engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon,
    healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

    All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date

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