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    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 03:43:59 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    Semiconductor technologies, silicon oxides and perhaps Hf oxides are used as insulators and dielectrics at computer chips, a way to make these be better insulators and dielectric could benefit computer chips, the graphics of polyatomic multi si atom
    length squiggle lines (conga lines) describes different forms of amorphousness from sparse to dense, to crystalline sio of different forms, imaginably very dense amorphous dielectric or least dense amorphous dielectric are different than existing CVD
    regular Sio and HfO amorphousness or crystallinity, one possibly effective way to produce different amorphousness density is to beam superfast Pico second or femtosecond lasers, in a pulsatile or arranged pulse output onto the wafer growing at a CVD
    cycle, it's not that the beam is so intense, it is just that it favors or avoids growth of brief or long polyatom conga lines, also laser color/frequency may make a difference with UV LED pulsed illumination possible, the entire wafer surface can be
    pulse illuminated during CVD, better dielectrics and insulators on chips permit faster running at higher voltage, heighten reliability, decreasing electron quantum tunneling, and also i think permitting transistor sizes to be smaller increasing computing
    power per Cm^2 and possibly saving energy

    Car noise and vibration reducing tires and shock absorbers, i read at a paper where they 3D printed a negative refractive index acoustic shape an it was an amazing 30 dB quieter at a particular narrow frequency range, so at things like molded or 3D
    printed wheel hubs and tires a negative refraction index sound and vibration decrease could make the car quieter to be around, have less road sound and vibration at the interior, this could also be accomplished with a negative refraction index shock

    They likely already tried this but at jet engines and utility gas turbines that generate electricity could conductive paths with squiggles to make an electromagnet at the turbine blades use magnetohydrodynamics effects on the expanding drive plasma from
    the electromagnet to increase fuel efficiency or electricity generated

    Wacky and egregiously affordable modular cooling apparatus for new small high utility modular nuclear reactors approved by the NRC I read about, big hyperbolic paraboloid cooling towers utilize an exterior water source, compare that with a depthy
    geotextile lined pond full of the right % of the deliquescent amino acid and cosmetic ingredient NaPCA, if warmth causes evaporation at the cooling pond then dry powder NaPCAs ability to pull even trace amounts of humidity out of desert air to make a
    liquid pool from a dry powder cause the volume of the cooling pond to be high and constant, although there is also the possibility of using two ponds, and switching between them, with one of the ponds rehydrating from bubbled, fanned, or just surface
    available air, replenishing volume while the alternatable pond cools the reactor turbine fluid, NaPCA is an amino acid and it's structure can be changed to pull even more water from the air, at alibaba phenylalanine a big many atom amino acid with a <=>
    cycle on it is $2-8/Kg at 2-11 grams per water liter of NaPCA, and a million liter pond, that is 2000-11K Kg of naPCA which is $4K-22K to make the million liter cooling pond, $4K-22,000 is tremendously affordable,

    Besides people looking at the PCA molecule to figure out how to make it even more deliquescent things like PCA 4 molecule or 11 mer new polymer molecules can be made, also making it even cheaper and more replenishing of fluid is to have water solutions
    of two densities such that the top layer stays up, if calcium chloride water of high density were used as the 89% bulk, the upper floating 11% could be highly NaPCA concentrated, and be even better at pulling water out of the air and be as incredibly
    affordable as $400-$2200 per million liter pond because only the top layer has PCA in it

    Evaporative air coolers, similar to refrigerant and pump based air conditioners, but requiring water refills could use deliquescent PCA or a better chemical at a two reservoir system, very similar to the two pond modular nuclear power turbine fluid
    cooler, and while one reservoir was busy doing evaporative air conditioning the other reservoir would be deliquescently refilling from ambient humidity, also, a 40¢-$1 aquarium air pump could expose the reservoir that was rehydrating to orders of
    magnitude more atmospheric air with a bubbler, the big advantage is convenience, with the enjoyable new feature of the air cooler working while asleep without refills

    Bill Gates has a personal charity that prompts companies to make better and more effective algebra teaching and quantified student learning, this is not really a technology but a version of the big 5 psychometric test could guide teaching and homework or
    in-class worksheet doing according to classrooms filled with similar big 5 scoring people, that is somewhat similar to teachable/style personalities, and homework or worksheet or software based practice that the students actually use and do more practice
    problems with could be a beneficial algebra learning, knowing, and using effect, a gene screen that finds which voluntary nootropic works best at each person, and then algebra class among similar nootropics responders could just grab a juice box with
    fast absorbing nootropics in it, also it is of course beneficial to include an all upside longevity and youthspan increasing drug or probiotic like neutral pH but still live culture sweetened LKM512 liquid dairy product along with the nootropic

    Photons have frequencies and wavelengths, depicted at textbooks as trigonometric waves, so could there be something like a photon that is the Tan or Cos shaped expression of the physics math field description of a photon? If that is possible then any
    matter or energy form with a minimal description that makes use of the trig functions or angle theta could have might have existing but previously unobserved characteristics and technologizeable previously unobserved characteristics

    Somewhat optimistically do other trigonometric polygon side ratios at physics field descriptions have previously unexplored tangent and Cos features, identities, particles or fields? The Cos or Tan version of light could make very novel new lasers and
    computers and make completely new technologies

    Also as a different technology is there anything that changes the normal sinusoidal shape of a photon at a frequency, perhaps a refractive index material or a frequency doubling crystal, can naturally nonsinusoidal photons be found in nature, if
    something that absorbs sinusoidal photons from space leaves alone nonsinusoidal light and photons then that finds and verifies their existence ,

    At grinding and crushing rock ores increasing efficiency saves money, energy, and increases known mineral reserves, i just read that bricks with carbon fibers are 16 times stronger so that brings up the the idea of 16 times weaker rocks with laser
    engraved striations and holes, or laser carved screwdriver head pattern tunnels that are almost tangent to the surface, read the efficiency of some diode lasers is 90% or higher, so engraving faults in rocks for rock crushers could make sense,

    I may have previously described things like drilling some minichannels with a laser in a big chunk, at this variation, rinsing it with a cheap explosive like nitroglycerin or better with a solvent, using a sound beam to detonate it, and then further
    milling the rock minifragments

    Another possibility is laser engraving a thin layer of geode interior-like dental crystal shapes that intermesh with each other so pressures and grinding from hopper crushers |/ and other crushers will tend to break the body of the rock rather than the
    surface, crushing more rocks more rapidly

    Atom thought, what is the mechanism of an electron hopping to outermost shell of an atom from a partially filled octet, octet modification technology, if there were a way to move atoms in and out of electron octet arrangement rapidly, and perhaps with
    really high frequency octet to non octet electron availability oscillation then completely new kinds of chemistry could be accomplished like easily taking apart natural gas tetrahedron to make liquid fuel out of, as well as new noncharge driven octet
    configuration change making new kinds of batteries, at ic and semiconductor technology being able to adjust octetness or non octetness perhaps as an oscillation or even something like physics resonance could cause plural motionized electrons or even
    holes, creating completely new electronic devices, and also plasmonic devices, an actual physicist might just figure out how, without chemical activity or even without plasma producing voltages, to get octets to, one possibility is that what is called
    the stability of a filled octet, could actually be a distribution of 7-9 electrons, and that perhaps tippy near octets can be observed in nature with some amount, then the naturally occurring 7-9 electron octets to find out what makes them do that, once
    that cause is found it can be designed purposefully and it's octet editing and alternate form activity increased many orders of magnitude, creating octet technologies, another way to modify octet state is to use an apparatus based quantum observer to
    always observe some electrons at orbitals and octets as waves or particles, it could be that an apparatus observing an electron to particle makes momentary little BBs which makes octet editing and division and oscillation more possible,

    As an octet and orbital technology, similarly observation of spin to concretize it could cause Pauli exclusion of orbitals and outermost octet to be addressable and modifiable to make technology, there is even the chance that something like a very simple
    cellular automata or towers of Hanoi automatic self repeating spin state worker-outer is possible, spin and Pauli exclusion principle novel form worker-outer could make a single atom do many computational steps and computations,

    Are there any charged, bare atom, or ionic octet or 18tet elements that remain uncombined for hours or even years? If there are then these might be usable for technologies that do things to octets or 18-tets that are different than chemistry

    Electromagnets make a spin aligning field, could the right kind or strength of magnetic field or spin polarizing laser exposure change the spins at the deeper multiple orbitals besides the outermost orbital, changing the deeper orbitals spin on purpose
    could cause momentary nonfunction of the Pauli exclusion principle at the deeper orbitals, this could liberate multiple electrons simultaneously causing the element to do octet technologies, as well as create new forms of magnetism from high intensity
    multiple electron liberation at minute atomic distances, if that actually functions then 10-100 Pico meter sized very high field patterns of attraction and repulsion or cellular automata or domino effect intrinsic new magnetism effects from different
    filledness or generated change in deeper orbitals of stimulated elements

    Wikipedia says, Many reactive intermediates are unstable and do not obey the octet rule. This includes species such as carbenes, borane as well as free radicals like the methyl radical (CH3) which has an unpaired electron in a non-bonding orbital on the
    carbon atom,

    When atoms have extra energy that causes atomic orbitals to do more energy things, what is he effect of rotational compared with vibrational energy at an atom, could magnetic or laser atom speedup or slowdown cause electron at different orbitals liberate
    and do octet technology

    Another use of octet or 18tet technology is making a new catalyst that is active at lots more electrons than just one at an outer orbital, likely doing higher velocity catalysis and completely new catalytic reactions, including liquid fuel and ammonia
    productions, as a different non octet catalyst, unless an octet technology catalyst is cheap enough, catalyst of coal either pre use or during use to produce fewer pollutants and possibly more electrical energy is possible

    Making coal cleaner, coal moving on a belt would pass next to a deep object chemical sensor like permanent magnet NMR, XRF, even cheap ultrasound, or hyserspectral imaging and an actuator that gives a coal chunk a quick push off the traveling belt if
    that one particular chunk is likely to be 90th percentile intensity of pollution, the coal plant then makes less pollution

    I do not know how big a coal chunk at an electric power plant is but at a .5 to 1 cm chunk, very cheap published 90% efficient diode lasers could drill an aperture in the coal chunk

    One thing about sex, including woman or girl riding an or boy sex and lesbian sex is, where do you put your hands? A computer camera that watches people have sex could have a projector or drawing lasers image hands or hand outlines on the bodies of the
    people having sex, with the hands different colors for neutral connection reassurance togetherness to other colors that are saying Put your hands here with these motions to increase pleasure and sexual arousal during sex, the computer watching the
    people having sex could note where they were in the sex process, and graph/project heightened sexual pleasure hand placement and motions to create the greatest sexual arousal, sexual pleasure, and automatic rythmaticity of motion, along with use at the
    dwelling, projected touch and hand use computer cameras are beneficial at actual sexual activity sex learning school class at K-12 students, the software could also measure each particular person's computer camera measured most sexually arousing hand
    placements and motions as well as genital activities and people could share that computer measured data with their partners

    At carpets which are cleaned and vacuumed some different pattern of fibers sprouting from the base, carpet I ave noticed has rectangular loop tufts, if between each loop tuft was a raised bump, or an air chanelling trough then that trough might permit
    underclump suction of the loop tufts cleaning them more deeply, which might reduce odor and illness transmission

    Children's toy, it seems like children and adults often have rubber like mini toys, these can be made more fascinating by giving them very high cool or warmth conveying nature so it is like playing with diamond cool figures with the softness of rubber,
    at alibaba industrial diamond powder which can be tumbled smooth is $35/Kg,if an 11-40 Gram rubber figured toy at80% diamond then it contains 28¢-$1.14 of diamond in the figure toy.

    Other uses of industrial diamond powder is as a $2.28 per shoe that is authentically cooling/conducts warmth away part of the shoe lumen, kind of a Nike shoe idea, as well as bicycle handle bar grips and athletic equipment handles, and possibly glove
    polymer they make gloves out of so they are cooler and more sensitive

    warming or also peltier cooling to warm and cool handheld game controllers, use silicon buttons and housing cover made from silicone like sexual pleasure vibrator surface to provide comfiness

    Noting different kinds of antennas, can a Witricity broadcast and receive antenna be a slot antenna, also noting coating a wire dipole with magnetite makes it variously 30 or 70% better, so does magnetite improve conventional or slot witricity antennas,
    witricity 1/2¢ quadruple stamp size RFID form receiving/broadcast antenna, or RFID tag witricity slot antenna could be possible

    I read that skin dermis whitening is a few multi-billion $ business with people all over the world preferring to have whiter skin. I think it is possible to make a peptide drug that is 1/10th¢ or less per 24 hours, and harmless to children and pregnant
    people, three main dose forms exist, a hyalonuric acid cosmetic pen can be filled with hyalonuric cosmetic filler mixed with a gram of skin whitening peptide for 2.5 years of gradual release dose of 1 mg/24 hours and a single visit to the aesthetician
    who is already practiced At using a dermal filler pen, the actual 1 gram of peptide, with the peptide produced in bulk is 1-4¢ for 29 months of material, so if a person gets a hyalonuric acid with 2¢ of peptide and a Cambodian aesthetician charges 90¢/
    2 hours, then an hour and a long lasting peptide dose is 47¢

    Premeasured straws with portable peptide, could each contain 1/80th of a gram of peptide, so the 80 1/2 straws are near 1/2¢ at 1/200th of a ¢ per freshness preserving plastic straw, together an 80 day supply of snortable dermis that is skin whitening
    doses is 2.5¢ to manufacture.

    Skin lightening peptides more effective than nonapeptide-1 which makes fungi 28-47% lighter, and also works on mammals I think, one new one could be called melanin receptor blocker peptide, it would occupy and durably glom to melanin production
    cytochemistry cascade network receptors, likely G protein coupled receptors, blocking them, turning off melanin production while remaining eye-safe at the retina, the melanin producing genes can also be turned off with high dose potency ( possibly 10-100
    micrograms 24 hour dose) highly affordable RNA and iRNA active biologically active agents, skin tissue localization peptides can be attached to the peptide or rna melanin blocking chemical to make skin white while permitting normal retina melanin,
    another source of white skin producing chemical like peptide, rna, or epigenetic modifier is that the single gene that causes leucism, which approaches albinism with white skin and towhead hair but with retina melanin and unimpeded vision has been found,
    turning the leucism gene functionally active could be an epigenetic modifier chemical or RNA active agent, or CRISPR gene modifier, another approach to a skin whitening agent is that I read there are near 7, each causing some skin melanin amount, those
    7 genes could each be turned off with RNA agents or epigenetic chemicals with a highly affordable snort straw or cheap depot drug airjection like a hyaluronic acid aesthetician's pen, it is possible, perhaps likely that women or girls using skin
    whitening will recognize their personal benefit from having white skin and blonde hair and use a genetic enhancement or enhanced gamete technology when getting pregnant to produce children with porcelain white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair as well as
    other genetic enhancements

    Technology to turn methane into fluid hydrocarbons like vehicle fuels, Bouncy gas possibly a diamagnetic gas bounces off ch4 momentarily changing the length of the 4 tetahedral arms to be longer or shorter, causing the CH4 molecule to be momentarily
    different than tetahedral shape to strongly increase reactability or disintegration to CH radicals and hydrogen likeliness, now consider putting gaseous bouncy tetrahedron modifying gas with methane blend at the pores or channels of a zeolite or other
    catalyst, the extremely geometry modified ch4 molecule could have much longer or shorter C-H distances ultra distorting the tetrahedron, making strongly more reactivity and interaction with the zeolite or catalyst to produce liquid fuel alkanes, what are
    some bouncy gases to distort the methane or other tetrahedron, alkane chlorides, argon, and dubiously, iodine, diamagnetic wiggling of the bouncy gas to increase its molecular velocity, or even diamagnetic wiggling of the methane could strongly distort
    the tetrahedron making the methane more reactive, particularly diamagnetic wiggling of methane or methane with bouncy gas at a zeolite or other catalyst, the velocity and form of the electromagnet that produces the dimagnetic wiggling could have
    electricity flowing for a microsecond with a nanosecond or a few nanoseconds between pulsations, it's even remotely possible that math can be used, or just experiments to find a diamagnetic physics resonance effect that actually builds up and reinforces
    diamagnetic wiggle at the gas or gas mixture at some magnetic pulsing frequency

    I have only read papers on magnetic catalysts for a couple hours, and I have not seen anything about DC power pulsed electromagnets that make very strong magnetic fields making the published and new magnetic catalysts function better, which seems possible

    An option paranormal entities have is to comprehend mutually advantageous game theory games better than forgiving tit for tat, humans benefit from studying simple game theory during Jr high school and earlier, it's my perception that paranormal entities
    tend to know what the people they visit know, and more, so children that have heard of 4 mutually advantageous game theory games could reduce risk of what I call recruitment while actually making the paranormal entities know particular beneficial game
    theory that causes and supports paranormal entities becoming pattern whiter or white, causing the paranormal entities to be happier when absent deleterious effects to the child or older person

    Something that prevents hiv is doing epigenetic therapy to a particular gene that makes an enzyme hiv utilizes to replicate, one enzyme I read about is missing at well Caucasians and the minimization of the production of that enzyme could be accomplished
    with an epigenetic drug that passivates that gene, this has the advantage of working for several years from a single snorted dose, available without a medical provider, or a medical injection

    Epigenetics blocks PMS networks, epigenetics blocks whatever amount of aggression comes from DHT and testosterone

    orefunctional passes

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