• Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. (2/3)

    From Joe Mardin@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 23 05:52:49 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    well the search function appears to be working again, yet I do not know if the notes I list now have been edited or not.

    Well at this area I was listing all the material I had sent to me with the search function at yahoo correspondence, my computing is monitored it suddenly ceased listing any search material. I think it is a studied psychological or harm or government
    censorship activity. Remember, every person has the right to refuse any government, or any form of organized crime with government like attributes as well as refuse any form of taxation. The removal of any government employees with force is always to
    be legally equivalent to the removal of ordinary persons with force, the only penalty is deportation or happylong.
    Petroleum geology
    put all the notes online

    remember also the petroleum geology at notepad files
    (there is aslight chance this was edited from a person other than me)

    make termination of all persons with Y chromosomes a higher priority 1
    Use a virus to terminate all persons with Y chromosomes as well as y chromosome fetuses have the virus capisid that is the virus container actually be an immunoreactive protein that immunizes against antiviral drugs removing curability of the biological
    weapon also have the virus capsid be immunogenic against a variety of proteins coded at the Y chromosome. generating a wide variety of such viruses makes every human able to bear live young as well as nurse them be immunoreactive against a variety of
    areas of theY chromosome precluding the survival of fetal variants as well as creating a virus that kills persons with Y chromosomes. One opportunity previously described is using the gene products of the y chromosome such as steroids as gene activators,
    noting a s steroid activated gene was pub;ished during 2006.

    this deterrent response went unwritten it was produced as a result of "the park hassler" its only a little new Ion channels like K Na Ca control the amount of ions that are used as communication as well as cytoorganizing nessengers. plausibly no
    multicyte organism can have a nervous system without these ion channels functioning normally hm this is near an apocalypse technology so I will omit describing at this time, will make notes though, ligabendy relaxapuddle, make that which then
    prionizes. hey, you cant do that with choline, ethbr

    I sense the caffeine thing requires I skip any nonbeneficial material

    i will get around to the petroleum geology technologies though
    apparently you drill offshore with a 10 million 1999 USD dollar well to produce north sea oil
    That seems crazy cheap as 10 McMillionaire houses is a lot less complicated to make than an oil well that sits on the ocean floor,
    producing with zero malfunctions for a long time yet thats the number ive seen twice
    so a 10 million clathrate source would be similarly amazingly valuable, although plausible at 200 to 700 meter depth One online source suggested liquefaction with shipping, along with transport hub was 3/4 of lng $. yet LNG delivered value is just $1.0/
    gal, so 60 or 70 cents per gallon is near the
    10 million $ production well
    liquify, transport ship to distribution 70c per gallon
    then what the robots or other clathrate to ship $ is
    2000 ish gas tax federal revenue 18 to 24c/gal, about the same state 40 to 60 c/gal
    so its a little like 20 or 30 c/gal to bring LNG to ship
    70c to ship to hub that distributes
    60c of taxation
    70 c of gas station markup ( I read the dumpster data $3.33/gal, 3.97 at pump) so that 2.30 of 3.97 described. If clathrates based liquid fuel is (gas ch4-> c8h18gasoline) producible at $1.00/gal (synthetic fuel from coal or shale 70 per bbl, which is 1.67 1999 USD ish)
    (with ch4 -> c8h18) 3.30 or 2.79 ( a buck, or half a buck if the new process is better)
    $4.99- (3.30 or 2.79)/ gallon is the amount of money that could be spent on clathrate special gathering process
    so as much as 1.70 per gallon could be spent on a new clathrate gathering process without consumers noticing
    I saw a thing online that said methane hydrates, clathrates, are about 5 to 7 times as numerous as all known reserves of coal as well as oil combined, some describe this as 350 to 3500 years of available liquid natural gas energy.
    I wanted to see if this could be gathered at near the amount people are used to remitting now. It appears so. liquid Natural Gas from the well, whicvh ncludes building the well, is only about 20 centa gallon. The complex ships as well as transport
    huns bring that to near 90 c to $1
    regional distributors as well as taxes add another $1.30, to bring the fuel to $2.
    The 1.33 difference is oil bbl compared with LNG (gas station typically remit $3.33 on $3.97 liquid fuel)
    so if you think consumers as well as the economy would remain calm as well as slightly indifferent to a 3500 year supply of synthetic gasoline at $4.99 clathrates are a great balm upon petroleum energy concerns.
    I base that on creating technologies to harvest clathrates that could add $1 to 1.70, or notably less, to a gallon of liquid fuel.
    (nifty) so heres your 3500 years of comparatively cheap liquid fuel

    clathrates at the abiotic zone, meeting reglided ocean currents
    If I find it online heres a gorgeous map of living ocean organism density
    now here is a map, if I find one online of where clathrates are
    Yo look, there are some minimally biotic areas where there also clathrates These are environmentally mild areas to gather resources.
    Now lets look at ocean currents. If I were really awesome Id find a map, yet the ocean currents im thinking about here are pretty skimpy, the sea may actually be less well mapped than the microcurents im looking for.
    Thats because one of the clathrate gathering technolgies Im suggesing is actually slightly moving,or realigning the glide angle of one of these microcurents to create place perdictable water flow, that place predictable water flow
    then runs mechanical things, possibly hydraulic technology, possibly turbines, that generates a high velocity stream of ocean water, this then jet sprays the area where the clathrates are, which causes them to bubble up top a collection area
    if its not going right, you turn off the jet spray. Its kind of like using a stream to drive a compressor to hose off a driveway writ large.
    another approach to cheaply gathering clathrates is to polymerize them where they are such that they change phase to noncrystallized with water, yet floaty, so they float up to the collection area
    I think this can be done with regular motion, from hydroacoustic sources to release the methane from the surrounding h20 crystals, then, this is the iffy part, no, its too iffy environmentally, I was going to suggest using the chlorination of methane to
    methyl chloride which occurs spontaneously particularly with UV, to create a reactive ntermediate to make goop, yet the possibiliyy of leaky of methyl chloride are really environmentally to be avoided. i dont actually remember yet I think methyl
    chloride is an ozone layer removing super greenhouse gas, so a 1pct process nefficiency would create 1000 or 10,000 times more greenhouse gases than using coal.

    another approach is to roll a giant thing on the ocean floor, if you roll a O on a rubber surface then the pressure gradient follows the shape, at some gradient areas the crystal water would tend to separate from the methane, yet right near the big
    roller, which would be positioned to gather the resulting gases. one amusing idea is that Its like a reverse dyson vacuum, where the big sphere is actually what presses the surface to emit gas, which might well be entrained with a whirlfluid up towardsa
    collecting area

    One nice thing about making clathrate fuels cheaper than coal, is if society collapses there would still be easy coal for the survivors because the sophisticated precollapse civilization actually could finf liquid fuel from clathrates cheaper

    this video might not go quite that far perhaps the viewer will comment with a way to make clathrate fuel cheaper than coal, to an extent easy earth surface natural gas kind of is

    well these might be petroleum geology ideas, some of them are pretty ...optimistic...

    using nitrogen containing explosives to fracat the perimeter of a fracing area creates more channelizaion, wider channels as well as the possibility of purposed granules creating nitric acod hno3 from air nitrogen as well as h2so4 from area sulfur
    resources may be cheap nitrated carbohydrates like nitroglycerine or nitrostarches or possibly nitrosugars may be frac perimeter ncreasing explosives now the thing is that pumping nitroglycerine underground faces dilution as well as vibration hazards
    thus i suggest a process to actually form the nitrogen explosives deep at the frac area or perimeter the high molarity hno3 with glycerine reaction to make nitroglycerine is fairly rapid, making a version that takes hours or weeks to react would permit
    pumping the reagents to the frac perimeter where they would then combine react then await detonation also pumpinh hno3 to a frac field suggests dilution concerns, thus I think a kind of gel, mousse or sort of liposomalesque mixture of hn03 with
    glycerine can be pumped to the frac perimeter also benefitting this approach would be a color changing material so that the goop that gradually turns to nitroglycerine or other nitrogen explosive shows what phase of risk it is at, fluorescent green
    just means you see where it is, perhaps a streak on some pipe, so clean it up, fluorescent yellow, prioritize that cleaning, fluorescent red, use spray cleaner from a distance. noting that high energy density oil shale is described as 4000 kilocalories
    per something (it may have been lb, possibly kg) creating a nitroexplosive as cheaply as possible makes sense from an energy efficiency perspective. thus the cheapest possible source of nitric acid is really something to think about as regards to a
    hydrocarbon reserve equivalent to over 200 years of US current amount, these even cheaper gas separation would be of benefit

    thinking about the movement of hydrocarbons whether fluid or gas the permeability of the material affects that, so with percolation theory mathwise it may be possible to look at simple dimensional enhancements. what little i know of percolation theory
    sounds sord of 1.n or fractal dimensional mathematically upping that to two dimensions creates technology opportunities like this idea have granulaes at a percolationgradient be considered as 2d shapes like Ms pac man if you rotate three or more of
    these to face each other (< >) you create a wider flow channel, so what are the stochastic math models of rotaing 2d shapes at a percolation gradient to create a superabundance of microchannels to strongly increase fluid flow researching those mat
    models gives a description of optimal granuals to permit fluid flow then applying these preferred chunk or granual shapes to what explosives or frac process create causes much higher permeability ncreasing resources as well as rate of value creation
    one approach to moving granuals to orient towards channelization is acoustics geothe was the first to notice that particles on a vibrating surface autosorted to regular sometimes rather attractive patterns, thus an explosion that makes ms pac man
    granuales then a really loud acoustic that jiggles them towards channelization top create greater fluid flow is a petroleum geology technology

    I previously wrote about how if you grinf up chunks to big n littele , then remix them 0o0.0 then compress, the blend will cause bending then chunk fractionation more rapidly thus creating little chunks with less energy which can the be used at things
    like fluidized bed resource utrilization )fuels) or if metals, concentration a differently 1.n or 2 d fractal dimensional approach to this could be even more efficient if you had a bunch of mineral chunks, then were to use a mechanism or possibly light
    beam to create a channel the chunk would then have a stochastically likelly nook that another mineral chunk would nestle with, then when compressed the resulting microchunks would have a more customizable size distribution ncreasing efficiency so
    mathwise what is the most efficient one groove on chunk stochastic rock crushing mix also technologically it is possible that water jt or light beam channelization might be of sufficient energy efficiency to permit this solar light beam
    channelization may e possible at some locatiopns that is where a plurality of less ntense beams are each fluttered or turned offnon at the right frequency with a mild rotatator then refocused to create a vibrating light pulse like the pulsed lasers use
    to do laser channeling (its not just on, it a modulated beam, so creating a modulated solar bean could come from multi solar beam combination)

    making oil shale be at tinier chunks to do fluidized bed or different process is of value It is possible that there are large areas of oil shale I have not heard of at near shore ocean areas these could be made to teenier chunks with wave action float
    meachines. I read that during 1990s AD grinding minerals was like 2 or 3 pct efficient, so using as fewcalories to grind oil shale is of process benefit. direct wave energy mechanical grinding could make microsized oil shale particles much cheaper
    Also it is possible that there are chemoactive process that use large amount of situ reagents at a different situ oil shale process ocean transport is much cheaper than land transport if large amounts of some cheap reagent (process chemical) is to be
    supplied to a hydrocarbon resource, also ocean water may provide some meaningful chemical reagent like MgCl (grignard) or possibly bromine that could be used to make olefins, which have greater industrial value, at a situ process

    im wondering if there are alternating width frac hydraulic systems with a sump basically lets say a person uses high pressure high volume fracing at one region, then next to it uses less pressure to create fracs with less diameter or width, then another
    region with higher pressurewith greater surface area n width, yet "connecting" these is a drilled valvable path with a reservoir, a sump The engineer then does hydraulic force multiplication on the different frac regions to more strongly widen them (
    flow rate) or ncrease frac surface area (available resource)

    I have been making an occasional effort to think of a gas additive that makes people live longer, current octane modifying chemicals if they were longevity chemicals would be better.
    It is less bizarre than it sounds
    Ferrocene is already an approved octane modifier at some countries
    so just change that to polyphenol ferrocene
    similarly Metal core alkanes have been used as octane regulators. Tin is FDA approved as a food additive, one person here thinks tin chloride could improve brain regeneration, so tetraethyl tin could be a gas additive that might test out as slightly
    physiologically beneficial. Tin as a part of catalyticconverters to reduce nitrogen oxides is patented, so there is a possibility that an alkane tin could actually reduce pollution slightly as an additive
    Simliarly nanoparticles of lanthanides like CeO actually cause nerve regeneration, although Ce is kinda spendy as a gas additive
    all metals of course have the potential to affect
    Recently the Baati study suggests fullerenes may be beneficial (doubling rodent lifespan). There is an EPA study that says during 1972 about a gram of carbon particulate 1 um or smaller diameter per 100 miles was produced (a fairly tiny amount), also
    breathing differs from eating.
    So I urge peple here that like chemistry to consider creating a longevity wellness gas additive, wikipedia says over a trillion liters of gas are used worldwide per year, so 1-3 pct of that is 10 to 30 billion liters of Octane modifying additive (of some
    types) http://www.carkipedia.com/fuel_systems/gasoline_additives.php a year. 30 billion liters a year is a lot of a xenochemical to absorb, so it makes sense it actually be beneficial to physiological well being
    Things to consider are, well, what does it turn into after its used? I utterly doubt that ferrocene polyphenols would persist, then again catalytic converters make an effort to create the smallest molecules from partially modified fuel, so are there any
    tiny molecules that are actually beneficial?
    If you think large changes could be beneficial, then the catalytic converter can be changed to something that actually makes a larger molecule if it is truly beneficial, like say

    One sort of different approach to giving a frac field a hydraulic ratio multiplier would be to create something that can expand or shrink like a tube shaped like |--- ===| remotely

    with layered oil shales like the volcanic layered green river formation that has 200 or 300 years of us oil consumption at one place im wondering if the coefficient of bending is noticeably different at the metamorphic areas compared with the sedimentary
    layers if so this would provide a sweet spot a kind od torsion number so that if the were rotated the buckling would automatically more efficiently microparticlize the shale also as weird as this sounds the volcanic material may be partially porous,
    particularly at certain distances from the prehistoric volcano, where they are if some regions have porous layers between shale layers then oil from the completed process could be pumped back through the porous volcanic layers, then, get this,
    solidified, so than an explosion causes a kind of "winshield glass effect" where having a force direction layer (a rubber flat) between two things causes a particular kind of particle size creation, the polymerized oil could be perhaps be predictably
    refluidized with situ warmth that was applied to the granulated windsahield effect situ oil shale

    well here are some petroleum engineering ideas

    noting than rotating a sedimentary mineral or a piece of layered mica causes it to delaminate if you rotate it, (like if you turn a sedimentary mineral rather than edges coming off it separates nto layers) it may be possible to create circular polarized
    fracing effects so either fluid or proppants such that they cause rotation of layered material that causes delamination. some sediments have mica, which although there might be rather tiny amounts might have higher porosity if delaminated. rotating
    proppants could be a "fancy nozzle" effect

    Im kind of wondering ifreverse osmosis has a place at hydrocarbon engineering. Notably reverse osmosis is much energy cheaper than distillation when purifying water, so just possibly some areas of petroleum engineering could benefit from membrane
    separation of hydrocarbon blends possibly a little like "condensates" as they are called or the quite different yet plausibly seperable LNG from things like heptane after liquefaction. I think an actual petroleum engineer with raised eyebrow, might say
    that the entire reason they do catalytic reformation at high temperatures is to actually produce the differently valued hydrocarbon products, that they cool them down to distill, rather than use energy
    (heat to distill)! That honestly its just process energy from the essential cataltic reforming phase. or that column trays act much like a sortation media thats why I wonder about this idea. hmmmmmmmmmmm yet it might work. like what if there were a
    low temperature ch4 to longer hydrocarbon process? would a membrane effect make more sense than evaporative distillation

    the situ production of electricity from oil shale is a possibility. (eww) mostly because after a period of situ warming from native hydrocarbons, after those kerogens convert then are pumped out as gas or fluid, theres a lot of warm minerals, quite
    possibly near a bunch of cool groundwater, which suggests something like cogen, cogeneration which would effect the economics of the entire plant to make the product cheaper, or cover equipment $

    wacky reflector supermapping. I once read at a science magazine that the usual parabolic dish when gevien irregular projections created a slightly modified waveform, possibly even when using the standard central antenna, that made distinguishing
    waveform frequencies more possible, thus creating an earthwork with an irregular projection could be effective at doing better acoustic geomapping at depth

    I think BINAP reaction could change hydrocarbon polymer length yet the source of the BINAP reagent looks like napthalene with phosphorus, which actually is very cheap as a kind of partial combustion of hydrocarbons makes multicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
    it works much better with coal, as coal tar is naturally full of near BINAP molecules so I thought that just perhaps adding phosphorus, which although not spectacularly cheap is at leask bulk commodity fertilizer cheap, to partial combusted
    hydrocarbons of high molecular mass, could make a kind og BINAPish sludge to cause reactions

    Its possible I was thinking that situ oil shale or tar sands processes that use situ warmin or combustion could use a hydrogenation sludge (cheap polycyclic phosphorus containg binap like catalyst) pumped nto their chemospaces. Its possible a tendency
    to hydrogenate would actually create more optimal length alkanes from giving hydrogens to the distal parts of divided hydrocarbons -ch2ch2ch2c- or using english, situ cracking with more hydrogen to occupy molecule makes higher yield of little valuable
    fluid cheap fertilizer partial combustocataslush makes this happen, possibly.

    situ coal to liquid hydrocarbons seems like more of binapslush process

    well, this one requires major factual depth, or possibly just hype. viewing drilling logs, a distance of ten ot twent feet apparently can affect production a lot as a result of distance to the main depoit, although it might affect liters per minute more
    than recoverable yield. some of those chats showed fairly narrow sweet spots as to channel location. so thats the factual depth, or possibly hype. now, when I looked at some graphs they uses conductivity to measure permeability as well as other
    things so it occured to me that having more sensors, specifically two or three at opposite diameter along with a vertical could describe conductance variation through a few mere nches, yet from a software perspective if the permeability variability was
    like .000001 as compared with .01 the software could tell the model that the extreme heterogenity of the petroleum formation suggested a different streering or path opportunity. so this is seeing variability, to make say a different number of laterals
    or the like

    well, basically this one just requires a person to say, yowza, (slight "wow thats a lot of new tech applied to a simple application", yet mild enthusiasm)
    magnetic refrigeration works with atomic spin cooling, its an actual published thing, yet the amount of energy is teeny. to catalyze ch4 to longer hydrocarbons cheaply would make liquid fuel about 7 times cheaper (15$ same numbers of BTUs as 100$ of
    oil) as well as permitting huge reserves of ch4 to be transported as liquid fuels, so i will describe this anyway. if you pass ch4 through Big Magnets(tm) or shine Groovy lasers(tm) at it will spin polarize, possibly very cheaply from many permanent
    magnets at narrow apertures. Now here is the thing, other people have suggested catalytic processes using actual catalyst surfaces or particles to make ch4 be longer hydrocarbons so the idea is actually spin polarizing a microfine powder (nanopowder)
    so that it is hyperreactive when it meets the ch4. I havent read about spin polarizing microsolids yet I think it is possible. so whats the largest spin polarizable molecule you can spin polarize cheaply, like with a NIB magnet with aerosol flow
    apetures. It could be that something like PVDF linked to a metal atom, possibly Fe or Co has spin polarizability with long duration as well as high energy as a result of the fluorine bunching up all the electrons on one side of the molecule. so, if you
    like hype, this is a high field concentration electret of polarized spin, that just happens to have a known catalyst metal like Co (or ni or fe or Mg) as part of its structure. its possible that accumulation of potential energies will make catalyzing
    ch4 to longer alkanes functional at lower tempoeratures as well as lower pressures. a fairly simple research would be to see if spin polarized hydrogen attaches to other molecules differently. if it does, then you could use similar effects at a variety
    of chemical reactions

    I heard something about near polar regions being an area of greater hydrocarbon exploration these are polar or near polar region petroleum geology technologies
    these ideas also go better with greater factual depth or possibly hype. the concept that stands out is that artic surface hydrocarbon wells really value reliability, the effort to move, repair, or even diagnose them mechanically is greater at -100 F
    than at say 77F many machines as a result of slight thermal variations shift tolerances, if its -100 on part of an oil rig yet -30 at another part, or even a balmy 20 degrees the mechanical stresses as well as eccentricities are going to affect
    reliability as well as wear so this is a way to regularize the temperatures throughout an oil rig to make it more reliable as well as run more predictably. Its a slightly new kind of snow blanket researchers have described a water shedding shape known
    as a negative contact angle, this causes water falling on things to stay dry, so I think artificial ice crystals made with negative contact angles will actually repel as well as shed liquid water. a snow blanket of this might have warm spots without
    slush I also think a custom blend of ice crystals might have less slumping or liftability from high winds so this is actually a suggestion that artic oil rigs have a temperature regulation blanket of custom crystal engineered structural ice crystals
    placed on their containment buildings
    the idea is its as cheap to make as artificial ski resort snow, is highly durable, while it regularlizes temperatures at an oil rig building

    visualize a nested pipe ( o) the little pipe is actually a waveguide, a microwave energy pathway of engineered shape much like 1970s communications waveguides. having a plurality of temperature sensors as well as varying the microwave frequency
    slightly could move standing wave blobs of microwaves anywhee along the pipe, keeping it warm to specifications or possible warning the hydrocarbon a little. a funner way to look at this is a neon advertising tube with a weird transformer, a little
    lengthof travelling light blobs appears, you could move them from place to place if you varied the transformer so that a visual version, this just does that with any area along a microwave waveguide that is part of a nested pipe, it permits spot
    warming anywhere without valves or conduits, it also provides spot warming to keep everyplace at the temperature the software suggests

    I think that oil at polar or near polar regions might be kind of goopy from the cool, it is possible that a peristaltic pump o|8 could actually work on a woven flexible, actually porous (the leak is kind of the plug as it its targoop) cause its moving
    tube of woven metal, sort of like a radial tire metal mesh tube between rollers more effeciently than heating the goop to liquid, then using liquid contact pumps on it.

    apparently I think theres some way to rapidly make olivine more porous so as to mak hydrocarbons flow more rapidly, I think though trhat except when they migrate, which is something they do, hydrocaerbons are found at a completely different sedimentary
    mineral. anyway the idea appears to that some hydrocarbons have sulfur, which makes making h2so4 from near area material simple, then using that to affect the porosity of a mineral formation. basically noting that pressure njected situ wells actually
    create areas of moving fluid, whats the cheapest mineral reactive fluid that ncreases porosity, it might be ph adjusted water from area sulfur h2so4 also noting that carbonates are highly dissolveable at low pH using h2so4 at some oil wells could
    strongly improve fluid movement with the creation of larger channels or dissolving microblocks between voids

    I read a thing that said situ hydrocarbons from oil shale were about a third cheaper than hydrocarbons from surface prepared oil shale, it could be that surface prepared oil shale would be cheaper with a gigantic automotional heap. making the giant
    heap is comparatively cheap, then using gravity to feed the entire process reduces movement energy movement machinery as well as simplifies things. Bessemer kind of had a similar idea. anyway the giant heap has obvios spillways, that, perhaps, when the
    material slides along sorts them on chunk size (this is a waterless process yet similar effects are seen at nature as well as water) huge solar concentration mirrors, which are cheap n stationary, warm up the mineral chunks givinbg much of the
    thermoprocess temperature. then, depending on season, cool water is used to hyperfracture the warmed rock. that might make little chunks of oily watery shale cheaply enough as a surface process to be competitive with situ approaches. then my notes
    suggest a technology i have previously suggested which is combining dissimilar particle size 0o0.O that when compressed create a higher pctage of tinier chunks then you send the right sized cunks to the actual petrochemical reactor or fluidized bed, now
    the thing that made me think this is economically valuable is that basically when a huge heap autosorts into heaps of different sizes, possibly petroleumcontentness, that the oil nstallation can just run whatever start material the going rate of oil
    justifies. if oil is cheap, only the microparticles n oily water skimmant are cheap enough to make to fuel, at more moderate valuations of petroleum then the machinery to actual make it faster is acquired, if petroleum demand is very high then the sysem
    naturally converges towards any existing system (like the ones a third more than situ processing) because, really, its mostly just a big heap of mineral chunks. also some situ oil shale process I have read about have a lead time while the oil is
    transforming at the situ area, its possible a flexible autofeeding heap is immediately functional as well as rapidly responsive to fuel valuation fluctuations

    heres a wild one, I may have previously described this. if carbon antennas are functional, then you just spray images like >>>>>>>>>> out of conductive paint, made at the site from carbon on mineral chunks, then microwave them, the antennas get really
    high temperature, yet the microwave generator is just part of process temperature generation anyway, it could possibly cause mineral disintegration a little better

    I feel I may have previously described this yet its not at the immediate notes a blob of butter floats on butter oil, now lets think about a situ oil shale hydrocarbon process, the liquified hydrocarbons naturally sort, at least some, depending on permeability as well as channel size, so that to some extent, they are a little like
    a lighter liquid part as well as possibly a goopy thick. now think about old jello, it naturally forms rivulets of water with high fluidity, where the jello protein has skipped absorbing water. so is there a way to cheaply create high fluidity rivulets
    at the part of the naturally semisorted hydrocarbon that cause much faster movement along channels

    [continued in next message]

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