• Muons are described online as being 1000 times tinier than electrons an

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 11:53:27 2022
    K lepton Casimir effect time asymmetry causes enough lopsided Ness to preserve particles and keep them from recombining, this causes more light energy, more particles, and other things like fractional spin particles and possibly fractional spin energy
    fields to be generated from Casimir effect technologies

    Look at outer space like galaxies side on with a heusler alloy fractional spin bolo meter, to detect any possible 5/2, 3/2, 5/3 spin particles coming from space or space objects like plasmas, if these things are detected entirely new forms of matter with
    new plural attributes could be made from finding out about them

    Longevity technology, immunizing against senenescent cytes could cause even greater longevity heightening than the 3.5/10 longevity heightening which is near what I perceive I read from dosing rodents with senolytic drugs, along with that is the
    beneficial technology of genetically modifying all humans, that is Homo sapiens and branch species, to make it such that the part of the immune system called complement that is genetically coded rather than learned reacts to senescent cytes and removes

    A longevity technology that might or might not have been previously described Is to use an immune desensitizing protocol, or moiety on a few hundred of the body's most longevity heightening endogenous produced chemicals, along with internet databases of
    a triple digit number of these chemicals, i read that as many as 2000 genes endogenously producing a couple hundred proteins at the 90th percentile of longevity are thought to exist, one possible way of doing this is to attach phosphatidyl moieties to
    these hundreds of chemicals, i think i read the phosphatidyl group causes the body to learn to omit glomming and digesting chemicals durably

    I read about an entire trillion item big wafer of quantum computer qubit elements recently from the Intel semiconductor company, it is possible that isotopically pure semiconductor elements that may be utilized at this process could heighten
    effectiveness, if doped silicon is used at the actual qubits, then noting silicon has possibly 8 isotopes, with the most prevalent being perhaps 28%, making the qubits with a pure isotope could make it so that all qubits have identical spectral lines,
    making them easier to detect changes at

    Technology to save babies lives from preventing SIDS, i read that transcranial magnetic stimulation is effective, i also read that women who have the base of their spine, possibly near the pelvic ganglion or pelvic nerve, as I perceive what I read, have
    an orgasm, a completely different thing is a $1.59 very soft array of wires in super soft gel edible polyvinyl acetate chewing gum polymer, that technology makes a baby breathing shallowly, or having a SIDS breath event make a magnetic pulse that
    restarts diaphragm breathing at the baby, with a breath restarting pulse or waveform, to make sure babies like it, it has a spinal area pulse or waveform that when tested at people old enough to speak is described as a harmless and neutral sensation, the
    microphone listens to the baby's breathing, once each 40th of a second, for a 10,000th of a second to get a digital breathing profile that the microcontroller uses to detect SIDS risk breathing, or a potential SIDS event and if there is any risk
    magnetically stimulates the nerves that branch from the spinal cord to the diaphragm, restoring full beneficial breathing form, alternatively, the microcontroller can specify a pulse or wave of 11 times higher energy that makes a magnetic field so strong
    that it actually has a few more inches of depth to reach the nerves that are actually part of the diaphragm both if spinal cord nerve connections were other than sufficient, or also if it just works better, one thing that can make the battery last much
    longer is to optimize the length of the breathing audio sample, as described the microphone uses less than a 200th of the continuous on battery power, making, depending on battery power 8-14 months, alibaba.com components an alibaba 40¢ electromagnet,
    composed of what is different than a circular pancake coil, but instead is like a little forest of upright trees, with each having a winding around the trunk like a maypole streamer, the uprights are a soft rubber, similar to a rubber refrigerator magnet,
    but with a much better inductor material, at 40¢ its possible to get something like a comfy to sleep on soft polymer polyvinyl acetate 4 mm multiple granule embedded same or better inductor material as am radio rod antenna, i perceive the polymer and
    inductor granules are likely less than 90¢ per kg as bulk materials, at less than 1-4¢, a field line focusing and field line shaping linked bunch of little circle tubes are inserted into the polymer and granule blend so they are at least 2 mm deeper
    than flush with the upper surface, and then the upper surface has an extra super soft fewer links at the polymer polyvinyl acetate coating to fully surround the magnet, with a 7¢ microcontroller, an 29¢ harmless if eaten Zn air battery with a capacity
    similar to 4 AA batteries but flat, rounded and white, a little similar to a small phone battery, 14-19¢ microphone, and a 1-11¢ internet of things ic, and a 11¢ crib mattress circling elastic, and a 4-9¢ very soft washable cloth sleeve, of amount
    two, notably, this entire technology with numerous small parts I have the thought are replaceable with less risky parts, is just a wall plug in thing the size and thickness of a double length 10" tablet that uses almost no energy listening to the baby
    breathe, so has almost zero radio emissions, easily draws 11-400 times the power from the wall plug if a SIDS event is being prevented, and has a 44¢ ultracapacitor for very high peak magnetic power which is able to reach through 4 inches of crib
    mattress and three inches of magnetic field up to the middle of the diaphragm, also, think of a 2-4cm deep super comfy undercushion with a gap in the middle that the double length 10" tablet goes under, this makes the crib mattress able to lay flat, as
    long as the magnetic field with pole piece amplification is tested to be equally and highly beneficial at saving lives another inch of foam can be placed as cushioning

    New kinds of spacetime and relativity, new kinds of single atom computing, i read the Higgs boson is associated with gravity, and gravity is associated with variations on chronological mathematics, i think i read that at the middle of jupiter
    chronological effects occur more gradually than just beyond jupiter, notably when huesler alloys made of element atoms exist they have fractional spin, either using a thing as direct as directing higgs bosons to be at and with, even stationary at a
    fractional spin multi atom occurrence could cause the higgs boson to comingle its integer spin two with the fractional spins like 5/3, 3/2, 5/2, if that occurs or, since a higgs boson is a boson, a bunch of higgs bosons can colocate at an identical
    location the amount of higgs bosons can be various amounts, ranging from a huesler alloy element atom to higgs boson amount ratio that intermingle at numerous different math forms, ranging from combining six 5/3 spin things, which might be kind of like
    30/3 with five spin two higgs bosons to make the integer 20, or, noting that things like 5/3 are

    Combining higgs bosons with fractional spin things seems like it could make novel progeny forms of spin, one thing that if it functions is of high technological utility is that the higgs boson has, at its combined version the possibility of anisotropy,
    basically wonky gravity, of all kinds of new math equational descriptions, say something with gravity only on one side, or gravity that has diluted attraction, while having greater time, chronology, ratio of future visiting from traveling away from, then
    revisiting time dilation, getting lots more orders of magnitude of time dilation from say travelling orders of magnitude less far, could make a new chronotechnology, basically lopsided higgs boson fractional spin combos could make it so a computer at the
    location of the travel away from location gets revisited after a few moments of travel to the traveler, then, for say the 99.999999th percentile most different gravity version lopsided fractional spin higgs boson, that could be a novel thing like
    traversing a few millimeters, but on revisiting the nonsentient single atom computer, you and the nonsentient computer that is absent presence of being have utilized the wonky higgs boson lopsided gravity, to get as much time dilation out of a couple
    millimeters of travel and a ten thousandth of a second as a 20th century AD relativity traveler gets from 11 millenia of travel, the thought is that since I read about 11 different things are described at Wikipedia that do fractional spin, there are
    possibly near 11 factorial, near 40 million different ways to combine them with a single higgs boson, and if you combine them with 11 higgs bosons, the number of wonky, lopsided, other geometried new chrono/gravity is much larger, then from the idea of a
    normal distribution, being that if you are absent other concept, perhaps what is around is the middle of the normal distribution, the the thing then is out of 40 million different lopsided or different geometried versions, which do benevolent human
    scientists want to figure out first, i think, anything they prefer, and which do benevolent engineers, technologists, commercial product developers, and inventors think are most high light triad psychology metric actualizing

    ngineersdistribuiongravitometric gettingmaking travelling hich f you make a single atom computer andif its possible to bosonically colocate say 11 higgs bosons, so their field math and experimental measure are comingled with a 5/3 fractional spin thing
    like a huesler alloy, or 11 mmath

    Clitoral and vaginal canal and breasts and all erogenous zone and penis, ejaculatory clenching nerve, prostate, oral pleasure nerves magnetic stimulation sex pleasure technology and sex vibrator, magnetic stimulation with tms can cause body motion, and
    some tms users report euphoria, find the tms brain, cerebellum, brain stem, CNS spinal cord magnetic stimulable areas that cause automatic highly pleasureable to the Human and their sex partner or partners sex motion rhythms then put that magnetic
    stimulation at a head area pillow, sex furniture area, or under mattress electromagnet, so that at an alibaba manufacturing $7, or, with 7 meter^2 area, 200K conductor pathways, like wires, each 1/3 of a cm sized electromagnet with a physically soft
    inductor material, like a ferro magnetic material like alnico, but with optimal 1/400th of a second magnetic field dwell duration, with a pole piece or pieces at upper surface and other surface of each electromagnet that causes higher resolution, narrow,
    greater height, more field lines, causing stronger field, per 1/3 cm electromagnet produced entire human body length and width underblanket, such that magnetic tms like, while also at all of the human body, brain, brain stem, cerebellum, spinal cord, all
    sex pleasure nerves, erogenous zone pleasure nerves, all other pleasure nerves, the magnetic stimulation of muscle activation nerves active during sex and actual sexual activity, like the muscles active at sexual activity and sex at girls and women
    having lesbian or bisexual sex at the 99.9th percentile at each individual, as sensor, imaging, audio, brain scan, and actual humans description of enjoyment, computer measured, as the girl or woman's 99.9th percentile most sexually pleasureable, sexual
    arousal heightening, greatest sex and sexual activity voluntarily repeated, voluntary greatest sex activity duration, most enjoyable to have remembering of, and 99.9th percentile highest remembering ability, at the 111 twenty four hour span, and 700
    twenty four hour span, 99.9th percentile remembering capacity and recollection occurrence, as actual things girls and women could do with a sex pleasure magnetic underblanket, a girl or woman, licking and sucking and pleasurably orally and with lips
    pressing the clitoris and clitoral area of another woman or girl during cunnilingus who is laying on her stomach can have magnetic stimulation of the nerves of her clitoral area, with the area of stimulation getting higher and higher up towards the
    abdomen, traversing the sexually pleasureable pubic bone area, that is associated with a sex activity called grinding, moving further up to the erogenous pleasure zones of the lower abdomen and stimulating those, traversing further up the girl or woman's
    body to reach the erogenous nerves of the breasts and sex pleasure nerves of the breasts, the areas of the body of the girl or woman doing cunnilingus activity can be dynamically stimulated such that when the computer notices that more simultaneous
    sucking with pressing the lips and face onto the vagina is very likely even more greatly enjoyed, then the magnetic stimulation underblanket could cause pleasure nerve stimulation of the erogenous zones on the surface sides of the hips, with highly
    enjoyable stimulation shape heightened velocity of shape change communicatingand the areas of the thighs laying pubis grinding areasimultaneous vemember durationranging from the highly pleasureable and at each individual girl, woman, boy, or
    manrazureplural 1/3 cm sized electromagnetsthe electric blanket like, but actually magnetic sex pleasure stimulation electric under blanket

    It is likely published but i have not Heard about a piezoelectric, or. Magnetic shape change huesler alloy or huesler material flexing vibrating acoustic like motion, phased array beam forming structure, such as published piezoelectric phased beam arrays
    that uses negative refractive index materials to make notably higher beam resolution, optimal beam shape, and even higher beam supplemental reflective back of emitter bounce forward, heightening emitted energy, i did read about a 3D printed polymer
    negative refractive index acoustic technology, that suggests it is possible to simply bulk mold negative refractive index polymer optic like acoustic elements, with a 40¢-$1.40/kg polymer for about 2-4¢ each, one technology is that this quadruples, or
    higher piezoelectric phased array beam makers resolution to 1/4 mm beam size with 1.25 mm location accuracy, if two bulk molded acoustic elements are used, just like a 4 to 11 times concentration optic, then piezoelectric phased array beams could be 24-
    27 micrometers wide, and have 140 micrometer locationality accuracy, just as a concept, the negative refractive index acoustic 3D Printed technology I read about was 1K times more function, if that is a guide then the new steerable acoustic beam is 2
    micrometers wide, six micrometers locationality accuracy, piezoelectric phased array beam sexual pleasure vibrators utilizing this technology could do beneficial highly pleasureable things like stimulate the clitoris at the side on and often connected to
    the girl or woman's body, making travelling pulses and waves that cause pleasure, and travel to the surface of the clitoris where they can be felt on the tongue and lips of her woman, girl, boy, or man sex partner as well as their fingers, some
    sensations on the tongue of the person performing cunnilingus could be instantly identified as go faster, or keep going, or squeeze her body enjoyably with your hands while keeping your tongue moving on her clitoris, which the computer suggests

    Sex animations and 3D media made with software or human, get 99.9 most arousing actual humans having sex audio soundtracks crowdsourced off the internet, psychometric, chromosomal sex, age customized and enhanced preferred audio, people of all ages,
    sexes, and psychometric personality measurement modal clusters, imagine the mild but actual benefit to humans of a developmental age where she or he, the girl or boy first becomes avidly enjoying of media actual sex, sex media being able to see sex media
    with audio that is the 99th percentile most enjoyed and preferred among 99.9th percentile light triad psychometric measure amount persons, also, the light triad persons could be asked which sex media they like the most and that could be utilized at K-
    high school actual sex sex education

    Fractional spin energy fields that are durable, thinking of a different thing, an electret, it is possible to fling the heusler alloy atoms onto a softened penetrable polymer, possibly one that is even less electron active than ptfe like Ge or Si poly
    Tetra Ge or Si fluoromer, sometimes the 3,4,5 different elements like MG, MN, vanadium,AL, Cu, will align, ampihilic, waxes, 40 million, 640 billion tested samples on a wafer, photo brightening depolarizer,

    I perceive 2-4¢/meter^2 embossed polymer film nernst battery arrays with KPCA or synthetic poly oxygenated, multi - OH synthetic amino acids could make parallel series electricity sources at numerous most earth locations nerst stacks

    Superacid or superbase buffer

    Corn refuse, ultrasonic zapping, centrifuge the juice, absorb the water out of the fluid with a kind of water absorbing starch that absorbs 2K its grams of water, imaginable this starch has already doubled or quadrupled its water absorption to 4K or 8K
    from a few things like hydrogen hydrogen yet non link tropism heightened molecule form optimization that causes greater water glomming, any additive that changes the number of hydration shells upward, i read that between 22-24 hydration shells occur with
    some materials, ions, or molecules, electret have durable charge, a greater amount of charge at the starch from electret beaming, such as electrons, an amazingly big ion beam that flings phosphates or even polyphosphates sufficiently to embed them
    without disintegrating them, alkali metals, k, potassium, hydrogens, could cause either greater or less gooiness, at 2K hydration, the 2000 metric tons of after centrifuge concentrate, 4 million kilograms of post centrifuge, agricultural non utility
    grown material uses just a metric ton of treated starch, possibly four times greater $ than ldpe, near $1.49/kg,$1490 gatif decreased possibly causing the thickening naoh causes from raising pH at juice while omitting an Oh-base chemical, a valued
    element like cobalt, ruthenium, lithium, at 1 part per 100kand gooey basicity, I think the agricultural plant Can be genetically modified to have doubled micro root surface area, and 9-14 times concentration of metals from making metal glomming proteins
    with a lot of histidines

    Mycorhizzial communities that make all the essential vitamins that humans utilize make the food plants that humans eat have 7-9 times the vitamin content of nutritional yeast, from better gene promoters, attachment of the different vitamin making genes
    to 99th percentile most frequently transcribed genes, the vitamins can have root membrane passing peptides or moieties, possibly sugars, nitrate, ammonium, or nitrogen with oxygen moieties or also phosphorus moieties, possibly even phosphates that look
    like atp sufficiently to get active transport to the interior plant fluid, attached to them, causing them to reachi read that there are nuclear membrane transport peptides, the endoplasmic reticulum is connected to the nuclear membrane, active transport
    of the vitamins to these areas could keep them from being digested, preserving them, while simultaneously making them have strongly reduced flavor effects when the plant is eaten as foodhis causes

    Babies at all places benefit from disposable diapers that are 14 times more affordable, with an alibaba.com ¢ per diaper going from, and their parents and caregivers benefit as well epigenetic

    Beneficial new menstrual tampon and pad, which is twice to nine times more affordable from using less material, beaming water glomming facitating ions onto the tampon pulp material, with the electret ion effect causing doubled to order of magnitude, from
    the ability to ion beam as many hydrogen ions as preferred to make really large, adjustable amounts of hydrogen-hydrogen noncovalent links with body fluid material, and greater absorbency from making he electret with mono atomic hydrogen, triple link
    acetylene ion, or potassium hydride or magnesium hydride, or Koh ionized plasma that turns to attached oh hydroxyls when it gets ion beamed into the pulp fiber, having more hydrogen ions causes more hydrogen-hydrogen linkages and attraction and glomming
    of fluids,
    Making tampons have simultaneous decrease of any nopreferred body reaction along with possibly doubled reduction of leakage occurrence, radius microcrenellated soft curve medallion shape, a coating, very affordable at a 4-7 mm diameter sphere 1/4 cc
    volume, is 1/4¢ at $11-14 kg for two amino peptide keratin, mon the soft rounded medallion ridge tops causes the parts of the tampon that touch the sides of the vaginal canal to be a 99.999999999 least reactive or immune reactive polymer, with one
    possible polymer being bacterially produced keratin, of the molecular form most similar to the keratin of the outer dermis of the fingers, as well as an even less reactive bacterially produced physiochemical that is, optimally, structurally identical to
    the outer surface of the outermost vaginal canal lining cytes

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