• If you think of the strawperson idea of time as being,

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 04:05:00 2023
    If you think of the strawperson idea of time as being, that is the being of things that persist then think of variations in fields (the internet physics says things including matter are fields) as lumps on a grid, then the greater or lesser
    perturbability of the shape of the bump on the grid determines persistance, propagation, and direction of propagatin, if any, another thing is that some bumps on a field grid are waves, and different waves like solitons and ultra high persistence
    dissipative solitons are bump variations, the minimum bump reconfiguring to make a soliton is the change that makes an ordinary wave turn into a soliton or dissipative soliton, making the bump on the grid have hundreds or thousands of times more
    chronological durability or persistence, those few changes to the graphical grid lump in the field cause a huge time multiplier, notably just trimming the leading and possibly trailing edge of a soliton graphic makes it propagate much much farther, for
    longer, than just a soliton, studying and categorizing those least changes to a grid bump gives the technological capacity to change the chronological duration of the bump, and even makes a kind of least physical effort time shim or trim that creates
    vastly longer duration of the physics as fields thing, or creates vastly briefer duration of the physics as field thing, anything from super durable muons for muon electricity technologies, to super brief duration quarks and protons for energy production
    technologies from studying and categorizing these time shims and trims. It is even possible computing technology could utilize grid lump field time shims and trims to make faster clock bit change functions to increase computing velocity, a bunch of thing
    as filed bump time shims or trims could possibly accelerate or decellerate time, like 20Th century casual usage of the word time. New forms of matter and energy would come from finding those least changes to a field grid lump with minimal amounts of
    energy, this is sort of like saying find the. 0001% energy change that turns a regular wave into a siliton and just utilize that. 0001% energy, or rather field shape change to create the new durabily enriched in chronological persistence thing, like
    matter, electricity or possibly even light, utilizing

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